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fantasy science fiction |
Science and Sorcery By Aaron Keskar Galaxia, a peaceful solar system; many have come to this place to find a quiet and calm place too live with good protection from whatever may happen. It consists of nine planets; the first planet Gruntina, named after the odd little pig like dog animal that inhabit it. The second planet; Bibonia known for its energy generators and desert like landscape, also known as Diggers dream planet. The third planet; Galactica, known for its 6 moons that brighten every night sky at once, also known as the romance planet. Galactica’s moons will sometimes even make certain shapes, sometimes even a heart every few decades. The fourth planet; Volconia, as the name suggests is known for its many volcanoes and rocky terrain. The fifth planet; Gaian, known for its tropical fruits, exotic animals, and forrests. the fifth planet, Milintaria, The military capital of the entire solar system, its rocky terrains and desserts along with large mountains make great training camps. Along with its natural resources it makes perfect supplies too any planet at any given time. The sixth planet; nobody really knows about this planet, anybody who comes into its orbit is immediately forced straight into the ground with absolute force; no signal can escape from its massive electrical force that surrounds the planet. Nobody really knows about the other 3, their gravity forces are too high for even the most durable ships too survive the crashes, every attempt of entering the last 3 gigantic planets have failed and have been filed ‘closed’. But now creatures have been terrorizing the little cities in galatica for unknown reasons. Could it be that these odd creatures have been coming from the last three planets? OR could it be another solar system all together? Milintaria, somewhere in the dessert the troops where practicing dessert survival when all of the sudden, a large meteor crashed into the training camp blowing soldiers away. Some soldiers ran, some soldiers stayed too take a look at the meteor. The meteor was a perfect sphere with a sharp point up on top. Then a soldier pulled out a walkie-talkie “we have a code triple nine, foreign strange object in the middle of the dessert permission too reel it in for studies? over” the soldier said. “permission granted soldier” a voice spoke back. The soldier looked back at the others “get this thing too the research lab transports on the double” he said pointing too the meteorite. The soldiers nodded as they brought in a hovering jeep with a along trunk and it floated down too the crater as a massive crane picked up the meteorite. The crane dropped the meteorite and the jeep hovered over to a large space ship and opened up its haul as the jeep came closer. The space closed the haul and took off too Bibonia. The space ship flew through a tunnel of floating rings leading too the planet’s research center. Once the ship landed, it opened up its haul and the jeep backed out of it as a crane picked up the meteor placing it on a conveyor belt leading too the research lab. Once the meteorite was on a large table in the middle of the lab the scientists gathered around when all of the sudden a howling sound was heard throughout the lab. The howling got louder and the lights went off, glass broke, machines shut down, then the meteorite began too move. The meteor had now turned into a gigantic metal robot scorpion with a laser for a stinger, two cannons on its back. “call the military!” one scientist yelled out running away from the gigantic scorpion. “WE CAN’T! THE COMMUNICATIONS HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN!” another scientist yelled back. Suddenly the giant metal scorpion crawled its way into the hall way leading too the exit. The alarms sounded, red lights flashed rapidly as the titanium reinforced doors locked the exit in front of the scorpion machine. The scorpion the let out a life threatening howl as its stinger laser blasted the door miles away and crawled out of the lab. Suddenly the military arrived in front of the scorpion holding up their guns at the scorpion “FIRE!” the commander said pointing at the scorpion. They all fired at the scorpion and a large cloud of smoke covered the scorpion and everything else. “is it over?” a soldier asked trying too see through the smoke. Once the smoke cleared the scorpion was stood there with a forced field around it and the scorpion roared out and fired laser at the soldiers. “Calling in Special forces I repeat all Special Forces come in” the commander said into the communicator hiding behind a mountain of ruble. “Ok, ok, already we heard ya the first time, don’t get your camo pants in