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Rated: · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1302512
Can Zahra leave India now that it's her home?
              One by one, the girls followed Bhakti, one of the slave women there, to a place they have never been before. It was the room where they would perform. The room was big and colourful, with the same marble floor that was throughout the palace; near the area where the girls were to dance, the musicians awaited. In the back was an elevated platform with many pillows and servants around it. In the middle was prince Hareem, waiting to see his lovely girls dance, especially Zahra.
         The ladies walked into the room and formed a circle; their starting position. The soothing instruments started, and the girls circled their wrists and arms. The music floated around their bodies, synchronized with their movements. They moved their rib cage around and slight jingles were made from the movements. The drums began, and the girls walked backwards; at each step, they flicked their hip up, making quick jingles. They moved back in with the same rhythm. They placed their hands in a prayer position under their chest and made a figure eight with their hips.
         Prince Hareem kept his eyes mainly on Zahra. She could feel his intense stare and it made her uncomfortable.
         The girls made the two-line formation, and removed their veils in one swift movement. They advanced forward while making waves with their arms; it was like they were hypnotizing prince Hareem to join them. The drum beats were faster, and the girls put their hands in over-head prayer while shaking their hips fast. The drum got faster and faster; they threw their veils up, dropped to their knees and arched their backs. The music stopped at the very same time.
         “Excellent work ladies, you have done a fantastic job,” prince Hareem’s advisor said. “Prince Hareem will now choose his concubines.”
         Prince Hareem smiled at Zahra and then whispered something into his advisor’s ear.
         “Bridget, Sheena and Asuka; you three the prince has favoured as his dancers. You have done an excellent job and he cannot wait to see your next performance. You are dismissed to your room for now,” the advisor said, relaying prince Hareem’s message.
         Once the three dancers had left, prince Hareem stood up.
         “Laia, Yolanda and Zahra, you three have been honoured and rewarded for your talents. The prince has requested you to be his concubines. You may go to your room for now, and wait for your new rooms. You are now dismissed,” the advisor said.
         Just as the girls were leaving, prince Hareem said, “Zahra, I would like to see you tonight. Bhakti will take you to my chambers after you have dressed.”
         Zahra sought this as her opportunity to speak to the prince, even though she had no plan to do other than that.
         Bhakti entered and took Zahra to a different room. This room she had never been in before. It was full of rich colours, silk clothing, perfumes and incense.
         “You are very lucky young one. The prince favours you very much; you needn’t worry child. He is a very gentle and kind man.” Bhakti’s words didn’t calm her or comfort her at all.
         Zahra was dressed in a light orange, silky wrap. She had more passion fruit oil rubbed on her, and her hair was re-brushed. Her eye paint was re-applied and all of her jewelry was removed. She was taken to prince Hareem’s bed chamber after she had been prepared.
         Zahra knocked on the door softly.
         “Come in my child,” prince Hareem said. He was lying on his bed with a dark blue silk wrap on. He sat up and watched Zahra enter. She stopped in the middle of the room, her eyes still of the floor.
         Prince Hareem walked over to her and touched her face. He lifted her chin so she would look him in the eyes.
         “You have always been special to me, since I first saw you. You are not like the other girls. You are strong and courageous. And you are wearing passion fruit. That is my favourite scent.”
         He smelled Zahra’s neck. She quivered.
         “Prince Hareem, I have come here to ask a favour of you.”
         “Oh? And what is it you want Zahra?”
         Zahra swallowed deeply then said, “I would like to go back to my home and see my friend, Hikoru. I miss him dearly and I’m not sure he has a home. So, I’m asking you to take me home. Please.”
         “I see. I might be able to do that for you Zahra. You have my favours you know.”
         With that said prince Hareem took Zahra by the hand and brought her to his bed.
         “There is no need to be afraid. I am gentle, but I’m sure you know that Zahra.”
         Strangely, Zahra didn’t feel scared. She felt comforted to be with someone else. She realized she didn’t feel lonely with him. She felt loved.
         “He is gentle,” Zahra thought to herself. “The way he undresses me, the way he holds me, what was I afraid of?”
