Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1287923-Gorgeous-in-purple
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1287923
Erotic, period fiction. With a touch of BDSM. First attempt.
                                            Gorgeous in purple


          It only took an hour for them to reach the manor and the journey went well enough with her brother guiding the pony and steering the cart, telling her the do’s and don’ts of the serving life.

“Now remember Gorgeous,” David said “keep ya head down and do as ya’re told ok?”

“Yes David”

“Always do the best job ya can do and do it quick, no dawdling ok?”

“Yes David” She said trying not to grin as it was clear he was just worried. She put her hand upon his knee and said “I love you too” and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

“Oh Gorgeous” he said with a heavy heart. “I wish that there was another way round this but there just ent!” His frustrations making him screw up his handsome face. “Please” looking her straight in the eyes “just……. Take care of ya self a’ right.”

“I will David. I promise there will be no complaints about me you just wait and see. I’m glad that I can help……… you know………. Do my bit, I’ll make you all proud”

David grinned at his sister.
“Now you will be able to come home for a weekend in the summer ok, and that’s only 4 months away” He said more to reassure himself than her. “And you never know! Perhaps Pa will be better by then or I’ll be able to take over from ‘im and you’ll be able to come ‘ome” He said to her in a brighter tone.
Nodding to himself in acceptance.

“David I’ll be fine, you just take care of everyone at home and I’ll do my bit alright” Gorgeous said as she lent forward so she could look into his face. Naively confident…

Up ahead the manor came into view. And my goodness what a view! Gorgeous had never been outside her village and all she could do was stare, mouth agog at the big grand house in the distance, it took her breath away.

David noticed her expression out of the corner of his eye and grinned to himself remembering the first time their Father had brought him up here for work. He let her have another moment to take it in then cleared his throat to break the spell that had come over his sister and get her attention.

“Now listen carefully Gorgeous, look at me so I know ya’re taking in what am saying” he sighed “come on look at me, that’s better.”
“There are gonna be lotsa fings that are gonna amaze ya. There are gonna be lotsa stuff ya ent never seen afore. But ya just gotta get on and get over it quick cos these folks don’t do wiv dawdling and agogling ok?”

She nodded.

“Now listen, at the beginning of the season there is the Master and his folks, the Masters Ma ‘n’ Pa n all their servants THAT’S when you really have to try not to be noticed ‘ave ‘eard fings can get…… catty.”

David took on an air of seriousness that made Gorgeous really pay attention. She knew that it was not good to come to anyone’s attention, for what ever reason.
“But” he carried on “You are coming in two months into the season and that means it’s just the Master here now and ya’ll be one of His servants ok?”

She nodded

“Good, now ya aren’t going in at the bottom twas part of the deal I struck wiv the butler. Now he’s a fair fellow if ya keeps ya nose clean.” David said as his big hand came up to lovingly ruffle her hair. “And I knows you will Gorgeous”

Gorgeous pretended indignance and swatted his hand away giggling. 
“David, how am I going to make a good impression with my hair all ruffed up?!” she laughed with her brother, trying to keep the sadness of missing him and everyone else she’d known all of her life, out of her heart. Which was threatening to overwhelm her at that moment, making her try to stifle a deep sigh.

“Well me girl, time to put ya bonnet on and best foot forward cos we just gotta go round the back and hand ya over to ya new boss.” He said as he pulled the reins to guide the cart horse round to the back to where the servant’s entrance was and her new life was waiting.

                                                Chapter 1

Whilst clearing away the Master’s breakfast dishes one morning Gorgeous started to feel a little woozy, whether it was the heat of the room or the constraints of her bodice she wasn’t sure but before she could stop it, one of the plates slips from her sweaty hands and smashed on the floor.

“What was that??!” barked the master from another part of the large room.
Gorgeous was rooted to the spot, she could not move.

“I’m sorry Sir,” she spluttered “your plate just slipped from my fingers” she said nervously.

The master barked at her once more
“Well don’t just stand there girl, clean it up!” he pointed to the spilt food on the floor “Look, there is mess all over my rug! You have only been here a couple of weeks and already you have broken my things!!”
He started to leave the room muttering then he turned and he said darkly “When you’ve done, come to see me in my office.”
The breakfast room door slammed shut.

She didn’t know what to do, sob, panic or….. what? There was no-one here whom she could turn to. 
She thought of home and how she missed it so much, even though she’d only been here a little while, life was so different it felt like  she’d been here a year.

“Oh stop worrying you silly girl!!” She told herself sharply.
“Get a grip! And grow up! Twas just an accident. It‘ll all come out in the wash.”

She quickly gathered the pieces of broken crockery in the folds of her skirts, taking care not to cut herself. Then hurried of to the scullery to dispose of the Masters broken plate, wash her hands then get up to the second floor to the master’s office.

As she hurried along the servants corridors she worried to herself, she had never been summoned to his office before and really needed to keep this position. Especially with her Father being ill.
No-one other than the butler was even allowed to go into the Masters rooms to clean them?! 

