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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1300080
Thaumatic Engineer B. Hunter's essay on How Magic Works.
A Treatise on the Science of Magic

By: B. Hunter

Introduction: What is magic?
         We’ve seen it. We’ve lived it. But does anyone actually know how magic works? We’re not talking about slight of hand or the occasional encounter with ESP, but the real deal. The ability to manipulate the world around you, defying all known laws of physics, chemistry, and biology, by means of concentration, pointing a finger, or muttering words in an archaic language.
Sadly, the vast majority of the universe will forever know such feats to be fundamentally impossible. The handful of individuals who do believe in real magic lack the vocabulary, not to mention tangible evidence, to adequately explain this belief to the rest of the world. What is possibly even more frustrating is knowing that the few hundred individuals on Earth who actively practice magic are just as incapable of explaining their abilities, even to each other.
Some groups in the history of real magic have treated it almost as a religion, something to be believed in no matter what, on the basis that it is an incomprehensible constant. Another apt belief is that you should never mix science and religion. However, there are aspects of magic that can be explained, or at least logically examined. I may not be the first to attempt such an explanation, but this thesis is certainly the first published account with comprehensible theories.
The theories presented here have no evidence of their accuracy beyond observation. Some are pure postulation with no evidence beyond my own understanding of the interactions between energy forms. Any terms or new vocabulary have been created here for the purpose of labeling various elements of magic. At the time of this writing, no other evidence exists to confirm or deny these theories. All statements here are considered accurate theories until they can be either definitively proven or disproven.
With this in mind, let’s begin with a definition. Magic is a complex concept consisting of multiple elements, practices, and methods of execution. Even more complex are its limitations. Its various manifestations vary from individual to individual and more so between its visible aspects. The one constant is its source. No matter how you practice it, magic is the visible result of tangible energies at work in the universe.

The Nature of ‘Tangible’ Energies
         “Tangible” energy, as the name suggests, is energy that can be felt by either physical or mental perceptions. The most common form of “tangible” energy is that which makes up the everyday world. It is the force that forms and binds the universe together. Because this energy is fundamental to the existence of the universe it is called Natural energy. Natural energy is the most primitive form of energy because it is the basic building block of the universe. The smallest sub-atomic particle is an infinitesimal sphere of Natural energy. These spheres group together forming larger and larger particles before ultimately forming protons, neutrons, and electrons, the building blocks of atoms, the building blocks of matter.
Super-natural energies are named such because they exist on a plane once removed from the Natural level of existence. A “membrane” between the planes separates these two energy forms from each other. It’s like a halogen bulb and a candle lighting the same room. Both are sources of luminous energy, yet the nature and structure of the sources are fundamentally different. Both are in the same room, and both produce light; the quality of light is determined by the source.
Unlike light, which exists as both a particle and a wave, Super-natural power is a single mass of energy – a field. This field is only visible to the natural world when physical manifestations of it exist on the natural plane. Such manifestations can include, Villainous entities, which manifest directly from the field (see section titled Elements of the Super-natural Energies). True supernatural “Powers” gain the ability to reach into this field though their connection to their respective stones because the stones themselves are manifestations of the field. Mortal Powers, such as true Witches, manipulate the field though language (spells) and gestures designed to prod the “membrane” separating the planes without actually penetrating (which is why their spells are considerably weaker than a Power’s). The full nature of this “membrane” which separates the Natural world from the Super-natural is still unknown. Centuries of research and observation have suggested that it is fluid, and we may never have a concrete understanding of its structure.

Working Magic
There are 2 fundamental concepts behind working magic: the three means by which a spell can be cast – mental, physical, and verbal – and the structure of the supernatural energy field – its “frequencies”.

“Magical Frequencies”
         Super-natural energy contains a wide range of potential, similar to the various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now, most high school science books lay out the EMS along a horizontal axis, with weak frequencies on one end and stronger frequencies on the other.


The Super-natural energy spectrum, however, operates on two axes.


