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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · History · #1291866
my short story its not done yet but suggestions are great
Creative writing.

My Honor Is My Life.                                             

I stand in the lush , Roman grass. The sun glaring onto my armor heating it up and causing me to sweat heavily, the bright intensity causes my soldiers to wince as they attempt to look at me for their orders. I am their leader, their king. Only through hard work have I attained this role through honor and self discipline. My courage faith and everything else that I possess has been tested. My loyalty in the field. My strength in the coliseum. Only after all that was this role appointed to me. And now I have all the honor, all the upstandings shall we say, that any man could ever want. I look my soldiers in their eyes and know, know that they trust me...know that their ready for the march. Ready for the battle. Ready for the war. “March!” I yell loudly with the ease of a man with a hefty amount of self assurance. The kind that only high leaders have, and I smile as the ground trembles with the poundings of the feet of the ten thousand soldiers that I possess. We march.We march through forests and begin to climb a steep hill. The sun reaches its highest point and it begins to climax and fall deep down to the earth and a great white sliver of the moon began to show till long after moonrise. After dark the treck is ever so slow, having to increase patrols of the surrounding embankments where it is possible that our enemy persists. When the moon is at its highest I tell my soldiers to prepare to make camp. They drop their bags and weary from a long day they build a camp into the rocky valley. Tents are pitched and fires are made for the lone cause of cooking food that has been scarce these past few days. The hunters I have dispatched earlier return with multitudes of rich fatty boar. My soldiers whoop with sheer joy as the boars are slaughtered and the smell of roast boar encloses the camp and we feast. My men eat like animals as if this were to be their last meal. My army of ten thousand men finishes their meal within the hour.
Riding. My horses mouths foam blows in my face. Sweat trickles down our sides. We ride as one for speed is of the essence and now with this message for Artemious, the king of all of Rome. I must hurry. My horse slides in the soft clay of rivertide and takes a great leap to the other side. He pauses to catch his breath. His spittle drops to the ground and we continue onward. Our breathing is as one, our energy shared amongst us as we rush. Almost there I think silently to myself. Galloping in an open field we speed up but begin to slow as the field ebbs away into a thick and almost impenetrable forest. I push him onward and the dense brush whips at my face leaving tiny cuts that will be very painful in the near future. “Whoa boy,” I say as we reach a small clearing that had a dry patches good to camp on and was completely surrounded except for one large old oak. I tie the horse’s tethers to the tree and begin to gather fire wood, stones, and moss to build a fire. After eating a rabbit caught only hours before in the wild brush I clean up camp and begin writing a letter to Demetria. My sister disguised as a warrior in the great army of Rome.


I hope you are doing well under the care of Artemious’s men. I don’t think father knows yet that we have switched places before getting to our guilds. Being a messenger isn’t all bad…at least I don’t have to kill many people, well at least not as many as you will you being appointed into the king’s army. What’s it like being the only woman warrior in all the lands. I should be seeing you soon but when were in public we must act as though we are just old friends…but that’s no fun, so when you hear if Artemious is there just hurry to your quarters…I think I still remember where they are, I shall try to meet you there as soon as I may.
                                                           Your brother,
                                                           Callisious messenger of Rome.

As I fold up the note I carefully reach into my saddlebags and retrieve one of my white messenger pigeons well known to get the job done even through the toughest weather. I tie the note to her foot and whisper, “To the castle, you know where to go.” And I release the fragile bird who immediately after being released bursts into a fluffy ball of white as she stretches her wings and struggles to gain altitude on a windy day such as this “Off you are,” I mutter whimsically.

Swords clash as I twist and block a move meant to cause nothing but death. “Nicolae” I gasp “you are getting better”. My opponent grunts and drops as I deliver a feint that completely misses his leg by mere inches, but my arm twists with purely fluid movements as I recover and twist my sword arm delivering a blow to the neck. It would have caused instant death were it not that our swords made of wood, now it only caused temporary paralysis and  he drops to the floor unable even to blink. I pick him up and march to the huge double doors of the guarders hall. I deliver him to Lanolious, the senior medic and monk of this castle. After he cleans Leonardious’s wounds and puts him to bed. I sink into the padded chair that he keeps by the hearth.  He is the only one here that knows my true identity as a woman. “Why Demetria, what is the matter?” he whispers. “Any word about Callisious?” I say. “I just got a letter from him this morning and he said that the armies are headed this way.” I have known Lanolious since the day I was born and they say we became fast friends and were inseparable until when he turned seven when his parents died and he was sent to the local church where he was taught the art of healing and became a monk. “No.” He says firmly but the Archduke told me to tell you to start packing because the army is going to make a slight detour to come and celebrate summerstide with us”
“Ok.” I respond dully suppressing a grin at the thought of my upcoming visit with my brother. I rush to my room where I immediately begin to pack my  few but meaningful belongings.

