Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1289724-part-of-a-story-im-writting
by Rintar
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #1289724
just wanting opinions and ideas its set in a fantasy realm
Amos and Banippi they were announced as small elves is how they appeared, neither one was quiet 5ft. The tallest ,Banippi the female was 4’11” at best. They were spectacular performers though. Amos had a pole relatively long for his body with flames leaping and bounding of each end, he even made two decent fire balls shoot of the stick at one stage. He continually spun it this way and that. His body moving to the rhythm of the ocean crashing on the cliffs below. While Banippi had two flaming balls of her own one on each end of a flail or morning star type device. Each with its own handle and chain then the pall floating in the night light flaming to complete the picture. She two seemed to dance and sway to a similar rhythm. Her flaming spheres of light and fire swirling and spinning as her body rolled and waved. Both moved with the fires trailing around their body like planets around a sun, up over their heads down behind their backs and every were else the eye could see. Not once did the flames seem to sear their skin or hair. Dancing ever closer moving in unison and then with little realisation they were as one, Banipii atop Amos shoulders, both still moving and their fires turning. Truly a spectacular sight to behold. Next Banippi dove over Amos twirling stick and landing with a roll simultaneously doused her orbs. Applause was heard from many but not all. Some of the locals still held dislike for strangers and Non-humans even more. This did not seem to deter the minute pair, these grand entertainers or at least that is how Rintar saw them. He supposed they were well travelled and used to such things. Next they produced some juggling balls passing them between themselves while still juggling and increasing the distance between them, they then started to add more and more balls to the play. This was a common jugglers trick and in the fading moon light and with little but camp fire made it hard for the eye to follow. People started to get bored some went about whispered conversations and others started to drift away. But before the first to walk away had taken more than half a dozen steps their was a flash and one of the balls was now alight as they juggled it. No one was quiet sure weather it was light in the air or by hand. They continued to watch for a while not long later the ball went out. Again peoples interest started to wain when another bal burst into flames clearly in the air already then a second lit and a third soon all of the balls were alight and dancing nearly two dozen balls in all being juggled a flame by one juggler, then all was gone bar one flaming ball held firmly in the hand of Amos as he now stood on banippi’s shoulders. At this their was much applause and they were happy as their tray went around many small coins some food and even a small bottle of wine was placed for their keeping. As they came towards Rintar he saw them in the fire light reflected by Banippi’s hair it was a fiery glow it even seemed to Flicker in the sea breeze. Her ears had the shape of a lone flame but her eyes held no flicker or flame at all they were black as night and just as silent, were Amos was all in shadow yet his eyes reflected the fire fiercely. Then they were gone Rintar still holding out his coin that he had meant to put in their tray. He found that he had been staring at the fire and not the eyes of a performer at all. He shook himself and got up to find them. It wasn’t until the next day on the road that he did see them.
© Copyright 2007 Rintar (japomfret at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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