Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1295674-The-Confessions-of-a-Zombie-Slayer
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1295674
What is life like after a zombie invasion and how do the survivors cope with the new world
Here’s a question for those who are reading this - and I must first say before I continue that the likeliness of someone coming across this written account of events is unlikely and it's even more doubtful that if this is indeed being read that I am still alive - in the traditional sense of breathing and eating something other than humans inners. On to the question though, what does a teenager do at 4am in a world that is mainly populated by reanimated corpses that could have once been her or some other survivors’ kin? She writes her tale before it's too late. I'm sure by this point of the story you feel bored - well, be grateful that you have the luxury to have such a feeling - my life revolves around fear, anticipation, and regret. I will get more into that soon enough though, but before I do anything I suppose I should catch you up on our history. It's been about two years now since the breakout happened, no one is really certain how it happened or why, In the beginning claims of a government experiment gone wrong was what people on Television told us - then the channels became nothing but static so we had to assume they were right. I was seventeen at the time so obviously a zombie invasion was the first thing on my mind...sarcasm does not translate well on paper. My family and I decided to be safe and hide with dozens of others at the government approved shelter; obviously it wasn't that safe since only myself and half a dozen others made it out of the shelter alive. All you could do in the situations at hand was keep moving - kill when necessary and never get emotionally attached to anyone that walked this earth. I grow bored with these words I've written for you; I suppose it's time to start this tale, eh? This story I'm about to tell started only 21 hours ago.

"CODE RED! EVERYONE TAKE POSITION!" are the words that took me out of my slumber, Code 'Red' meant that undead bastards were attacking the building that we all resided in, the building used to me a high school but now it was our home away from hell - If you've ever been woken up after three hours of sleep to the knowledge that you and all the people that surround you are at risk of being dismembered then eventually turning into one of those bags of rotting flesh then you understand the feeling of annoyance. I didn't have time to put on my shoes, I didn't even have time to fuckin' yawn - I only had time to pick up my machete and my two Browning HP 9mms with 20 round extended magazines then haul ass to my patrolling area that was the outside basketball court. We had set traps all around the school so we would know where and when the zombies would attack, although the doors and windows were all secure we still had to make sure they never made it that close to our shelter. I stood my ground with four others that were assigned the area; it was Sally, Mark, Brian, John and I. Zombies poured in around us - moaning out like that was the universal noise associated with hunger.
"One bullet per skull we are running low on ammo!" Sally the vaga-thug from Ohio screamed out as she nailed a Oprah look-alike zombie square in the head making her brains splash back into the faces of other unknown not so stiff-stiffs, she once told me about how she would go hunting with her grandfather when she was younger and how she had been handling guns since a child - she was a great person to have on your side but that doesn't mean she wasn't a bossy bitch.
"No fucking shit! Just shoot the fuckers and hope the snipers up top have our backs for once!" John spoke in his thick Scottish accent, if I wasn't so concerned with my survival then maybe I might have fancied him but in this life the last thing on your mind should have been hooking up. I lost myself in thought as I continued to shoot with the others, almost two dozen limp bodies were five feet away and another small wave walked, gimped and sprinted our way, The runners were the worst - they would come out of no where and pounce like a lion with a gazelle, but the difference between a gazelle and us was we had shit to either blow their asses away or chop their shit up. My ears throbbed from the constant loud noises, my feet felt like knifes that had sat in the freezer for a week were stabbing them, I thought to myself how I'd rather just go back to sleep than try to survive, that is all we were doing after all, we were just prolonging our miserable 'lives'.
"Cyndi! You’re left!" Brian the overly flamboyant homosexual screeched out to me, I turned with haste to my left and pulled my trigger just as a unknown gender zombie jumped on me, I fell back with it's body onto mine; the rancid smell of death sat on top me with the flesh eater, I pushed it off without second thought and knew without anyone having to tell me I was covered in blood, In my mind I imagined that I was 'Carrie' and the bucket of pigs blood was just dumped on me. Disgust and anger made me go mute; it was John, who broke the silence,
"One of the many downfalls of being on the side battlefield. You alright?" He extended his arm to help me to my feet, I stood without his help.
