Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1300947-The-Bonimoor-House
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1300947
A story about a botched haunted house robbery.
The old Bonimoor house loomed over the town as a haunting presence.  The old place looked like the type of haunted house they always showed in old horror movies. Some kids had named it the Bonimoor House five years back, after the haunted house in one of those old movies, and the name had stuck.  Jared was waiting outside the gates of the house.  He tapped his foot impatiently as he looked at his watch again.

"If they don't get here soon, I'm doing this on my own." He said to himself. 

Two young boys came running toward the gate.  The taller of the two boys was overweight and breathing heavily.  The smaller boy still looked very much childlike, despite the fact that he was only a year younger than the other boy.

"You're late."  Jared said angrily.

"I had to wait up for him."  the younger boy said.

"Shut up!  You know I had to wait for my parents to go to bed before going out."  the overweight child stated.

"Pete, you're 15 years old.  Why are you still listening to your parents?"  Jared asked.

"Hey, its harder to sneak out when your parents actually pay attention to you!"  Pete snapped back.

"Oh, please.  Gary here is one year younger then us, and he never takes any..." Jared started.

"Would you guys cut this out?  Jared, you sure you want to do this?"  Gary asked.

"Of course I do.  Listen, a new couple just bought the old Bonimoor place yesterday.  My dad moved the furniture into the place.  If what he said about the furniture is right, this couple is loaded."  Jared stated.

"I don't know about this.  I know I said I would do this, but...this is stealing.  It's wrong!"  Pete said.

"Look, if you don't want a share of the loot, then you go home and hide under your bed like a scared little kid."  Jared stated.

"I'm not scared!"  Pete stated.

"What if we get caught?"  Gary asked.

"Relax.  The couple that bought this place won't be here until tomorrow.  That's plenty of time."  Jared said.

Jared started climbing over the gate.  Gary followed after Jared.  Jared stood on top of the gate, staring down at Pete.

"You coming or not?"  Jared asked.

Jared jumped down.  He landed on his feet before falling backwards.  He quickly stood up and wiped the dust from his pants.  Gary climbed down the other side.  Pete looked around to make sure no one was watching before he began climbing.  The others waited impatiently for Pete to make it over the gate.  The three boys headed for the house.

"Gary, you head for the back door.  Pete and I will go through the front."  Jared said.

Gary nodded and headed for the other side of the house.  Jared and Pete walked up to the front door.  Jared turned the knob a couple of times, checking to see if it was locked.  Jared kicked the door in frustration.

"Guess we'll have to go in the other way."  Jared said.

Jared looked around the area until he found a big enough rock.  He tossed it in the air a couple of time before throwing it through the front window.  He kicked out some of the glass before stepping into the house.  Pete hesitated before entering the house.

Jared motioned for Pete to head upstairs.  Pete nodded nervously.  As Pete started walking up the stairs, a scream rang throughout the house.  Pete and Jared ran towards the back of the house.  When they arrived in the kitchen, they found one of Gary's shoes.

"What's going on here?" Pete asked, his voice trembling with fear.

"Gary's just messing with us.  Now get upstairs!"  Jared said.

Jared watched Pete walk back towards the living room before examining the kitchen.  He walked over to the drawers and started taking the silverware.  He had two handfuls of silverware before he heard another scream.  Jared ran to the living room.

When Jared got to the living room, he found Pete lying on the floor.

"Get up, you big coward!"  Jared shouted, kicking Pete.  Pete remained motionless on the floor.  "Come on man, this is not funny!"

Jared stopped.  He took a long, hard look at Pete.  Pete was not breathing.  Jared ran for the front window.  Some thick vines grew over the broken window.  Jared frantically tried to open the front door.  He turned in time to see something coming up behind him.  It was so horrifying that he let out a terrified scream.

The next morning, a young couple walked up to the front door of the house.  On the front porch they found the bodies of the three young boys, each one just barely alive.

"See, honey," the young man said, "aren't you glad we had that security system installed?"
© Copyright 2007 Alan Carter (ginkelaar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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