         Afterwards, Zahra and prince Hareem lay naked together, Zahra fast asleep. Prince Hareem watched her sleep; her hair resting across her check and down her neck. Her eyelashes resting on her face, her gentle breathing, her smooth skin.
         “I do love you,” he whispered in her ear. Zahra stirred. He held her in his arms and fell asleep with his head resting on her chest.
         Sunlight poured in through the many windows around her. Zahra opened her eyes and looked around the room. She panicked because she wasn’t in her room. This room had a great bed full of the finest silk available, gorgeous drapes lining the windows, delicate-looking rugs hung from the wall, and a great tapestry behind the bed. Zahra calmed down when she remembered that she was in prince Hareem’s room; that she had lain with prince Hareem. She tried to be as courageous as she could when she realized she had let him deflower her, but more so that she was falling in love with him.
         “I must be out of my mind. I can’t love prince Hareem. I just need to go home, find Hikoru and return to my simple life. This isn’t for me, this palace or this land,” Zahra told herself.
         There was a gentle knock on the door. “Come in,” Zahra said after waiting a moment.
         “We have brought you breakfast,” Bhakti and two other women said. They entered with a tray of assorted fruit, bread, beans, rice and spiced meats.
         “All of this is for me?” Zahra questioned.
         “The prince’s concubines receive the top quality food that his highness receives.”
         Zahra sat up in bed, wrapped in the silk sheets. “Thank-you,” she said very pleased, “this is enough food to feed and army. Where is prince Hareem this morning?”
         Bhakti poured Zahra some water and said, “He has gone to the market this morning. He needed to pick up a few important things and he apologizes for not being here when you woke up.”
         Zahra picked up some rice with her hands and replied, “That’s alright. Umm, so now that I am a concubine, what am I supposed to do during the day?”
         “Ahh,” Bhakti started, “You can go to the market with a servant, take long baths in the concubine’s quarters; which reminds me, I need to show you your new room. You can also visit the shrine devoted to Krishna and pray. After that you just need to wait.”
         Zahra’s hand stopped midair with fruit, and she asked, “Wait for what?”
         “Wait for the glorious moment you are blessed. The time you bear prince Hareem’s child; a boy hopefully. Then there will be another heir to the throne.”
         Zahra gasped. “Have a child? Now? I don’t think I’m ready, I wouldn’t know how to be a mother, and besides he wouldn’t want me to…”
         “Zahra, calm my child. You are ready, and you will have much help. There is no need to worry. The other concubine’s will also help you out. For now, just finish your breakfast so that I may show you your new room.” Bhakti’s words sounded sweet and comforting, but Zahra couldn’t help but worry. She was seventeen and had raised herself; she didn’t think she could be the kind of mother prince Hareem wanted.
         Zahra lost her appetite, and signaled she had finished eating. One of the servants handed Zahra a teal wrap, made of fine silk and beads. She was given a veil to wear; she was told she must wear a veil at all times, unless she is in her room or in the concubine quarters.
         Once fully dressed, Zahra and the servants headed to the concubine quarters where Zahra’s new room awaited her. She couldn’t see very well with the teal veil over her face, but she knew she’d get used to it.
         They stopped in a large hall that had a build-in fountain in the middle of the room; the floors were made of grey and red marble squares. There were white curtain draped from the corners of the hall to the ceiling; they connected in the middle of the ceiling where a bow of material met. There were many windows shaped like rectangles, but with a curved top that ended at a point.  The walls were cream coloured, with various tapestries drawn on them.  A few women were sitting at the fountain with their hands twirling the water. Since only women were aloud here, none of the concubines had their veils on. The only exception to the rule was prince Hareem, since he was the prince he could enter the concubine’s quarters; provided that he has a good explanation.
         A doorway to the right led to the bath. It was much bigger than the servants’ bath, with a greater selection of oils, scents, and there were many cushions to lie on. Many women rested in this area, either relaxing in the bath, or playing with each other’s hair. The small bits of conversation stopped when Zahra and Bhakti entered.
