Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1295862-the-warriors
by Kira
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1295862
two warriors will meet, but will they fight?
There is a warrior, she will lead the women to victory. She will survive the cruelty of death, and horrid lives. For life to be given a life must end. Survive only if allowed, she will only come once, do not loose her to the wrongs of the people. Let her become the princess of her people. Let her choose her own path, even if chosen wrong, it will right itself.

The sun and stars must be aligned right, otherwise she will not have the strength. The moon must be bright that night, otherwise she will not have the power. Her father must be strong. Her mother must be faithful. The child must be different. The blonde sun, the blue moon, the loving gift, she will only live, if given a life to live. Spirit of a mustang, heart of a lion, kindness of a lamb, speed of a jaguar, stealth of a tiger. She is the only hope.


The prophecy was told in the women warrior villages for years. The men would come in the night and take the women and try to create this wonder child. Over the years the prophecy was altered and changed. The original getting lost. The “she” turned to a “he”. The men tried to create this child and destroy it before it could destroy them. After several hundred years of trying to find the child, it proved unsuccessful and the men decided they must have already destroyed the being.

They were wrong. On a stormy night one woman that had been kidnapped escaped into the night. In her arms she held a small bundle. She ran through the rain cuddling the child close to keep her warm. She knew the true prophecy and she knew this child was the one. She heard the yells behind her. The men following in pursuit. She moved faster and towards where she knew the women were waiting.

She passed the rock cropping and started up the trail to the cave. There waited two women on horse back. Just as she lift the child up an arrow flew through the air striking her in the back. The women on the horse quickly grabbed the child as the other women fell. The two on horse back quickly raced through the night.

The women warrior looked down at the bundle in her arms. The child looked up at her with dark blue eyes. The women looked at the child with her black brown eyes. All her kinds had black brown eyes with brown hair. This child’s hair was blonde. It was no wonder why the women thought the child was the one. She was different then anything any of them had seen before. Never will the girl have a normal life, thought the warrior. Suddenly she had an idea. And just like that she switched directions and rode towards a small village where her sister lived. She quickly came up with a lie to tell her kin and she would let the girl live normal.

16 years later

Kira twirled in circles. Her blonde hair flowed behind her and her Deer skin skirt, Bear skin cloak, spun out around her. Her shirt was merely a piece of animal skin tied around her chest with string. Her feet were covered by knee high skin boots.

She laughed and giggled as the sun soaked into her skin. She was in a small field in the forest. It had taken over an hour for her to reach the clearing from her village and she was so happy to now be secluded from her brothers and sisters. She collapsed into the tall grass that hid her entirely from anyone’s view except the skies. She sighed and closed her eyes.

She heard a twig snap. Her eyes popped open and she grabbed a knife from her waist belt. She was well trained in the ways of a warrior. She could protect herself. She heard grass stirring as legs walked through it. She shivered as a trace of fear lept into her body. Then it was silent. She held her breath, waiting. There was no sound. She climbed to her feet slowly and looked around, only to find herself alone in the field. She sighed and smiled.

She started walking towards the forest. It was then, that she realized, something hung from the tree ahead of her. She moved slowly, now searching the field carefully. She saw nothing move. As she became closed she found it was a belt that held 4 sheaths. Two were occupied by knives. It was a man’s sheath. She turned and looked back into the field.

“Who is out there?!” she demanded. She heard a twig snap and turned back looking into the forest. She backed away. She heard the grass rustle and spun once again. Still there was nothing there. Her breathing increased with fear and she shook. “Stop this teasing! It is quite childish!” she yelled. Another twig snapped and she screamed and started running across the field. She could feel the presence behind her. Then she could hear them not far behind.

Out of no where an arm wrapped around her waist and she was thrown to the ground. She rolled onto her back and gasp as her breath had been knocked out of her. A body fell on top of her and she screamed again. She grabbed for her knife but the man grabbed her arms. He straddled her chest and held her still.

© Copyright 2007 Kira (kira_kate at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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