The Y-axis measures the “attitude” of the energy – good or evil. The X-axis measures overall strength. When applied to an entity the spectrum measures overall potential.
When quantifying overall potential, the Y-axis begins with +1 at the top (signifying overall Good/Light energy) and -1 at the bottom (Evil/Dark energy). The X axis is read from left to right with 0 at the left signifying zero supernatural potential, and 1 at the right signifying pure supernatural potential. Pure potential can only be found within the field itself. The highest recorded frequency on the mortal plane is 0.994.
The attitude axis has nothing to do with the amount power behind a spell. It only exists as a defining characteristic for each entity – a final attitude signature if you will (Further exploration of the Light and Dark natures of the field is covered later). The X-axis is what we are usually most interested in. For example, say an entity has a reading of 0.634 (your average newcomer to the Super-natural world). 0.634 is the strongest spell this entity is capable of casting. Weaker readings are possible (and expected) in a single casting because your average casting does not require all of an entity’s energy. Basically, your strongest casting is only equal to your overall potential.
Understanding frequencies is essential to identifying specific magical entities. As mentioned above, the Y frequency acts as a signature for each entity reflecting the attitude of their powers. However, if two entities have similar Y attitudes, the odds of their X potential being similarly alike are about as likely as the natural genetic probability of identical twins and even then, identical twins still have different fingerprints. For this reason, when classifying an entity we look at their overall potential. As a general rule, the stronger the entity, the greater ease it will have casting spells. For this reason, accurate readings are a valuable tool in analyzing an opponent.

“Means of Casting Pt. 1 – Mental Spells”
         Let’s play a quick game of “Simon Says.” Simon Says, tap your foot.
Did you do it? Good. Now tell me how?
         Don’t know?
         Answer: When Simon told you to tap your foot, your brain sent an electrical signal down your spine, though your leg to the foot stimulating the muscles to move the foot up and down. You didn’t have to think to make it happen, it simply happened. Mental magic works the same way. You do not need to force something to occur, it is a product of will, not thought. Let’s look at a similar example.
You are sitting at your desk writing and realize that you left the dictionary on the bookshelf on the other side of the room. Instead of you getting up, the dictionary flies off the shelf and floats over to you. You did not explicitly tell the book to come over, it just did. Once you decided to bring the book to you, your magic kicked and sent a wave to the bookshelf that scooped up the dictionary and floated it over to you. Minus the book’s travel time, all of this happened in a fraction of a second. Like tapping your foot, you did not need to actively tell the book to lift up and float over, it happened automatically.
         Now, more difficult feats will naturally require more energy. If you are attempting to kick a door in, you no doubt focus harder on your goal and most likely put some extra muscle force behind your kick. Similarly, if you wanted to mentally bring the entire bookshelf over, you will need to look at the bookshelf and focus more intently on lifting the entire unit across the room. Sometimes you will see people point at the bookshelf or mime lifting it; this is not a gestural spell. The gesture helps you concentrate your focus, but does not directly affect the means by which the act is controlled.
There is, however, a connection between mental magic and hand castings. This is because the line between concentrational and physical requirements is very thin. Though it is possible to lift the bookshelf without pointing at it, the act does require a certain amount of effort that some entities are not equipped to handle. Many times gestural focus will bleed into gestural casting. It is very difficult to determine when the load exceeds mental capacity and causes this bleed.  Generally speaking, the more adept the entity, the easier it is to control the mental spell. In addition, since the line of distinction is so thin, shifting between casting forms causes only a negligible difference in energy expenditure. A clear distinction would only need to be made if the spell’s energy requirements border on the entity’s final potential capability.

“Hand Castings”
         Gray areas aside, hand castings are a little easier to understand, because this time you are consciously telling something to happen. Let’s continue with the floating dictionary. The hand gesture for a basic summons is to extend your hand, palm up, then snap it upwards so the palm faces out to catch the item coming towards you. By making this gesture you are essentially lifting the book and calling it towards you. Unlike mental magic there is an express command behind the action.
         Hand castings do not always mime the spell’s purpose as the summons does. Often the gesture will appear to carve a specific shape in the air, or even a letter. These castings are actually non-verbal invocations of the language of magic. Some gestures draw runes, others spell out full words. These castings require less effort than verbal invocations. Also many runes do not have a verbal translation (or at least one that can be pronounced by a human tongue).
Hand castings tend to be preferred by most Made-Powers (more on Made-Powers later) as these spells provide a physical connection to their magic without the corniness typically associated with verbal spells.