Bright light and the green smells of the forest awaken me. I stand up groggily strip down to my skin and walk to the river where I dive in the water and swim to the warm sandy bottom. I swim there groggily and rise nearer to the top where I bathe in the ice cool water.  After I finish bathing I walk up the bank grab my fresh clothes out of my saddlebags and dress. I grab the horses food bag, fill it up and tie it to his muzzle.While my horse eats his meal of oats and bran in silence I prepare to ride again. I rush and prepare my lunch smoked  rabbit and dry stale bread from yesterdays meal. I throw water over the fire to put it out and throw dirt over the ashes to stop the trackers that were probably following. Not allowing them to know that I spent a long and dreary night here. I readied my horse for the ride tying saddle and harness nice and firml. Stick my foot in the stirrups and deftly climb into the saddle and we begin to trot, the trees being too dense for a full out gallop. After we pass the line if thick trees that mark the ending of the forest lies a lush valley. I see trailings of smoke etching into the sky and think Artemious would probably camp there he knows that the valleys are safer than the field. I ride there knowing that that is where Artemious and his men would have found as perfect for spending the night.

The hustle of the morning rush enlivens the camp as we gather our things to continue our headings to Castle Fillonia where a supposed five hundred new troops lie awaiting our appearence. As we are about to depart a horse and rider rushes into camp. The horse kicking up dust in the dry patches among the earth. The rider is, by the clothing he wears, a messenger from the Castle Fillonia. As he slows to a stop I walk up and look into the young mans eyes and recognize the intense blueness. “Callisious my good man I hope you bear good tidings” I say. “ I bear a message for you Artemious, from the castle bearing great news for us at Castle Fillonia have five thousand men of the expected five hundred. Also the Archduke has spent a great amount of his wealth and invites you to this years summerstide festival. Five days of unstoppable fun as well as meeting his finest soldier Demetrious of Caldekat and as I am your messenger I shall be your guide if you accept. If that is your wish than sign here and one of my message birds can take it to the castle.” I sign the paper quickly and Callisious reaches into the bags on his saddle and pulls out a white dove and hands it to me obviously allowing me to be the one to release it.I tie the signed letter to the doves foot and release the bird “to the castle” I yell and the racious cheers of the soldiers brighten the mood of all those in the camp. We prepare to leave, 0for the greatest celebrations are known to have taken place at the castle Fillonia.

           Ten huge ships full of men with darkened skin, tanned from long days in the sun dock in Rome. Armies form into rank as they rush to see the Emperor. “Hurry” he says and the men rush as their destination is the Castle Fillonia. Scouts return shortly after carrying highly detailed maps of the local terrain and one of the Archdukes own men rushes forward and attempts to show me the way on a map but this way, this is the fastest way, this is the safest way this, not that way the voices rise to a crescendo as their babbling persists “CAESE” I scream they immediately stop as though stricken we must continue on. This way I point the man from the Archduke to my generals where he shows them the best way to get there and after a few hours the Castle Fillonia is within view.

Chapter II

“Let the celebrations begin!” Archduke Pillonoius cheerfully addresses his subjects. And a few moments later all the courtyards are abuzz with the sounds of glorious music played by only the best musicians. The loud laughter is glutinous grasping and pulling at all that can hear into its grasps. All the men glance at the dark alleyways knowing that that’s where the town’s harlots stay, although none will head off till it gets dark. “Artemious” Pillonoius  says, “meet my finest warrior Demetrious from Kaldekat he graduated top of his class you know” as soon as Artemious glances at him something changes in his eyes …almost the same way a young boy would look at a girl he was deeply infatuated with.

Deep eyes stare at me with something I suppose could almost be called wonder. I Squirm as it feels like there’s  I don’t know a tingling sensation deep in the pit of my belly, I turn and tell Pillonoius that I have to piss and rush away, away from the uncomfortable stares of the king.

