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Nasty dreams eh? |
Julie loved gardening, she loved being out doors. The only part of the garden that she had not yet changed was a small area of flagstones where a shed had once stood. Over the last few weeks she had been busy with work and when she did have time to spend in the garden it had been raining. Today however was perfect… It was mid June and spring was giving way to summer. The sun was out but it wasn’t scorching. Julie had got the next few days off work and was eager to finish her garden. After having some breakfast and a cup of tea she put on her gardening clothes and stepped out of her back door. She grabbed her spade and dropped it into her wheelbarrow then walked down the path to where the flagstones lay. After ten minuets she had moved all eight of them to the mini skip which was sitting on her driveway. Now began the job of digging the hole for the pond. It wasn’t until she had been digging for nearly an hour and a half that she came across something unusual buried in the dirt. It was a metal disk, bigger than a coin but smaller than a CD. As she knelt down to take a closer look the sun reflected off its shiny surface and Julie could make out some strange symbols etched into it. She reached out to lift it from the soil but as her finger touched its cold surface the whole world seemed to disappear.... Turning her head towards the sky Julie’s heart pulsed with terror. The once blue heavens had turned blood red and the clouds were black. The air was thick with the sickening smell of rotting flesh and red lightening flashed across the scarlet sky. When her eyes met the ground Julie found her self standing in a river of blood, slowly trickling over tens of thousands of dead mutilated black cats. Unable to hold it in she vomited into the thick gloop. She turned to run back to her house only to find it had also changed. It looked somehow evil as if possessed by some horrible presence. Terrified, she slowly made her way towards the house. She needed to get out of this river of death. Stepping through her back door and into what had once been her immaculate kitchen, her hart nearly bursting with pure fear, she realised that the house was flooded with the same vile, putrid secretion. She made her way through her house, her feet squelching as she walked, eventually coming to her living room. Looking out of the front window she saw the road, or what had once been the road, it was no longer made of tarmac. Raised above the river of blood on wooden piles, it was made up of planks of wood laid out across the width of the road. Dark shadows moved eerily up and down along its length some of them stopping on their way as if looking straight back at her. She turned on her heel and walked out of the living room. With every step the foul liquid covering the floor began to disappear. She headed back to the kitchen and by the time she got there everything was normal again. The garden was once again a garden. The putrid liquid had vanished and there were no longer mutilated cats littering the floor. Still terrified she stepped out into her garden and walked towards where she had been digging. The hole was still there and at the bottom still half buried in the dirt was the small metal disk. Not wanting to touch it again she decided to refill the hole with dirt. She turned to where she had left her spade but it was gone. Something was not right…… Looking back towards her house she realised she was standing in the middle of a vast green meadow. The sun was high in the sky and it felt very hot. In the distance she could make out a line of trees along the edge of the meadow. Ever where she looked she could see rabbits dancing about and playing in the long grass, there was thousands of them. Even though the sun was blazing and all seemed peaceful there was something in the air. Something not so peaceful. Something not so playful. Looking to her right she noticed a black shadow in the sky. It stretched from one horizon to the other and was slowly moving towards her. All around the rabbits began to jump around as if frightened by something and as the shadow moved closer the worse they became. One by one the rabbits shot down into their warrens and out of sight until eventually they were all gone. The dark shadow was now almost overhead and looking in its direction Julie noticed the floor of the meadow looked as if it was collapsing. Then came the sound, it was horrific, the sound of thousands of rabbits being slowly crushed inside their burrows as they collapsed. The shadow was directly above her now and the ground beneath her feet shook as the warrens beneath gave way, crushing the rabbits within them. Suddenly the ground seemed to be covered in a thick mist but slowly Julie realised it was the spirits of the rabbits seeping through the soil. Her heart pounding she fled towards the line of trees the glowing rabbit spirits close behind…. As she neared the trees she noticed a high brick wall punctured by a large black steel gate between two concrete posts. On top of the gate posts sat two large wolf effigies carved from stone. She ran towards the gate hoping to find some one who could help or explain what was happening. Arriving at the gate she grabbed its steel bars and, screaming with terror, began trying to pull it open. The rabbit spirits drifted towards her but at the last minuet changed direction and headed up the gate posts and into the two wolf effigies. With a loud cracking noise they began to move. Julie looked up, her heart beating so hard it made her chest hurt. She turned to run but couldn’t. She tried to scream but couldn’t. She collapsed, the moment she hit the floor she opened her eyes. Sitting bolt upright in bed drenched in sweat she realised it had been a dream. She looked at her clock it said 8:30am. It was mid June and spring was giving way to summer. The sun was out but it wasn’t scorching. Julie had got the next few days off work and was eager to finish her garden. After having some breakfast and a cup of tea she put on her gardening clothes and stepped out of her back door. She grabbed her spade and dropped it into her wheelbarrow then walked down the path to where the flagstones lay. |