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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Family · #1296618
my play is not quite done but i hope you like it
                                                  Just Joking
                                      By: Shawn Janey

(Scene 1:) (Living room)
(Pounding on TV.)
Mom: do you have to make that noise?
Larry: if you want to see the channel clearly (laughing)
Mom: why is it like that anyway?
Larry: I don’t know it hasn’t been doing this….it just started now.
Mom: where is Scotty?
Larry: last time I saw him he was upstairs sound a sleep
(Volume of TV gets higher then lower, channels randomly changes)
Mom: Sure he is, he’s problay doing this right now (walking up the stairs)
Larry: Give the kid a break (pounding on the TV)

(Scene 2:) (Scotty’s room)
Mom: Scotty wake up! (Shaking the covers)
(No answer)
Mom: Scotty? (Shakes covers again)
(She finds pillow under his covers)
Mom: This kid is going to be in so much trouble!
(A breeze come through the window)
Mom: Its cold in here (looks towards the window)
Mom: The roof (walks slowly towards the window)
(Peaks out the window)
Mom: Scotty I know your up there
Scotty: Sorry he’s not here at the moment but leave a message and I’ll make sure he gets it (makes a beep sound)
Mom: Why do you insist on driving us crazy?
(Scotty walks down the roof and see his mom in the window)
Scotty: Come on mom you know I was just joking
Mom: That’s your problem now always joking
Scotty: A sense of humor wouldn’t kill you (laughing)
Mom: I know since your-
Scotty: Why every time I joke around you always bring my father into it?
Mom:(rubs Scotty’s face) because you reminds so much of him
Scotty: I know, I know I heard it all before. He’s gone mom!
Mom:(smiling) Now come in so you eat your breakfast
Scotty:(climbing through the window) So what are we having?
Mom:(shaking her head) I don’t know Larry is cooking this time
Scotty:(Laughing) Lets go make sure he didn’t burn the house down!
Mom:(Laughing) Okay!

(Scene 3:) (Kitchen)
Larry:(Smiling) Your just in time to try my Twin Tower Pancakes!
Mom: That sounds good!
Scotty:(Holding his nose) But it smells bad
Larry: Funny guy, huh? (Pointing his finger at Scotty)
Scotty: Calm down I was just joking, Larry you know you’re the best cook (smiling at Larry)
Mom: okay lets eat (pulling out a chair)
Scotty: Well I got to leave right after because I’m meeting Derrick at the Freddy’s Comedy Store/Club
Mom:(Patting the sit) Well sit, eat
Larry:(holding up a plate) I insist you try, I made them especially for you (laughing)
Scotty:(laughing) Hey, I’m the funny guy round here
Larry: I know I know
Scotty:(grabbing the plate) How bout I have them to go?
Larry: I don’t mind just make sure you don’t be greedy share some with Derrick!
Mom: Bye honey. Don’t be out to late you know I got to go to work
Scotty:(opening the door) I know you go to work at 5, I’ll be home by then (closing the door)
Larry: (wiping his mouth) Some kid
Mom:(getting up from the table) He’s been that way after his father died…now he thinks every thing is a joke
Larry:(getting up from table) You got to have a sense of humor some time
Mom: I know but not all the time (looking at Larry)

(Scene 4:) (Streets)
(A lot of cars zooming past)
Scotty:(holding his breakfast) Don’t be greedy (throws into the street) Who would want to be greedy over that Death Meal
Mr. McNeal:(tips his hat) Where you headed to Scotty?
Scotty: I’m going to Derrick’s house we are going to Freddy’s Comedy Store/club
Mr. McNeal: Sounds like fun
Scotty:(walking away) Well I can’t chat with you any longer, you’re making me late
Mr. McNeal:(laughing) Kids these days

(Scene 5:) (Derrick’s house)
Scotty:(rings doorbell)
Mrs. Andrews: Derrick is on his way down. Come in
Scotty: Okay, it smells good in here
Mrs. Andrews: That’s my breakfast
Scotty: Smells better then what we had at my house
Mrs. Andrews:(holding her chin) Let me guess Larry cooked didn’t he?
Scotty: He made his Twin Towers Pancakes. A disgusting thing to eat
(Derrick comes down steps)
Derrick: Are we going to Freddy’s place?
Scotty: We sure are!
Derrick:(pushing Scotty out the door) Well we better get a move on, we don’t want to be late again
Scotty: You know for once you are finally right bout something (laughing)
Derrick:(smacks Scotty) Your jokes are going to be the death of you
Scotty:(looking down the street) Last one to Freddy’s place smells like The Twin Towers Pancakes
(both boys running)

