Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1291963-Revenge
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Teen · #1291963
Revenge is about a girl bent on destroying her exbest friend and her exboyfriend's lives.
  Alix sat at her computer.  Her fingers were quickly moving accross the keyboard punching the keys.  Her insant message read as follows,
  "They think that they can mess with me? They think that they can lie and cheat on me and get away with it? Well, just so you know, they aren't going to. I'm telling you that they will face judgement."

The response:

  "Gee, what did they do?"
  "Well, while i was going out with Jeremy, Brooke fell in love with him. She began to convince him that i didn't like him. He convinced pretty easily and they began seeing eachother behind my back. They lied about it all the time. I thought she was my best friend. But apparently not."
  "Wow. What are you going to do to them? You're not going to kill them!?"
  "No, that wouldn't be punishment enough. I'm going to get revenge though."
  "How? What are you going to do."
  "You'll see. Trust me, i wouldn't watch them embarrass themselves without telling you as well."
  "Yeah, well, this might not be the best idea. What if they decide to get revenge on you?"
  "Oh, please! Like they could ever be as smart as me?? They wouldn't know what to do."
  "Well, i gotta go to bed. Good luck with the revenge. 'Night Alix"
  "Bye, Cassy."

  But Alix didn't go to bed.  She was up until four planning her revenge. It soon became a habit that she stayed up until three or four in the morning working. The first night was just the planning, the second night meant action. First, she established a blog about her every move. She wanted to make sure that when she died, there would be a record of her genius. Then she created two different email accounts. One was called, jybsbllallstr, and one was called, loveyouthsmch. The first was for Brooke. The second was for Jeremy.
  Her next move was the email itself. She had to be careful what she said. If she said the wrong thing, they might get suspicious. She had to sound real. She sent an email to Brooke from a very cute guy in the eleventh grade. Joe Jay. She knew that he was just the kind of guy that she would open up to and/or flirt with. The email was a little flirty, but there would be flirtier. Then she sent an email to Jeremy. This one the said was from Brooke. Very flirty, and very personal.
  It was almost two in the morning when she received an email from Brooke. There was no suspicion and she opened up like a book. Alix made Joe the perfect guy. She told Brooke how much Joe wanted to meet her. And how he couldn't wait for school to start. Alix lied about Jeremy to Brooke. She said that Jeremy had said things in the locker room. Things that most girls hate in a guy. By four, there was a good, strong connection between Joe and Brooke. Alix was hoping for more.
  More happened. Although she received nothing from Jeremy, Brooke was constantly emailing "Joe." Alix incorporated a little more flirtation, and also added the word, "love," to the end of the emails. Soon, Brooke was also adding it. Alix was getting excited about her creation. She watched Brooke fall in love with Joe.
  And then school started. Alix had waited ever since the first email for school to start. One last email before the first day. Brooke told Joe that she had something to tell him. Joe told her that he would wait until tomorrow. He said it would be better then. Alix was waiting for revenge.
  First day. Alix was early and waited for Brooke to arrive. Joe was sitting at a table in the courtyard by himself. He was reading a book. Brooke walked up to Alix.
  "Um, hi Alix."
  "I have to go."
  Alix didn't even want to hear what Brooke had to say. She was a little scared that she might want to apologize. Alix didn't want her to. She didn't want Brooke to rob her of her revenge. Brooke waited for a few minutes...and then she saw Joe. The real Joe. Not the virtual Joe. Brooke skipped a little over to him. She sat down next to him,
  "Hi, Joe!"
  "ummm, Hi?"
  "Okay, so what i wanted to tell you is that i know we have gotten a little close and personal over this summer, but i really like Jeremy, and nothing you say can make me think bad about him. So nothing can happen between us."
  Joe sat for a while, a little stunned. He didn't even know this girl. Why was she talking like this to him?
  "What are you talking about?"
  "I'm talking about what you have been telling me over email. The last email you sent me you told me you loved me and i realize that i don't love you."
  "Okay, i never sent you an email. I don't even know your name. I think you have me confused with someone else."
  "No, i know it's you. Joe Jay. You told me that Lindsay Hardy gave you my email address."
  "Please, i never talk to Lindsay. I really don't know what you're talking about."
  "But i told you everything about me! I told all about my life and EVERYTHING!"
  "Chill! You never told me anything."
  "Isn't your email jybsbllallstr?"
  Brooke stared. Who sent her those emails? Why did they do that? Joe got up,
  "Maybe you should see a doctor."
  Brooke turned bright red. Tears creeped into her eyes. Why would anyone do that? Did they just want to see her embarrass herself? Who?
  She would find out.
  After Alix watched all this with incredible delight, she decided Jeremy was in need of some embarrassment. Really the most effective way of ruining his life was detention. Yes, Jeremy had never gotten a detention. Alix knew that would change.
  Every grade had to write a paper on the summer. It was well known that the teachers regularly checked papers for originality by going to the internet and comparing them to the ones you can buy. Alix's plan was to buy a paper from the internet, and then switch it out for Jeremy's real one.
  It worked.
  Jeremy was sent to the principal's office and give twp months of detention. By the next morning, everyone had somehow heard about it. Jeremy was in disgrace and tried his best to keep out of the public's eye as much as possible. But bieng one of the most popular guys in the school, it was very hard for the other students to let it rest. He was placed in the hall of shame.
  Alix had completed it. She had seen her ex-best friend embarrassed in front of Joe, who told everyone as well. And she had seen her ex-boyfriend ashamed in front of the whole school. She was satisfied. Now she only wished that they could find out it was her. But only if they asked. She never pushed herself forward.
  But Brooke was working hard. She re-read all of the emails from "Joe" and found one that she hadn't read carefully before. In it he had said that he had made her name his password. Brooke took that and ran. She entered his account and found all of the emails. The contacts list had two contacts:  herself, and another called loveyouthsmch.  When she looked up loveyouthsmch she found the blog page. She found everything. Alix?!?!?! It was Alix!?!?!?!?
  The final blog read,
  "I'm so glad it's finally over. When i think about it, i realize that all i really wanted was for them to be shaken up a little. I never really wanted them to be ruined. But i'm glad that i did what i did. I had to do it. What would anyone else have done? If they ever find out, I'm glad i did it. And i would never regret it. I'm glad i did it to you Brooke! I'm glad i did it to you, Jeremy! You both deserved it. And now, now that i'm finished, it's time to know the truth. Tomorrow i'm going to die. The doctors said that i was diagnosed to late to save me. All i wanted you to do was to find this blog. You needed to know something that i could never tell you in person. Now that i have my revenge, i forgive you."
© Copyright 2007 Lixxy Vittetaux (rubberdukkee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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