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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1296128
He's Back those that like reading these I have resurrected the dragon lord
Chapter 15

Return of the Akatsuki

Coty awoke the next morning and opened a portal to the Hokages office
"Ah Coty good you've come just in time for a mission"said Tsunade.
"What is the mission"said Coty
"You,Naruto,and Sakura are going to the water country to help guard a prince this is a C-Ranked mission."said Tsunade
"Oh come on a C-Rank Granny Tsunade couldn't you have given us on a little higher"said Naruto walking threw the door with Sakura.
Sakura punched Naruto in the head
"Remember the last time you complained about having a low ranked mission we ended up having to defend a bridge builder from Zabuza"said Sakura
"Oh yeah I remember now"said Naruto peeling himself off the floor
"Any how the prince is moving from the village hidden in the sea to the village hidden in the Rocks"said Tsunade
"How far is this from here to the village"said Coty
Tsunade pulled out a map of the countries and then pointed to the exact location of the village.Coty then opened a portal to the outskirts of the village He, Naruto,and Sakura stepped into the portal. They then found themselves on a sandy beach
"This is the village"said Naruto they then walked a few yards and saw a highly prosperous village. Naruto's jaw dropped when he saw the village it looked as though it was made entirely of marble.
"It's beautiful here"said Sakura
"If you say so"said Coty
"Oh and I suppose you have seen one better than this"said Sakura
"Why yes I have the temple that taught me how to transform into the Dragon was made of Ivory and dragons claws that place was beautiful"said Coty his face lost expression as he thought back.
Then he came back to the present and they continued on to the palace
"Who go's there"said the guard
"Ninja from the village of Konoha"said Naruto
He then showed the guard the papers that Tsunade had given him before they left.
"Ah yes you will take the brat to the village in the Rocks"said the guard
"Uh ok"said Naruto
A man dressed in purple silk robes walked out of the castle
"Oh so this is the best that the village hidden in the leaves could muster"said the man in a snobbish accent.
"What we are the best"said Naruto
"You don't look like you could fight out of a wet paper bag"said the man
"Who are you"said Coty
"I am the fabulously wealthy prince of the sea Donget Su Ankto"said the man
"I don't like ya"said Coty
Donget Su's face flushed white
"How dare you speak to me in that way I'll have you know I am loved by all my subjects"said Donget Su
"What subjects the guard he doesn't like you either"said Coty
The guard was making waving his arms to tell him not to say that
"Oh so you want to join your friend in the pit do you"said Donget Su
"Now please you royal highness can't we work out some kind of deal"said Sakura
"Oh I'm sure we can if you go on a date with me then I'll forget all this ever happened"said Donget Su
Sakura's face went white and she fell over backwards.
"Uh! Sakura"said Naruto he then bent down and tried to wake her
"She doesn't have to do no such thing"said Coty
"Then you will be sent to the dungeon"said Donget Su
"If you want to make it to the village of the Rocks in one peace I suggest that you leave me alone"said Coty His eyes where dragon.
"Nice Jutsu I can do it to"said Donget Su
he did a hand sign and his eyes changed from green to blue Cotys returned to normal.
"Shall we go then"said Donget Su
Coty opened a portal to the village that was where the prince was suppose to get off.
They all stepped inside the portal and ended up on top of a mountain.
"Where are we"said Naruto
"We are exactly where we're suppose to be"said Donget Su
He then started glowing black then he transformed into Itachi Uchia his partner Kisama appeared from behind a rock.
"Well,well looks like we get two Jinchuuriki for the price of one"said Kisama
"Jinch-- what the heck is that"said Coty
"It is a person that has had one of the nine demons placed sealed inside them as a way to harness the demons power"said Sakura
"Uh then there is one problem I have no demon sealed inside me"said Coty
"We know but your dragons power will help very nicely with our plan"said Kisama
Coty started to gather the dragons power to transform but he stopped his chest felt like it was being stomped on by a rhino he then fell over. He looked up to see Itachi was holding a thorned plant with red blood red leaves it was glowing white.
"dragonsbain"said Coty
"Yes, do you think we would come unprepared for you"said Itachi
"Sorry guys looks like the dragons going to have to set this one out"said Coty getting to his feet.
"Are you alright"said Naruto
"Yeah I'm fine"said Coty.
He created a fireball and threw it at the plant and missed as Itachi jumped into the air he shot his own fireballs at Coty.
Coty created the Time Shield and they bounced off he looked at Itachi to see he was using the Mangekyou Sharingan
Coty then found himself inside an alternate universe
"You will remain here for one year wile I shred you"said Itachi
Coty found himself on a cross unable to move any part of his body then the slashing began.
"Three months left"said Itachi
"Four days"
"One hour"
"Five seconds"
Coty then fell over and was unconscious
"Dragon Looks like the end for us"said Coty
"This is one thing I hate about you humans you give up to easily"said the Dragon
"Then what do you suggest"said Coty
"Quit your whining and destroy that stupid flower"said the Dragon
Coty the awoke and got up strangering to his feet.
Sakura rushed over to give him medical attention but Coty made an invisible wall to stop her.
"You fool with out the dragon you are helpless"said Sakura
"Oh you think that if the dragon where gone I couldn't defeat these two"said Coty
He created a fireball and this time hit his mark the Dragonsbain was burnt to ash.
"Never tell me I can't do something because I do it just for spite"said Coty
He then started glowing white with the dragons renewed power as did Naruto glow red with the foxes chakra.
"Naruto Uzumaki show me the power of that Nine-Tailed Fox of yours"said Coty
Naruto's chakra grew four tails and Naruto resembled the fox more than ever.
Coty transformed into his half dragon form then he created the none-elemental orb and Naruto created the Rasengan. Coty hit Kisama and Naruto hit Itachi both where still alive but mortally wounded. Coty was about to finish the job when Naruto hit him with a paw of chakra.Coty then seen why the foxes natural need to destroy had taken hold of Naruto's mind.
"Sakura stay back he doesn't know friend from foe"said Coty
Sakura was on her way to help out but stopped when Coty yelled.
Coty then created a blue orb then threw it at Naruto just as Naruto was about to hit Sakura. The blue orb hit Naruto and he fainted just ripping the sleeve of Sakura's shirt the foxes chakra reseeded. Naruto was normal again Sakura was shaking from her near death experience. Coty then turned to the Akatsuki members to find they weren't the real Itachi and Kisama and that they where both dead.
"You alright"said Coty
"Yeah I'm fine he didn't pierce the skin he just ripped my shirt"said Sakura
"O.k then that good"said Coty
"Wait was that thing you used on him"said Sakura
"It was a emotion orb"said Coty
"Whats that"said Sakura
"An emotion orb is and orb that takes the emotion of the wizard that cast the spell and then he is able to make the receiver feel his emotion that he chose"said Coty
"In Naruto's case sleepy"
"So what do we do now"said Sakura
"We go home and tell the Hokage what happened"said Coty he then picked Naruto up and then he opened a portal and he and Sakura went to the Hokages office after they dropped Naruto off at the hospital.