“Verbal Spells”
         Verbal spells are the most basic form of casting as you are point blank invoking something.
         “Levante” is the basic levitation spell. Many spells can be spoken in your common language, but the best ones (at least the most complex) are spoken in the language of magic. This archaic language looks like Klingon and sounds like a saw wrapped in silk. It has been described as a cross between Latin, Greek, Gaelic, and Gibberish. Essentially what it is designed to do is pass through the membrane separating the Super-natural energies from the Natural world and invoke them into action. Now some have argued that this suggests the field possesses a consciousness capable of responding to commands. I believe, however, that it is simply another means of scooping energy into a shape designed for a specific function. Instead of mental waves creating a ripple in the field, or physical gestures molding the field, sound waves are the carrier for these spells.

Elements of the Supernatural Energies
         At the risk of sounding too much like a Star Wars fantasy, it is nevertheless true that Super-natural energies have a light side and a dark side. As I discussed very briefly in a previous section, such names serve to best describe the opposing frequencies that Super-natural energies operate on.

“The Dark Side”
         The “Dark” side of the energy spectrum is identified by a reading of 0 - -1 on the Y-axis. Entities that manifest from this half of the attitude frequencies are predators of the Light entities. Their instinctual goals are to overcome or destroy their surroundings. Because of their single-mindedness regarding their goals to destroy Light Powers or take over Earth, some believe that Dark Powers do not possess free will. This is absolutely false. All sentient Powers have the ability to make choices; sometimes that choice includes an attitude shift. The level of intelligence behind each Dark Power is the single greatest factor in its ability to succeed.
         Another unique manifestation from the Dark attitudes are feral Powers. Feral Powers, as the name suggests are wild entities that operate on instinct alone. Feral Powers are especially dangerous as they are not conscious of the damage they inflict. It’s like giving wolf a machine gun. Feral Powers have only been observed in undeveloped environments such as the Sahara desert, and the Australian outback. This could possibly suggest a connection between how civilization impacts natural and supernatural interactions.

“The Light Side”
         The “Light” side of the energy spectrum encompasses any Power with an attitude reading of 0 – 1. Light Powers typically serve a more defensive function in the dance of Super-natural balance. Where Dark Powers actively work to “overcome or destroy”, Light Powers instinctively act as an inhibitor or counterbalance. As an inhibitor, Light Powers block Dark Powers whenever possible, thereby preventing in influx of negative energy. This is simultaneously their role as a counterbalance. Supernatural energy is all about maintaining balance in the gray areas of existence. Light Powers almost always exist in a defensive position in order to maintain this balance.
         Now, in terms of Light manifestations: Light Powers directly manifested from the supernatural energy field are not as common as Dark entities – though not unheard of. Most Light Powers are Made-Powers – mortal beings that gained their supernatural abilities through an encounter with or connection to the supernatural field.
The most common Light Powers’ abilities are sourced from (forgive me) magic stones. Not much is known of the origins of the stones, other than these stones are the proven source of their magic. Analysis of one particular stone reveals that it not only operates on a frequency of 0.978, as close to pure magic as physically possible, but it exists on the same level. Essentially, Super-natural energies are key to its existence. This suggests that the stone is not simply a conduit for magic, but instead manifested directly from the Lighter attitudes. Just as Villains are physical manifestations of the Dark side, it is possible that the stones are equivalent manifestations of the Light side. The stones alone, however, are insufficient to counterbalance the Dark forces. Sentient thought is required behind the active use of magic. This is where the human element comes into play. When a human touches the stone, it imbues him or her with the frequencies required to tap into the Super-natural energy spectrum. Since the stones operate on the Light attitude, all new Powers sourced from them will initially operate on the same attitude.