“Oh dear” she thought “the Masters going to let me go”
She hurried faster wringing her hands with trepidation not wanting to keep him waiting too long he was mad enough at her as it was.

She knocked on the thick wooden, carved door….. No answer. She could feel herself getting quite worked up about the whole affair now.
“Oooo, I need this job, what am I going to do I can’t let my family down” she thought as she patted down her apron and made sure all her hair was under her white bonnet. She knocked harder; her knuckles throbbed slightly on the hard wood.

“It was just a silly plate he’s got dozens more” she thought trying to bolster her self against the inevitable.

Came the Masters deep gruff voice from behind the big wooden door making Gorgeous Jump, she took a deep breath, put her trembling hand on the door knob tunering it, pushed  open the heavy door to enter the room.

It was darker inside than in the corridor; Gorgeous’s eyes took time to adjust. She looked around the room; in the muted light unsure as to where the Master was.  Was that him sitting in the large leather chair? She rushed forward over eager to set things right.

“Oh please sir,” she blurted “please don’t ask me to leave, I swear it wont happen again, it was an accident I didn’t mean for the plate to break! I really need this job”

“BE QUIET!!” the master yelled at her. “I did not ask you here so that you can whine and beg!”

Gorgeous was dumb founded in all her 19 years, no-one had every shouted at her before. She stood contrite; head lowered her face growing warm with embarrassment and alarm. She couldn’t look at him.

“That’s better.” Said the Master, She could feel his piercing eyes on her almost going thru her.
“That crockery was a gift from the Queen Victoria herself! Hand painted from Venice! Can you afford to replace it?!” He asked of her.

Unsure of what to say she shook her head.
Some of her dark hair had escaped her bonnet and it gently brushed her face. She quickly tucked it behind her ear.

“I asked you a question which you obviously feel you do not have to answer and did I say for you to move?” He said smoothly his voice like black treacle in the darkened room,
“You really are a wilful girl.”

She felt wounded by his words, what lies had the other girls been saying about her? “I am not wilful? Am I” she thought.

“Now.” He said “Seeing as this is your first, misdemeanour…….. I have decided to keep you on.”

Gorgeous couldn’t believe what she was hearing?!
She gushed “Why thank you sir, thank you I will……..”

“DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK!!?” the Masters voice boomed, as he Slammed something down on the arm of his chair with some force, ‘CRACK!’

She jumped back, feeling shocked, wary.

The Master carried on.
“You have GOT to learn your place young woman. You speak only when spoken too. You do only as you are told when you are told or there will be consequences. Do you understand?!”

Unsure as to what to do exactly she gave a small curtsey and said “yes sir”

“That is more like it; now speaking of consequences…….”
The master stood up and walked towards her appraising her as he approached..
“Consequences……… hmmm. You broke something of mine you can not afford to replace. There fore you will have to pay in…. other ways…..”
The Master smiled a wicked smile. He was close enough now for Gorgeous to feel the warmth of his body, almost like……. energy.

She caught the faint smell of horses and sweat, not, she thought, disagreeable. 

He walked round behind her; she could feel his breath on her neck, she felt him lean toward her and softly speak into her ear
“What will be your punishment?? Eh?” he walked slowly around her again as if he was taking in her measure. It made her feel uncomfortable.
“What will your punishment be?” He said again thoughtfully tapping his chin with something.
Was he grinning?!
Gorgeous pulled herself up to her full height, the least she could do is stand tall in her humility.

“What is that he is holding?” Gorgeous thought. Full of mixed feelings. Her head swam slightly with apprehension, the heat of the room and the close proximity of the Master’s body.
“W..What are you going to do?” she asked as he passed round behind her.


She shook as something hard caught her across her rear, something like an electric shock ran thru her body making it react.

“What did I say about speaking??”  He breathed against her ear, his deep velvet voice sending shivers down her body.
“You don’t speak unless I say so.”


“Yes Sir” she yelped.
She bit her lip and tried to make no sound. In all her life Gorgeous had never been treated this way.

“Good” he whispered “you can learn.”

She hung her head unsure of what she felt. Was it shame?

He moved round in front of her, then took something out of his pocket and tied it round her wrists. Next he took something out of his other pocket and proceeded to cover her eyes. This was all happening so fast.
The material felt soft against her skin but strangely she did not feel alarmed.
He asked her if she could see.

She shook her head. Crack! Across her rear.

“I asked you a question Gorgeous” his voice came from her right.

“Yes, yes I heard you” her voice had a slight tremor in it.


Harder than before making her inhale sharply.

“You didn’t say sir…..” He said almost purring.

“Sorry sir.”  Gorgeous whispered trying to keep all emotion out of her voice which she was finding more and more difficult with each crack of his riding crop (for that was the only thing she could think of that he could be using) it made her flesh sing.

“I didn’t hear you”
He said as He roughly smacked her backside with his firm strong hand, squeezing her left buttock slightly as he spoke.

“I’m sorry sir “she whispered again, her breath rasping in her throat.
Was she enjoying the masters, rough treatment of her??