Chapter 16

Orochimaru's Curse on the Dragon Lord

Coty awoke the next morning and did his usual routine he was on his way down to the village. When a ninja dressed in white robes with a purple rope wrapped around his waist like a belt he stood on a high rock.
"Who are you and what do you want"said Coty creating a none-elemental orb
"I am here for you"said the ninja a smile curled on his white face his eyes where yellow in the iris and his pupils where slits his neck elongated catching Coty by surprise he then made his canines longer then he wrapped around Cotys body and bit him in the neck.
"Ah what is this"thought Coty
"Hope you survive"said the man he then disappeared in a puff of smoke Coty then teleported to the Hokages office.
"You alright Coty you don't look to good"said Tsunade
"I'm fine ma'am do you have any missions for me"said Coty
"Yeah I do you are to go to the hospital and get yourself checked out"said Tsunade
"Nice try I'm fine really"said Coty
"No, you're not you're as white as a ghost and you're barely standing as it is"said Tsunade
Coty then started glowing purple and his skin got black dots on it that started from the right side of his neck where the ninja bit him.
"Ah what is this what have you done to me"said Coty
"Nothing whats the matter"said Tsunade
"Ah my skin feels like its on fire"said Coty
"Coty where you bitten on the neck by a white ninja" said Tsunade
"Ah yes what dose in matter"said Coty.
"That was Orochimaru he is a rouge ninja he put a cursed seal on you"said Tsunade she started making symbols. Around Coty then she made symbols on his back and chest after she ripped his robes off then she then did some hand signs then she placed her hand on his shoulder and said "Seal" there was a flash of light and the cursed mark on Cotys shoulder started glowing. Red then it reseeded back into the seal "Ahhh"said Coty He started breathing heavily.
"You done trying to make me faint"said Coty
"You should be in the hospital from the shear force of the jutsu"said Tsunade
"Ma'am I change into a dragon there is nothing half as draining as turning into a dragon"said Coty
"Well as your mission you are to go to the hospital"said Tsunade
Coty opened a portal and walked threw it and was on top of the Hokages mountain he then started glowing white. Then he concentrated it on the seal then he forced the energy threw the seal and the cursed mark,and it destroyed the seal and the cursed mark.
"O.k now I need to go to the hospital"said Coty he then passed out and a woke inside a cave.
"Welcome to my old research room"said Orochimaru
"What do you want with me"said Coty
"I want you to join me and since you're still alive means that your body has accepted the cursed mark"said Orochimaru
"You're wrong on that one I destroyed the curse"said Coty
"Ah well then that makes you the first"said Orochimaru
"And you will not ever get that on me again"said Coty.
He then transformed into his half dragon form and created a none-elemental orb and threw it at the ceiling. Then he flew into the the whole and escaped he then flew to the Hokage. He then told her what happened she sent ninja to the research cave and he was gone.

Chapter 17

Naruto poisoned

Coty went to the hospital to visit Naruto who was still in the hospital only to find that he was released.Coty then walked to the Ramen shop and sure enough there he was eating away. As if there was nothing there but him and the noodles
"Another bowl please"said Naruto
"Naruto that was your fifth bowl" said the owner
"Oh come on I got another coupon"said Naruto flashing a peace of paper in front of the owner.
"I would like two Ramen please"said a man dressed in a black traveling cloak and dark blue kimono with a black mask.
"Uh ok"said the owner
Coty decided to just wait for Naruto to finish so he opened a portal to the training grounds.Then walked inside and disappeared into thin air Naruto was eating the second bowl that the guy in the mask had bought for him.
"Wow thanks a lot"said Naruto
"Don't mention it kid"said The man in the mask he then poured something into the noodles that looked like salt.
"Well I must be going"said the man he then disappeared
Naruto finished the noodles then headed off to the training grounds to meet up with Coty. He arrived to see Coty sitting on the ground waiting for him
"About time you get here I have been waiting for a hour"said Coty
"Sorry but some really nice guy bought me some Ramen and-" Naruto fainted
"Uh Naruto!"said Coty
He picked up the fallen ninjas head and looked at his eyes
"His pupils are dilated he has been poisoned"said Coty.
He created a none-elemental orb and then cut his hand then he let his blood drip into the orb it instantly turned a bright red. Then he created an orb of his own green magical energy and merged the two orbs. He then thrust the orb into Naruto and it disappeared inside Naruto.
"That should slow the poison until I get him to the medical ninja"thought Coty He opened a portal to the entrance of the hospital.Then he walked to the desk holding Naruto's unconscious body.
"He's been poisoned"said Coty
"Oh sorry hun but you will have to wait the demon kid will be fine for a few minutes until we get a room ready for him"said the receptionist.
"You-you don't care for him"said Coty
"Not really he is a monster and he can wait until my break is over"said The woman
Coty's eyes when dragon
"Lady you think this guy is a monster then you don't want to wait any longer because if you know whats good for you,you'll admit him at once"said Coty
"Very nice jutsu but I'm still on break"said The receptionist Coty created the none-elemental orb and then grabbed the woman by the collar of her shirt and picked her up in the air.
"I'm warning you he only has a few minutes before the spell I put on him wheres off and the poison starts flowing in his vanes again"said Coty
"Sir I'm sorry but I'm still on break"said the woman.
"Coty whats going on- huh Naruto"said Sakura
"Whats wrong with him"said Sakura
"He was poisoned I have temporarily stopped the poisons flow but it won't last long"said Coty
"Good let the monster die"said the woman still in the air Sakura had rushed Naruto in to the emergency room.
"Listen her you hag if that boy dies because you wouldn't admit him you will have to answer to the Divine Dragon"said Coty
"Y-your the other monster"said the woman shaking
Coty dispelled the none-elemental orb
"Yes,I am the Divine Dragon Lord and if you weren't listening if he dies you die"said Coty he then set her down and opened a portal to the Hokages mountain he then sat Indian style.Then he concentrated his magical energy to track the person who poisoned Naruto.
"Ah there you are"said Coty
He opened a portal and walked inside it and then was in front of the ninja that poisoned Naruto.
"You will die"said Coty he then gathered the dragons magical energy and then transformed into his half dragon form. "what another one how many of you are there left"said the ninja.
He then drew a giant sword from the shelf he had on his back and then it started generating electrical energy. Coty created the none-elemental orb and then threw it at the sword and destroyed it.
"You hurt a friend of the Divine Dragon Lord and now you will die"said Coty
He then transformed into the Divine Dragon.
"Please no spare me"said the ninja
"Spare you I feel no remorse for any human unless I am asked by my vessel to not harm them now you die"said the Dragon
He then blasted the ninja with a wave of none-elemental energy and he was vaporized. The dragon then flew back to the village and he landed beside the hospital and then changed back into Coty. He then ran back into the hospital
"Your friend is doing fine they have successfully removed all the poison in his system thanks mainly to your spell that you put on him to stop the poison"said another receptionist.
"Thanks now you can admit another me"said Coty he then passed out from exhaustion.
"Uh where am I"said Coty
"Nice of you to drop in"said Naruto
"I over did it I think"said Coty
"Yeah well thanks for saving me"said Naruto.
"No, sweat but looks like I'm going to be hear a wile the way I feel I think I haven't recovered from the dragons bane"said Coty
"Well you and me both they have me strapped to this thing" said Naruto
"You and me both my friend"said Coty showing Naruto the same straps.
"This will only last until I am fully rested"said Coty

Chapter 18

Death of......

