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This is the Eighth chapter in my Leif Denien story. |
Leif Denien Chapter 8 The whole village was in a state of depression. Most of the father’s were drafted. Henriton was drafted too, so the trials were postponed for a week. Leif decided he should practice so that when the trials continue he would be able to finish strong. He left for the battleground. When he got there, Everyone was standing in a circle around Yurken. He was fighting some kid that Leif didn’t know. Leif spotted Katie. His gut wrenched. He knew he should go over and talk to her. Leif winced, picked up all the courage he had, and walked over. Katie smiled in acknowledgement. “Hi Leif,” She said sweetly. “Hi Katie,” Leif managed to get out. Yurken defeated the boy he was fighting. Everyone let out a disgusted sigh. "Yurken is undefeated again," Katie said with hatred. "Why don't you fight him, since you've been practicing so much?" "No, I'd rather not," Leif said without confidence. "Common', get in there," Katie said giving him a shove into the ring. "Leif?" Yurken asked as though the very thought that Leif would try was astounding. "Do you actually think you can win?" He glared at Leif as though he was the scum of the earth. "Oh, just keep your mouth closed and let's do this," Leif said impatiently. He didn't care whether he won or lost this time. Yurken was just stuck up. Yurken laughed at him, and held his blade at the ready. "Anything goes," Yurken said smirking. Everything was in slow motion. Everyone was staring. Though there were only about ten kids watching; it seemed like hundreds. Leif's heart quickened. Don't freeze up, he told himself. Just flow. Leif made the first move. He started circling. Yurken moved in the opposite direction. It's just like fighting a snake, Leif said to himself. He could win this! A breeze ruffled their clothing. They were staring each other down. Leif couldn't make the first attack. It could be fatal. Yurken ran at Leif, lunging at his chest. Leif rolled to the side. Yurken swung his sword down at Leif. Leif sidestepped and lunged. Yurken parried and backed away. The sun was hot, and both competitors were equally tired. Leif was walking toward Yurken when he tripped on a rock. He went sprawling to the ground. He turned onto his back to see Yurken's sword coming at him. Leif knocked the sword away just in time. Yurken's sword struck the ground and Leif rolled out of the way, but Yurken was on him instantly. Over and over Yurken struck at Leif, and was parried. Being on the ground, each action was twice as taxing on Leif's strength. Each time Yurken's blade came closer and closer to hitting him. Leif's arm ached from exertion. Yurken stepped on Leif's chest to ensure that he couldn't roll out of the way. Leif was so close to being hit. Leif swung his leg out hitting Yurken's. Yurken fell over with a thump and Leif threw himself up on two legs. He lunged. Yurken attempted a parry, but Leif feigned around it and tapped him on the chest. Yurken stared up in horror. He had lost. Leif stared down in wonder. He had won. Zach let out a whoop of joy. Everyone present was excitedly talking. The master of the battleground was defeated. Leif was greeted by everyone at once. They kept asking him questions. "How did it feel to come so close to losing so many times!" "You are the best." "Great job, I thought Yurken would have never been defeated!" Leif just smiled. When everyone finally settled down, Leif walked over to Katie and now Zach, who was standing next to her. “Great job pal!” Zach said. “I’m glad to see that stuck up brat be pounded. “Leif, you were great!” Katie gave him a high five. “How ‘bout we go to the market to celebrate!“ Zach Suggested. They smiled and laughed to the store. It was nice to have a celebration in the midst of despair. They bought a pineapple and walked over to a rock to eat it. Leif pulled out his sword and sliced it into thirds. They ate while talking of life, the war, and the professions each of them were going to pursue. Zach took a slice while he talked about how life will be when he's a member of the city guard. "Life will be so much fun! I will live on the edge, excitement around every corner." Leif and Katie smiled at these remarks. They both knew attacks rarely happened, and so most of the city guards just sit around all day. Zach told of the adventures of his father, who had been in the city guard. Both Leif and Katie knew that they weren't real, but they made for a good story so they just sat and listened. Zach soon had to leave in order to help his mother with the household chores. "Now what?" Leif asked. "I don't know," Katie replied. "Lets go for another walk, just in a different area of the forest than last time." "I know the perfect spot," Leif said confidently. They walked hand in hand to the area which Leif had fought the arquill. There was a tree that had been scarred by lightning, which glowed a silvery black. Leif climbed up the first branch, and then helped Katie get up. They climbed as high as they dared and then watched the sunset. The birds happily sang. Katie and Leif spoke of the good times before the war. They reminisced of the fun times they had experienced together. They used to climb trees and spy on the neighbors. They would often see the neighbors do something funny and wouldn't be able to stop laughing about it for weeks. One day they had been spying on the baker. He had baked some cookies, but promised his wife that he wouldn't eat any. He sneaked out into the backyard and stuffed as many in his mouth as he could. His wife caught him in the act. Leif laughed so hard that he fell from the tree and broke his arm. He was scolded by his mother and had never spied since. The tree offered a beautiful view of the forest. They sunset was a painting of bled colors. The oranges set the sky on fire, while the royal purple told of the majesty of the skies. Katie leaned on Leif's shoulder. Leif tensed, but then relaxed and put his arm around her. Everything was going well. He was succeeding in the trials, had a good home, and a friend like Katie. He truly loved her. When older he would ask her hand in marriage. His heart sang. They sat in silence, but communicated their feelings for each other loud and clear. Leif closed his eyes, savoring the moment. It was getting dark, and he would soon have to escort her home. "I better get you home now," Leif said quietly. "Alright," Katie said dreamily. Leif lowered himself down and then helped Katie to the ground. They walked hand in hand until they reached her home. Katie opened the door, said goodnight, and they parted ways. Leif danced home, leaping and bounding with the infinite amount of energy he had. The moon came out and the stars shone brightly. Soon he reached his home. "Goodnight mom," he said as he passed her room. "Goodnight Leif," she said groggily. Instead of going to sleep himself, Leif grabbed his wool blanket and walked into the backyard. Maybe he could learn to use the magic he had been given. The temperature had dropped greatly. Leif laid back and stared at the night sky. The clouds were covering most of it, but the sky soon became so dark that he could only see the black which the clouds created. Leif traced the stars, finding the patterns, and creating pictures by connecting the tiny white dots. Leif took out a pebble from his pocket. He concentrated on it, and it rose into the air. Leif could feel his energy draining fast. He sent it speeding into the forest. Next came the exhaustion. Leif was breathing heavily. He wondered why Lifting a simple pebble with his mind would be as though picking up a boulder with his hands. Leif decided he would ask Maryon the next day. For now, he was exhausted. He blindly traveled to his room. Leif didn’t even make it to his bed. He was out cold on the floor. |