“Are you bitten?” Sally questioned defensively. I glared at her before walking away,
"One of the many downfalls of being alive in a world where Zombies are on the top of the food chain."

After a quick hot shower that left me still smelling faintly of blood due to the fact that we ran out of soap and shampoo a week ago I went back to my 'bedroom' which was really once a business and technology classroom with all the broken and useless computers taken out and put into a storage closet to make room for three cots and pinned up sheets that made false walls, In this room I had the far corner, which I chose so people would not bother me, I enjoyed my privacy but privacy was scarce when you shared a medium sized school with fifty other people. We had been living at this school for two months now, longer than we usually stayed in a spot. Over the two years we've traveled the country and been to about twenty locations in hopes of finding a legit 'safe' home, but once our numbers begin to drop we tend to migrate, sometimes we will have as few as twenty and other times as many as a hundred but what is always certain is we will never leave or arrive at a place with all the same people. People are too stupid to survive - The only reason I've lived this long is because I’ve learned to adapt. Only a handful of others have been around as long as me, I don't know them that well of course, I don't know anyone that well. I learn the names of those I believe have the potential of surviving and I will remember simple things they tell me. I don't talk about my past or give my personal information to the others, partially because when the day came when they need to blast my head off I don't want them going 'Oh but that’s Cyndi from Florida! She once had two younger brothers and loving parents who were torn up in front of her by Kristie Alley! She enjoys music of all sorts and used to have a large vinyl collection!' then the other reason is I don't feel it important to share my stories with these people is because they will be dead soon enough, and so will I. How negative of me, I know but at this point all I can do is live with that knowledge - if you call what I do living that is.
"Cyndi?" I heard a girl with a sweet voice call out from the other side of my sheet-wall, I didn't know who she was but everyone around here knew who I was - stories float fast.
"Yes?" I responded while reading an American government book - I may not have been intelligent but I still enjoyed learning about how things used to be,
"General Jones is holding a conference over brunch and he personally requested you attend." General T. M Jones was the man who had been trying his best to keep his 'little soldiers' alive since the beginning, he was the one who taught me how to handle weapons and defend myself in many situations. I thought for a moment, I never go to these huddles, mainly because it was the same thing - We are doing a wonderful job at surviving, we are low of supplies, we need to relocate, have a moment of silence for whoever died due to their stupidity.
"Tell the general I'll be there as long as he doesn't expect me to have any input on the situations at hand." I could tell the girl was still standing by my sheet, I'm sure she was trying to gain the courage to ask if I really single handedly took down a mini army of zombies with just my machete and a slinky, maybe if I really shot George W. Bush in the head without him even being a zombie, or if I actually set a Target store that was infested on fire - Only two of those stories are true, can you guess which one is a lie?
"Well? You don't want to keep the General waiting." I plainly stated, she soon scurried off, I'd rather people fear me and not talk to me then people try to be my best friend.
I was late to the meeting, not because I was busy but because I didn't want to have to talk to other survivors that believed they were something special because they lived in a basement for a few months and munched down on Vienna sausages. The room went silent when I walked in - To avoid any more stares I went to the lunch table in the far back away from the others. General Jones and I locked eyes for a moment; I could tell he was pleased with me for keeping my word,
"Continuing On! I'm proud of you all for doing such a fantastic job of guarding our home! Over these two months we've had only one death - that would be of Joe Levity whom we will have a moment of silence in respect when I near the ending of this." General Jones spoke. I didn't know Joe, but I do know he was attacked by a few runners and blew his brains out during the attack, which was foolish since he just made it easier for the zombies to chow down on his upstairs sponge cake. Coward.
"The reason I called you all here is the good news that we are going to stay here indefinitely" People applauded, I did not.
"But our main problem with staying is we are low on supplies - so I've chosen our six best soldiers to take the bus to town and pick up supplies.” The crowd murmured out.