Wile Naruto and Coty where in the hospital recovering from injuries a ninja inside the village was planning to merge the most terrible.Summoning monsters imaginable Starting with the dragon then the Tiger,Lion,and lastly the Snake. He summoned each of these monsters in turn then he drained them of their magical essence then he used a forbidden jutsu.Thus creating Minatose the creature had the body of a lion the strength of a tiger the power of a dragon and the slickness of a snake.
"Ah now I can destroy this village for Lord Orochimaru"said the ninja the creature then disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Hey Coty when do you think you'll be out before or after me?"said Naruto
"I'd say before I'm here because I exhausted all my magical power in that last fight"said Coty.
"Oh so you're saying your dragon is better than my fox"said Naruto.
"No,not at all I merely meant that you are recovering from a poison while I am just recovering from over exertion"said Coty
"Yeah thats why your dressed like a mummy ready for the sarcophagus"said Naruto
"I told them I didn't need these but you know these medics gotta treat every little cut you get"said Coty rolling his eyes up.
"Yeah I know what you mean"said Naruto laughing so hard was tipping the bed to one side. Both of them fell asleep at the exact same time wile they where laughing Naruto from the poison which still had not completely left his body and Coty from lack of energy.
"Coty are you well"said The dragon
"As well as can be expected of me"said Coty
"Listen Coty you are not to change into me for a few days"said the dragon
"I know why you aren't the only one who was effected by the dragonsbain remember I am too"said Coty.
"Exactly Coty in are weakened conditions a transformation might mean the end of you"said the dragon
"And If I die you die"said Coty
"Yes,"said the dragon.
"Well luckily there hasn't been any need to transform"said Coty
"There will be in two days time a monster that will destroy the village only we can stop it"said the dragon
"But you said that-"
"I know what I said and I also know you,you won't just let the villagers get destroyed by any monster so lets try and get as much energy back as we can"said the dragon.Coty nodded in agreement and was then set inside a dream he was walking down a corridor that never seamed to end at the end of it though was a door.
"Coty wake up!"said Naruto
Coty awoke instantly
"How long have I been sleeping"said Coty
"Two days I had to make sure you had not died"said Naruto
"Is that all"said Coty staring at him with the wish to kill.
"No, the village is under attack by some weird monster it has the body of a lion the head of a snake the stripes of a tiger and the legs and feet of a dragon"said Naruto.
"How did you get out of the straps"said Coty
"I use the escape jutsu"said Naruto putting his sandles on as Coty magicand the straps off himself. He got up shaking like a rattlesnake tail
"Uh, ooh I feel like I was hit with a heavy dose of dragonsbain"said Coty
"Well sick or not we've got to protect the village"said Naruto his eyes where red the pupils had become vertical slits.Coty's too had changed his where yellow with vertical slits for pupils. They both headed to the monster on Boss Toads back
"That thing is hideous"said the Toad
"Yeah and it feels like it was made by powerful jutsu"said Naruto
Coty had started his transformation and became the Divine Dragon Naruto had released the foxes chakra and had four tails of chakra they all three when at the monster Boss Toad drawing a kitana sliced the creatures tail off only to see it regenerate. The Divine Dragon slashed its head with his claws and watched it regenerate Naruto didn't fair any better even his chakra wasn't good enough to work on the monster.
"Dragon It has been a year if we are going to die lets die as one"said Coty.
The Divine Dragon started glowing it was starting to change its scales went from white to night black his eyes became red his wings had turned a dark green and the Universal Dragon once again graced the skies.It flew into the air Boss Toad was blowing fire on the monster as Naruto created the ooma rasengan the Universal Dragon Created the cosmic orb and all three of their attacks where enough to vanquish the monster. Then the spirits of the merged monsters where free from their imprisonment.
"Thank you all"said the Lion then they disappeared
Naruto returned to normal and boss toad too disappeared. The Universal Dragon started shooting beams of cosmic energy and none-elemental energy from his body it looked at the area and saw a man dressed in a white kimono with a purple rope for a belt. He had raven black hair to his side he had a sword the dragon created another orb it shot at the ninja in a beam like state.The ninja was destroyed in the blast unable to dodge it. The Dragon then flew into the sky high above the village and exploded with enough energy that had he not done so would have wiped out the entire village. Cotys robes floated to the ground and where caught by Naruto.
Later that night those that new Coty had attended his funeral his robes where placed inside the casket.His body was never recovered because he was nothing more than dust in the wind.
"Why,why did you do it Coty if you knew why did you still transform to save this village?"said Naruto
"Because it was my village too"said Coty's voice in the back of his mind
"He was a great friend and the best companion to ever have on a mission"said Sakura
"Coty The Divine Dragon Lord though you where not here long it seams like you where hear in this village for a life time. Your efforts to protect this village is something that all the ninja here should aspire to do. You who never worried about yourself when it came to the safety of this village or your team mates. You did it with out hesitation and will always be remembered as one of the greatest ninja in Konoha"said Tsunade.They then lowered the casket into the ground in front of a grave stone that read Coty The Divine Dragon Lord a Hero to Remember.
"Good-bye"said Naruto walking up to the grave
"Good-bye"said Sakura
"Good-bye"said Hinata,and the rest of the ninjas in Konoha
Naruto then took a look at the sky on his way home and saw the out line of something large floating in the sky.