(Scene 6:) (Freddy’s Comedy Store/Club)
Derrick:(gasping for breath) I’m…out…of…breath
Scotty:(holding on to Derrick) It was a tie
Derrick: C’mon lets go in and we are only 2 minutes late
(walks in)
Freddy:(hands moving wildly) Where have you two been, I’ve been worried that we be two men short
Scotty:(patting Freddy’s belly) Hey, don’t sweat it. Your dealing with hardworking boys, business comes first. Okay?
Derrick: What he means to say is that it won’t happen again
Freddy:(smiling) That’s what I thought he said
Scotty:(Pushing up his hair) So when do I go on?
Freddy: In an hour and how’s your mom doing?
Scotty: O brother, I tell you this like a million times, she’s okay.
Freddy:(holding Scotty’s shoulder) If you need me I’ll-
Scotty:(waving his hands) I’ll be there for you…I heard it all before. Look me and you are friends can’t you say and we’ve known each other for a long time so you can drop the sympathy.
Derrick: He was just trying to be nice, cut the man some slack
Freddy:(looking at Scotty) don’t worry Derrick, Its okay
Scotty:(patting Derrick on the shoulder) Yea you heard the man, it’s going to be okay
Derrick: Well Scotty you still can be careful of how you treat the people who loves you
Scotty:(teasing) what you going to do cry me a river
Derrick:(gives Scotty a cold look) you better watch it
Freddy:(butting in between the boys) Hey, I thought you boys were business men not little punks
Derrick:(looking at Scotty) Well, some of us haven’t fully grown up yet
Freddy:(moving curtains) Get ready to go on, the last act made the crowd hungry for some jokes
Scotty: Okay, Derrick we can kiss and make up later
(On stage)
Introducer: Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Scotty the Jokester
(Crowd claps)
Scotty:(takes the mic) So I heard you were hungry for jokes
Crowd: Yes
Scotty:(drops the mic) so you know what time it is?
Crowd: Its time to get funny
Scotty: Yes indeed….well to first get you guys laughing, check this out I was backstage with my friend Derrick and me and Freddy was having a man to man talk, I was downing the guy so Derricks and says be careful of how you treat the people you loves you and I’m like what you going to do cry me a river
Scotty:(wiping his face with a napkin) So then he says, “some of us aren’t fully grown yet” this kid is like thirteen and still let his mom sing him a night song and check this he won’t go to sleep unless the hallway light are on and his door is cracked….and he says I need to grow up
Derrick:(with a mad voice) Some friend he is
Freddy:(laughing) But you got to love him
(Crowd laughing)
Derrick: Well tell Mr. Jokester that I’ll be at my house letting my mother sing me to sleep
Freddy:(laughing) Okay, and remember to tell your mom to turn on the hallway lights and leave the door cracked (laughing)
Derrick:(takes one last look at Scotty) I’m gone
(On stage)
Scotty:(bowing) Thank you ladies and gentlemen
Crowd: No, thank you
Scotty:(waving, walking off stage) it was a pleasure
Scotty:(looking around) Where’s Derrick at?
Freddy: He said he was going home. Why did you say that bout your best friend?
Scotty:(pointing to the stage) In this business I only got one choice and that’s to be funny no matter what I have to do to be it
Freddy:(looking sad) Your just like your daddy, always wanting the best for yourself
Scotty: I’m just finishing what he left behind. There’s no harm to that
Freddy:(holding Scotty’s shoulder) is it?
Scotty:(sliding form Freddy arm) Well, got to get home don’t want to make my mom mad
Freddy:(holding the door open) Yup, you wouldn’t want that to happen
Scotty:(walking) I’ll see you tomorrow
Freddy:(waving) You got it

(Scene 7:) (Home)
Mom: How was it?
Scotty:(dropping his bag) It was great, I made a lot of people laugh in Freddy’s place. O Freddy says hi
Mom:(washing dishes) I haven’t seen him in a while, ever since your father was working at his comedy store/club
Scotty:(sitting at the table) I’m working there now, Derrick too
Mom:(putting dishes away) How much do you get paid?
Scotty: Well I don’t get paid just hearing the sounds of people laughing at my jokes is my pay check
Mom:(smiling) Your just like your dad
Scotty:(yawning) I need to get to bed I’ve got a big day tomorrow
Mom:(grabs Scotty’s hand) There is something I need to tell you
Scotty:(pulling away) Can’t it wait until tomorrow…I got to go to school
Mom: But-
Scotty:(walking up the steps) Besides I need to entertain Junior wit some of my jokes make sure I am not getting rusty or nothing
Mom: Okay get some rest
(in living room)
Larry: You have to tell him
Mom: It isn’t easy telling your son that their father didn’t die he ran out on us because he wasn’t funny anymore
Larry:(getting up) I know honey…but he has to know sooner or later
Mom:(hugging Larry) Well, he’s just going to have to know later then
Larry: I understand
Mom: I just don’t want him to be devasted
Larry: I know dear I know
(In morning)
Scotty:(yawning) A bright new day
(pulls back covers)
Scotty: I need to brush my teeth
(walks in bathroom)
(brushing his teeth)
Scotty:(looking in the mirror) I am the best joker alive
Mom:(yelling) c’mon your going to be late for school…I’m going to drive you okay
Scotty:(yelling) That’s fine with me
Mom:(yelling) Well come on
Scotty:(running down the steps) Well I’m ready what about you
Mom: I’m already out the door
Scotty:(smiling) Fast women (running out the door)
Larry: Bye
Scotty: Bye