"They will leave at dusk as a sneak attack, the proud soldiers are-" I knew he'd call my name. My heart raced but I kept my face stone. Never let people see you scared, it's a sign of weakness.
"Cyndi Green, William Boyd, Victoria Barber, Valerie Olesen, Alex Gogol and Pat Spice." He looked at me the entire time he listed the names, he knew I was scared and he also knew I was pissed at him. I left the cafeteria, not caring that the general had more to say. At that moment anyone in the entire world could have came up to me and tried to talk me through this ‘rough time’ and I would have responded the same to them all ‘Fuck You.’ I guess it was ok then when William Boyd the scrawny pale boy from New York ran to my side and tried to talk to me.
“No need to be a she-bitch. You think you’re the only person who is being sent out there tonight? No, my best friends and I have been chosen as well and do you see us throwing a shit fit over it? You better clear your fucking head because I’m not going to risk the lives of all these people just because you think you’re better than everyone else and shouldn’t be sent out to find supplies for them and yourself to continue living.” He followed me through the hallway as I made my way to my ‘room’ speaking stupid words.
“Get fucked. I could give two shits about your friends and these people. I’m going on this mission for myself and I don’t need your help or anyone else’s for that matter. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to take a fuckin’ nap and pretend I died when all this shit started. Survival is for losers who are too afraid to die.” I slammed the door on his face and stood for a moment waiting for him to go back to the others. I told him nothing but the truth, but what I didn’t say was I was also afraid of death, I may have been the biggest pussy in this entire group but I would never let anyone know that, nor would I allow anyone to see more than a soldier with a heart of steel. I hate that I had to act that way.
My nap was brief to my standards. I had only gotten three hours into the darkness of rest when I abruptly awoke – waves of hunger and shame were the reasons I assumed. I wasn’t ashamed of what I had said or how I had acted earlier, but I was ashamed of the fact that I truly didn’t care if any of these people or I lived. I felt sick knowing we were all fighting to live in a world that was no longer for us. If GOD existed then he would have given us a sign that we were supposed to live – I think sending a plaque such as zombies to us was a good enough reason to believe he no longer wanted us to exist as humans. Fuck him, he is an asshole for what he’s done and if I one day die and for some crack of the system make it to heaven (which obviously is not real seeing as how all the dead are walking the earth instead of going on to the ‘afterworld’) I promise to myself I will flip him the finger and tell him to screw himself. Maybe the only reason I choose not to kill myself through all this time was because I wanted to see more people go down before me, I’m a selfish person what can I say. The moment of clarity was soon lost when my stomach growled out much like the zombies roaming the earth would, I hadn’t eaten yet that day and my stomach wanted to remind me. I didn’t want to leave my room, people would be waiting to ask me questions I did not want to answer and General Jones would want me to explain myself for throwing a ‘fit’.

Everyone had eaten earlier so very little food was left to pick at, only a cup of beef broth and a small bag of stale beef jerky with a can of Root Beer – Sam’s Choice. I remembered ever Saturday my dad would make streak and chicken on the grill that he had so much pride for and my mom would cook up some homemade macaroni, I missed those foods so dearly. Now I was lucky to come across something that even once resembled meat, we had canned goods and boxed noodles. This is why I condone cannibalism – if only others would agree.
“You’re easier to read than ‘Green Eggs and Ham’.” I looked up from my meal to see Valerie Olesen hovering over my table. She was the only person aside from General Jones to have been around since the original lineup in Florida, when I had seen her for the first time she was an obese girl with varicolored hair, now she stood in front of me as a chubby girl with multicolored hair. She always made it a point to find a Sally’s Beauty Salon and pilfer random colors when we were traveling, I once heard her explain that she only feels at the top of her game when she knows she has hair that feels lively. She was one of the few people that I knew would have my back if things went bad. I never particularly liked her but I did respect that she had the survival gene as sharp as mine.