Chapter 19
10 Years Later

It has been ten years since Cotys death and the village of Konoha has moved on with out much care. The ones that knew him still hold him has one of the great hero's of the village. His name is even on the stone of hero's Naruto still visits his and the Third Hokages graves from time to time. Naruto is at his house looking over the village to see if any new arrivals. Only to see a flash of light fall from the sky and hit the the ground in the woods that boarder the village.
"Hey Naruto you home"said Sakura she opened the door
"He must be off to see what that explosion was"thought Sakura She too headed off the area.
Naruto has just arrived at the area there is a big crater it took out a miles worth of forest the object was at the bottom of the area. which is ruffly five-hundred feet deep as Naruto stepped over a fallen tree. Looked inside the crater
"What made this?"thought Naruto
He heard a noise and threw a kunia knife at the area he heard a girl scream and another kunia knife flew at him. He dodged it and then saw Sakura climb threw a grove of trees.
"Oh Sakura uh sorry about that"said Naruto
"I thought you'd be here"said Sakura
"What is that?"said Naruto pointing at the object inside the crater
"Oh probably just a meteorite"said Sakura.
Suddenly the earth in the crater started glowing white then it started to split and out of the crack came a monster made of green slime.
"I want the chakra of all ninjas"said the glob
"S-Sakura what is that thing"said Naruto
"I'm not sure"said Sakura.
They both backed away the monster came closer to them
"Chakra,chakra,chakra"said The blob
"Run"said Naruto.
They where suddenly drained of all there chakra
"Uh my chakra is gone"said Naruto
"Mm chakra taste's good taste fox chakra must have all of it"said the blob
"Naruto what do we do?"said Sakura
A white orb flew from the trees and hit the blob it then was sucked inside it and the orb imploded.
"What but that was but he's-"said Naruto
"I go away for a few years and you two still can't handle yourselves"said a voice
"It can't be we saw you die that night ten years ago"said Naruto
"Oh you're quite right I did indeed die"said the voice from the grove that Sakura came out of.
A man ruffly five foot nine came out of the grove he had white robes with a crest in the shape if a dragon.Short dirty blond hair tanned skin from being in the sun his eyes where glowing yellow and the pupils where vertical slits. He then walked over to the two and helped them to there feet.
"Boy you guys haven't changed much you both have gotten a little taller and I see you've changed your wardrobe Sakura."said the man
"Who are you,you're not who I thought you where"said Sakura
"What do you mean you don't know who this is"said Naruto
"He dose look a little familiar but I can't place his face"said Sakura
"Ha!ha!ha! I am the Coty The Divine Dragon Lord"said the man
"Y-you're no you can't be he exploded in a flash of light all we found where his robes "said Sakura
"That is true you saw me die and I did but dragons have a nasty habit of regenerating after they are destroyed so I was lucky that it happened a piece of my are scale still survived so we regenerated and then I went to train with the dragon so we could both became stronger and now we come back to fulfill are duties a ninja"said Coty
"By stronger how do you mean other than a tan and the fact that your eyes are perminatly dragon you look a little taller but other than that you don't look any different said Naruto
"Remember this plant"said Coty showing them a purple stemmed plant with a pointed petaled white flower.
"Dragonsbain"said Naruto and Sakura together
"Yeah well me and the dragon are not longer effected by this plant any more"said Coty tossing the plant away
"How I thought you said that dragonsbain made all dragons and dragon lord venerable to what ever"said Sakura
"Well me and the Divine Dragon worked out a way to keep that from happening you see I ate a little bit of the plant every day and eventionally it stopped bothering us all together and we haven't felt the effects since"said Coty with a smile
"Wow Coty it is going to be great having you back"said Naruto
"Oh by the way those robes you found they aren't in the grave any more you see when I regenerated the robes magically returned to me so all that is in the ground is an empty grave"said Coty laughing There was a bunch of snapping twigs when they were all surrounded by ninjas from the village hidden in the waterfall
"You three are trespassing on are territory and must be executed"said a ninja dressed in a blue jump suit.
"What this is the Village of Konohas territory you guys are the one trespassing"said Naruto
He then created a Rasengan only it was holding wind inside it Sakura put on a pair of gloves and made her hand glow blue with her chakra.
"You lie this was given to the village hidden in the waterfall after the death of the Fifth Hokage"said the man
"I am Naruto Uzumake the Sixth Hokage I know for a fact that the village hidden in the waterfall never had any of Konohas grounds given to them other than as a rent."said Naruto
"You lie there is no Sixth Hokage because the village of Konoha barely even exists so whats to stop us from taking this land"said the man
"I The Divine Dragon Lord"said Coty
"Nice try pall but the Divine Dragon Lord is like the Hyuga clan gone from history for ever"said The man
"The Hyuga clan is wiped out the village barely stands what happened wile I was away"thought Coty
"How dare you speak about the Hyuga clan that way"said Naruto
"Oh its not just them lets see here the shadow clan is gone the soul possession clan the giant fist clan,And oh yes the last of the Thirds Blood-line is also gone"said the man.
Coty created a none-elemental orb and destroyed the man they all watched as his ashes where blown away. All the ninjas attacked at once only to be stopped by the time shield. Coty then started glowing white his skin then became snow white it also grew scales his hair became two yellow horns he grew wings and a tail his neck elongated his hands and feet became claws his eyes glowed as yellow as the sun. The Divine Dragon once again appeared in the village of Konoha he then looked around and saw the numerous ninjas surrounding them he then started spinning in a circle and all the ninjas except Naruto and Sakura where magically sucked to the top of the now giant twister the dragon the shot a blast of non-elemental energy from its eyes and destroyed all the ninjas flying around the funnel.Coty the returned to normal his eyes though remained dragon
"So what did ya think any different than before or is his power still the same?"said Coty
"He looks different and defiantly a lot stronger"said Sakura
"The seal loosened up when ever I died and there for allowed more of him to leek out"said Coty
"And now for those that died I shall reset there dead bodies to when each was still alive then I will be able to resurrect them"said Coty as he said this bodies from every villager in that died after he did was floating above them then they started glowing white and there bodies where rejuvenated then they all started breathing and there souls flooded back to their individual bodies. The Village of Konoha was restored to its former glory. Then the people where sent to their homes each magically by their own memory. Naruto and Sakura looked at Coty with a look of thankfulness
"Wow Coty you resurrected an entire village thank you now are friends are alive again that means so is master Tsunade"said Sakura she then gave him a hug.
"Uh Sakura what are you doing"said Coty
"I'm giving you a hug silly why"said Sakura
"I was wonder what it was you're doing to me because I have never had this before"said Coty
"What"said Sakura
"Nope never had a hug or anything that displays an emotional affection I was brought up by the most strictest wizards and witches you would never want to meat more than once in a life time"said Coty
"Oh I'm sure some one has given you a hug before"said Sakura
"Nope you're the first and I must say it was not what I expected then again books don't tell you everything"said Coty
"You're serious you never had any one show you any kind of emotional affection like a hug"said Sakura
"No, a wizard dose not show emotion they only show anger or no emotion at all we are told at a young age to seal are emotions away for ever"said Coty
"Wow who sealed yours"said Naruto
"My master, but when he died the seal broke and I had all my emotions and I never knew what to do with them I only know when two are not the normal that is happiness and unhappiness"said Coty
"Well then this is you first one of thanks"said Sakura