Callisious skitters off by the castle where he then heads as to the direction of the warriors guild where he knows his sister is. He walks in and asks one of the trainees where her room is “off the next right, first room on the left” he replies. “Thanks” I say and I head towards her room where to my dismay I find that she is not there” I sit on her bed and wait. “Callisssious!” I wake groggily “Demetria, I'm sooo glad to see you” I say and she runs up and gives me a hug.” I just had the weirdest moment she says. The king was looking at me and I could almost swear that he knew…that he knew that I was a woman. And well that he may like me or something and I had the weirdest feeling myself like a tingling in the pit of my stomach. It was so weird” I wait a second and ponder on what she said my sister likes the king. Whirls through my head “But you wont tell him will you” I say “because if you do than there is the possibility that he may take you off the team.”
“No.” I reply I won’t tell him…I can’t tell him because if I do than all my years in the guild may as well never happened”

I stand here talking to Archduke Pillonoius and say “what is wrong with that boy, he shouldn’t be so fidgety I thought you said that he was your finest.”
“Well yes he is sir; he is our finest in the art of war”
“Well I guess that I will have to teach him the art of modesty that because he will never be the very best until he knows how to treat his elders.

“ATTACK!!!!” the emperor cries and the tanned bodies swarm around the castle looking for strong and weak spots.  The stronger ones start climbing and grab the unthinking guards who only the night before were drugged by a “harlot” and were now irrevocably high, and either broke their necks as if they were birds or slit their throats. The men already atop the Castles walls throw down the ropes and begin to drop on the other side.
The first one runs over to the Archduke and slides his knife gently across his throat, not enough to bleed but enough to scare the man. The commoner’s screams echoed amongst the background music turning the wondrous song into the devils song.

“Huh, did you hear that” Callisious said. “Those screams…” “Yes I think I heard. Quick help me with my armor” she cries the will of the warrior coming out. “QUICKLY” she says and I run to her armor stand where I pull it off with a mighty heave untie the fastens and throw it over her head and tie the thongs.  “GO,” I scream “and be careful would you?”

The swords clash and blood flows out of many wounds, some of which so terrible that men cry like little babies for the Egyptians swords are well known as forged in Hell whereas the fires of hell burn those through their wounds. I grab my sword by the pommel yank it out of the scabbard and throw myself into the fight. Twist. Block. Dodge. My instincts honed through many battles tell me exactly what I should do and I trust in them so they strengthen me all the more.

“Hutaaaaaaaaaaah!” I cry my battle cry as I am immediately put into close contact with an Egyptian warrior I slice with a strength unknown even to me and he is immediately on the ground my sword deep within his flesh. I immediately move to another one and he falls. I see others running out of their guilds with themselves fully adorned armor and know that the Egyptians were shortsighted in the amount of people we had at the celebration as they begin to fall back.

“RETREAT” Is heard among us and we fall back tanned bodies pressing against the wall of stone. The Romans press forward and some of us climb down the other side where we know might be safer. But the Romans keep pushing and we start jumping off the sides hoping to land in the river and not the rocks below.

I watch as Demetrious slaughters his foes and at the catlike movements he uses.”
Even the
Smallest bird still flies with
The eagles.
I mutter because no matter how strong the boys opponents were he always seemed to win getting away unscathed. But as the boy dodges a blow one of the Egyptians run up his flanks and thrusts his sword into his sword arm. The boy collapses, and I rush forward determined to kill them all. After their blood is shed I kneel beside Demetrious and remove his armor only to find that the boy was not a boy at all. “ Nooo” the girl screams “you must not know” but she then faints and I carry  her to Lanolious and I find that he has known all along.

The Egyptians flee across the river and lose many with the archers we have set along the castle walls. The Archduke is saved with nothing but a scratch and everyone is immediately suspicious. How come they didn’t kill him? Is muttered and a mob of people suddenly rush up and slaughter the old man oblivious to his now known lies.

I see a light when I open my eyes but then I see a face blurred, but I can still make out who it is “Callissious” I say “he knows”
“ I know” He says. He also knows about our past but has promised not to tell father. In fact he is going to tell him that we are both dead of wounds caused by the Egyptians.”
“Oh and by the way he has gotten a liking to you, He now calls you his warrior princess”
Callissious walks to the door and lets someone “in fact” he says “He’s been waiting to see you since the day you were wounded.” “How long ago was that?”

“Three days” I say. “It got infected and it took the work of all the monks to cure it and I got to meet your lovely friend Lanolious.”

His eyes glimmer shyly. He walks over and plants a kiss on my lips…but I don’t want him to stop, so I struggle to bring my good arm around his neck and he sits there obviously enjoying the kiss as much as I am.

Not soon after my sister got out of the ward did Artemious ask Demetria to marry him. Lo and behold she said yes and only three months later they were married beside the babbling brooks of the forest of Music. Demetria favorite place to sit. Now they have several children and Demetria, well she has many a battle every day.
© Copyright 2007 hiwakura (vannessam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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