Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1299962-Stargate-2110
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1299962
A Stargate story based in the future
The Guards guarding the gate were sat at a table in the gate room. There had been no action here for 10 years apart from the odd occasion when the Alpha site had reported in.
Just then the doors of the Gate Room opened and General Laverick walked in. All the Guards stood up at once and Saluted him. The General saluted back then said as of this moment the SGC is on high alert. We have had word that a System Lord we thought to be dead is actually alive and planning a massive invasion of earth. I need you all to do your job to the best of your ability. Make sure nothing gets into the base that shouldn't. If you need to contact me I will be at Area 51 or on the Alpha Site for the next few days recruiting new members for the SG teams.
General Laverick Saluted the guards again who saluted back before he turned and exited the room

Amy awoke with a start and looked at her alarm clock as there was a loud knock at the door and her husband elbowed her in the side and mumbled ‘It’s probably for you’.
‘7:30 bang goes the lie-in’ she thought to her self as she got up and looked out of the bedroom window to see a man and a woman in Air force dress uniform.
‘I’ll be down in a minute’ she shouted down to them and grabbed the nearest clothes she could find and proceeded to get dressed.
'I wonder what it could be' thought Amy. She had left the Air-Force a year earlier to spend more time with her family
A few minutes later she opened the door.
'Colonel Laverick would you come with us please' said the male officer gesturing to the car.
'I left the Air Force a year ago Major'
'You have been reinstated Ma'am' the Major replied 'now please would you come with us' again he gestured towards the car.
Amy got into the car with the Air Force personnel and it set off.
'Where are we going?' Amy asked as they exited her street
'You'll see when we get there Ma'am' Replied the Major
'Please stop calling me that.' Amy Said 'Just call me Amy.' she continued before the Major could get a word in.
The car turned round a corner and on to a field where a helicopter was waiting. The Major exited the car and gestured for Amy to follow him. Amy followed the Major to the helicopter and they both got in and it took off.

After the General left the room the Highest ranking officer in the room Lieutenant Bain spoke 'You heard the General we need to be ready in case this Goa'uld' he shivered with the thought of the creature 'tries to infiltrate the base. All the guards in the Gate room took their positions around the walls facing into the room with their guns ready.

The Helicopter landed and the Major and Amy got out. The Major headed towards a hanger 'this way he said to Amy and she followed him into the hanger.
Amy and the Major entered the hanger. There was a large ship like nothing Amy had ever seen before and a man standing under it.
'General' the Major shouted over.
The man turned round and the major Saluted. As Amy was about to do the same she realized who the man was 'Dad!' she called over.
'Yes It's me love come here I've something to show you.'
The Major gestured for Amy to go forward. 'After you.'
Amy went over to where her dad was standing.
'Remember when I never came home for days and your mother thought I had another woman?'
'The reason you and mam split up.'
'We'll here she is The Epimetheus' Said the General as he gestured towards the ship.
'Whats going on dad why am I here?' Amy asked
'Come with me and I'll explain everything' the General replied and they both walked over to where the Major was waiting.
Amy noticed that they were stood in a circle that was marked on the floor, then some rings came up around them and when they dropped back to the floor they were no longer in the hanger.
'Welcome to the Epimetheus Colonel' the General said 'This way' he continued as he started walking towards a door. Amy followed he dad they walked out of the open double doors at the other end of the room.
As they exited the room two men in air force jumpsuits saluted the General saluted back and looked at Amy who after a pause did the same 'I'll have to get used to that again if I take the job' they carried on down a corridor and Stopped outside another door. The General pulled a card out of his pocket and put it in the card slot on the door which then opened.
When the Door opened Amy could see a table with 3 Chairs fixed around it.
'Welcome to your Office' said the General
'I haven't accepted the position yet. Hell I don't even know what the position I've been offered is.' Amy replied
'Well come in and I'll explain everything and believe me you'll say yes to the position when you know what it is.' the General said as he made his way round the table to the chair that was on it's own.
Amy followed her father into the office and sat down on a chair on the door side of the table.
'Lets get down to business' said the General after Amy had taken her seat. 'For more than 100 years the US government has been sending people to other Planets through a device called the Stargate. We have made friend's and enemy's on our travels.' The General continued and he turned on the monitor on the desk and positioned it so they could both see it. A picture of a large ring shaped object with symbols on it appeared on the screen.
'Your telling me that for more than 100 years and without public knowledge the US Air Force has been visiting other worlds using this'
Amy said pointing to the image on the screen. As she did a vortex of what looked like water shot out from the center of the ring. 'Wow thats thats a w-w'
'A wormhole' the General finished 'Yes it is. Let me fill you in on a little background. The device was found in Egypt in the 1920's by Professor Langford during an archaeological dig. In 1994 Dr. Daniel Jackson an Archaeologist was employed by Dr. Langford's daughter Catherine and the US air-force to decipher the markings on the mysterious Egyptian coverstones that were found with the gate. He figured out that they were star constellations and those markings made up a gate address. The USAF assembled a team and sent them through the gate to the planet the address was for. This planet was called Abydos There they made first contact with the Abydonians and where we first encountered the Goa'uld one of our enemies.'
Amy sat and listened to what her father was saying. She was amazed about the fact that the Stargate was a working wormhole based transportation device as she had been studying and working on the idea herself for a long time in fact it was part of the reason she left the Air-Force in the first place. The more she heard the more her mind was telling her to take the position.
'OK before you say anymore I'm in' she said
'I knew you'd say yes when you saw the Stargate and what it did. Would you like to have a closer look at one?'
'I'd love to'
The General stood up and headed to the door. Amy got up and followed.
They headed back down the corridor they had come up before went past the Ring Room and the general stopped out side the next room. He pulled out his swipe card and opened the doors.
As the doors opened the Stargate came into view. It was enormous, it filled floor to ceiling and just like on the video footage there was a ramp leading up to it.
The General entered the room then turned round and saw that Amy was stood in the doorway staring at the device.
'Are you coming in?'
Amy gave her head a quick shake and followed her dad into the room
Amy walked over to the Stargate and started to examine it. She walked round it looking up and stopped in front of it looking at the inner ring.
'Dial it up' the General said to the Sargent stood at what looked like a control panel. 'You'd better come over here Amy'
Amy turned and walked over to the control panel her head still looking towards the Stargate. When she got to the control panel she turned and watched as the Sargent pressed some buttons with symbols on them as he did the gate started spinning then just like on the video footage there was a whooshing sound and the vortex of what looked like water shot towards them before settling inside the ring.
'Alpha Site this is General Laverick on the Epimetheus I have Lt. Colonel Laverick with me permission to come through the Gate?' The General asked into his head set.

(To be continued)
© Copyright 2007 Nish Laverz (amylaverick at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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