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How do couples celebrate their anniversary in the year 2064? |
Great Minds…. 989 Words Who would have thought that in 2064 it would even be possible to overspend, and yet that was exactly what Aora had done. She had seen this very sexy lingerie set advertised on the VID for 150 credits, and just had to have it! Her six month anniversary to her partner was coming up soon and she wanted to surprise him. He would be surprised alright if he saw the bill! He might even end their five year contract! She didn’t want to lose him; she cared very much for him! Eyosias had been so sweet and loving to her like no other man ever had. They had been seeing each other for several months when he suggested they enter into a contract together. Aora had been delighted! It was illegal to move in together without a contract, so they had petitioned the governor immediately. Six months later their contract was approved, they signed it, and moved in together. They had been happy ever since, but now she had gone and done something stupid, and she could lose him! She had thought that they would have enough credits in their combined account to cover the expense, and was shocked when the overdraft notice came! Her salary wouldn’t be deposited into the account for several more days, and Eyosias’ salary would come a week after that! She felt so guilty, and hoped she wouldn’t have to be incarcerated! Much more likely she would have to pay a fine. Still, the lingerie set was due to arrive today, and she was excited! Their anniversary was this weekend, and she had special plans not the least of which was the lingerie set! She was still feeling guilty when Eyosias arrived home from work. The transfer chamber shimmered and hummed and Eyosias stepped out a moment later. “Darling,” he murmured pulling her close to him, “I truly missed you today.” “I missed you too honey, how was work?” She desperately tried to control the shakiness of her voice. Eyosias rolled his eyes, “Oh, the same old boring thing as always, one legal brief after another. I get so tired of the paperwork sometimes. How was your day?” Aora smiled, “Oh it was lovely! I met this wonderful couple who were petitioning the government to be allowed to have their second child. Of course, with the population levels being so high their application will be denied, but if I were going to let a couple have a second child it would be them!” Her voice was tight and overly cheerful, and she knew he would eventually pick up on it. “Shall we petition to have a child together one day?” Aora laughed, “Oh, I don’t know. Let’s talk about it after we renew our five year contract!” “Deal! So, what would you like for dinner tonight? I think it’s my turn to order up for us.” “Oh, I don’t care honey, whatever you want will be fine with me,” she said distantly pulling away from him. Eyosias eyed Aora curiously. She was not her usual self tonight. Something was going on, and he was worried. In the year he had known her she had never been like this. She was ordinarily cheerful and bubbly, and nothing ever seemed to get to her, not even the routine of their lives together. So when she seemed distant and pulled away, he knew it must be something serious. Was it work? She had seemed happy when she talked about the couple who had applied for permission to have a second child. Was it that she longed to have a child of her own? He sighed, and began to order dinner for the two of them. The door chime sounded, and Aora rushed to answer it as though she were expecting someone. Eyosias wondered who she would be expecting. It turned out to be a delivery, probably something one of her parents had sent to her. They were always sending things the old fashioned way instead of just popping them over thru the trans chamber. The two silly old buggers were always afraid something would accidentally “get lost” in the transfer chamber. Aora signed for the package, and hugged it to her chest as she thanked the delivery person. She hurried off to the bed room with her package like a child with a new toy. He grinned at her silliness, and loved her for it. He thanked the powers that be that he had found her. She had been such a joy in his life. He couldn’t imagine not having her in his life. If he could have signed a contract for longer than five years he would have. Aora came back out and they sat down to eat. Again, he noticed that she was uncharacteristically quiet. “Something on your mind darling?” He asked, hopeful of clearing the air. “No, no, not a thing!” She had said that a little too quickly. “You seem…distracted tonight.” “Just tired I guess. I’ll probably go to bed early tonight.” Eyosias wondered what she would be keeping from him. Did she have second thoughts about their contract? Was she interested in another partner? Was she bored? He could drive himself crazy wondering what was going on. As they were eating the door chime sounded again. Aora looked puzzled, but got up to answer the door. Surprisingly, it was another delivery, but this time it was for Eyosias. She thanked the delivery person, and brought the package to her partner. Eyosias chuckled when he saw the package. He had almost forgotten all about it. “So, what is it?” “Something for our six month anniversary!” He opened the box and Aora began to laugh hysterically. Aora could hardly breathe from laughing so hard. She returned from the bed room with her package from earlier. As she held up the contents Eyosias began to laugh as well. They had both ordered the same thing! |