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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1298644
Continues from Part six...
VII. The Rise of Lady Yoshida

The only body length mirror that Susie found in the strong hold was located in the briefing room, which was a weird spot for a mirror Susie thought to herself as she looked herself over through the mirror.  The reason why the mirror was in the room was probably a reason that no one would ever know, simply because all those who would know were now sprawled out naked and dead.  That thought put a smile to Susie’s face as she adjusted the collar of the fresh white dress shirt that she had on.  After Susie had stripped out of her latest disguise that consisted of Katrina’s biker suit, Nikita’s lacy under garments, Pichitra’s shear black pantyhose and Under Armor shirt.  She then took Lady Shimizu’s secret elevator up to her luxurious sleeping quarters that was located above the main office.  Susie really didn’t have the time to rummage through Lady Shimizu’s wardrobe so she just quickly did a quick search gathering what she needed which were just a black lacy bra and a clean white dress shirt.  She found what she was looking for quickly and then dressed herself into Lady Shimizu’s clothes, the clothes of the former leader of the BDS Susie felt the most comfortable that she had felt that day.  Shimizu’s sexy lingerie fit Susie perfectly unlike Nikita’s which was very mush so on the tight side and some where restrictive.  The black pin stripe business suit fit Susie like a glove and hugged her curves showing off her body yet at the same time giving her a sharp and intimating look.  The best clothes off a dead body you could get Susie thought smiling to herself at her reflection on the mirror give herself a final look over and feeling satisfied with her look Susie gave herself thumbs up and a wink before turning and leaving.

Back in the office Lady Shimizu nude body remained sprawled out in the nude in the center of the office undisturbed since the stripping.  She remained on her back, with her arms at her side, smooth legs straight with toes canted outward.  Her head was slightly tilted to the left, her eyes remained opened staring blankly into space and her mouth was slightly agape showing white teeth between her thin lips.  Shimizu long black silky hair which was tied up in a loose bun was now unraveled and the black hair lay in disarray under her head.  Susie entered the office and knelt down beside the magnificent corpse letting her eyes wander the length of Shimizu’s body.  Her body more or less was in perfect condition with her perfect round c-cupped breast, flat firm inviting mid drift, cleanly shaven mound, sexy smooth shapely legs and cute little feet.  There were just three little bullet holes, two in the chest and one on the center of the fore head that gave away to the fact Shimizu was no longer a living being but merely a corpse.

“You’re so freaking HOT!!!”  Susie exclaimed reaching down and grabbing hold of Shimizu’s chin squeezing her slack mouth open and then shaking limp head from left to right.  “I love your clothes and I’m going to enjoy being you for the time being.”  Susie added looking down at her ‘new’ clothes.

Shifting her eyes north of Lady Shimizu’s body brought a smile to Susie’s lips.  Lying just a couple feet away from Shimizu’s head was the nude body of Madam Odell.  After Susie had dressed in her new outfit she had returned to the office and hauled Odell’s tall frame to the ground and then took pleasure in stripping the dead Irish woman.  Susie found it quite arousing to see that Odell did not wear any undergarments but her pantyhose.  It did not take Susie very long to strip the business suit off the corpse it was in a mere couple of minutes that Madam Odell lay before her in the nude revealing all, long pale shinny legs, a neat and trimmed red mound, flat and inviting stomach, and marvelous round and large breast with pink nipples.  Her head was tilted to slightly to the right, her green eyes remained opened and looked blankly at some unknown object and her mouth was slacked and opened in death.  The single red bullet hole was the only flaw in her pale face.  Like Lady Shimizu, Madam Odell’s long red hair was tied back into a bun was now unraveled and was spread out like a wild flame beneath her head.

Kneeling of the tall corpse Susie lets her eyes wonder the length of the body taking the marvels of the female form at its best.  “See I told you were going to get naked.”  Susie said with smile looking down at Odell’s surprised face.  She then picks up Odell’s dead limp hands and makes them cup her bare D-cupped size breast and fondles them with Odell’s hands controlling them as if Odell was Susie’s own puppet.

Susie spends another 15 minutes or so just playing with corpses of Shimizu and Odell, moving their limp limbs around, arranging their bodies in questionable positions and enjoying the full control of their unresisting bodies.  Susie ended up having both of the former leaders of the BDS sprawled out naked on the tattered up sofa.  Both nude bodies sat with legs spread wide apart presenting their womanhood to all.  Their limp arms spread out along the upper edge of the sofa and their heads lulled forward into their breasts.  Susie sat between them with her hands resting on their bare knees resting. 