Chapter 20

Dragon Lord No More

They returned to the newly repaired village nobody other than them new what had happened. They headed to the Hokages office and saw her and Shizune talking about another village.
"Ah Sakura Naruto good I have a mission for you- who's your friend"said Tsunade
"Oh I'm a new around here and I was wondering if I could join your ninja group"said Coty
"Ok first off have you had any previous experience as a ninja"said Tsunade
"Uh yeah you could say that"said Coty
"You look familiar"said Shizune
"Oh I just have one of those faces"said Coty
"Uh any way granny Tsunade what is the mission you wanted to send us on"said Naruto catching on to Coty's little prank.
"Oh yes you are to escort a young man to back to his village"said Tsunade
She then handed them a piece of paper he and Sakura walked out of the office.
They heard Naruto laughing down the hall
"What is his problem?"said Coty
"Not sure uh ok so you've had some ninja experience uh what is your name?"said Tsunade
"And how do you spell that"said Tsunade
"Y-T-O-C"said Coty
"Hmm ok um could you please demonstrate some ninjutsu for me"said Tsunade
"Uh sure what jutsu do you want to see"said Coty
"Uh hold on Shizune could you go and get Hinata Hyuga please"said Tsunade
"Uh ok Lady Tsunade"said Shizune after she walked out she turned back to Coty.
"Um why do you need a Byakuugan user"said Coty
"Just want to check your chakra net work and make sure its in top shape"said Tsunade. They didn't have to wait long when a woman dressed an a blue coat and matching pants.She was also wearing high heeled sandles she had white eyes no visible pupils.
"Uh you wanted to see me"said Hinata
"Ah yes Hinata could you please check this young mans chakra network to make sure that it is alright"said Tsunade
"Ok Ma'am"said Hinata
Her eyes then seemed to focus a little bit the vain's around her temples popped out
"Ok could you make some chakra please"said Hinata
Coty put his hands together his ring and pinky fingers on both pointing down the other four pointing up the ones on the right hand a little higher than.The lefts he then generated the energy that every ninja is able to make.
"His chakra network is the strongest I've ever seen and that includes Naruto's"said Hinata
"Oh ok then um now then Ytoc could you please show me the standard clone Jutsu"said Tsunade
Coty did some hand signs and three copies of himself appeared.
"Excellent,now could you please do a substitution jutsu"said Tsunade
Coty did another set of hand signs and a piece of wood turned into him then it changed back.
"Ah very good and lastly could you show me a transformation jutsu"said Tsunade
"What do you wish for me to turn into?"said Coty
"Surprise me"said Tsunade
"Hmm,ah I know just the thing"said Coty
This time he didn't do any hand signs he started glowing white his skin turned snow white his hands became claws his face snout like his hair became horns he grew wings that where the size of his body. Shizune screamed and backed away
"Hinata is there any chakra moving this time"said Tsunade
"I don't-"she didn't finish because ninjas wearing masks ran inside and threw kunia knives at Coty they bounced off the time shield. He then turned around and magically made the wall stretch out and grab them they where then stuck to the wall.
"Now,now there is no need to fight she merely screamed because of my transformation"said Coty.
He then changed back into his normal form
"His eyes this must be a genjutsu"said one of the ninja
"Genjutsu oh my no you're indeed awake this is just something I picked up along the way"said Coty
"Hinata is he using any chakra"said Tsunade
"Yes, there was chakra moving"said Hinata
"Coty why did you do what I think you did"said the Dragon
"I'm dead remember I'll let them know eventionally"said Coty
"Yeah then why tell those two that you met earlier"said the Dragon
"I wasn't planing on it but well they where in trouble"said Coty
"You wanted to stay buried why"said the Dragon
"If we are presumed dead then those that would seek to challenge us will not look"said Coty
"Ah you wish to still be the village protector boy for some one who says they hate these people you sure do care for them a lot"said The Dragon
"I signed an agreement to protect this village I still hold true to it"said Coty
He then returned to the real world and was sitting threw a Hinata telling Tsunade that she saw chakra. "He didn't even use hand signs he changed into a half-dragon you saw it there is no way he isn't the Divine Dragon Lord"said Tsunade
"The Divine who"said Coty
"The Divine Dragon Lord is a village hero he is second only to the Third Hokage"said Tsunade
"He died saving are village from a rouge ninja"said Tsunade
"Sounds like this Divine Dragon Lord was a cool guy that might be who I picked up that form from"said Coty
"What do you mean"said Shizune
"I saw a guy that looked like he was some kind of a half-lizard or a fish so when ever I would get threatened I would transform into that thing and they would run saying monster or demon and that is what I thought he was"said Coty.
"Juuken"said Hinata
She hit Coty with a blast of chakra from her hands right in his chest it felt like some one had just hit him with a jackhammer in the heart.
He then coughed up blood he stood to his feet clutching his chest
"Hey huh what was huh that huh for?"said Coty
"Yeah Hinata what gives"said Tsunade
"He said that Coty was a demon he was no demon he was a hero"said Hinata
"Oh is that what you made him to be is it"said Coty
"Yeah got a problem with it"said Hinata
Coty made hand signs so fast it wasn't even visible he then created a fireball and threw it at her.
"You must be a ninja there is no way a normal person could make hand signs that fast"said Tsunade.
Drew a scroll from her desk and then Coty signed it
"Well Ytoc welcome to the village"said Tsunade
"Uh ma'am this is nice and all but could you tell him to let us down"said one of the men in the masks still stuck to the wall.
Coty undid the spell and they fell to the floor
"As for you girl I would watch my step if I where you contract or not you attack me again and you'll wish you'd even seen me"said Coty
He then walked out of the office and after he shut the door he opened a portal to the Hokages Mountain.He stepped inside and vanished and appeared in the area where his camp still stood as it had ten years ago
"Coty did you have to be so harsh with her after all she was defending your good name"said The Dragon
"Dragon as far as they know I'm no longer alive"said Coty
"Yeah but you didn't need to threaten her like that I thought you where going to go half-dragon again and then that would have blown are cover"said The Dragon
"As far as me threatened her she attacked me"said Coty
"Oh like it really hurt you"said the Dragon
"Dragon if she would have hit me any harder we would be dead again"said Coty
"Hmm so the you are a dragon lord no more just a ninja by the name of Ytoc which is an offal lot like Coty spelled backwards"said the Dragon
"It is"said Coty with a chuckle
"You are the weirdest person I have ever had the miss fortune of meeting"said the Dragon
Coty laughed and returned to the real world.
"What are you laughing about come to disgrace the place where Coty stayed"said Hinata walking up the stairs
"No, I just thought it was funny that some one who supposedly did so much for this village would be so secluded from it"said Coty.
"He did a great deal for this village this was his campsite we've kept it preserved just as it was the day he set out to kill that summoned monster"said Hinata
"Hey I heard something about that was the ninja responsible ever caught"said Coty
"No, the dragon vaporized him"said Hinata she then started crying.
Coty was stunned and didn't know what to do she seamed to have liked him as much as she did Naruto or so it seamed.
"I'm sorry its just every time I think about what happened had he not been there Naruto would be dead"said Hinata
"He your boyfriend"said Coty
"No, I don't think he even knows I like him he's such a solitary person"said Hinata
"He sounds like this dragon lord fellow"said Coty
"Some what"said Hinata
"Hey hows your chest"she said
"Excuse me?"said Coty
"Your chest I hit you pretty good with my soft fist jutsu"said Hinata
"Oh I'm fine"said Coty
"You where coughing up blood you sure you're all right"said Hinata
"Yes, lady I am fit as a fiddle"said Coty.
"By the way how did you get up here so fast one second you are outside the door the next you're gone"said Hinata
"I uh know a few tricks"said Coty
"Also your name is weird"said Hinata
"How so"said Coty
"Well your name is Coty spelled backwards"said Hinata
"I can assure you I am not Coty I am Ytoc"said Coty
"Uh ok my mistake she then ran down the near by stair case.
"Huh Dragon Lord no more"said Coty

Chapter 21
The Chakra of an EX-Dragon Lord

Coty awoke the next morning from his old camp sight he made breakfast like usual then he.Made hand signs and started generating chakra that was so strong it was visible then he raised his hand in the air and it became an orb. He then threw the orb at a near by rock and it was obliterated instantly.
"Wow! what jutsu was that"said Naruto coming up the stair case that Hinata had just traveled down.The previous night
"That is my chakra version of the none-elemental orb"said Coty
"Hey did you tell them you are you"said Naruto
"No, I'm dead so I'm staying that way I am no longer Coty the Divine Dragon Lord I am Ytoc the ninja of Konoha"said Coty
"Thats stooped"said Naruto
"Hey when was the last time a magical creature actually attacked this village since my death"said Coty
"One did it was a weird monster it started out with one head then if you cut it off two more would take its place"said Naruto
"Ah a Hydra very difficult for none-magic users to kill need to stab em in the heart"said Coty
"Well we figured that out on our own,but other than that there haven't been any magical creatures"said Naruto.
"That is because the dark magic users presume me to be dead"said Coty
"So you're staying dead to protect us"said Naruto
"Yeah"said Coty
"That is stooped when you where around we had other countries afraid to even think of messing with us,but since your suppose to be dead we get threats every week"said Naruto
"Well I'm sorry to hear that i thought that your village would be safer but I think the Hokage suspects I'm me and not the fake that I told her"said Coty.
"What do you mean?"said Naruto with a puzzled look on his face
"Well I transformed into my half-dragon form so I did a little memory modification and Hinata swears she saw chakra run threw my network when I transformed"said Coty.
"What! you can use chakra now?"said Naruto
"Uh Naruto you already know you just seen me use my chakra version of the none-elemental orb"said Coty
"How when did you learn to use it I thought you couldn't use it"said Naruto
"Well I actually sealed my magical energy so I could learn to make chakra it took a few years but I finally mastered it"said Coty
"If you sealed your magic how did you break it without magic"said Naruto
"I always put passwords on the seals I put on my self so I can break them without the need of my magic"said Coty
"That is so cool so can you walk on water climb a tree with out using your hands"said Naruto excitedly
"In order yes,and yes I learned how to do it when I was practicing it only took a few days to do both"said Coty
"So which do you like better your magical energy or your chakra"said Naruto
"Ah I would have to say my magical energy because I have used it so long it has become second nature to me"said Coty
"How strong is your chakra"said Naruto
"Well according to Hinata my chakra is strong enough to rival your own"said Coty
"What! your chakra is as strong as mine but how did you do that in ten years time"said Naruto
"I never slept I put a rejuvenation spell on my self and was able to double my chakra's power and that was how I could make it so strong"said Coty
"Wow can you do the rasengan"said Naruto
"Uh actually I never thought of using the rasengan I just started making my own jutsu's"said Coty
"Oh what have you come up with"said Naruto
"A little of this a little of that it is mainly jutsu based on my spells"said Coty
"What about your dragon is it affected by your chakra"said Naruto
"No, he is as fit as a fiddle"said Coty
"So what have you been doing since I left"said Coty
"I've been mostly training oh that reminds me remember that band of ninja that had the black kimonos with red clouds"said Naruto
"How could I forget they not only poisoned me but sent someone to poison you"said Coty
"Well they no longer exist we wiped them out"said Naruto
"Awesome,what about the Village of the sound"said Coty
"We are still at war with it"said Naruto with a grim look on his face
"Oh well it looks like Ytoc will have to help the village just as I did"said Coty
"Ah ha! I thought you looked familiar your alive I don't know how but,oh the villagers will be thrilled to see the Return of the Divine Dragon Lord"said Shizune
"What who I am no Divine Dragon Lord I am Ytoc the Genine ninja of Konoha"said Coty
"Nice try I heard you talking to Naruto you learned to make chakra to hide yourself you also changed you name and hid yourself away for a wile but now I'm off to in form the Hokage"said Shizune
"No, you can't I'm not going to allow you"said Coty
She made copies of herself and they all jumped in different directions and ran away
"Well looks like I'm back"said Coty
"Good to have you back"said Naruto cupping his shoulder.