         Neutrality is possibly the most frustrating aspect of magical analysis. Caught firmly between the Light and Dark ends of the spectrum, neutrality has no independent aspects. Instead, its qualities are drawn from both ends of the spectrum. There is no such thing as a strictly neutral entity, only a given proportion between Light and Dark aspects. Such entities’ readings frequently float around the center of the attitude axis (observed Neutral Powers have been recorded between 0.224 and -0.315-Y).
Not much more is known about Neutral Powers.

Addendums, Exceptions, and Regions of Further Exploration
         As with any science, there are always exceptions and regions that require further study (this study particularly because it has never been explored in depth from a scientific angle). There are dozens of magical characteristics that have only scratched the surface of research and undoubtedly dozens more that haven’t even been discovered yet. Here, however, are some of the more prominent uniquities.

“A Discussion on Iron”
A great deal of study has been given to the negative effects of iron on magic. We know magic is the manipulation of the Super-natural energy field pervading the universe. Iron has a unique effect on this field for several reasons.
Super-natural and Natural energies – though usually separate – interact freely during solar fusion. The sheer amounts of energy required to achieve stable fusion require the presence of more than one source. Hence, the blending of sources. These two focal forms of energy are especially volatile during a supernova. As the structure of the event horizon destabilizes, all energies are thrown out of sync as well. One form may blend with another, and possibly even shift forms to equalize the forces within a contained area.
Imagine for a moment that you are inside a star that is about to explode. The only thing keeping it intact is a small bubble in the center. This bubble must remain full and rigid in order to support the structure of the star. The energies in this bubble/core are swirling and shifting in an attempt to maintain a balance between the Natural and Super-natural forms. The Natural energies are coalescing into subatomic particles and ultimately atoms. The atoms get more and more complex as they increase in size and density. As the Natural energy (now in the form of atoms) becomes increasingly dense, the amount of overall space it takes up shrinks. At a certain point in the atom forming process, the remaining Super-natural energy within the area will shift to Natural energy in an attempt to keep the core stable. This point is when iron begins to form. Ultimately, the rate of Natural condensation will exceed the Super-natural ability to fill the space and the core will erupt into a nova.
Now, mortal science has observed that a supernova happens to be the only place elements heavier than iron are formed. Since iron is formed at that unstable cusp between energy forms, it remains unstable within the ambient Super-natural fields. So, when a spell – a shaped and concentrated energy field – is directed at iron, the field destabilizes and dissipates. This phenomenon also supports the heavier elements’ receptiveness to supernatural energy, but that is another topic entirely.

“The Houdini effect”
The Houdini effect is the ultimate conundrum against magical theory. Over the course of history, a number of humans have been born with the innate ability to tap into the Super-natural field. In essence, they are born magicians. In the late 19th century one such magician (nicknamed here as “Houdini” for his especial adeptness) discovered that not only did his powers work against iron, but increased when cast in conjunction with it. Due to the very nature of this paradox, it is next to impossible to examine in detail, let alone explain. Nevertheless, we are proposing an experimental theory.
         An android’s positronics can operate within a magnetic field if there is a baffle built into the electromagnetic emitter. The baffle acts as a sort of polarized glass wall, keeping the damaging magnetic field away from susceptible electrodes while allowing all other elements of the electromagnetic field to pass though. Similarly, if Houdini’s powers operate on a vibrational pattern sympathetic to iron’s instability, the unstable field within the iron would align and merge with Houdini’s similar field allowing a greater potential for his own powers while still inhibiting the powers levied against him.
This theory has not yet been supported beyond table postulation.

         An in-depth study of the structure and practice of magic is impossible to achieve in the limited amount of space allotted here. Nevertheless, I have here managed to at least scratch the surface of this new branch of scientific exploration. You should now be able to understand some of the rudimentary concepts behind magic as well as some of the newly coined terminology.
Research venues are always expanding and evolving as new information becomes available. Magic is still a slim volume in the annals of scientific research. However, with time, patience, and a great deal of further research, it has the potential to overwhelm.
Welcome to the world of the fantastic.
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