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by Nymph
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1294525
A whitelighter and vampire love story.
Kas is Mine, Luke is mine, Techno idea belongs to Cloud 9. Mick belongs to Mark (You'll see alot of Mark's charactors.)


Kas stood outside the mall debating whether to go in or not. Everytime she came here, something bad seemed to happen. Glancing up at the sky, she entered the mall, looking around. All the people she knew from the mall had moved, died or split themselves between tribes.

"Lex?" She called, curious as to if her brother was there.

"He's not here." A low voice answered, "They went to visit Alice."

It took Kas a moment to recognize the figure in front of her, then a smile appeared.

"Thanks Midnight."

"Yeah. Welcome." He slung a pack over his shoulder and was gone.

Alone in the mall, Kas felt a bit worried. Maybe she could leave a note to Lex and leave? No, he'd asked her to help with security and she couldn't let him down.

She was heading to cafe to get something to drink before heading to the security room, when a noise coming from the sewer entrance caught her attention. Magicking her staff into her hands, she turned back.

What she saw would have scared any normal person. A well built man with fangs out, looking around. Instead of turning and running, Kas magicked her staff away and walked up to the man.

"Hey Mick."

Mick turned, staring at Kas a moment, then grinned.

"Ah, it's Kas, the lighter."

A laugh and Kas spoke. "Ex-lighter. Feed again or mad? Your fangs are still out."

"I need to feed, honestly. And I don't want to feed on you.."

"Well thats good for me then. I have someone you could have, if you want, my cheating ex husband.."

Mick's eyes turned crimson. "I will never refuse a free meal."

"One meal, coming up." Kas disappeared in a shower of orbs, appearring a bit later, holding an unconcious Kian. Mick took him from him Kas and she turned away. She may not love Kian any longer, but really didn't want to see him drained.

Mick finished feeding and went to the sewer, doing what needed to be done to ensure that Kian wouldn't come back as a vamp, dumping his body.

Entering the mall once more, he looked around, noticing that Kas had left.


"Yeah?" She poked her head out. "In here."

Mick entered a small room, monitors stacked one on top of each other, labels on their front and on the table, there was a few cameras laid out.

Kas was working on a camera when Mick got to the room.

"Hmm, Security, need help?"

"Um, sure..thanks." Kas offered a smile.

Looking at the cameras and monitors, it was clear that security had been ignored for a while.

"What else do you have or is this it?"

"We have a cage and.." She stopped, smirking. "You're gonna love this. The girl that Kian cheated on me with, is in the cage."

An evil smirk spread on Mick's face, "She a lighter too?"

Kas nodded, "Yeah, why?"

Mick shrugged, "May use her to test a weapon later."

"Alright.." Kas didn't seem to care either way. "so what should we work on first?"

"Cameras. Is there a floor plan anywhere?"

Kas jumped up on her chair, pushing a tile on the ceiling up and putting her hand up. Hhe pulled floorplans down, handing them to Mick.

"There ya go."

"How did you know those were there?" Mick asked as he spread the plans out.

"Jack used to do the security before he-nevermind." Kas went back to working on the camera again.

Mick looked up from the plans, but didn't say anything, until he heard Kas mutter: "Stupid Technos."

"Ah, so you don't like them either. There's another thing we have in common, Kas."

"Ram was my cousin." Kas responded, her eyes still focused on the camera she was working on. "One of his lackeys raped me when I got here and when there was a fight here, I lost Jack."

Sadness had crept into her voice and it was easy for Mick to now pick up on the sadness on her face.

"I was an expierement for them. I was given vampiric organs. A vampire without being bitten. Needless to say, not many Technos are around."

"Guess not." Kas answered, "Their technology would come in handy now.."

"I know some, but the parts you have here won't work very well. You have any others?"

"In my room." Then she smirked. "Don't take that the wrong way, please."

Mick smiled. "I didn't.."

"Ya know, you look handsome when you smile." Kas complimented.

"You aren't too bad looking yourself when you smile." Mick answered.

Kas smirked, then moved up close to him. "Ok, I'm not trying to pull anything, but orbing is faster than the stairs." She put a hand on his shoulder, saying softly, "Close your eyes."

When he did, she orbed them upstairs to her door. She opened her eyes to see Mick looking at her curiously.

"Dizzy?" She asked.

"No worse than a hangover."

Shaking her head, Kas drew the dizziness away from him with her hand on his shoulder.


"Yeah, thanks."

"Welcome." She touched her door and said clearly. "I welcome Mick in." before opening the door.

On the walls were pictures of her and Jack as kids, Lex and her children. Her bed had a blanket the color of denim and next to the bed was a small table which held a brush and mirror.

Walking in, Kas went to her closet and pulled out a box of parts.

"Maybe you can use these,but I don't know what they went to originally."

"It's Alright, I'm good with my hands." Mick smirked, setting on her bed and rummaging through the box. "I'll figure it out."

"I bet you are.." Kas muttered, knowing she'd been heard. "Damn, what is wrong with me today? I"m not this flirty."