“Excuse me?” I asked her, I knew if I didn’t talk she’d just ramble on till I put a gun in my mouth.
“You heard me, you think people are inferior to you just because they haven’t been around as long and because they choose to TALK to each other. How long has it been since you’ve had a real conversation that didn’t consist of you telling someone to get out of your face?” She sat across from me and tried to keep eye contact – I hate eye contact.
“Are you talking to me because I told your friend to fuck off?”
“Not at all, when Billy told me what you said I laughed. It’s not my job to protect people from their emotions any longer – It’s my job to protect their physical being now, which I must say is a weird transaction. If I had the choice between listening to people bitch about their not so horrible lives and how no one loves them and risking my ass everyday in hopes of saving whoever I can…I’d pick this any day.” I looked into her eyes for a moment; she knew I didn’t listen to a word she had to say.
“Is there a point to this conversation Valerie?”
“Of course there is a point. I just choose to trail off whenever I please.” If I were a super hero this is where I would use my laser-beam eyes and zap Val’s brain into oblivion – then I would fly far away to my impenetrable castle on top of the world.
“Continuing on; the true point of this chat-chit is that I wanted to say no matter how bad you think it gets and how apparent hope is lost, it doesn’t mean you should give up on everything. I can see it in your eyes, the absolute loathing you feel towards everyone – thing on this earth and even up above. Surviving isn’t as bad as you want to believe, because god knows it would be twenty times worse to be one of those fuckers out there. I get your trying for the whole ‘I’m the best soldier left in the world. Everyone should fear me for I will kill you all in awesome ways.’ The act doesn’t scare me and I don’t believe you think you really are this hot shit either, deep down.” She stopped talking – I wish she hadn’t so I wouldn’t have to think about what she said. She smiled; my silent thought is exactly what she had wanted from me.
“I’ll see you in a few hours; don’t forget to put your hair up, last thing we need is for your hair to fly in your face and you can’t take a shot at the zombie attacking my ass.”

Remember how disappointed you felt when you found out not only does Santa not exist, but all those times you visited him in a mall, it was really creepy men pretending to be your child-lord. That’s the feeling you get when you find out that half the shit in zombie movies is completely uninformative. The only thing they got right was the only way to take them out was to kill off brain activity. Zombies will eat ANYTHING that has or once had a pulse; cannibalism is not uncommon for them. They’re like roaches really – they live to eat and reproduce via bite wounds. Once your bitten the virus starts to go through your system slowly, it acts as acid, eating away at your organs. You won’t feel the pain till your at the verge of death, at which point you go through a handful of seizures – then finally you vomit up black bile that was once your stomach till all that’s left in you is a hollowed inside that will eventually be filled with chewed flesh, This process will take up to five days, but most people put a bullet through their head as soon as bitten, I think the reason why is a mixture between being too afraid to turn into what they battle and them not wanting their last moments on earth to be understanding how all those pumpkins felt around Halloween time. As I was writing earlier about the difference between real zombies and movie zombies the biggest difference and the one most of us are thankful for is that unlike movie zombies, real ones are TERRIFIED of the dark. We don’t know why, but after sun goes down they will either run off into a herd and hide till morning or they will run to anything with light. Nights when we’d go search for our stock ups were either safe nights or extremely dangerous because it was between seeing a few random zombies come towards our dim flashlights or finding yourself right next to a herd of scared zombies that could sense your pumping heart, so they all attack because no matter what the situation – feasting helps; Now you know what zombies and sensitive fat girls have in common; continuing on.

The time came, we all packed into an old school bus we had claimed as our own a year back, Alex Gogol drove. We all kept an eye out as we parked in front of the medium-sized out side mall. As usual with such missions we’d go off into pairs and hit up the most important stores, such as grocery stores, gun stores and warehouses for bulk. If we had not run into any problems by the end, we COULD venture off for ourselves but it was not advised and not smiled upon. The pair ups were Pat and Alex on grocery, William and Valerie on warehouse and Victoria and I on guns and weapons.
