Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1300493-Lies-that-keep-our-World-Spinning
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Emotional · #1300493
Is any of the stuff we tell ourselves to feel better actually true.
The things we tell people to make the pain subside-do we even believe it ourselves? "Healing takes time" "the dark gives us needed appreciation for the light." Being a fountain of inspirational one-liners myself, I partricularly felt certain that, eventually, things do turn around. Hearing someone else utter these salvations makes me question their validity: are the cheesy inspirationals subconsciously put into our minds before we are even born? Have we contrived these mantras to make our brothers and sisters feel better about the daily heartbreak of life? I've said to countless people time and time again, but now I'm not sure I believe the sunshine. Why is the pain so raw? Exquisite pain? Why then, has "God" made life so harsh? "Things get better eventually." Then what? Again with devestation, it's so tiring and I feeel weary. When is the light neverending? What is the point to all the suffering and soul crushing? The memories, friends, etc...are fantastic; I truly wouldn't trade the people in my heart for anything in the world. Again why? So that these people may eventually crush my soul? What is the magnificant lesson we are to learn from our voyage? We love just to lose; we learn to find that we have learned nothing. Walk tall to be beaten down to our lowest levels. It's nothing but a cruel contradiction that, intentional or not, is designed to devestate.

Love blindly/lead bravely
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