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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1290924
This version of Naruto is slightly different than its anime counterpart.
Note: What you may or may not have read before is a rough draft. It still is, in a way, but I've added WritingML tags, like I do most of my other documents. But there's no doubt that I should have done this from the start. So from now on I'll at least attempt to keep a constant tab on this wonderful resource and make use of it while I type.
Note: Since I know some people can find conversations boring and difficult to follow, I have assigned colors to each main character's name and speech. This is an attempt to make the conversations a little more understandable to people like myself and others who have developmental disabilities, as well as people who just can't follow a conversation in text.
For this book, I will use the following for color codes, though the names should be refresher enough:
However, I am only one man. These things will all be coming soon!

Alternate Universe Naruto Book 1

In The Beginning: I will succeed!

Preaface for Series

         There are numerous Naruto fanfics out there. So why should you read this one? Well, for one thing, the storyline is pretty much completely different, but has many of the same characters. However, some of the characters personalities have been modified so as to fit the storyline. For example, the situation with Naruto and Sakura has been reversed, so that Sakura is in love with Naruto, and Naruto is constantly trying to avoid her. And then there's the matter of character development. As stated before, all the characters from the series I will try to get into the storyline, though they may not all be there. I have a fair amount of information planned from the start, so you shouldn't have to worry about any conflicting storylines, as I've already thought some of this out. So here it is. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Council Convenes! And a star is born!

         There was much ado about a single newborn, on this particular afternoon day. The warring factions of the five ninja territories had finally called a truce. The Nine-Tailed Fox had appeared, as he often did in times of great struggle. As there was no other options, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, nestled in the Land of Fire, convened a council from which would be decided the fate of their very lives...

         "But what should we do? Sarutobi, what are we to do about the Nine-Tails?" An outburst from Kurenai suddenly boomed across the council's meeting room.

         But Sarutobi was not disturbed. "{i]Kurenai, stay calm, we do not need such outbreaks in our time of greatest distress."

         "But, sir!... Yes, sir." Kurenai decided that the topic was a moot point.

         "Lord Hokage, what is your outlook on the situation?" A slight hint of worry showed on the old man's face.

         "I believe we need to be proactive about the situation. If we do not do something now, our Village will soon be crushed to mere rubble!" He shuttered mentally at the very idea.

         "But I do believe," the Fourth Hokage continued, "that we do have options. I believe it is possible to seal the Nine Tails inside a person."

         "I know what justu you speak of, Lord Hokage, but it would require the user's life as a sacrifice. And you are the only one that can attempt this jutsu." Sarutobi decided that, even after he said it, it was a moot point in argument. When a Hokage made a decision, it was his final answer, and the Fourth would attempt it. After all, it was the Hokage's responsibility to see that the village was safe. In whatever manner possible, as long as it was reasonable. But it just seemed, to Sarutobi at least, that there was too much at stake here to risk the Fourth's life, and it would be better to research all available options. At the same time, he also knew that the Hidden Leaf Village was running out of time.

         The bickering continued between members of the council. "But if it is an option, and it is a viable tactic, shouldn't we use its power to our advantage?" Kakashi was always one to speak of tactics. Well, he had put it down on the table, and people had listened. Which got Sarutobi to see reason.

         "Indeed, Kakashi. If we are to survive this assault from the Beast on our Village, we must use the best and most efficient tactic possible. I see your point, Lord Hokage. Very well, I am in most definitely in agreement. As are, clearly, Kakashi and Kurenai.

         "Well, then. Are we all in agreement?" A verbal vote went around the room and, not to anyone's surprise, everyone voted to go with the Hokage's plan.


         As the jutsu required, a baby was chosen for the ritual. And that baby just happened to be named Naruto Uzumaki. The special jutsu to capture the Nine Tails had already been performed, but the Fourth Hokage had gave his life to seal Kyubi's chakra inside him, and, inevitably, had sacrificed himself to do it. However, the Third Hokage was still there, and was chosen to perform the ceremony. Within the hour, the Nine Tails chakra was put inside the baby boy. And the rest is history!

Chapter 2: Great. I failed!

         Time went by, and day by day, the boy's will to fight grew. At a young age, as is the custom of the Hidden Leaf Village, the boy entered the Ninja Academy to study the arts of the ninja. For the boy's longing to become a ninja had piqued. He had the Nine Tails in him, and it was indeed influencing him to use it to its limits. But it would be some time before he would learn of it. His dream was to become Hokage, his nindo, or ninja way, was that he never goes back on his word, as he would tell many a soul this when he was allowed. And so he made it through the academy, until...


         He was 12 years old, and was taking the Ninja Academy final exam for what he had no idea would the tenth and final time. There was just one problem: he could never master the transformation jutsu. But today he would pass.

         "All right, class, time for the final exam." Iruka looked expectantly at his pupils.

         "Ughhhhh, great! I never pass this. What am I gonna do?" Then he had an idea.

         At the beginning, all of Iruka's pupils did perfect on the exam. That was, until the final test..

         "Okay, Hinata you're up."

         "Transform!" Hinata transformed without issue.

         "Alright, then. Choji. you're up."

         "Ugh. Okay. Transform!" Choji did the jutsu without any problems.

         The list continued on until it came to Naruto.
'Okay, here goes nothing,' he thought to himself. "Transform!" Naruto transformed into... a beautiful naked girl! "Sexy Jutsu!"

         With both a bit of confusion and infatuation, Iruka fainted.

         "Oh, no! I didn't mean for that to happen! What am I gonna do? What am gonna DO!!!!" He ranted and raved on and on.