“We meet back here in one hour, no fucking around.” Pat stated as she glanced at her cheap watch she jacked from a Wal*Mart.
“You’re not my mom; I can do whateva I want.” Victoria joked; I got paired with the moron of morons.
“Don’t get eaten by a zombie you fat whore.” William joked to Victoria,
“We could only wish, I hate that Cooze.” Valerie added. We parted our ways. In the plaza a store dubbed ‘Big Rick’s Shack’ was near us, inside held a large assortment of ammo and weapons, we had both brought two large duffel bags to fill, we seemed to have the easiest mission. We had been to this store already so the door had already been smashed and unlocked. I searched and listened for any muffled moans and heard/saw nothing. I was more interested in stocking up on the ammo as Victoria went after the guns.
When I was thirteen my dad bought my brothers BB guns for Christmas. My mom and I protested because they were both ten and for lack of a better word, dumb; but dad said they were harmless. A few weeks later I caught my brothers in our backyard and they were shooting at our seven year old chow, Frankie. I grabbed the guns from them and as they ran inside I shot them both twice, once on the ass and the other time on the back of their heads. They never touched the guns again and I learned that day I had an excellent shot.
“Should I grab the crossbows for a bit of extra fun?” Victoria asked, bringing me back to reality,
“I don’t care.” I plainly stated as I grabbed random boxes of bullets
“I wish they had spears in here, now that would be an awesome skill to use!” I scoffed,
“Fucking idiot…” I faintly said under my breath. I could hear her let go of her bag and I felt her eyes burning into the back of my head, I couldn’t help but turn and look at her.
“Actually, I graduated second in my school in Utah only because I missed an important test in my calculus class that my Cooze of a teacher wouldn‘t let me make up. I also had a fully paid scholarship to Princeton but then the living dead decided to take over the world. So tell me, did you rank first at your school? Because if you didn’t then I don’t think you have any ground to call me an idiot.”
“It’s your words that make you an idiot. Schoolbook education standards no longer exist, what matters now is do you have the smarts to keep your ass alive, do you have the guts to shoot your best friend if they were going to attack you, do you have the common sense to realize this isn’t a game. I think you lack in all those departments. I think the only reason you’re still alive is from sheer luck and having people to back your ass up.”
“First off, I know this isn’t a fucking game, we all know it isn’t! I joke about it because I’m optimistic, something you don’t even know the definition of, My ass is still alive because of ME, I don’t need anyone’s ass fucking saving me; and besides, I’d rather be an idiot than you, You’re a cold hearted bitch who has less personality than a roach. I think you’re only alive because you had General Jones guarding you for so long, you’d be long dead if you didn’t have people backing you up. So how about you shut the fuck up with your negative ass words and back down to planet Cyndi where you’re completely alone with your pathetic ass memories and bullshit theories.” I didn’t respond, instead I shot the zombie that was creeping up on Victoria from the entrance. I saw her face go pale at first; I’m guessing she thought I was planning on shooting her - which would have been refreshing. She turned around and looked at the limp corpse that lay a foot away then looked back to me with widened eyes.
“Your welcome.” I spoke as I continued to stuff things in my almost filled second bag.
I was the first one to arrive at the bus. I grabbed everything I could and I didn’t feel like saving Victoria’s ass again; I would be alone for only a few moments when a slow walker crept up behind me and grabbed my left arm. I only had a second to react when I pushed the creeper away and pulled my machete out and beheaded him. I looked around my surroundings; no one was seen, human or stiff. I cursed under my breath for a few minutes. I never let my guard down, and especially if I was on a mission - but since no one saw it I was grateful.
“I found a copy of The Door’s greatest hits! It’s the same CD I used to have, I’m totally listening to it when we get back to the safe house!” Valerie shouted out as her and William made their way towards the bus with four tied together carts filled with industrial sized boxes of everything from Macaroni and Cheese to Tampons. No doubt Valerie and William also had a dozen different portable CD players, batteries and a large assortment of CDS, they usually get as many entertainment items as they could to give to the other survivors; this was their way of helping others ignore reality.