         “Ladies, this is Zahra, prince Hareem’s newest concubine. Please make her feel welcomed and help her out,” Bhakti announced.
         The women nodded and continued their talking. Bhakti, Zahra and the other servants headed out to Zahra’s room. It was through a passageway to the left of the water fountain. Her room was very spacious and light coloured. The beige walls were offset by the lavenders, pinks, yellows and light reds. The bed was situated on the right side of the room; to the left of it, pressed against the wall were a desk and a chair for Zahra to use as she pleased. The very far left wall had large glass doors leading onto a patio. Transparent lavender sheets decorated the doorway. Zahra stepped onto the patio and saw a magnificent view; she could see the markets, the other houses, many people scurrying by and a few elephants marching down the streets. The morning sun was starting to warm the air, but a breeze kept everything cool.
         “It looks like he wants me to stay here forever, but I don’t think I can,” Zahra thought. Bhakti walked up to her and softly said, “Isn’t the view breath-taking? This is a lovely room Zahra, you are lucky to have it.”
         “Yes, it is very nice. Thank-you for your help, if you don’t mind, I’d like to familiarize myself with the new surrounding.”
         “Of course,” Bhakti said, “If you accept it, you will get use to the palace and call it your home.”
         Zahra pondered upon that idea, until she heard the door shut.
         “I can’t give up faith,” Zahra said to herself, “I must keep trying. Hikoru is all alone, and I promised his mother I’d stay with him, always. Oh Hikoru, I’m sorry I’ve left you. I need some fresh air to take my mind off of things. Maybe I’ll try to pass some time by going to the market, I haven’t been there yet and it should be interesting.”
         Zahra knew full well what was at the market; prince Hareem. Even though she denied it, she wanted to see him there. Given the circumstances, she had grown to like him, maybe even love him. After being isolated from humans since her parents’ death, prince Hareem was her first close human encounter. The guards may have been cruel to her, but prince Hareem showed her love, and even though he shares himself with many women, he still favoured her for some reason. That had puzzled her since she found out his feelings for her.
            Zahra left the palace and headed to the market. She remembered to keep her veil on, which she was learning to get use to. The walk to the market was short, but pleasant. The sun was shining, the sky was a clear blue, and the air wasn’t humid.
         When the dirt road became crowded, Zahra knew she was almost there. As she entered the market, the first wave of stands overflowed with food. There were many spiced meats, raw meats, pastries, breads, bags of rice, fruits, vegetables, spices, and drinks that were all fresh. Zahra picked up a mango to eat while she looked around. All of the food was freshly picked or prepared today; it was evident in her sweet, juicy mango.
         Zahra kept walking and came up to the jewelry stands. She went over to a stand on the right; a set of shining gold arm bracelets had caught her eye. She picked them up and admired their beauty. There were gold chains, necklaces, earrings, bracelets made of precious stones, and rings; many rings of different sizes, shapes, and decorations.
         “Do you want to buy the arm bands deary?” a voice called from behind the stand.
         “Oh, no thanks, I’m just looking,” she replied.
         Beyond the jewelry section in the market were the clothing booths. Zahra had to squirm her way through the crowd to reach them. There were at least ten booths full of silk veils, scarves, full body wraps, shirts, and pants, and were in every single colour imagined. The clothing stands looked like bright rainbows after a storm; so lively and full of colour.
         Zahra was drawn to the booth in the middle of the street. Resting on a carved wooden manikin was a beautiful white wrap embroidered with pink and yellow sequence. It shimmered in the sun and would look perfect with Zahra’s complexion.
         “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” said a voice behind Zahra.
         Zahra turned around to tell the salesman she didn’t have the money to buy it. When she turned around she gasped. Standing in front of her was prince Hareem.
         “I umm, well yes it is…I was just,” Zahra stuttered.
         “It’s almost as beautiful as you are, Zahra,” prince Hareem responded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you awoke, I needed to pick up a few things.”
         “It’s alright; I thought I would just look around since I haven’t been to the market before.”
         Zahra stared into prince Hareem’s brown eyes. They were the same eyes that had shown intrigue when she was slapped by a guard, but they were full of passion and adoration now.
