Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1302736-Chapter-Three
Rated: E · Chapter · Young Adult · #1302736
Continuation of A girl in a Small Town
                                            Chapter Three
                                          A Very Unfunny Joke

    It was so clear and piercing, like the cold ice of a northern storm, as it rang through each of the under-emotional mens ears. The sound came from the rescue trucks' full force siren. Red lights rotating and back up lights flashing, as the loud speaker kicked on with a slurping tone. The men clapped their hands over their ears and struggled around the sound.
    "Gentlemen, I would like to inform you that your rude behavior has not gone unnoticed, and nor will it go un-punished, you benevilount swine." She smirked with through the windshield of the truck at the men.  Each one starred at her with a look of confusion and dissapointment, then without a pause for thought burst out laughing again.
        Trista boiled under her pale complexion. Her rage becoming more intense with each giggle and snicker. With her face red, puffy and full of pure hatred, she leaped from the truck and bound furiously toward the closet man in the bunch to her. A man she had only knew as a friend of her fiance'. He stood a good 6 foot with shoulders the length of Tristas' whole body, and deep green eyes that reminded her of evergreen pine trees. His lips brought back into a curling snicker of taunting pleasure, and burly mechanic hands that grasped at his heaving sides as waves of laughter shook him.
        Without another thought in her mind, Trista rared back with every ounce of her 115 pounds of flesh and gave him a swift punch to the nose. One loud crack with a satisfying gush of red came from the mans skull. Surprise and shock crossed his face as blood poured from each nostril, which gave Trista a short lived thrill at her handy work. He threw up a fist and slammed it to his side, while holding his nose with the other and stammering backwards to find a place to rest.
          "What was that for?!" he exlaimed, as if he thought that his laughter and everyone elses was as harmless as a butterfly.
          "What was that for?!" Trista mimicked. "That was for thinking that this situation is funny you jerk!" She glared at the rest of the group that now stood as still as statues, watching every move she made. She noticed her fiance coming toward her through the pack with fury in his eyes and a snarl on his lips.
          "TRISTA!" He shouted sternly. "Why would you do that?" the question boucing from the froth that appeared on the corners of his mouth.
            She stammered, every bit of confidence gone for a moment as she looked at the furious man before her that she loved. "But they were laughing, they were laughing at your being in trouble." she pleaded her case. She pouted her lip a half inch from her face and turned her face into a cringe of hurt.
            "Its okay, I know. It was just a joke. I'm not in trouble and neither are you." he assured her.
            '"The hell she ain't in trouble! She just broketed my nose, jeeze! I sware she'll pay fer this Jonsey if thare ain't nofin' else." The man spat out with a dribble of blood.
            "Oh hush Big H, you big baby." her fiance rolled his eyes at the man. "She was just hurt was all. No need to be holdin a grudge."
            Every guy in the place slumped their heads and mumbled their complaints about the joke not being as funny to her as it was to them. Trista starred at them, confused and...and...she didn't know what the feeling was she felt. She felt used, and takin for granted, underminded and under-estimated. A confident smirk froze on her face. "A joke? So what ya'll are saying is this is a joke?" She asked.
            Everyone answered with the nod of a head and continued to stare at their feet. Trista whipped around and stomped to the car, opened the door and then turned to face them. "Well then this is my joke," and she stepped in the car, cranked it up, turned it around to face the exit and rolled down her window. "You get to walk home."
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