“I found the liquor lane!” William proclaimed with a grin,
“Fuck yeah; I think we need to drink in celebration of a mission well done!” Pat shouted who was almost to the bus with Alex coming from the south to Valerie’s north; I was stuck between a yelling contest. I also saw Victoria silently walking back to the bus with her overflowing bags dragging behind her, I’m sure she had no intention of telling her friends about me saving her blonde ass. The back hatch was open and ready for us to stuff everything in.
“So who was the one who shot their gun?” Alex asked with a grunt as he lifted a 100-pack box of Beef Ramen Noodles, I chose not to take credit till Victoria talked,
“Cyndi did, a ’bie was coming at me and she nailed it between the eyes.” Victoria said in a plain-voice as she grabbed a 24-pack of Soap and placed it in the bus.
“Those are the best shots; they are so clean and quick.” Valerie commented,
“Bullshit, the best shots are the ones that make their heads explode and brains fly on the other fuckers so they lose attention and start eating the juicy brains on their shoulders.” William added.
“Fuck yeah, I agree with Sir. WEB-3 on this one, not only are those shots helpful but they are awesome to see!” Pat added with an excited voice,
“No, I think I’ll have to go with Val on this one, the quick and clean is less depressing and less of a distraction from my shooting.” Alex joined in.
“Thank you Alex, at least one other person here isn’t a sick bastard.” I zoned out from their conversation as we all continued to load. We were almost finished when I heard a faint moan. I looked up and saw a pack of zombies, maybe thirty, coming at us with hungry eyes. Their bodies didn’t seem as decrypted as most, they were a fresh batch of zombies - maybe only a few months old.
“Shut Up.” I said as I grabbed one of my guns and pointed it towards the group of undead, the others followed my action.
“Keep in your firing ground. Pat, you guard our backs.” I ordered out as I fired the first bullet. I felt the pain in my stomach as I continued to shoot, that familiar feeling of fear and Nausea from the sound of bullets passing through once-human flesh. The group was only getting closer as we shot, A dozen had dropped but the other wailing creatures continued to move forward and were getting dangerously close,
“Dozen more from behind!” Pat shouted over the gunfire, I kept my eyes forward and continued to shoot with the best accuracy I could - it’s too difficult and time consuming to aim for the skull under pressure, it’s easier to shoot in their direction and hope for the bullet to lead itself into their craniums.
“Alex! Help Pat with the back-ups!” With no words Alex swiftly spun behind and opened fire.
“Fuck! Shit!” Victoria shouted out as she slapped her gun in a panic,
“I’m fucking jammed! I’m fucking jammed!!!” She screamed again  - sadly for her she had already used all the bullets in her other two guns, they were too close. Valerie and William turned to the zombies coming at Victoria and opened fire, Pat and Alex shot at anything that even flinched in their area. Victoria tried to fix her gun as Valerie and William continued fire.
“Grab my bat!” Valerie demanded, the bat she was referring to was her homemade bat that could have once been used for baseball but now with it’s dozens of protruding rustic nails became a deadly barbaric weapon - leave it to the girl who was a quarter Norwegian to create such a thing. Victoria dropped her gun and did as she was told but didn’t have enough force in her swing to bring down a possum, On her third strike she swung at an approaching stiff with success nailing him square in the face - His tainted blood squirted from his facial wounds as he went limp and brought the bat down with him, Victoria swooped down to pry the bat from his face when she became startled by a blood curdling scream,
“FFFFUUUCCCCKKKKKK!!!” Valerie shouted out as a zombie bit her left arm, her scream had drawn our attention except for William who had pushed Victoria away from the zombie that was about to pounce on her, he didn’t have enough time to get away from the undead jumper and in result got a chunk of his shoulder blade taken off. We continued to shoot but we could not kill them as fast as they were grabbing onto our fallen soldiers. Victoria began to panic; with one of Valerie’s dropped guns she shot at a zombie that was gnawing on Williams neck as I shot at one of the ones that had torn Valerie’s arm off.