"That makes two of us." Micked replied with a grin. "Though I'm finding that it's not a bad thing."

Kas laughed. "Nah, it's not."

Mick looked over the parts he'd picked out, checking. "The only thing we need now is batteries."

"What kind?"

"Four double or triple a's, whichever would work."

"hold that thought." Kas orbed away, coming back a moment later holding some batteries in her hand. "Here."

As she handed them to Mick, a spark passed between them. "Gah!" Mick shook his hand.

Kas bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh, but lost.

"You think that's funny?" Mick asked, joking.

"Yeah, but I really didn't mean to." She answered, laughing more.

"Uh huh.."

"What? You don't believe me?" Kas asked, moving closer with her best innocent look.

"No. I know better." Micked answered, looking at her.

"Oh you do?" Kas asked her face inches from his.

"Yes I do.." Mick closed the distance between them, pressing his lips againest hers.

Kas smiled as they kissed, wrapping her arms around neck, his arms going around her waist, she was settled on his lap when the kiss broke.

Mick's eyes were closed, as if he was savoring the taste of the kiss. Kas touched his cheek.

"You alright?" Her voice was soft.

"Yeah...just so used to being the cold hunter..."

"And that warmed you up so to speak?" Kas finished resting her forehead on his.

"yeah." he placed a kiss on her neck and Kas froze for an instant. She'd never let a vampire this close to her neck, even Mick..

"Don't worry, I won't bite. " he whispered in her ear and she chuckled.

"That's good, cause I'd hate to have to hurt you."

"So would I."

As they were talking, a man entered the mall. He was Lucas, an ex techno looking for answers.

Mick picked up his scent and gave a a low growl.

Confused, Kas touched his arm, having also picked up on someone knew, but not of their intentions. "Wh.."

"We have company." He answered before she could even ask the question.

"Well, let's go say hi, before we lose more time."

"We can come back to this.." Mick said, though it was clear he didn't want to move anymore than she did.

"Yeah..we can..and shall." Kas winked as they walk into the hallway, holding his hand.

Hearing voices, Lucas called. "Hello, anyone here?"

For a moment, Kaz froze, puzzled. Mick squeezed her hand. "What's the matter?"

"That voice. It sounds like another that brings back not so happy memories."

"Alright." Mick didn't press it, but decided to keep an eye on her.

To Lucas, Kas called. "Come on up."

When Lucas heard Kas's voice, he knew he'd found her. He stepped up the stairs, and held a hand out. "Hi, I'm Lucas."

When Kas didn't take his hand, he drew back. Uh oh..

"I knew I knew that voice." Her tone, which had been friendly at first, was now cold. "Get out."

"But I.." he stammered, confused.

"Now." this came from Mick. He felt Kas shaking next to him.

"But why, I didn't do anything."

"The hell you didn't!" Kas spoke, before swining hard with her right hand, sending him sprawling.

Mick spoke "A. Your food. B You reek of corruption.."

"C. that's the lackey."

One of his lackeys raped me.

That played through Mick's head and he knew that's who Kas meant. Damned if he was gonna let that guy stay here. His fangs came out and he let go of Kas's hand, stepping towards Lucas and taking his pistol out, clicking the safety off.

Kas moved to the wall, and slide down it, hugging her knees to her chest, sobbing.

Mick watched Kas and Lucas took that was his chance to leave, crawling down the stairs.

Mick turned, letting out two shots, they hit Lucas in the kneecaps, shattering them and sending him falling to the stairs in complete agony, of which, Mick felt no sympathy. Hurting a woman in anyway was the lowest thing a man could do in his opinion.

Knowing Lucas wouldn't move, he turned and started to move back to Kas. Reaching her, he put one arm around Kas, his other hand wiping away her tears.

Kas lifted her head off her knees. "Mick.."

"Yeah, it's me." He was fighting the urge to leave her for 10 seconds and rip Lucas to shreds, but he couldn't do it.

"Damnit, I thought i was over this." She rested againest him, slightly more calm.

"It's alright. He can't do anything now.."

"Doesn't matter. I'm still gonna see those images everytime I close my eyes."

Mick ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm here..I'll help you.."

"I know,that means alot." Her blue eyes were shining.

"What should we do with him then?"

Kas voice was cold now. "Send him to hell."

She flung a hand at Lucas and he burst into flames, screaming and dissappearing in a haze of smoke and ash..

She closed her eyes as Lucas screamed, his screams reminding her of her own. Not noticing she was doing it, she shared with Mick the images flooding through her head.

When his hands tightened on hers, her eyes flew open and she turned in his arms. "What's the matter?"

"I. saw. It. I saw him and you."

"Oh. Oh Mick, I didn't mean to show you that. I'm sorry." She looked like she was going to crumble again and he didn't want that. He gave her a kiss then, and hugged her close, her arms going back around him.

"It's ok..don't be sorry."

"But I am. And it's not right."

"Not yet, but it will be. I promise." Mick offered her a smile. "Trust me."
© Copyright 2007 Nymph (writingnymph at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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