         Prince Hareem leaned foreword and kissed Zahra on the cheek.” “I must return to the palace now for some meetings, but I will see you soon.”
         Zahra blushed under her veil, hoping that prince Hareem hadn’t seen it. “Okay,” she whispered.
         After prince Hareem disappeared behind unfamiliar faces, Zahra continued through the market. Past the clothes were flowers. All of their fragrances loomed in the air. Zahra closed her eyes and could imagine herself in a field of flowers, so lush and vibrant. After a moment, she opened her eyes and was back in the busy marketplace. She could here a customer shouting at a salesman up ahead. She decided not to go that way, but to head back to the palace. After her afternoon bath, she would arrange to talk with prince Hareem about leaving.
         When Zahra returned to the palace, she asked the prince’s assistant to arrange a time for her to talk to the prince. Meanwhile, she was going to the baths.
         Zahra went to the concubine’s bathing room and placed her clothes aside. There was no one else there at the moment.
         “Ahh, some peace and quiet,” Zahra said.
         The water felt relaxing against her body. She stood against the wall of the bath and leaned her head back, against the marble floor of the room.
         “I wonder what he’ll say,” she thought. “He is a nice man, but after all that work to capture me, will he turn around and free me that easily? But do I really want to leave,” Zahra questioned herself. “Here, I am safe, provided for, loved, and surrounded by many luxuries. Prince Hareem favours me as well, so I know that our children will be given many privileges. But I cannot just leave Hikoru.” She was contemplating what to do. She knew if she asked to leave, she would probably never be welcomed to come back. If she leaved she might regret it, but if she stays she will never see Hikoru again or at least see if he is safe and well.
         Zahra walked over to the cupboard with the oils in it. She looked at them all thoroughly before deciding on orchid blossoms. She didn’t want to get tired of using passion fruit, and this seemed like a nice change.
         She finished massaging the orchid oil into her smooth skin and left the bathhouse. Zahra entered her bedroom, and walked over to her bed to take her bathing robe off. On the bed she found a package all wrapped up.
         “I wonder what this is,” she said. She lifted up the soft package and felt around. “It’s smooth, but has a few hard circles on it. What could it be?”
         Slowly and carefully Zahra peeled off the paper, layer by layer. Folded neatly inside was the white wrap that had marveled her. “When did he have the time to..?” She lifted the wrap, only turning her eyes when she heard something fall on the ground. It was the arm bracelets she saw at the market. “How did he know about these? I only saw him at the clothing booth…”
         Zahra placed the delicate wrap on her body, as if it would fall apart at any moment. She looked at the arm bracelets, then took two of them and put her hand through it. She pushed it up past her elbow to her mid-arm. Then she took the other two and put them on her mid-arm as well. “It’s like these were made to be worn together, by me.”
         Since the prince had bought these lovely items for her, Zahra decided to look her best in front of him. She brushed her hair and placed smoothing oil in it. She only stopped when her long, light brown hair was silky. She placed the veil over her head after adding orchid perfume on her wrists and neck.
         “I’m ready,” she said as she left her room.
         Zahra felt her heart beating through her chest as she was walking. Her new clothes clung to the front of her body, and trailed slightly behind her. “I can do this. I can do this. He’ll understand, there’s nothing to worry about,” Zahra rehearsed in her mind. She was looking for comfort in her words.
         When she reached prince Hareem’s room, Zahra shook her hands, took a deep breath and finally knocked on the door.
         “Come in,” said a familiar voice.
         Zahra tippy-toed into his room and closed the door behind her.
         “My, you look exquisite,” prince Hareem said.
         “Thank-you, your highness.” She took another deep breath before she continued. “Something has been on my mind lately. Having lived here for a while, I have realized that this is a great place…but it doesn’t replace my home. Well, I don’t really have a home to go to, but my wolf friend, Hikoru, is still in my homeland. I could always rebuild a house, but I miss him greatly. I’m not sure if you’d understand, but I’m very…”
         “Independent? Free-spirited? I know what you are like Zahra. It was that fire that made me love you. You’re not like other girls; you don’t look to seek approval of anyone. You are just you, and you stand by what your beliefs are, even if it would kill you. The day we met on the boat, I knew it would be hard to keep you here, but you are special to me. You are everything I could ever want in a woman.”
