Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1291615-Alcott-Charm-Academy
by Rai
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1291615
A dramatic and funny story of a teenage girl sent to a finishing school
        It’s so not fair!!! How could they have possibly done this to me? I mean it’s MY life. I think I am going to die. Ok, maybe I am acting like a bit of a drama queen right now but who wouldn’t? How could my parents, my gentle loving caring parents, turn out to be so cruel to me? I mean sending me across the Atlantic Ocean just to get proper schooling? How dramatic can someone be?

        ‘The Alcott Charm Academy for Young Ladies’. The name alone makes me puke. Mum says that the school is what every girl needs before she heads of to the real world. Yeah right! She went to that school when she was little and my grandmother went before her. It’s located in England and is attended by the “daughters of the elite”. In other words,  a bunch of rich and stuck up snobby girls!!! How exciting! I totally can’t wait!

      I am an American. I want to go to a normal American school not an English one. What is so bad about the schools in Boston anyways? At least I would have my friends. I don’t even know anybody in England. It’s hard to believe that I am actually on this plane, which is taking me closer and closer to the end of my life.

        On the bright sight however I, 14-year-old Sam, will be free from the evil eyes of my parents. And there is also another academy right next to ours for the sons of the elite! The academy’s main focus is in sports. So the students would most likely be a bunch of rich and good-looking guys. They might be snobby for all I care, as long as their looks make up for their arrogance. I think the academy for the guys is called something like ‘The Franchez Academy for Young Men’. You know … maybe my life is not so bad after all.
      *                 *          *          *          *          *          *          

         “I totally take back what I said about my life not being so bad after all. All I want to do right now is pick up my bags, turn around, and head back the way I came. I feel like a total outsider, a loner. In Boston I was one of the most popular girls in my schools. Here I am nothing.

                The large gloomy grey walls do nothing to welcome me. Instead they seem to be frowning down on me to tell me that I don’t belong here. To tell the truth, I couldn’t agree more. I have been in this gigantic maze of an academy for five minutes and I have already humiliated myself. It was so embarrassing! I was probably never as red I was today in my whole entire life of fourteen and a half years. That’s saying a lot because I am a complete klutz and have had numerous amounts of awkward and embarrassing moments. But they are nothing compared to what happened just now.

                I was walking peacefully down a hallway that looked like it had jumped out of a fairytale book with pictures of castles. Only it did not look as cheerful as the pictures in the book. Everything was in shades of grey and a dull red. The windows were huge but the large grey draperies stopped any light from entering making the hallways seem even gloomier. I felt like I was in prison. Even worse, a grey and dull red prison. This was when it happened.

                  As I took a left turn around a corner I bumped into a girl. And get this! She was wearing a tiara. Who does she think she is anyways? A princess or something? Behind her stood eight women and three men, all of those older than the girl and carrying lots of big suitcases. I only bumped into her, not try to kill her! But by the sound of her scream you would think quite the contrary.

                  “How dare you!” she spitted out looking quite enraged. “ Apologize right now!” and with that she stuck her chin up and looked away from me in a very haughty manner. All I did was give her a ‘you are acting really weird’ look and started to walk away.

                  “ Where go you think you are going? You should be lucky that I gave you a chance to apologize and didn’t report you instantly. I could have gotten you fired for acting so rudely to your superiors!”  I had to admit that I was pretty impressed at how she said all that in a very high shrill voice that was abnormal for the human voice. But I was also confused. What I said was…

                  “Report me? To who? And exactly what makes you my superior?” I raised my voice slightly not noticing the scene that we were creating and the eyes we were attracting.

                  “ I am a student here just like you.”  I was very surprised with the response that I got. All she did was laugh. Mind you, it was not the happy kind of laugh but a mocking and cruel laugh. I knew that now I was in serious trouble now. As I looked around I noticed that the other students were also laughing. I started to turn red all the way up to my ears. I could feel the warmth radiating from my flushed cheeks.

                    “You are a student???” She sneered at me. “ Why my maids here are dressed in clothes that are more expensive than you have probably ever seen in your life!  I can see that you are going to be the picture of shame for our school. This school is for those who are rich. You probably can’t even afford Boutique de Belle! I don’t think you have even heard of them.” With that she flipped her hair and stormed off with her maids, valets, and the laughing spectators following her. I felt close to tears but decided that I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. So yeah… I definitely take back all I said about my life being better!
© Copyright 2007 Rai (rai_xox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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