“Fucking shoot me Vick!” William cried out with weak words, his body was soaked in his own blood, he’s face pallid.
“SOMEONE FUCKING SHOOT ME!” Valerie screamed, spitting out a small pool of blood that fell into her hair that was now a deep shade of crimson red, a big difference from the aqua and cotton candy pink it was only two minutes earlier. Victoria pointed the gun weakly; her entire body shook as she cried.
“I can’t!” She forced the words out. They were fading fast, it was either shoot them now or shoot them in ten minutes when they turned, I understood the choices. With two quick swipes I shot them both in the head ending their cries, their bodies went limp in the pile they already lay in, blood oozed to our feet. Alex and Pat stood silent as they looked down with teary eyes at their fellow soldiers, their friends. Victoria fell to her knees and screamed so loudly I was sure the survivors at the safe house had heard. Alex and Pat were taken out of their shock by this and ran over to Victoria to comfort her. I picked another box up and put it into the bus.

When we returned and the others didn’t see Valerie and William walk in with us, many began to cry while others stood in silence, I would have just walked to my ‘room’ to go to sleep but General Jones’ had stopped me, even he was a little teary eyed, mainly because he thought of Valerie as the daughter he never wanted but still enjoyed the company of.
“What happened?” He asked in a sorrow filled voice,
“We were attacked when filling the bus, Valerie and William sacrificed themselves for Victoria. They were begging to be shot so I did; it was a painless blow to the head.” I stated in a monotone, I wouldn’t miss their company but they were helpful on the battleground. General Jones glared at me,
“We just lost two of the best soldier we have, quite possibly thee best we had. You will speak in a respectful manner when you address their departure.” His words made my blood boil.
“If they were the best we have then they wouldn’t have died. They were foolish risking their lives just to save one. I will not respect their deaths. I wouldn’t even respect them if I had not known they had left this world crying like pathetic pawns.” It was at that moment I felt my face burn with pain, General Jones had smacked me. I stood stone faced; I refused to show my pain or shock.
“They were better soldiers because they had souls. No matter how many undead you shoot down you will never be as good as William and Valerie were, they cared about our people and always tried to keep morale high and deaths low. Your no better than what we are fighting, you feel nothing and only care about yourself.” People stood watching the scene in front of them. I knew I should have responded but instead I walked away. I turned my back on all these losers and went to my ‘room’ to sleep.
Hours went by but I was unable to sleep, my mind was too cluttered with these events, so that brings me to this present moment in time. As I said in the beginning of this little ‘story’ I’m writing this tale out of sleeplessness but there is one little confession I’ve saved for the ending, I’ve saved it for the ending for two reasons, one is because it would have ruined my mood if I had wrote it earlier and two because I didn’t know how to decide what to do, but now that my mind is clear of the backwash that was today I’ve finally decided. Think back to earlier in the story, way back in the beginning. Do you remember how I wrote of my encounter of a runner in the early morning and how I had shot just as it had jumped on me? I didn’t mention that before I shot, it had taken a small bite out of my arm. It was small enough not to notice amongst the blood that was covering my body from the zombie, but big enough to infect me. I had not known I was bitten until I had gone and took a shower. When I first saw the small wound I felt as if reality had slapped me. I wasn’t sure how to react over it but now I do. I’ve decided. I’ve always wondered what would happen if a zombie was to be locked in a building filled with sleeping humans. Would they be able to react as quickly as they would on the field or would they be too shocked to even react? Soon I’m going to go into the bathroom and slit my wrists, after I float into the mental universal abyss, I shall rise as the walking dead. I will say now before I go that I do not regret the actions I will make after my departure. I’m not the bad guy, if anything I’ve saving these peoples their time. Maybe the other side isn’t as bad as we all think…

Cyndi Green

© Copyright 2007 Archie Hannibal (archieh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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