         Zahra was standing near him, but kept her eyes on the floor. It hurt her heart to hear these things from him, but she felt upset. How could he say he loved someone he captured? She was taken against her will to become his concubine, but he claims she was special?
         Zahra was becoming angry with his words. “Now I’ve tried to change and become the good little concubine I’m supposed to be, but I’ve had it. It’s nice being taken care of, but this is not me. I don’t enjoy communal bathing, and I don’t like being caged in a palace, and I want to go home.” Zahra was breathing hard with rage, and on the verge of tears.
         “You are always so passionate about your beliefs.”
         “Don’t try and soothe me with your words of praise,” she interrupted. “I just want to go home to my family, Hikoru, and I want to forget about this place. I’m like a tiger trapped in a cage that’s dangling in front of the wild. I can see freedom in the market and around me, but I can’t have it. I know you’re a reasonable person, just let me go. There are so many other women here to choose from, favour one of them.”
         “I’ll need time to think about it,” the prince said. “For now, go rest. You seem exhausted.”
         Zahra didn’t understand him. She had yelled at the prince, the future ruler of India, and she wasn’t being punished. He hadn’t even raised his voice at her. Did he expect this from her?
         Zahra collected herself and then left his bed chamber. She did feel exhausted, and decided an evening rest would be just what she needed.
         Weeks had passed and there was still no word from prince Hareem. Zahra hadn’t even been called to his bed chamber for the night. She was grateful for that though, because lately she hadn’t been feeling well. She was receiving back aches, and she was slightly swollen. She tried not to think much of it, but she knew. She was carrying prince Hareem’s child.
         “This would make traveling much harder now, so I don’t know if I can return home now,” she thought. “I must tell him though; it is my duty to inform him, even if it sways his judgment.”
         Zahra rolled out of bed and changed into more presentable clothing. After adjusting her veil, she walked to the door. Just before she touched the door, someone knocked. She opened it to see the prince’s assistant.
         “Prince Hareem will see you now,” he told her.
         Zahra followed him to the sitting room. She had only passed by it once before. The room was very spacious, with soft chairs and cushions placed throughout the room. Incense burned in the middle of the room, and light green drapes hung from the walls. Zahra noticed prince Hareem standing on the marble deck, marveling at the scenery.
         “Thank you for seeing me prince Hareem,” Zahra softly said.
         Prince Hareem turned around and handed Zahra a bouquet of fox brush orchids. Their crystalline pink and sweet scent caused Zahra to tear.
         “Before you tell me your verdict, I have a few things to say,” Zahra mustered. “First, I’d like to apologize for my outburst. It wasn’t proper to yell at you like that. Secondly, I’d like to inform you that,” she hesitated. “What I mean to say is I’m carrying your child.”
         Prince Hareem lifted Zahra’s veil to see her watery eyes. “You do not seem happy. How do you feel about carrying my child?”
         “I’m not sure. Scared mostly; I’m not sure if I’m ready to have a child, and I’m not sure what kind of mother I’ll make,” Zahra said in between sobs. She had been very sensitive lately, emotionally and physically.
         “You need not worry Zahra. You will have a mother’s instinct when the child is born. There will be much help around the palace, and I will provide for your child. This will change your plans on leaving though, won’t it?”
         “Yes it will. I know I wouldn’t be able to provide our child with everything it needs on my own…”
         “If you get the chance to see your beloved Hikoru, will you stay here with me?”
         “Yes, I guess I would. If I could only get the chance to make sure he is ok, that would be better than nothing.” Zahra finally realized she wanted to be in India with prince Hareem. She loved him, just as she would love their child. Once she got a chance to see Hikoru, she would tell him everything she never got to say, and she knew she could part this time. She needed to come back, for the sake of the child, and because she wanted to.  As much as she used to try to deny it, she loved the baths and the market; the clothes were very comfortable and she made friends here. There was always food, and she learned many new things.
