Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1295851-4-Corners
Rated: GC · Novel · Crime/Gangster · #1295851
4 corners is a crime novel based in N.Y. and centered around four groups of people.
          4      Corners

                            Micheal and his girlfriend Jessica argued as they walked down a typical Bronx street with abandon cars in alleyways , once burned down buildings being renovated, loud music,people hanging out windows and of course corner bodegas usually run by older Hispanic men. These bodegas were hang out spots to many of the neighborhood and frequented by Micheal himself. Micheal was a Puerto-Rican born and raised in the Bronx by generally decent parents. A hard working father and a mother that stayed at home and tried to keep Micheal out of trouble but Micheal chose the wrong route and was dealing drugs at the age of twelve. When Micheal's mother found a stash of  crack/cocaine  hidden in the house  it was the last straw. He was on the street at the age of sixteen.
                            “No Mike I don't wanna hear it you lied to me and my mom she says you have to go”Jessica said. Micheal hesitating “Look I know I fucked up but it's just weed and you know we need the money”.
“Well why don't you get a regular job like everybody else.”
“Everybody else I know sells drugs”.
“Fuck you,you wanna sell drugs go right ahead but it will be without me”. Jessica said as she steamed off into her six story building. Micheal chasing after her “wait Ma we need to talk this shit out I fucking love you.”
“If you loved me you stop selling drugs and get a real fucking job”
Hold on Ma let's talk this shit out I got a blunt already rolled,we could get a room and talk this shit out.”
Jessica began considering the proposition due to her bad addiction to weed even though she does not think she can forgive his unfaithfulness to her and her mother. After Micheal's mother kicked him out for good Jessica's mother agreed to let him stay at her house if he paid half of the rent with a legit job. He did get a job at a local Taco Bell but quit after only a few weeks. His first check only being around two hundred dollars strongly discouraged Mike and he vowed to never work for a fast food restaurant again. Mike cashed his check, bought some weed and was back on the streets hustling in no time. To Mike selling weed was not as criminal as selling crack but he still needed to keep it quiet and away from Jessica and her mother. He would leave the house as if he were going to work at Taco Bell and hit the corners,which he knew would not last long but “fuck it a nigga gotta do what a nigga gotta do”.He tells his friend Roscoe who says “Man you was trippin, wit that Taco shit you need to get some of this shit right here.”Referring to the crack corner that Roscoe runs independently. Mike responding “Nah man I'm tryin to stay on the low right now know what I'm sayin, I don't need no shit.”

“Shit nigga if you gonna do something do it right that weed shit ain't gonna get you nothing but chump change and on top of that you still taking a risk might as well get that dough son I'm telling you... oh shit ain't that Jessica coming down the block.”
“Damn son hold me down I'm gonna hide out in the store.”
“Yo man I don't need no drama.”Roscoe said as Jessica begins running toward the store “I see you  motherfucker , Roscoe what the fuck is he doing here?”
“Yo Mike she gonna blow up my spot.” Roscoe shouts. Mike reluctantly exits the store “good looking” Mike tells Roscoe sarcastically.
“Hey, a nigga gotta do what a nigga gotta do uh!”
This is where the argument began.
                                          Jessica did accept Mike's proposition. As Mike lights the blunt Jessica ask “is this that same shit you had last week?” Clearly thrown off the topic of Mike's escapades “yeah this that same shit I got from Roscoe straight off the boat Ma!” The room they rented was ordinary two twin beds,t.v. and a bible in the draw. “You know why I'm stressing you about this drug shit Mike?” Jessica ask while exhaling the weed smoke.
“Nah man you need to chill out with that shit and let me make this paper you know I can't fuck with that fast food shit Ma.”Mike said as Jessica passes him the blunt.
“I know Mike but ......look I'm fucking pregnant!”
“Oh shit why didn't you tell me I'm here giving you weed and shit, Yo Ma don't worry I'll start hustling overtime an--.” Jessica interrupts “That's just my point I don't want my baby's father to be a fucking drug dealer, I don't want this life for her... or him, I don't want to see you from behind a glass... or worst underground.” Jessica Pleads.
“I know Ma but----.” Mike is stopped by a bang at the door.
“ Who the fuck is that ?” Mike screamed as he puts the blunt out and gestures for Jessica to flush it.
“Open the fucking door .” Yelled a female voice from the hallway.”What the hell is going on here” Mike thought aloud before the door burst open and three women entered. The first one was real short maybe five feet,with jet black hair and a bandage on her face with bloody blotches on it,she screamed “Where the fuck is our shit,we don't want no fucking problems.” As she headed towards the bathroom. “What the fuck y'all talking about we just got this fucking room.” Mike shouted standing in front of Jessica now. The second girl was taller about 5'5” real thick with tight jeans and a shirt that read “Miss Bitch” in some tacky rhinestone lettering,who now pulled a small pistol from a Prada bag she was carrying. “Alright listen up we left two suitcases here” she yelled now aiming the gun at Mike while Jessica still stood behind. “ Rachel you got'em”
“Yeah but one is fucking empty and the other don't look right it's open and been fucked with, look at this shit thats fucking over 500,000 missing.” Rachel yelled as she threw the suitcases to the ground and thousands of dollars neatly wrapped was exposed .