Chapter 22

The Divine Dragon Lord VS The Snake of the Sound Village

"Shizune have you been into my sake"said Tsunade
"No, Lady Tsunade it's the truth Ytoc is Coty"said Shizune
"Shizune I thought that too I had him examined by a Hyuuga there is no way he could be Coty, because Coty can't use Chakra"said Tsunade
"He learned how to do it to stay burried he said that it was because wanted to protect us from other magic users"said Shizune
"Then I'll call him up"said Tsunade
The door opened and Coty stepped inside
"Ah Ytoc I was hoping to have a word with you"said Tsunade
"Uh what is it?"said Coty
"Do you know how to do magic"said Tsunade
"Magic? uh just little stuff like the quarter behind the ear trick and small tricks like that"said Coty with a confused look on his face.
"Oh you sure about that it sounded to me like you can do a lot more than that"said Shizune
"What is this about any way"said Coty
"I heard you taking you said you where Coty some how you survived the explosion"said Shizune
"What an explosion I have never been in an explosion I am a peaceful man I'm here to help out your village if I have to fight I will but other than that I will not be any trouble."said Coty
"You are the Divine Dragon Lord how else could you have been able to beat that chakra monster"said Shizune
"What are you talking about Shizune what chakra monster"said Tsunade
"Naruto,and Sakura said that this man saved them from a monster that devoured even Naruto's secondary chakra"said Shizune
"Idiots I told them I was in hiding"thought Coty
"Hey how did you destroy that monster with out the thing completely draining you of your chakra"said Tsunade
"Uh I um-"he didn't have to answer because a giant snake had just blasted threw the front gates.
"Hokage it's Orochimaru he has returned to lay segue to the village of Konoha
"Ok Ytoc you will help hold him off wile I see if I can find oh he's already there"said Tsunade as a giant Toad appeared in front of the snake.
"Ah we meat again frog legs"said the snake
"Shut up you wallet"said the Toad.
Suddenly the southern wall exploded and a giant snake with three heads came threw the rubble. Then the eastern and western walls collapsed as two more snakes appeared.
"Lets see you take on all of us"said the snake with Orochimaru on top of it
Coty ran down the stairs and out of the office and into the village where he then started to run towards the snake that came from the west wall he then did some hand signs and created an orb of green chakra then he threw the orb at the snake and it exploded.
"What Jutsu is that"said Naruto behind Coty
"That was my chakra version of the none-elemental orb"said Coty
"It looks like the rasengan"said Naruto creating a shadow clone then it created an orb of blue spinning chakra in Naruto's hand he then thrust it into a ninja from the sound then the rest of the living snakes including the one with Orochimaru started to glow then they merged. into a giant black snake. It raised its head and it was at least seventy feet in the air and it was about fifty miles long. Its head then rose to its fullest at about one-hundred feet high it was at least several hundred feet in diameter
"Uh Coty now would be a good time for you to change into that dragon of yours"said Shizune
"Who, me I'm not Coty I am Ytoc Coty is dead"said Coty
"Well then Ytoc if there since you don't know magic summon a monster to fight this thing"said Shizune
Coty did some hand signs and then pricked his finger and then touched the ground
"Summoning Jutsu"said Coty.
There was a giant blast of smoke and Coty was standing on the head of a green dragon. It then flew at the snake and then the snake rapped the tip of its tail on the tiny dragon. Then slowly lifted it and Coty to its mouth
"What a fool did you really think anything would be able to stand a chance against my pet"said Orochimaru.
Coty looked down at the ground and saw people below fighting with all they had to kill the snake the dragon then disappeared in a puff of smoke Coty was stuck on the tip of the snakes tail. Barely a centimeter tall compared to the snake it lifted Coty to the top of its head.
"Hmm so this is the new recruit that the leaf village was so sure would be able to replace their dragon lord"said Orochimaru
Coty started doing hand signs and saw Orochimaru copying his every move he then looked into his eyes and saw the Sharingan.
"So Orochimaru you finally merged with Sasuke"said Coty
"Oh you noticed my Sharingan yes the Uchiha boy was quite willing to give up his body to me"said Orochimaru
"And now that you can copy every Jutsu you think you can take this village"said Coty
"Yeah thats right once I've eliminated some key people"said Orochimaru
"Am I one of those key people"said Coty
"Yes, you are now die"said Orochimaru he then drew a sword from his throat and raised it to run him threw.
"By the way I'm not just a ninja I'm also a wizard"said Coty
"So what dose that-"
"You!-,but -but how you died I saw you die"said Orochimaru
"I was resurrected "said Coty
"Good then I get the pleasure of killing the Dragon Lord my self"said Orochimaru
"I don't thinks so"said Coty he floated into the air and started glowing white his hands and feet became legs and claws his skin white and scaly his teeth became fangs his hair twisted into horns. He then sprouted wings and a tail he then grew to the length of a mile and as high as a two story building the Divine Dragon once again graced the village of Konoha It then flew to the head of the snake created a none-elemental orb in front of himself and it shot a wave of energy at the snake destroying it leaving Orochimaru the dragon then shot a beam of none-elemental energy at the Snake of the Village Hidden in the Sound and destroyed him all that was left was a wisp of smoke. The dragon then flew around the village scaring away any ninja left in the village then it flew to an area where the villagers hand fled from and it changed back into Coty who then opened a portal just below where the snake was destroyed then he passed out.

