Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1299604-The-Guy-From-England
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1299604
A trouble-shooter was needed & he came from England.
The Guy From England

“Trouble shooter! Is that what they call him? Chair bound paper pusher, that’s what I’d call him. And I’ll tell it to the guys face.” Carl spat these words out carefully and very deliberately, without displacing the cheap cigar from his unshaven and weather-beaten face. Sally couldn’t help but smile at the older mans expected outburst, which had been milder than usual.

“Give him a chance Carl, what do we know anyway?”
“Look Sal all I know is when there is trouble, the big boss should roll up his sleeves and sort it out. Not bring in some outsider. The guys a limey God damn it!” Sally Gannon gave a low whistle.
“Carl we’re in 2004, not the 40’s, he works for the company, just like we do. The only difference is that he works over in England. But it’s still our company, isn’t it?”

Carl’s gravel pit voice took on a softer, warmer tone, which although instantly noticeable to the young woman, would not have been easily perceived by anyone else. “Look Sal all I know is that we’ve got a problem and it don’t seem right bringing in strangers.” And after a pause, he added.
“You know how it is.” The woman flashed Carl a knowing smile and squeezed the mans arm. “I understand Carl, but time will tell and I’ve heard that he’s a fast worker.”

“We’ll see, see ya around babe.” With the last word he was gone, out of the office and down the stairs to the warehouse and his duties as foreman.
“That Carls a hothead, always shooting his mouth off.” Sally looked up to see Paul Cavere sitting on the edge of her desk.
“Well Paul at least he’s being honest about his feelings, not like most people around here.” The young man in the well-cut suit jumped up and moved away. She, Sally that is, had a reputation, you didn’t push her, or her friends and Carl was one fine friend, as far as she was concerned.

Click the clock on the office wall registered 2pm. The man with the reputation for getting things done would soon be on his way from the airport. Yes soon they would all see this stranger from England.

Bang! The street door opened and in walked CJ the big boss. All faces turned towards him and all the faces took in the fact that he was on his own. Slam!  He disappeared through the door to his private office. Within seconds the buzzer on the neat desk sounded.
“Miss Gannon can you come in please?”
“Be right there.”

Sally had answered as she was rising and was already making her way quickly through the inner door.
“Well CJ, what’s the action?” The middle aged man frowned, as he looked into Sally’s soft brown eyes.
“Sally we never even made it to first base.”
“But I thought…”
“So did I Sally, so did I.” The man behind the desk smiled and relaxed visibly and indicated for the woman to sit down, in the vacant chair facing him.

“Sit down Sally and I will fill you in.” The woman slipped quietly into the deep leather chair and returned the man’s easy smile.  The thick set man put his hands together and began rubbing them, in a thoughtful gesture, as he began talking again.
“Well Sally its like this, the English guy isn’t coming.”
“Not coming? What do you mean?”
“Wait a minute and I’ll tell you. It seems the airport in England is fogged in, or something. He’ll be here, but not today.”
“But we need him today, not tomorrow, not next week. I’m telling you if Carl and the guys in the warehouse get wind of this it’ll make things even worse.”
“I know, but what can I do?”

“Its not so much what you can do as….” And her speech trailed off and became thoughts, as she looked deep into the highly polished surface of the fine oak desk. After a moment the young woman looked and smiled.
“I think I can do something, just give me a minute to think this through.” Her brown eyes sparkled as a sly grin played across her lips.
“Got it CJ listen, its slim, but it might just work.” The man sat back and listened in wonderment to the woman’s plan.

Click the clock on the office wall displayed 3pm, as Sally sat back down behind her desk. She could feel all her co-workers eyes boring into her back. Yes, she thought to herself, this is one time that she would have to be smart and no mistake, one slip and they’d know. Sally turned slowly around, her eyes fixing on a target.
“Hey! Myra do you know what English guys drink?”
“Tea isn’t it?”
“Oh yeah thanks. Brad can you slip out and pick up some tea? All we’ve got is coffee.” A blonde head sporting a puzzled expression appeared from behind a pile of paperwork. The head spoke.
“What’s the rush Sally?”  Sally Gannon had to be very strong and keep the smile away from her face.