(Scene 8:) (The car)
Scotty: your driving like an old lady
Mom:(laughing) Okay you drive
Scotty:(excited) Are you joking
Mom: Yes I’m joking
Scotty:(smiling) I knew you had to be messing with me
Mom:(firm voice) Bout last night…we need to talk now
Scotty: Okay talk…make it fast time is money
Mom: It’s about your dad
Scotty:(rolling his eyes) I know I remind you of him
Mom: No, I’ve been lying to you
Scotty:(looking more seriously) What are you talking bout woman?
Mom:(crying) He didn’t die, he left us
Scotty:(screaming) Shut up! Your lying!
Mom:(crying) He left because people didn’t think he was funny anymore so he left us
Scotty:(screaming) You’re lying! He would never leave me I’m his son…we joked together…he’s my father, he wouldn’t do that to me…he loved me
Mom:(wiping her face) Well he did and Larry is there for us now
Scotty: I don’t believe a word you say
(car slowing down)
Mom: I didn’t want it to be like this
Scotty:(opening the door) Did Freddy know about this?
Mom:(closing her eyes) Yes… he… did
Scotty:(looking down at the ground) How could he…how could you…I’m your son
Mom:(screaming) Hey, its not easy for me either
Scotty: Well I need to get in to school
Mom:(driving off) Have a nice day

(Scene 9:) (School)
Scotty: Have a nice day…How can I?
Derrick:(bumps into Scotty) how was your little “comedian show” going?
Scotty:(pushes Derrick) What do you care?
Derrick:(pushes him back) You made a fool of me I can’t even go outside and play without the other kids calling me a momma’s boy!
Scotty: Look man I didn’t mean to hurt you, I needed something to boost up my act and besides it wasn’t personal it was show biz
Derrick: Show biz huh?
Scotty:(walking to class) It don’t matter now because I’m quitting
Derrick:(running after him) You’re quitting…how can you that’s your dream to make people laugh…its what you do best
Scotty:(walking in classroom) Well not anymore
Derrick:(grabbing Scotty’s arm) Just think about it
Scotty: I just did…I’m not doing it anymore
Derrick: So you are serious?
(A girl stops in front of them)
Ashley:(smiling at Scotty) I caught your act the other day it was amazing…you are pretty funny
Scotty:(smiling back) Well that’s going to be the last time you see me on stage
Ashley: Why?
Scotty: Because it’s a waste of time
Ashley: It looked like you didn’t think that when you were on stage
Scotty: I was performing what did you expect?
Ashley: Well maybe I thought wrong about you (walking away)
Derrick:(nods his head and Ashley direction) Go get her
Scotty:(runs after her) Hey, wait
Ashley: I heard you loud and clear
Scotty:(grabs her hand) I over reacted…you coming to my next show…you can be part of it if you want?
Ashley:(smiling) I would love to, Scotty
Scotty:(smiles back) Well…besides that I was wondering if…you wanted to…I don’t know come over my house…or I come over house…watch a movie…I’ll bring the popcorn
Ashley: Are you asking me out on a date?
Scotty:(kissing her hand) Maybe
Ashley:(bowing) Yes, I would like to watch a movie with you
(Derrick walks over)
Derrick: Okay you love birds…we’ve better get to class the principal is coming
Scotty:(smiling) Your right
Principal:(angry look) Aren’t you kids suppose to be in class
Ashley:(turning her head) We was just about to go there
Derrick: Yes
Scotty: Yes
(in class)
Teacher:(looking around) Class are you ready to-
Scotty:(walking in the classroom) Sorry I’m late
Teacher:(looking surprise) Since this is your first time I’ll let you slide
Scotty:(sitting down) Thanks!
Teacher:(picking up chalk) Well class lets get back to work, turn to page one-thirty-five in your student’s textbook
(Kids turning pages)
Cleo:(patting Scotty on the back) Nice act, I’m coming back today
Scotty:(smiling) Thanks! I’ll make sure its even more funnier than the first time
Cleo: Okay
(Scotty looks at Derrick)
Scotty: Thanks
Derrick: Thanks for what?
Scotty: For not letting me give up on a dream I love so much
Derrick:(smiling) Stop the sympathy act and start with the funny act
Scotty:(laughing) We going to be friends until the end
Teacher:(smacks ruler on the desk) Scotty, Derrick is there anything you would like to share with the class
Scotty:(standing up) Matter of fact there is…see I’m doing another comedy act and I was wondering would the whole class come to support me
Teacher:(Smiling) I guess I could come, class how bout it?
(all students says yes)
(bell rings)
Teacher: I’ll you all at Scotty’s comedy show and it’s a grade so you all better show up

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