Chapter 23

Orochimaru Dead or Alive?
"Uh! you freak you nearly killed me I don't what jutsu that was but rest assured I will return"said Orochimaru supporting a bloodied missing left arm. He then did a few hand signs with his good hand touched the left arm of a dead body and his own arm regenerated then he disappeared before he could be captured. Tsunade and Shizune ran to the sleeping Dragon Lord and ordered him to be sent to the hospital Immediately.
"He has to be Coty there is just no other way to explain how the Divine Dragon reapeares the very day that this village gains a new ninja"said Shizune
"It could just have been one of his summoned monsters Shizune you saw it yourself he summoned a dragon"said Tsunade
"Where is the scroll that he had to sign to summon the dragon I mean Jiriah keeps his with on his back you lost yours in a bet and Orochimaru must still have his"said Shizune
"He could have done the same thing as Naruto have signed the scroll from a master that already had it"said Tsunade
"I don't know Lady Tsunade it seems too good to be a coincidence"said Shizune
"Thats enough Shizune the Coty is gone and so is the Divine Dragon the dragon that destroyed the snake and Orochimaru was nothing more than a summoned monster."said Tsunade
"Yes, Lady Tsunade,but before we completely close the matter could you look up where Ytoc is staying"said Shizune
"Huh, fine I will look into it but I doubt we'll find anything he just got into town yesterday he might not have found a place to rent."said Tsunade
"Thanks Lady Tsunade"said Shizune
"Uh eh where am I"said Coty
"You are in the village hospital"said a doctor
"What happened is Orochimaru dead?"said Coty bolting straight up he then fell back immediately as he had gotten a sharp pain in his head.
"You might not want to do that again we had to put you on high leveled dose of morphine to kill the pains you where getting."said the Doctor
"Morphine?"said Coty
"It is a high level pain killer"said the Doctor taking a chart from the bottom of his bed.
"So can I leave now?"said Coty
"No,I'm afraid that you're going to have to stay for a wile you suffered some pretty serious head trauma its a miracle you still have your memory"said the Doctor
"Uh ok I just have one more question"said Coty
"Oh whats that?"said the Doctor
"This isn't a joke uh who am I"said Coty
"Nice try pal but you just asked about Orochimaru"said the Doctor
"Orochi-who I never said anything like that"said Coty
"Nurse get the Hokage please"said the Doctor
Several minutes later Tsunade entered the room "whats the problem doc."said Tsunade
"He claims to have completely lost his memory"said the Doctor
"Yeah, he's got amnesia whats the big deal"said Tsunade
"He just asked the minute he woke up where Orochimaru is then he fell backwards clutching his head I told him its a miracle he can remember anything then he says he doesn't remember what he just said"said the Doctor
Tsunade made her hand glow green with healing chakra then she touched Cotys head.
"Uh what are you doing"said Coty
"Checking to see if you have any swelling in your brain ah"said Tsunade
Her hand stopped at the back of Cotys head. Then it glowed brighter Coty felt the head ache slowly leave then it was gone.
"Wow thanks lady how did you do that"said Coty
"I used a jutsu that converted my chakra into healing energy and was able to locate the area of your brain that was swollen and bring it down to normal"said Tsunade
"Uh thanks but I still don't remember anything"said Coty
"Hmm well I'll tell you who you are where you are and what you are"said Tsunade
"Ok"said Coty
"You are Ytoc spelled Y-T-O-C you are twenty-five years old you are in the Village of Konoha,and you are a ninja."said Tsunade
"Ninja? what's a ninja"said Coty
"A ninja is some one who is held with great importance in many villages as protectors, assassins, and such"said Tsunade
"So we're hired help"said Coty
"That and more you will go to our academy and relearn all the jutsu of a ninja when you are able to do so"said Tsunade
"Ok"said Coty
He then fell asleep
"And you if this boy is who I think he really is you had best make sure not to anger him memory loss can happen any time with or with out head trauma only with the memory loss its worse for him"said Tsunade
Coty was released from the hospital the next day and found a place to stay which was right next door to Naruto.
"Hey Coty are you doing alright"said Naruto
Coty looked around and then back at the blond haired boy
"Uh you talking to me?"said Coty
"Well yeah your the only Coty I know in this village"said Naruto
"You must have me confused with some one else I am Ytoc"said Coty
"I know that but you only called yourself-"Naruto suddenly realized that Coty had amnesia.Tsunade had told him the night before and said that he should help him with his memory.
"Oh I'm sorry I was thinking of some one else"said Naruto
"You must be Naruto Uzumaki"said Coty
"Yeah thats what they call me"said Naruto
"So are you the one that is suppose to teach me ninjutsu,genjutsu,and tiajutsu"said Coty
"Yeah uh your first excise is to summon your chakra"said Naruto
"Uh how do I do that?"said Coty
"First concentrate on the energy inside you"said Naruto
Coty did and he felt like he was getting a boost in his energy he opened his eyes and saw that he was glowing white what he assumed was chakra it was green in color.
"Very good now then you will learn to control the chakra and mold it to do jutsu the first exorcise is the tree climbing exorcise"said Naruto
"Say what I just learned how to make chakra and already I'm suppose to mold it"said Coty
"Well we have to hurry you have to be able to do at least some jutsu"said Naruto
"whys that"said Coty
"There is going to be a banquet to honor you in the defeat of Orochimaru" said Naruto
"Who is Orochimaru"said Coty
"I'll tell you later just get up that tree"said Naruto
"Uh ok"said Coty he wrapped his hands around the tree.
"Oops I forgot to mention you can't use your hands"said Naruto
"Ok"said Coty he then concentrated on the bottoms of his feet and they started to feel like they where made out of lightning.He then walked all the way to the top of the tree.
"Y-you did that on the first try"said Naruto stunned.
"I think I've done this before"yelled Coty
He then walked back down then looked over nearby was a little pond he walked over to it and on it.He was walking on water
"Yo-your walking on water too"said Naruto
"I don't know how its like second nature or something"said Coty
"Your mind may have forgotten but your body hasn't"said Naruto laughing
"Lucky I guess"said Coty
"Hey boy when are we going to chat"said a voice Coty turned around and saw nobody there.
"Hmm hey is something wrong"said Naruto
"Oh no it was nothing thought I heard something"said Coty
"Curse you Dragon Lord!"yelled Orochimaru at the top of his lungs his arm that he had regenerated started to burn with the intensity of molten steel.
"Ah! You will die Dragon Lord that jutsu I put on you should kill you as soon as you see me tonight"said Orochimaru he then preformed a jutsu and the arm detached shriveled up and turned to ash. He then did another jutsu and his arm regenerated from its self this time instead of another's body.
"Ah the jutsu you put on me only works if the arm is from some one else"said Orochimaru.
Later that night the Village of Konoha was celebrating the defeat of Orochimaru and they had a big banquet prepared for Coty.
"May I have you attention please"said Tsunade tapping here cup with her spoon every one looked at her.
"I would like to propose a toast to the one who killed Orochimaru,Ytoc"said Tsunade
every one raised their glasses and then drank from them.
"Now then I would like Ytoc to show us some of his jutsu"said Tsunade
Coty stood up did some hand signs and then created a floating orb of chakra.
"Lucky Naruto showed me how to do this"he thought
"I wouldn't start celebrating just yet because he didn't kill me I am still alive"said Orochimaru behind the Hokage.
"Now bring me the Dragon Lord or the Hokage dies"said Orochimaru bringing a kunia knife to Tsunade's throat.
Suddenly like a sledge hammer hit him Coty fell to the ground gasping for air.
"Ah the jutsu I placed on you is working you will soon die with out knowing why and who you are"said Orochimaru laughing.
"Ooma Rasengan"said Naruto as he and a shadow clone ran at Orochimaru with a giant Rasengan. He the charged at Orochimaru and hit him only to shatter a piece of wood."It was a substitution"thought Naruto looking around, and at the top of the Hokages office was Orochimaru and beside him was Sasuke.
"S-Sasuke"said Naruto
"Yes,Naruto my brothers Sharingan served Orochimaru much better than mine would have,and on top of that I am still alive and able to fight"said Sasuke his Sharingan changed from the usual three black colored sixes to a sword like symbols. Coty felt like his head was going to split in two and he didn't even know who the man was.
"Boy if you won't come to me then I'm bringing you here"said a voice
Coty then found himself inside a circler chamber and at one of the walls was a pen with bars on it that looked just like the symbols on his right shoulder.
"W-where am I?" said Coty scared "and the pain its stopped" he thought