Daisuke soon returned to the office now cleaned up a dressed in a clean looking dark blue business suit with a clean crisp white dress shirt underneath.  He had showered in the shower area of the gym and found the suit while rummaging through the warehouse.  He now returned to Susie obediently to see what to do next.  Daisuke was first taken back by the image of his two former masters in the nude but then regain himself after seeing Susie get up from between the two corpses.

“My you clean up nice,” Susie complimented walking around Daisuke and checking out his suit and his now combed hair.  He was still a skinny and small but he was cleaned now and looked much better then he did before.  Once he gets some meat on his bones he would be quite handsome Susie noted.

“Thank you, Lady Yoshida.  You do not look so bad yourself.”  Daisuke replied in their native tongue with a slight smile. He continued “What do you wish me to do now?”

Susie looking back over her shoulder at the two nude bodies of Shimizu and Odell and asked.  “You think you could carry Madam Odell on your own?”

Daisuke walked over to where the tall limp frame of Madam Odell was seated.  He then leaned forward and attempted to lift the tall Irish woman over his shoulder.  After two failed attempt, one attempt he had almost stood all the way with Odell over his shoulder before heavily falling forward and the second attempt he seem spent and could barely lift her.  Daisuke then sadly stood back up with a look of disappointment across his face and said.  “I am sorry Lady Yoshida this I cannot do,” he said looking down in disgraced.

“Not a problem my friend,” Susie said with a warm smile placing a hand on the defeated man’s shoulder.  “We’ll do it together. Now you grab her by the legs.”

Together Susie and Daisuke lifted the tall red head under arms and knees.  They moved the short distance from the strong hold to storage warehouse where Susie was held captive just hours ago.  Outside the sun was full up now it was late in the morning and the day was looking to be another great looking day.  A fine day for killing Susie thought to herself with a smile as they opened to the door to the storage warehouse.

The abandon office which was Susie was held captive for the last couple days had now changed its role to a morgue in a matter of hours.  The cloth covered table was now pushed to side of the office with the other discarded furniture.  The dirty cracked green and white tiled floor was now covered by gorgeous nude bodies of the slain assassins.  Lying length wise across the office floor shoulder to bare shoulder were the six former members of the Black Dragon Society, looking virtually harmless now with all of their clothing stripped from their bodies.  Starting from the left was the cute Russian Nikita Sokolov; next to her was Pichitra Anuwat the Thai warrior; to her right the former German cop Helga Reinhart, next to her the lovely Indian markswoman Jovanna Rai, the short Malaysian Bomber Jadi Ng next to her and finally last but now least the leathal and careless young Katrina Diaz who now looked somewhat innocent in the nude.
Susie and Daisuke moved to the far right of the row of bodies and lowered the nude frame of Madam Odell next to Katrina’s body.  Now there were seven naked corpses displayed before Susie.  She looked down at the row of dead women and let her eyes take in the sight of her handy work.  Daisuke who coincidently lined up the women in the order that they were killed and their bodies were more or less position the same way, flat on their backs with arms to their sides and palms face down, legs straight with toes canted outward.  There were seven different skin tones, seven different breast sizes, seven different body builds, four deferent hair colors but all were killed by Susie Yoshida.  This brought a smile to Susie face as she looked over the bodies. 

She reached forward and stroked Nikita’s bare womanhood moving right she lifted up Pichitra’s limp powerful legs and let them drop to the floor with a soft thud.  Moving over to Helga Susie lifted her limp right arm and draped the arm over Helga’s large round pink nippled breasts with her left arm Susie positioned it so her dead hand was covering up her cleanly shaven mound.  Jovanna Rai was perhaps; second to Lady Shimizu herself was the hottest woman of the bunch.  Susie mounted the tan body and straddling the former markswoman at the waist.  Leaning forward Susie kisses the slack thin lips moving her tongue around the dead woman’s mouth. Running her hands down Jovanna’s smooth tan skin Susie fondles the tan breast flicking the nipples before getting off of the magnificent tan body.  Susie nudges the bodies of Jadi and Katrina with her foot and picks up their limp limbs and letting flop to the ground make sure there were truly no signs of life within their naked bodies.  Finally at Madam Odell Susie throws the Irish woman’s limp arms over her head and watches with pleasure as the flop to floor.

“Hooray,” Susie says to herself with a grin.  Looking over at Daisuke she says.  “Good job.” In their native tongue and winks at him.

Daisuke bows honorably in reply.  “Now what do we do?” He then asks.

“Well,” Susie started looking at the old wall clock on the wall.  It was almost 11 and Moretti was schedule to come at about noon so they had about an hour to get ready.  “The party is about to start my friend.  Let’s go get ready.”  Susie said with a sly smile and left the office with Daisuke close behind leaving the seven beautiful naked bodies.
© Copyright 2007 Charlie06 (charlie06 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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