a knot” Haseo said, leader of the special air forces. Haseo’s ship then flew in by itself and began firing at the gigantic scorpion. The gigantic scorpion howled out at Haseo’s ship. The forcefield deflected everyone one of the laser blasts Haseo threw at the scorpion. “dang, this aint going too work” Haseo said flying above the scorpion. He then jumped out of his ship landing right onto the force field. “now let see there should be a weak point around here somewhere” Haseo said putting on some green shades. The shades where actually special visors used too pin-point soft spots in metal, shields and such. “found it!” he said eagerly as he ran too the very tip of the force field. He then bumped his fists together and they where covered in a green glow, he then punched the weak point and the shield dissolved from top too bottom and Haseo fell right onto haseo on his back and tried hitting him with its stinger. “WOW!” Haseo said jumping out of the way, the scorpion actually punched a hole in its own armor. “Hey that gives me an idea” Haseo said standing still waving his hands taunting the scorpion, “HEY! WHATS BIG RED AND UGLY!?” He yelled out grinning. The scorpion then thrusted its stinger at Haseo with full force and Haseo caught it grinning. “now lets see where’s you C.P.U.?” Haseo asked himself looking around with his special shades. “THERE IT IS!” he said looking below his feet. He then stabbed the stinger into the scorpions back and it shut down, all of its lights went off. It then dropped onto the ground like a dead body and Haseo fell onto his but, rolling off the edge of the scorpion. “Well I’m not going too be sitting down for a while” Haseo said getting up, rubbing his back side. Suddenly a large black hole appeared in the sky and sucked up the machine and nothing else, closing up before anything else could get in. then the video footage ended. "That was the first attack recorded of these machines and for the past 3 weeks it has been decided that we are in all out war, we don’t know who or what we're fighting against, nor do we know what their motive is" the military commander said at the front desk of a large conference room. The people in the conference room chatted amongst themselves. Then one spoke up "But sir how do we destroy these things? Our weapons are no use?!" The man said angrily. "I'm glad you asked, as you can see in these video clips, certain people that have been attacked have been able too break their force fields" the commander said rewinding the first video too where haseo broke through the force field. "SIR! if this is considered all out war, then what good are these people against an entire army of these things?" a man shot up shouting with a nameplate in front of his seat saying 'milintaria strategist.' "I'm glad you asked that, we have already found two people, and apparently they're related, so all we have too do is too go through any of their family records and find any of these special peoples who we have codenamed 'Magestic Slayers' and these people will be serving in the army in a special squad on the front lines" the commander said showing a family tree of haseo's family. "the highlighted pictures are the Magestic Slayers we've found; Commanders Haseo yaminaka, and Aster yaminaka" The commander said pointing too the two pictures. "SIR! THIS IS ABSURD! HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?! TWO PEOPLE AGAINST AN ENTIRE ARMY?! WE MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP ALL HOPE NOW!" the milintarian strategist spat. "I AGREE!" another man said shooting up from his seat. the commander then pressed a button on his desk and everyone who was causing an uproar was magnetized too their seats. "These people are our only key too success, if need be we will resort too massive cloning" the commander shouted out, rather embarrassed that he had too tame them like wild animals. "Meeting dismissed" the commander said letting go of the button. The next day haseo, his brother aster and his sister kaiya where all called up too military and where in a armored space transport. "I wonder why we where all called……..me and aster I understand but sis? now I'm afraid confused" Haseo said trying too think why. His sister then slapped him across the face leaving behind a big red mark. on his cheek. Aster laughed at him with his silver hair in his face. "What the heck?!" haseo shouted at his sister. "You should've saw that coming big bro" aster said laughing. "Thank you aster" Kaiya said softly, and kindly while smiling at her brother. "why did both our father and mother have too be such strong people?" Haseo asked rubbing his cheek. "Never insult me as any other girl brother, well that is if you want too survive" kaiya said