"You are in the sealed chamber where that blasted master wizard sealed me inside you nearly twenty-four years ago"said a voice from inside the pen
"Who are you"said Coty backing away
"I am some one who will help restore your memory"said the voice there was a stomping sound a from the shadow of the pen came a giant white dragon it had yellow horns on its head glowing yellow eyes with vertical slits for pupils. It stood fifty stories high.
"I don't know who or what you are but there is no way possible that you could help me"said Coty
"I am the Divine Dragon I was sealed inside you by one of the greatest wizards know to man he made this seal so that I would be able to help you when you needed it and right now"said the Dragon.
The room started glowing white as none-elemental energy filled it then it circled Coty,and it healed him his memory was instantly restored and the jutsu that Orochimaru placed on him was broken. Coty then returned to the real world and stood up and saw Sasuke fighting Naruto.
"Ytoc you alright?"said Tsunade fighting Orochimaru
"Who is this Ytoc,I don't go by that name any more I am Coty the Divine Dragon Lord"said Coty
He was then surrounded my a ring of white magical energy then a green orb shot from his body.
"My chakra is leaving"he thought
the orb then vanished leaving only his magical energy.
"Kabuto kill him"said Orochimaru
suddenly a wave of kunia knives needles and shuriken where flying at Coty.
They bounced off the time shield Coty created a none-elemental orb and threw it at the spot where the.Weapons came from it hit a man standing on one of the roofs and exploded destroying the man instantly. Coty then turned his attention to Naruto and Sasuke who was in his cursed seal stage one Naruto had just started letting the foxes chakra out. Naruto created the Rasengan and Sasuke created the Chidori the two attacks made contact and there was an explosion that sent both ninjas flying away. Sasuke then drew a sword and summoned the energy needed to create the Chidori and was surrounded by an electrical field.
"Out of my way woman the Dragon Lord will die tonight"said Orochimaru knocking Tsunade out of the way. He then ran up to Coty
"So Dragon Lord your chakra is gone what have you got left to defeat me with"said Orochimaru
"Just my magic"said Coty he then created the none-elemental orb and then he threw it at Orochimaru who dodged it and then he. Brought a sword from his throat and stabbed Coty in the arm there now you can't preform hand signs"said Orochimaru Coty's arm instantly started glowing white around the wound then it healed.
"What jutsu is this that wound shouldn't have ever healed"said Orochimaru
Coty then transformed into his half dragon form. "You said you where going to kill me well from where I'm standing I don't see that happening"said Coty.He then created the none-elemental orb.
"See this thing Orochimaru its the last thing you'll ever get to see before you die"said Coty
"Coty! stop"said Tsunade
"Hokage he is a mass murderer and he also has created thousands of forbidden jutsu he also said he was going to kill me and he would have had my friend not saved me"said Coty
"If you kill him then you're no better than he is you'll be just like him a monster"said Tsunade.
Coty dispelled the none-elemental orb
"Fine you will live to see prison Orochimaru"said Coty
There was a flash of light and a beam of lighting shot threw the left side of Cotys chest missing his heart by inches. Only if pierced his left lung
"Coty!"yelled Naruto and in a blind rage he let the foxes chakra leak out and his skin started to tear and blood rushed out of the wounds only they where healed by the foxes chakra it then formed four tails. Naruto's skill turned a dark read from the mix of chakra and blood his eyes glowed bright red he looked like a minuter nine-tailed fox.
"Run Sasuke Naruto's not himself"said Sakura
Naruto ran at Sasuke so fast that not even his Sharingan could pick him up. He jumped onto a building barely dodging a red claw of chakra.
Coty's wound healed he had returned to his normal form after the lightning hit him. He then stood up and coughed up the blood that was in his lung.
"We've got to stop him he is completely taken over by the foxes chakra"said Tsunade."Now Naruto we are the same"thought Coty He levitated himself onto the roof where Naruto and Sasuke where fighting.
"Naruto you've got to calm down"said Coty the mini-demon turned to Coty then it tried to scratch him only to hit the Time Shield.
"Coty Don't let the Chakra touch you its like a poison it'll burn you skin if its not treated right away"said Sakura.
"Sakura I told you before I am immune to all poisons"said Coty
The mini-fox demon was trying to destroy the Time Shield then he decided to turn his attention back to Sasuke. Coty created a none-elemental cage and made it land on top of Naruto. "You won't be breaking those bars their indestructible like my Time Shield"said Coty "Raaaa"yelled Naruto Coty then created the emotion orb that he had use on Naruto once before. He then threw it at the unknowing Jinchuuriki and the foxes chakra reseeded back into the seal and Naruto was normal once again.
"Now as for you Sasuke I suggest you come along quietly"said Coty
Sasuke charged the Chidori and was running a Coty.Who unbeknown to Sasuke still had the Time Shield on Sasuke's Chidori hit the Shield and got blown backwards. Suddenly a giant white Snake rose from behind Coty and slammed him backwards.
Knocking him out cold
"Come Sasuke we're leaving"came Orochimaru's voice threw the Snakes mouth. Sasuke walked over to Coty took his sword and rammed it into his heart.Then he and Orochimaru ran off in a cloud of smoke.
Tsunade and Sakura jumped to the top of the building to see an uncaged Naruto and Coty covered in blood. Sakura ran to Naruto's aid wile Tsunade ran to Coty's both started using medical ninjutsu to heal their fallen comrades.
"Uh what happened huh where's Sasuke"said Naruto
"He's gone he and Orochimaru escaped"said Sakura
"Where's Coty"said Naruto Sakura turned her head in the Direction where Tsunade was leaning over him trying to heal him.
"Of all the places to hit him why did it have to bee right in the heart"thought Tsunade
"Did I-"said Naruto unable to bring himself to finish the sentence.
"No, this wound is from a sword"said Tsunade
"But it happened again didn't"said Naruto
"Yes,"said Tsunade she had stopped trying to heal Coty
"He's gone again"said Tsunade.
She went to pick up his body when it started glowing the blood on the roof top cleaned its self and then shot back into Coty as did the blood on Tsunade's hands. Then the wound started to steam as it closed and then it was gone the glowing stopped and nothing else happened.
"Not even your dragon could save you this time"said Sakura
Coty then bolted strait up and started coughing.
"Uh I think my lungs are lying around here somewhere mind helping me find it"said Coty
Naruto started laughing so hard he nearly fell off the roof. Tsunade and Sakura both had looks of death on their faces.
"What I get knocked out wake up and cough my lungs up and you two look like you're ready to kill me."said Coty stepping away from the two women.
"You scared us half to death"said Sakura putting on a pair of gloves
"What I was just knocked out I have no idea why I was coughing though"said Coty right up against the edge of the roof. Naruto's laughs increased as he kept thinking about what Coty just did.
"Uh now you don't want to do this ladies really I didn't do anything to deserve this"said Coty with a look of fear in his face. He then magicand a bridge behind him and he ran across it and made it disappear Sakura and Tsunade jumped the distance. Coty opened a portal to the mountain but before he could enter it Sakura grabbed him. Then she and Tsunade beat him to a pulp.Naruto seeing this starts to really let it loose and laughed so hard he fell off the building and landed on a pile of manure. "Uh why dose this stuff happen to me" thought Naruto
"Uh now that you guys are done beating me to a pulp why in the heck did you do that for"said Coty
"You honestly don't remember what happened to you"said Sakura
"All I remember is getting knocked out by a giant white snake that had the face of Orochimaru after that I woke up coughing like someone punched me in the stomach about a hundred times"said Coty.
"Ah he sorry about that guess you really didn't know what happened"said Sakura Naruto who had reappeared started laughing all over again. Coty put his hand behind his back, and created an orb of electrical energy he then put his other hand behind his back and both of them instantly became electrical. He then made it invisible to the human eye. Sakura removed her gloves and put them in her pocket
"No, hard feelings"said Coty sticking both hands out to shake
"Yeah,"said Sakura and Tsunade both took his and hands to shake and got shocked so bad that their hair was standing on end. Naruto was now laughing so hard that tears came to his eyes.
"Never try to out do a Dragon Lord he just might get you back"said Coty now laughing too. Both Sakura and Tsunade looked at each other and they both started to laughed.
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