“Come this way”

Pulling her by the restraints leading her over to another part of the room where He raised her hands, still bound, above her head and tied them securely to something cold and metallic.

In the heated silence of the Masters chambers He removed Gorgeous’s crisp white apron and her serving dress, cutting the material where needed and threw it to one side so that she was standing  With nothing on except her stockings, pantaloons, shift and corset. Gorgeous had never felt so exposed before.

There was no movement, no sound.
She started to fret that he was displeased at the colour of her underclothes.

When she had first arrived at the house there had been some bad feeling toward her from the other serving girls. She assumed that it was because of her hurried employment, maybe it put some backs up; perhaps she had replaced one of their friends?

Late one day while Gorgeous was doing her washing, one of the other girls had asked for her help with a hem repair.  Eager to make a  friend, she left her washing unattended .  Unfortunately, while doing this another of the girls had managed to slip a chopped red cabbage into the boiler. The end result had been that ALL of her under garments (for that is what she was washing) had been dyed purple. No matter how hard she scrubbed, that’s the colour they stayed. And there was a fine to be paid in cash, in full for any damage done to the manor property.
And being as Uniform AS WELL AS staff are manor property. She would be held responsible for the damage.…………

“Mmm…. Why are your underclothes this colour Gorgeous??”
She could hear the grin in his voice and felt relieved that he liked what he saw.

“It was an accident with washing…….. Sir I w..was careless ”
She could hear the Master breathing……. Almost groaning.

“Hmmm…… Gorgeous in purple…….. I like it.” He said possessively as his hands caressed her stockinged thighs up to her waist where his calloused hands caught slightly on the fabric. Her mind swam, her breath quickened her knees went soft and she gave a gentle moan thru her faintly parted lips.

She could feel his hot breath on the tops of her breasts her skin tingling with the attention, her nipples yearning for notice. She could feel Him pulling at the waist band of her ‘loons’ panic started to well within her as the realization gripped her that he was undressing her some more!

“Sir please!!....... no….”

But He did not remove them, just pulled the fabric apart at the back so that Gorgeous’s  full ripe buttocks were exposed.


The crop Went across her now exposed flesh making it heat up and send thrills of sensation thru her body Gorgeous cried out, but more from shock rather than pain.
The Master said “Do not speak” as he grabbed a handful of her right buttock and squeezed firmly liking the feel of her smooth skin in his hand.

Then the Master stepped back. Gorgeous’s thoughts were in turmoil what was He doing? what was he going to do? What had the Master got planned for her. Why was her flesh responding to this rough treatment against her will?!

She could hear him moving around, faint noises were coming to her ears. She pulled gently against her bonds, testing them. They were secure but not, she noticed unpleasant.
Some moments passed and still nothing.

The heat of the room and the situation were making Gorgeous feel……betrayed. By the Master and her body….. . Her head swam; her emotions were completely fresh to her. She had to do or say something. The turmoil of sensations was beginning to build inside her to, to overwhelm her.
She spoke…………

“S..s.sir?..............” her tone thick, hinting at strong feelings .

Aware that the Master would use the riding crop for her ‘wilfulness’  but she did not feel fearful.


“Please…….. I………”

Movement From her left! She turned her head to the sounds trying to discern where he was. There was movement again now from behind her, just brushing against the flesh on her back.  She opened her mouth to speak again.


Right across both bare buttocks sending electric shivers up and down her body, making her skin sing, she responded with a small barely audible whimper

And again,….. Six…. More….. Times.

His voice close to her now, deep and husky with a tone she has not heard before says;

“Do not speak unless spoken to,………obey my rules and you’ll be fine….... Gorgeous”

She feels the crop being gently caressing her hot and tingling flesh. up and down the cleft of her buttocks moving down toward her untried feminine folds. 
Her skin was beginning to heat up she felt a warm flush enveloping her; she could feel heat growing inside her. Pulsing, spreading, gripping her.

Her breath was becoming more ragged and shallow.

“I have never met one such as you Gorgeous you are new to me.”
Said the Master, as he lifted the crop from her cleft, savouring the aroma, tasting the moisture that had gathered there.

He replaced the crop with his hand, before gorgeous was aware of what she was doing she leaned into the man that was tormenting her….  a groan escaped her lips.

She felt his firm warm, calloused hand exploring parts of her that no-one, including her had ever touched. She could feel moisture trickling down her inner thigh. And there was no shame. Just?.......... bliss?.

She felt His hot breath on her face and leaned deeper.

“Are you so unaware of the power that is hidden within you?” His voice was almost begging “Or are you just biding your time………A beautiful bud a’ waiting to bloom…...”

He touched his hot lips to her bare shoulder sending tremors of pleasure running thru her. She bit down on her lip so to trap her willing voice, her breasts felt like they were straining to be released with each intake of breath.

She could feel him close to her and she wanted more. This was not shame she realized but something else. Something new.

The Master took a slow deep breath she could feel him shudder as he slowly released his exhale, hand still on her. Then he did something she really didn’t expect………He moved away from her and untied her restraints. Removed the fabric from her eyes and told her to go.



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