         "Naruto! What did you do that for?" Sakura was clearly angered by his actions. But her Inner Sakura, being the bad-girl attitude that it was, was saying, "cha! Way to go, Naruto!" Well, someday she might just tell him how she felt about that. 'But then he would think I had no morals,' she thought. 'Na. It's better I never tell him.' Sakura, coming of puberty in her adolescence, was starting to take a liking to Naruto's rebellious ways. On the exact opposite end of the spectrum, Sakura despised Sasuke, who was always so strict and "optimizing". But little did she know that Sasuke was quietly vying for her as well.

         In the midst of Naruto's panic, Iruka had recovered and without the young boy's noticing, he was silently standing behind him. He gave Naruto a nice, good, and hard knock on the head.

         "Owwwww! What'd you do that for?" Naruto already knew the answer to that.

         "You fool! What were you trying to do, huh? Make me look like a complete pervert? Oh, by the way, YOU FAIL!"

         "Greeeeeeat." Inside Naruto was panicking. 'Oh, no! Now what! I failed! My parents are going to be furious! Oh wait, I don't have any parents! Well, everyone in the village already dispises me. What difference will THIS make? Of course that was nothing compared to what I'd done just earlier today! Okay, I guess I should try to remember what happened, at least.'

Chapter 3: The Biggest Blunder! And the first fight!

         The Third Hokage, AKA Sarutobi, was having a little chat with Iruka.

         "So, Naruto failed again last week? that was his ninth time, was it not?"

         "yes, sir, it was. He obviously is trying, but he never seems to be able to get the final test, the transformation jutsu, right. He doesn't even seem to care that he's not passing because of that one thing. He never improves, and he never seems to have a problem with anything else in the tests. He was so desperate today that instead of the required justu, he used his harem jutsu."

         "Iruka, I put him under your care because you are my most trusted Academy teacher. If you don't think he's ready, then please say so..."

         "He's ready in every other aspect, but he simply can't get the transformation jutsu correct."

         "Very well, then. It seems it's time we gave him a little motivation, then."

         "You couldn't be thinking about..."

         "Yes. It's time we passed the boy." At that moment, the Hokage and Iruka both looked up towards the Hokages past and present engraved on the mountainside... only to notice that their faces were painted with orange marks!


         "Naruto! You come back here! Iruka and several anbu were chasing the boy. He was in big trouble this time! And of course, there was no escaping the punishment for this one. After all, what he had done was an insult to the entire Hidden Leaf Village and had to be justiced! He hid behind a post and waited for the Anbu and Iruka to pass.

         “He he he. There's no way they'll find me here!”

         Naruto decided that he would sneak into the Hokage's Office and steal the secret scroll. He knew it would teach him a new jutsu, but he didn't know what jutsu exactly, so he took a chance and went for it anyway. He snuck behind several Anbu and then made a mad dash towards the Hokage's Office. He stole the scroll and snuck back out.

         “Now what? I know, I'll go somewhere secret!” So he went to the memorial stone on the edge of the forest. But just as he opened up the scroll, a young man appeared in the trees!

         “Hey kid! Give me the scroll. Someone with seniority should be holding that!”

         “Yeah, well you don't look like you fit the bill!” Iruka appeared seemingly from nowhere. He'd clearly been surveying the scene as a rock, a tree stump, or the like. Mizuki knew this, but he was too intently focused on the kid to have identified Iruka as a possible threat. “You look like you're out of place here, Mizuki! Yeah, that's right, you're marked for execution in the village hidden in the mist, aren't you? Well, well. You thought you could steal our village's secret jutsu and get on their good graces? Please. They would've killed you brutally for that! Have you forgotten about the fact that we're no longer warring factions?

         “I wouldn't be so sure. There's a pretty big price being offered for that scroll on the black market, and it'll end up going to the highest bidder. And we'll make sure it never comes back!”

         “Oh? I'd be surprised if you don't already have a tracker ninja hot on your heels!”

         “Oh, no. I made sure that wasn't the case. But talk is cheap, and trust me...”

         All the while Naruto had read the scroll end to end and was just about to make his first attempt. It was a secret no longer. “Okay, here goes. Shadow Clone Jutsu!” In a flurry of smoke the orange-suited ninja had made at least two dozen copies of himself!

         “WHAAAAT! Naruto, you give that scroll back!”

         “Not a chance! Now watch me in action, Iruka Sensei!” And with that, he fiercely attacked his opponent.

         Knowing he was outnumbered, Mizuki fled. “How am I supposed to fight THAT?”

         Feet were jumping everywhere from the trees. There was no chance of escape for Mizuki this time. And the very thought of twenty-five Narutos surrounding him started to slowly fill him with fear. Just as he lept onto a branch, there stood five of the boy in his way. Another five on the tree behind him. Yet another five on the tree immediately in front of him. And five more each on both trees beside him! How was he to escape now? Mizuki couldn't possibly pay attention to twenty-four copies and one original at the same time! And then from seemingly nowhere came a flurry of fists from in front of him, sending him flying like a tennis ball. Then a sea of fists from the back. And from the front again. Then the back, then to the sides. He was being thrown around like a human pinball! But he could never been prepared for the final blow from the REAL Naruto from straight above. And he was finished enough that he could no longer fight...

         “That's enough Naruto, you're going to kill him! You're not even a genin, yet!”

         “Ughhhhhh! Spare me! Please!” Mizuki was now shuttering with fear.

Chapter 4: (Coming soon!)
© Copyright 2007 TonySheloubRocks (brianh1988 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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