         “Next week, we can set out. It would be better to travel in your early stage. You may feel sick, but it’ll be less risky.”
         Prince Hareem placed his soft hand on Zahra’s abdomen and said, “This child will know much love and happiness.”
         Zahra smiled in agreement. After several moments of standing on the patio, Zahra went back to her room to rest. She put the flowers in a hand-blown glass vase beside her bed. Their aroma helped her sleep.
         The next week Zahra prepared herself for the trip. It would take several days to get home, so she brought a couple of clothes to change into.
         “Zahra, may I come in?” prince Hareem asked.
         “Of course,” she replied. It took her the whole week to understand why prince Hareem had been so kind to her after all the trouble she had caused. He truly loves her, and she truly loves him too.
         Prince Hareem walked on the decorated rugs in Zahra’s room. He had always liked how this room was decorated, especially with Zahra in it.
         “Almost ready my Sachaa Pyar?” Prince Hareem asked. His nickname for Zahra was my true love, and it always sounded graceful coming from his lips.
         “Yes I am Hareem.”
         “The boat is ready; your bags will be loaded on as soon as we leave you room.”
         Prince Hareem took Zahra’s hand and they boarded the boat for their journey to Zahra’s home country.
         The boat was similar in size to the boat that had taken her to India, but this one was nicer, both in looks and the reason of the journey.
         The boat ride back was terrible though; the waves were crashing against the side of the boat, and Zahra couldn’t keep anything down. Most of the time she laid down, only getting up to relieve herself in some way.
         “We’re almost there, only a few more hours,” prince Hareem said to soothe her.
         When they finally reached land, Zahra’s excitement beamed out.
         “We’re actually here! A few hours down the road and we’ll be at the forest.” Zahra’s stomach was slightly starting to show through her silk dress.
         “We should find a tavern for the rest of the day, and set off again tomorrow. I don’t want you getting too exhausted, and we have been traveling for a few days now,” prince Hareem suggested. Near the dock was an old tavern that had several rooms available. After checking in, Zahra and prince Hareem stayed the rest of the day in bed.
         The next morning, they set out for the forest. The last time Zahra had seen the cornfield and wheat field was when she was captured. Now she was seeing the same sights over again. She blocked the bad memories and just kept thinking about Hikoru.
         “He must have stayed near the forest,” Zahra thought. “He knows no other place.”
         In the near distance, the edge of the forest and the fields of grass could be seen.
         “Oh, we’re here,” she gasped. She could hardly contain her excitement. Her dark brown eyes were big and bright with joy. Her light brown hair was shimmering and flowing in the wind.
         Prince Hareem thought about how lucky he was to be with a beautiful woman like Zahra. He shared her excitement with her, and couldn’t wait to see the place she called home.
         The cart rolled to a stop. Prince Hareem helped Zahra step down from the cart and walk into the forest. The trees had started to grow back from the forest fire. It looked just as before, other than the missing trees. The sun rays shone through the trees, the birds sang sweet melodies and the air was fresh.
         Being here brought back many memories for Zahra, like how she use to climb the trees and do back flips from them. She’d race with Hikoru, and swim in the waterfall.
         When they reached Zahra’s old home, they noticed it wasn’t completely gone. The spiritual dome was still there. The only reminents of her house were the floor boards and part of the walking bridge. Zahra didn’t know what state the wood was in, but she knew she couldn’t climb the trees carrying a child.
         Her senses were as keen as ever though, and she bolted around. She walked over to a patch of shrubs and parted them slowly. Deep in the middle of the bushes she saw two shiny eyes glaring at her. She stepped back, and something jumped out at her.
         “Hikoru!” She exclaimed. “Is it really you?” The lonely grey wolf pounced over to her. She knelt down to let him smell her hand. She may have perfumes and oils on her, but she still smelled like Zahra.
         Hikoru rubbed against Zahra’s legs. “I’ve missed you too boy.”
         Prince Hareem and the servants let Zahra and Hikoru have some time together.