clutching a fist. The plane then landed in milintaria's main training camp. "come this is your stop" the pilot said as the doors slid open. the three family members came out of the transport. "glad too see you made it" The commander said walking up too the three. "so just get too the point, its probably a promotion for me right, and you thought it'd be nice if some of my family can too the award ceremony?" haseo asked eagerly. "You should'nt have commander." "good cause I didn't, It’s a bit more important then a simple promotion Haseo" the commander said. "So…………….is it both me and Aster?" Haseo asked tilting his head. Aster then knocked haseo upside the head "you certainly have a one track mind big bro" aster muttered as Kaiya giggled at this. "oww, why is everyone one hitting me all of the sudden" Haseo asked rubbing the back of his head. "ok, since I see you've bonded with each other rather well, lets get too business come with me" the commander said walking into the large dome. "So, whats up commander?" aster asked. "Whats up is that you three are the only ones who can fights these monsters and destroy them" the commander said looking over his shoulder. "So what? You're going too train us as your secret weapons, or as pets with shock collars?" Kaiya asked cracking her knuckles. "Because Haseo's the only one who needs the shock collar" Kaiya said with a slight smirk. "shock collars will be provided if necessary" the commander stated looking over at haseo. "Why does everyone always target me for everything?" Haseo asked. "I'd rather not answer that" Kaiya and Aster both said at the same time. "Since when do you two get along?" haseo asked curiously. "Since they both have a human punched bag" the commander said as they entered a wide room. "Training simulations I'm guessing?" haseo asked looking around. "yes Haseo based on the information we've gathered on the enemy we've been able too make a simulation of it" the commander said as he walked out too the center of the area and was then lifted up too a room near the ceiling. "Great its training camp all over again" haseo said sighing. the simulation began too run as a gigantic metal tiger appeared and haseo jumped at it bumping his fists together, making them glow a bright green and he punched the shield making it shatter into pieces as aster closed his eyes and two massive silver spheres appeared behind him and they both charged off at the tiger blowing holes in its front legs. Kaiya then jumped up and kicked the robotic tigers head making it shatter into mere illusionary data. This pretty much happened the same way every day they would go through the same routine get up, get read, get fighting, finish the fight, eat, go too sleep, but on the fifth day something different happened instead of being called too the simulation room, they where called too the head office of the commander. "you wanted too see us chief?" Aster asked walking in with haseo and kaiya walking in behind him. the commander closed his eye in frustration when aster said chief. "aster you just hit his sweet spot, Always refer too him as commander strictly it makes him really mad its his little sweet spot" Haseo whispered too aster. "well anyway commander whats up?" Kaiya asked curiously, tilting her head. "well anyway we've been able too find a way too enhance your abilities and we've made these for each of you" the commander said pressing a button under his desk. Three metal boxes came up from a hole each with different amplifiers for each of their specific powers. Each box was in front of whom would receive what. “ok well he said take’em so might as well” Haseo said shrugging. Haseo then opened the box and revealed two gauntlets with green gems in the palms. “SWEET!” Haseo said taking the gauntlets and putting them on. Aster looked inside the box too show two rings with a silver like gem embedded into them. “Well this is alright I guess” Aster said shrugging. “I wonder what I’m going too get, lets see what it is” Kaiya said opening the box. Inside were two shoes with a blue gem near the toes and covered in fragments of metal on the top and bottom. “O well I guess it works then” Kaiya said shrugging. Suddenly the alarm sounded and a soldier rushed into the office, “SIR! MASSIVE ENEMY SITINGS HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN GALATICA!” The soldier yelled out. “PERMISSION TOO DEPLOY SQUAD SIR?!” The soldier asked. “Permission granted, take these three with you onto the front lines, this is all out war” The commander said calmly. “alright finally something new too do!” Haseo said rushing after the soldier. “One track mind……” Kaiya and Aster both said shaking their heads. They both ran after Haseo and the soldier. The soldier then