Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1294128-Essence
by Avian
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Death · #1294128
A short story about the essence of the human soul and what it does.

         The human body. A complex organism but understandable. You have the body itself, with all its organs, muscles and bones. And of course you have the person. And with that person is the soul that every conscious being needs to live. It helps decides our choice's, what we do, how we dress, our thoughts between right and wrong. And the soul is made up of an essence of sorts. Each time the body gets injured or damaged, from losing a layer of dry skin to a cut to an illness or disease, the soul loses a little of its essence which goes to repair the damaged part of the body. When the soul loses all its essence the body, the soul, the human, the being dies.

         Max awoke from his uneasy sleep when the alarm screamed in his ear at the crack of six a.m. With a grumble he threw the covers off of him and dragged his lazy ass out of bed. He hadn't fallen asleep until two that morning and he wasn't ready for another day of school. He grabbed clothes out of his closet and walked to the bathroom where he proceeded to take a shower and get dressed for school. He grabbed his back pack as he ran out the door late as usual. Halfway to school he finally caught up enough ground to be able to walk. At the stop light he straightened his school uniform out, the same old drab white polo and navy blue slacks he had worn every day since 4th grade, now in 11th.
         “Hey!” A cheerful voice came from behind him and he turned to see her, Amy his best friend and secret crush running at him trying to catch up.
         “One of these day's you're gonna fall and everyone's gonna see up your skirt,” he said semi-jokingly.
         “Jerk,” she muttered and slapped his arm.
         “Ready for the exam in Chem today?” he asked and began crossing the street.
         “Nope!” She smiled latching onto his arm as he crossed.
          He smiled looking ahead and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. He reached over with his free hand and pulled a fallen strand of her orange hair off her uniform. She looked as he did so and smiled at him.
         “You should really cut your hair, its hard to see your eyes,” she said looking up at him trying to push his sandy-blond hair our of his eyes to no avail.
         “I like my hair thank you very much,” he said looking ahead again. They walked the rest of the way to school in silence. Him thinking about the future he wished with her, to wake up every morning next to her, to take care of her, to protect her until the last breath left his body. And how she'd never know because for one he'd never risk ruining the relationship, and second she already had someone with who she wanted to spend the entire of her life with.
          They got to school just before bell. And parted to go to their classes. He rushed to class slamming into a door or two and a wall. None of which hurt which would seem surprising for the speed he was running at except for one thing. Max had never gotten injured, never been sick, not a day in his life, he was the image of perfect health. He made it to class barely before bell. The rest of his day went fine, the Chem test was simple enough, for chemistry anyways. That is until 6th period.
         6th period came, math, he had the class with Amy and sat next to her always. A gun shot went off outside the door and suddenly a student with a gun rushed into the room. He slammed the door shut behind him and turned onto the room telling them all to get down.
          And as in every gunman situation there's the one person who tries to resist who tries to talk the person down. In this situation, it was Amy. The student turned to her and simply smirked. This is where it all came into slow motion for Max even though this entire event spanned maybe a second or two. He raised the gun and aimed it at her. He say the student pull the trigger and Max jumped across the table to take the bullet. The bullet hit square in his stomach, but it went through him, never left a wound, like he wasn't even there and hit her in the heart.
         Immediately the student realized what he had done and a cold sweat covered him. He shook and trembled as Max turned around unable to comprehend what had just happened. Amy had been knocked out of her chair and lay on the floor bleeding her eyes already starting to go white and cold. He was on the floor next to her in tears crying, begging, trying to get an active response. Other students in the class tackled the gunman and knocked him out without resistance.
          “Amy! Amy! Don't you dare die on me dammit!” He begged putting pressure on the wound. He felt as her heart beat began to slow, felt the warmth leave her body. And then suddenly he realized something. He wasn't exactly sure what it was but it was there, like a sixth sense. He felt her aura fade and could almost see the essence of her soul leaving her body as it began its search for a new host. His heart began to warm his chest and slowly spread the warmth through his body. He couldn't help but smile as he felt the warmth hit his fingertips covering the wound. They began to glow and became translucent, and slowly, his body began to fade. Starting from the fingertips over the wound and up the arm as his body began to dissipate into essence. The essence that was known as Max floated in the room for a moment before entering Amy. The essence filled her soul and began to heal her body. Miraculously she got up seconds later with no sign of the wound other then the hole in her shirt and the blood stains around her.

         Max however, was never seen, never to be remembered, never to be known. For you see Max never lived. Never was. He was one of the few of his kind. When essence leaves a body as it was doing to Amy it wanders and finds a new host. After a time when it is unable to find a host it creates one. And slowly the one essence begins to attract more essence and soon enough a being is made, purely of essence. The being is born as a 'human' child and lives life as a human. The essence finds someone they care for and in such times of need as between Amy and Max the essence will sacrifice itself. And when it does, all history of it is taken, all records, all memories, as if it had never been.
          So next time you see someone who's been there for you always, the next time you find someone, enjoy them while you can. While you remember. For the next moment you may have forgotten that they ever existed, or for all you know, you could be forgotten. Live life in the moment, don't worry about the past or the future, life is in the now.
          Enjoy life as it comes, take each moment as it is. Please, take it from an Essence.
© Copyright 2007 Avian (avianazure at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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