Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1298647-Fall-of-Lady-Shimizu-Pt9
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1298647
The last chapter of Fall of Lady Shimizu
IX. To Mr. Hidaki We Go

It was just a little past 2PM when Susie and Daisuke had finish preparing the compound for its final show.  They had also moved all ten naked female bodies out into the open and lined them up shoulder to shoulder to be loaded up into the two cars for transport.  Susie knew and worked with a man name Mr. Hidaki who would pay handsomely for some lovely female bodies.  About a million dollars a piece so this was easy money for Susie and Daisuke.  The first body to be loaded in the Escalade on the left rear seat was the lovely Jovanna Rai; her tan inert body was slipped into the spot.  She sat with her legs together and her head hang limply over her breasts, her long black hair cascading over the lovely tan orbs.  Next to Jovanna came the short and chubby body of Jadi Ng, whose head rested peacefully on Jovanna’s bare shoulder.  Taking up the right side rear seat was the tall and muscular body of Helga Reinhart, like the Jovanna her legs were together and her head lulled forward with luscious blond hair cascading over her large breasts.  The last assassin to be loaded up in the rear seat was Pichitra Anuwat who was laid out face down across the bare thighs of the three occupants of the rear seat.  Sitting shot gun up front with Daisuke was his nemeses Katrina Diaz, who sat limply in the seat with her head leaning on her left shoulder.  The remaining other bodies were to be loaded in the M5, the first was the tall frame of Madam Odell who took up the right rear seat, next to her was the sexy body of Lady Shimizu, the left rear spot was occupied by Christina Moretti’s blond tall figure and finally the petite Jordan Gallo was laid face up over the bare thighs of the back seat riders.  Sitting shot gun with Susie was going to be Nikita Sokolov.  She was the assassin who had knocked Susie out in the first so she made it possible for this victory.  Susie was grateful for this so she partially dressed Nikita back into her white blouse.  She gave Nikita a kiss on the cheek as she buckled her in, “I told you I was going to take care of you.”  She said out loud closing the door.

“Alright my friend are you ready?”  Susie asked turning to the first member of the new Yoshida clan.

Daisuke nodded and they both climbed into their cars, Daisuke the Escalade and Susie her new M5.  Both cars left the compound with the cargo heading back towards the city towards Mr. Hidaki’s workshop.  When they were miles away Susie press the remote detonator sending the compound up into a ball of flames.

The End
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