Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1302536-Tribal-love-and-respect
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1302536
This is about current urban tribes.
There are societies in this world that still work on a Tribal basis with elders, shamans and the whole things as we know it from history books in school. However the tribe I am talking about is something completely different I am talking about the groups we put ourself in naturally with our groups of friends, our biological families and neighborhoods and school systems. I am talking about the feeling of being connected to the entirety of the human race. As a race we are pack animals. We need one another for support and live giving information sharing. We cannot live without others, and "no man is an Island".

Now to get to magickal traditions and shamanic tribe of Urban America. Weather we know it or not, those who are even the littles bit sensitive are susceptible to the energetic flow that connects each and every living creature, human or not. By having that connection to the living race we are each and every one of us in possession of the responsibility to care for the well being of the world around us no matter what that may mean. Even our thoughts project an aura around the world and to those things closest to us and can greatly impact the kinda of day we have. Thus making it extremely important not only to think about what you say, but to be careful about what thoughts you allow to come into your mind unbidden or not.

I know a lot of you will read this and say that you have no control over what comes into your mind at any given moment and to that my friends I say is bullshit. Everything that comes into your mind is a part of yourself and also a part of the universal mind that we all have a part of in ourselves. Therefore it did come from you and with careful discipline you can indeed control even those thought that come to you "Unbidden" Everything is our lives is planned exactly as it needs to be by us, the co creators of our existence in conjunction with the energies that permeate the planet, for in the end we are one and we are a whole.

Only in this amount of separation can we truly begin to understand how we affect the world around us and how as a separate entity we can cause both harm and healing to those things around us. How did we become separated from the whole? That I cannot answer, it is not something I know for certain, but all i can say is that it was a conscious decision we all made, each and every one of us when we decided to come to this place. It was then probably the best idea we had and we knew exactly when we came here what we came to learn. Through the trauma of birth ( and it is trauma..I mean come on the first thing you feel in your life is someone slapping you and the cold air after being warm for 9 months what can be worse than that?) We forget the things we knew when we came here because it is truly unimportant to our way of life here and would only impede the way we learn from the messages. Though not knowing we can learn everything.

One who feels they know it all is unable to be taught and the one who admits to knowing nothing and truly in his heart believes this is capable of learning everything that his heart and mind desires. And this...is the essence of tribe,. the co leaning and co walking through this existence with the awareness of life as a whole and connected Being.
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