made his way too the landing platform, There were 4 single man ships, the newest and latest models built specifically for them. Haseo hopped into his and so did Aster and Kaiya and they all took off for galactica, galaxia’s capital. Once they all got there they flew over a small town that was reduced too ashes and giant machines moving forward too somewhere. “Where you think they’re ‘headin?” Aster asked through the microphone. “Don’t know, don’t care! All I know is that they’re about too get there shiny metal buts kicked!” Haseo said flying on ahead. “Haseo!” Kaiya screamed into the mike. “Quit fooling around this is-“ She was cut off By Haseo pressing the ‘silence’ button on the microphone setting. Haseo continued onwards and flew above a giant metal robot with someone other than him atop its head. “hmmm……..” Haseo said looking around the corner, seeing a man in a long gray cloak, and glowing blue hand. The man laughed Maniacally as the creatures marched onwards until the reached the dark side of the planet, which wasn’t too far from where they where. It was night fall and the moons of galactica formed a heart shape in the sky and the man grinned as the robots began too float up and the 6 moons shined upon them all. As the moonlight shun upon the robots the robots grew into actual animals like the ones they where built to look like, gigantic scorpions, tigers, and falcons oh my. “what the-?” Haseo cut himself off hoping the man wouldn’t be able too hear him, but unfortunately The man did and turned too Haseo. “Oh? I’m glad you and your siblings could make it too my……’Special’ event of he decade” The man said grinning evilly. “What do you mean ‘Special’ Event?” Haseo asked cocking an eyebrow at him. “As everyone knows, Galacticas six moons will form a heart shape in the night sky, theres a reason for that. You see each moon has certain types of properties, those properties make special gems used for magic and sorcery-“ the man was cut off. “MAGIC!? SORCERY!? Are you sure that your not some insane asylum escapee?” Haseo asked not buying a word the man said. “Your on who wields the magic in yourself, and yet you deny it?” The man laughed at this. “The evidence is you being able too break through my shields that I put up on my attackers! Aster’s special piercing powers and Kaiya’s mighty metal crushing might with a disintegrating after effect. The gems the commander gave you that where embedded into your specific amplifiers he gave you, he knew about all of this, and never told you a thing” The man said as he laughed evilly. “Note too self, never ask insane people if they escaped from an asylum” Haseo said as he wrote on a notepad. “I TOLD YOU I’M NOT INSANE! I’M EVIL!” The man yelled at Haseo. “And there’s a diff?” Haseo asked shrugging. The man angrily clutched a fist and closed his eyes, “FINE! DON’T BELIEVE MY WORDS?! I’ll just have too allow you too see it!” then man as three gems floated up from behind him. Suddenly large silver spheres floated up blocking out two of the moons and Kaiya jumped up into the air and kicked both spheres at Haseo “HEADS UP!” she yelled out. “What took ya’ so long?” Haseo asked as his fists bean too glow violently with a bright green color. He then punched the spheres straight at the man making him fly into the air, the gems shatter and the gigantic monsters turned into small crystals that soon shattered as they hit the ground. Kaiya then came up from behind Haseo and knocked him on the head, making him fall face first into the ground. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Haseo yelled as he got up. "I TOLD YOU TOO NOT GO OFF ON YOUR OWN!!!!" Kaiya yelled back. Aster remained in his pod fighter. "Aster come in, Haseo and kaiya aren't responding, everything alright?" The commander asked. "Ya, Everythings back too normal, well as normal as this family gets...." Aster responded with a grin on his face. "And the creatures?" the commander asked. "Gone" Aster responded. "hey whats this?" Haseo asked picking up a green crystal. "We can bring it back for research at the labs...." kaiya said looking over his shoulder. Soon after all three of them got into their own ships and took off for milintaria. It was awfully quiet when they landed atop the training grounds and they made their way too the commanders office and knocked on the door. "Hey commander you in here?" Aster asked knocking on the door. "Hmm......Think he might have a suprise for us?" Haseo asked wondering why no one answered. "Lets find out" kaiya said opening the door. "Man its dark in here where are the lights?" Haseo asked. "I got it" Aster said clapping. The lights then turned on showing that no one was there, not the commander, not the normal guards, nothing, no one. |