“Listen we don't know nothing about no suitcases .”Jessica screamed paranoid.
“Shut the fuck up spic bitch” said “Miss Bitch”, “ Billie go down stairs and find out who cleaned this god damn room. Rachel pacing back and forth hands waving wildly “ what the fuck are we gonna do.”
“Relax” said “Miss Bitch” “Look we about to be in some shit and if we gonna be in some shit y'all gonna be in some shit!” Miss Bitch said gesturing the gun toward Mike.
“Yo we ain't got nothing to do with this crazy shit” Mike said “I ain't taking the fall for none of this”
“Motherfucker you gonna do what the fuck I tell you to do, Rachel search the bitch then the asshole.”
“Stay the fuck away from her.” Mike yelled as he lunged forward toward Miss Bitch with a razor in his right hand with which he kept to cut open his Phillies to role weed in.
“Get the fuck away from me. “ Yelled Miss Bitch as Mike swung the razor at her face Miss bitch blocking her head received a severe cut on her arm as they know wrestled for the gun. Jessica meanwhile grabbing a lamp off the nightstand began smashing it on to the head of Rachel cutting her on the head but not doing the job she had hoped for ,to knock her ass out, for good. Angered,red faced and wild-eyed Rachel attacks Jessica and they wrestled on the floor. Mike and Miss Bitch continue to tussle for the gun as it suddenly goes off and Mike finally secures it from her grasp. Meanwhile,the third girl Billie who is the tallest and skinniest of the three at about 5'9” with blond hair,blue eyes and super model looks was questioning the motel clerk, a Korean man who like many of his brethren would come to New York to open shops,fruit stands and other business ventures but were known to have many a disagreement with the natives. “Look you fucking gook I left two suitcases in that fucking room and theres shit missing, a lot of shit, one of your housekeepers stole that shit or you fucking have it and I want my money now.” Billie demanded.
“I don't know nothing about money me call police you scream and yell, I don't want problem.” Said the clerk in his broken English dialect as he reached for a phone. Billie pulling a gun out of her purse “Motherfucker put the fucking phone down now, if you got a safe I'm checking that shit.” Billie said as she walked around the counter pointing the gun at the clerk.
“Wait wait wait me no have you money housekeeper you look for left this morning clean you room and then she quit.” The clerk explained nervously.
“You better not be fucking lying cus I will be back, give me the cleaners address before I rob your ass motherfucker!” Billie exclaimed as the clerk shuffled on his computer to get the housekeepers address. Upstairs Mike knocks Miss Bitch to unconsciousness with one good whack of the gun butt then turned to Jessica who was bleeding from the midsection with Rachel kneeling over her “Shit you asshole we didn't wanna hurt nobody.”
“Oh my god please please tell me she's alive.” Mike pleaded. “You just shot her you asshole.”
“Jessie, Jessie, please Ma please baby get up oh fuck me.” Billie enters the room “Aw shit what the fuck happened?”
“This asshole started fighting with Rosie ,the gun went off and shot the girl.”
“Fuck it, the hell with that bitch look at Rosie she's all fuckin' bloody,fuck it we gotta go, get the suitcases and what's left of the money the police will be here soon.”
“But what about Rosie?”
“ We have no time the cops will be here and she'll get help we have to go now!”
Billie and Rachel leave the room with the suitcases and Rosie's gun in hand ,hop in Billie's Mustang and head for the housekeepers residence. Mike still in the room crying on his knees holding Jessica's head in his lap realizing amidst all the blood loss Jessica was still breathing. Jessica's eyes opened and she was trying to speak,then faintly “the baby, the baby, why did you start a fight with that girl?”
“Don't talk baby help is coming.”
“No, no, I don't wanna live you killed my baby.”
At this point the police finally arrive and Mike just sits there shocked and in disbelief at Jessica's expression of disgust. The police question him but he does not respond. The police cuff and throw him in a squad car for later questioning. Jessica and Rosie are rushed to the nearest emergency room as the crime scene unit arrives and begins it's investigation. Newly crowned detective Jeff Wells and veteran partner David Franco are  homicide officers and called to scene at the impending death of Jessica. “Hey Franco, you ain't gonna believe this shit.”Said detective Wells. “What , What is it?”
“ Lookie here.” Said Wells.
“Holy shit.” What Wells found inside the small closet was what appeared to be at least ten U.S. Army class M-60 machine guns. Next to that was a brown duffel bag with at least one hundred thousand dollars. Franco with disgust “ Look,  we don't need no part of this case if the girl lives we can send it vice or hell with this kind of evidence the feds will probably take this shit off our hands.” Before Wells can respond Sergeant Davies of homicide enters the room “ Alright guys what's the deal here,you think this is connected to what happened here last night.”
“Look boss this case is getting bigger by the minute and there ain't no dead body here so can we pass this along to the next proud fine officer of our great city and call it a day.” Franco complained.
“Wrong, girl died on the way to the hospital the case belongs to homicide.” Davies growled.
“Great, well you better take a look at this.” Wells pointing to the stash of guns and money. “Well I be damned, alright boys I want everything in this room down to the pubic hair collected and processed, I want this whole fucking place dissected, chain of evidence boys I wanna know what happened here.
© Copyright 2007 Guldevito (guldevito at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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