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Rated: E · Draft · Friendship · #1296030
One morning she rushes over to her assist her friends mother.
          Diane had been a bit on the wild side, or attempted at least. Jordan had had to rescue her friend on so many attempts. The first time had been when she was  sixteen and Jordan was eighteen. Diane had told nobody of her plans to take a Greyhound from Warren, Texas to Terrace Falls, until she had called her friend from Oklahoma City to tell her that she had fallen asleep during a layover and had missed getting on her bus and she was scared.
      Quickly Jordan called Becca who had not even realized her daughter was gone. "I know it's late, but go look in Diane's room." She said.
      "Who is this? If this is some kind of joke."
      "This is Jordan, and if this is a joke Diane is playing one on me. Go check in on her."
      "What is going on?" Victor VanSteele asked from next to Becca.
      "Do me a favor, go check on Diane. No, here talk to Jordan, you haven't met her yet, I'll be right back."
    They had a quick awkward, few word conversation until Becca rushed in and took the phone. "You're right, she's gone! What am I going to do?"
      "Relax honey, you are not going to do anything, OKC is about 2 hrs from me, it's about six from you, right? Besides, I stand a better chance at getting it out than you do. I'll let you know when she's ready to come back."
      "Yeah your right, please send her back to me safe."
      "Have I ever failed you before?"
      Justin insisted on changing her oil, flushing out her radiator, adding more transmission, break and power steering fluids. She kissed her husband and took off.
    It had taken her two and a half hours but she had made it at 5:30 that morning.

    Jordan had felt a sharp pain in her chest and like before she called Becca. "Do you have any idea where Diane is?"
    "No Jordan. Why is something wrong?
    "I hope not. Have a pot of coffee made, I'm on my way."
    Becca and Victor sat together in the informal dining room until Marissa announced Jordan and was instructed to her their guest a cup of coffee. "I'm not so sure I believe in clairovoyants, here."
    That was Ivy who just could not wait to see what was going on at 5:00 am and who had to have her two cents in. "Skeptical are you, Ivy?" Jordan took Ivy's right hand and held it with her thump and forefinger over her pulse and took three deep breaths with her eyes closed. "You at times lay in bed and cry, you mourn somebody close to you, a child. A child you lost... many years ago. Bethany Kathleen, a... sister or a close cousin. She comes now, she is happy and she is not looking for Diane anytime soon."
      Ivy pulled her arm away. "How did you know that? Who told her about my sister?"
    "Well I never did, mother."
    The phone that started ringing paused their conversation. Becca answered it. Jordan doubled over. "Mrs. White, my name is Detective Mark Janson, I'm with the WPD. We're afraid we have some bad news."
    "Oh don't tell me my daughters dead!" Becca blurted out. She grabbed onto Victor and Jake, Victors son had to keep Jordan from collapsing.

    Jordan woke up in the hospital, "Bethany Kathleen." She mumbled. Where had that name come from? She wondered. "What is going on?" She asked.
    "What is the last thing you remmeber?"
    "Nothing but being at your house."
    "You never made it to our house. Somehow you found Becca and she is ok!"
    "What was wrong with her?"
    Diane walked in. "How did you know about Bethany Lane?"
    "Excuse me?"
    "In your sleep you were saying Bethany Lane and that was where you found her. A neighbor heard the car accident and they saved you and my daughter."
    "Bethany Lane, huh? I dreamt I was at your house and Ivy had a sister named Bethany Kathleen who had died."
    "Well she did she drown in the family swimming pool when she was nine. But how would you have known that?"
    "Here is a better question, where was I? I'm tired of thinking. I'm going back to sleep now."
    Each hugged Jordan and she went back to sleep.
© Copyright 2007 JordanB (jordanb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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