“Oh no rush Brad, its just that the guy will want a drink when he’s finished sorting things out.” Myra peered over her glasses and said.
“But I thought he hadn’t arrived.”
“That Myra was the idea.” Five eager faces stared at sally in shock. Sally smiled, what a relief, she thought to herself, to be able to smile again.

“What should we do?” The five all chorused together. Sally Gannon was in command in an instant.
“Ok Brad get the tea, like yesterday Brad go! Myra go out and get the facts, dates and stuff that he’ll need from our other office.”
“But that’s clear across town.”
“Here take my car.” Sally told her as she threw her the keys. Sally paused for a moment and then added.
“There will be a whole lot of paperwork over there, so take these guys with you.”
“Are you sure Sally?”  Myra asked appearing to show real concern, for a change.
“Yeah you guys go I’ll hold the store till you get back, just be quick huh?”
“Quick as we can.”  Myra called back over her shoulder. In another second the office was empty.

Sally Gannon let out a well-deserved sigh, as she sank down into her office chair. “Part one.” She said to herself and to the now empty desks around the office.  With not a moment to lose, she leaned over and flicked the switch on the tannoy mike. She leaned over the microphone with practiced ease.
“Carl Mahoney to the office please…. Carl Mahoney.” Sally flicked off the switch and moved across the room to CJ’s door, finishing up half in and half out of the private office entrance. Sally Gannon could see a figure moving out of the corner of her eye, at the other end of the office. It must be Carl, she thought to herself.  She cleared her throat and then began speaking in a loud voice.
“Ok CJ we’ll have them for you in just a minute.” She then backed out of the door, closing it behind her.

Carl Mahoney was by this time standing at the woman’s side.
“Where’s everyone Sal?” Sally shook her head in disbelief.
“Carl good to see you, what don’t you know? The guy from England’s in there.” She pointed to CJ’s door and pulled Carl towards her desk area. She smiled at her friend.
“The others are all out getting papers, or something. It was all the English guy’s idea, just came in and took control. He’s even got old CJ running around.” Carl swallowed and cleared his throat.

“Well well what’s with this guy Sally?”
“Said he means to sort things out, he said something about changing things around here.” Carl looked very worried at the idea of changes.
“What kind of changes?”
“I’m not too sure. All I know is that he said that it’s always hard at first, but after a few key trouble makers are fired, that things always work out ok.” Now the middle-aged warehouse foreman looked pale as well as worried. He looked at Sally and sat down slowly on the edge of her desk.

“Anyway what did you want me for Sal?” He asked quietly.
“Oh yes Carl the guy wanted to know what your problems were?” She fired this without any emotion at all. Carl swallowed very hard and began shuffling his feet.
“Hey babe it’s not my problems, you know it’s the guys and me, you know.”
“Sorry Carl, but he made a point of saying, that he only wanted to hear from key people and in the warehouse, you’re it” Carl didn’t reply, he just got up and moved off in the direction of the warehouse.
Part two, said a smug voice inside Sally Gannon’s head.

Click the clock on the office wall said 4pm, as Myra and the others came in. They were loaded down with large boxes of papers and files. Brad being Brad still wasn’t back.
“Well Sally is he here yet?”  Asked Myra breathlessly. Sally smiled.
“Is he here yet! He’s been and gone. He’s on his way back to England as far as I know.” Four faces stared at Sally and as if by magic Carl appeared at the door.
“Yes Carl?”
“Could you tell the boss that we ain’t got no grievances no more.”
“Will do Carl.” Carl left as quickly as he’d appeared. Leaving four open mouthed people. Just then Brad came in with the tea. Myra ran straight over to him, grabbing him tightly by the arm.
Hey Brad you missed all the action. That guy from England, what a guy!”
“Yeah what a guy.” Said Sally smiling.

© Copyright 2007 Philip Hilton (philiphilton at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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