Zahra sat on the ground and let Hikoru lay with his head in her lap. She ruffled and smoothed his fur as she told him everything. He seemed to sympathize with her. He knew something else was different with her because he sensed she was pregnant.
         She wasn’t acting like her usual self; in the year she had been gone, she matured a lot. She no longer seemed to be as free as she was, and Hikoru was bothered by that. He missed the easy-going friend she was. Becoming a slave in a foreign land, and carrying a child had changed her a lot.
         “Zahra, I don’t mean to interrupt, but may I see you for a moment?” prince Hareem asked.
         “Yes, of course,” she replied as she stumbled to her feet.
         “Zahra, I can see you miss your home and your friend very much, but I couldn’t just leave you here, not now,” he said as he caressed her belly. “But I have an idea.”
         Zahra looked into his eyes with wonder, but she was also puzzled at what he had come up with.
         “If you stay with me in India and care for our child, I will let you come for a visit whenever you want. Maybe once or twice a month for a few days, that way you can keep both of your homes. I will ask Bhakti to care for the child while you are gone, that way you don’t have to worry about it. What do you think?”
         “Hareem that is an amazing idea! Do you hear that Hikoru? I can come and visit you for a few days in every month. I can build us a new home, and we can swim in the waterfall, and we will never be apart forever!”
         Zahra’s eyes were beady from all the excitement. At times like these, prince Hareem couldn’t help but admire Zahra’s beauty and strength. She respected him, and he was grateful for that; being the outspoken girl she was, this was quite a change of character.
         “Hareem, do you want to see something very beautiful? Hikoru and I went there all the time. I’d like to show you too.”
         “If it is as beautiful as you, I wouldn’t be able to resist.”
         Zahra blushed and turned to let Hikoru lead the way. He knew what place she meant, and was starting to be comfortable with so many strangers around. If they were friends of Zahra, Hikoru welcomed them as friends as well.
         The birds were creating sweet melodies in the early afternoon heat. Hikoru, Zahra and prince Hareem were almost at their destination. In the air, you could smell moisture and feel a cool breeze.
         “We’re here,” Zahra said.
         Prince Hareem stopped and stared at a crystal blue waterfall with a few large rocks under it, resting in a pool of water. The grass around the waterfall was lush and green.
         “This place is amazing, Zahra. You used to live with a grand waterfall and an exquisite forest before I took it all away from you? I am deeply sorry Zahra, can you ever forgive me?”
         This was the first time prince Hareem realized what he had actually done. He had taken a free-spirited girl away from her natural habitat and tried to conquer her. His soul was sickened by what be had done to not only Zahra, but the other girls he took as well.
         Zahra cupped his face in her hands and said, “I see that you are truly sorry for what you have done. People cannot be taken against their will and molded into something. You have taken a good step of redemption by letting me come to my home sometimes, but your other concubines; you should give them the choice of staying or going back home. You should ask people if they want to join you in the luxuries at the palace rather than kidnap them. I think you will learn many things from people if you just talk to them and see what they think.”
         Prince Hareem was glad he could have a second chance to turn things around. He was even happier that Zahra hadn’t decided to stay in the forest with Hikoru. When they returned to India, he would ask every concubine if they wanted to be returned home.
         When night fell, Zahra asked prince Hareem if they could sleep in the forest. Naturally, he was a bit hesitant, but when he saw it meant a lot to her, he agreed.
         As they lay under the night stars, Zahra and prince Hareem say a shooting star.
         “What do you wish for?” she asked him softly.
         “I wish that I can turn my life around and find redemption for all the evil I have done. What do you wish for?”
         “I wish this child will know the love of both of us, and that it grows up doing what’s right,”
         “Zahra, you have changed a lot since you have been with me in India. I’m sorry if you have become something you weren’t meant to be.”
         “I agree I have changed a lot, but it’s for the good. I’ve become stronger, I’ve matured and I get a chance to use my thoughts to help people.”
         They smiled warmly at each other before trying to fall asleep. Tomorrow morning will bring them a new quest; the quest of redemption and motherhood.
© Copyright 2007 Shell-Shell (shelly_belly_4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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