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this is an introduction to a 40k Space Marine Chapter of my own making, the Stausstruppen |
Gabriel turned away from the halo-table in which he was having a mock battle with the Chapters Chaplain, Tarnic, to look at the Chapter Master lounging on a couch reading. "What do you have a hold of now Cerberous?" Cerberous put aside the data-slate and faced the Librarian. "Just Ciaphas Cain's unabridged auto-biography." "You can call a favor in to get anything short of an Imperator Titan but yet you use them for getting reading material from the Inquisition's library. I think your to blame for everybody thinking the Strausstrupppen has no self control." Cerberous picked up the data-slate and started reading as Tarnic got Gabriels attention. “If you don't mind Brother-Librarian I have your Basilisk battery destroyed, I never get why you enjoy playing as the Guard." Gabriel turned hi attertion back to the battle and replied "This" A column of Leman Russ appeared out of nowhere to Tarnic as they came over a ridge. The holograms started firing at the flank of the Space Marine army and Predators started disappearing, and when the Space Marine tactical squads turned to face the new threat hundreds of Guardsmen stood and charged the Space Marines. Final Result IG wins. Tarnic with a grimace on his face said "You still took overwhelming casualties." Gabriel smiled. "Which is to be expected of the Guard, meanwhile you just lost the whole of Seconed Company." Both of them looked up to see Cerberous standing off to the side of the table. "Scouts have reported in, a small Ork Hulk, unarmed as of yet, has been reported two systems away. I vote we gather the men." Tarnic and Gabriel at the same time replied. "I'm with you." Not even 30 standard minutes later Cerberous, Gabriel, and Tarnic stood in front of 3rd company, Their black and red armor dull and flat from lack of new coats. Cerberous yelled to all of them, "I don’t know 'bout you but I’m getting bored with nothing to kill!" A general yell followed the statement but it died down as a large dreadnaught with no ranged weapons save for flamers walked out of a hanger to the left of the assembly. It spoke, "Once again Cerberous, you plan to leave me rotting in my sarcophagi. I'm starting to think you need another beating." The space marines laughed at the jest. "Great Tamberlane, I just didn't want to wake you from your nap!" Cerberous replied, but then bowed deeply. You see entombed in the great Dreadnaught was the first Chapter Master of the Strausstruppen himself. As he was mortally wounded in a battle against Ork Boss Bloodzkull he passed the leadership to others though he is still looked to for help and inspiration. "Now then, Load up! Today we whet our blades against the greatest enemy, Orks!" The Strausstruppen are a light Chapter focusing on Fast attack and melee combat. Subsequently their favorite prey would be Orks. The space marines ran to the hanger all trying to bee the first to the Thunderhawks. Troy checked his Bolter for the fith time, this was to be his first battle as a fully fledged space marine, of course he has plenty of scars from his time as a scout but never has so much responsability been on his shoulders, he pulled out his longer than standard issue knife, he always enjoyed a sword duel so he kept his sword from his scouting days. Damn, he was already getting arrogant; he would have to keep himself in check. "Thirty minutes out, The Emperor protects." chimed the pilot. Troy hadn't even noticed the journey he was so preoccupied. He began his prayers. The Thunderhawk gracefully swooped into the hanger landing on several orks and discharged its passengers. Cerberous jumped from the ramp smashing an orks head in with his daemon hammer, Mjolnir, which was a pagans gods hammer. A shot from his plasma pistol melted through another ones chest plate and most of its chest with it. Beside him more marines poured out eager for kills. A few kilos away in another hanger Troy ran out of his Thunderhawk flanking Tarnic. Using the barrel of his bolter to parry a heavy axe he rammed his sword through the stomach of an ork with the blade exiting the small of its back inches from the spine, darn, he thought to himself, I missed. Dropping the ork he charged into battle behind the Chaplain. "For the Emporer!" Tarnic bellowed. He was mirrored by Tamberlane who charged out of his personal Thunderhawk |