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Will Kani ever escape? |
I was in hell. There is no other description for what was happening to me. I would be reserrected in the life's blood of a human being only to be tortured and killed again. There seemed to be no end to my suffering, with each torture more painful then the next. I endured a crucifiction like a common Roman criminal, an emmolation like a Buddhist monk, and a flagellation like an Aztec sacrifice. Still, I gave my captor nothing but my screams. I would not tell Her the location of the blood bar. I could tell that this did not make Her happy. I was proving Her wrong about me being weak. If I had the luxury of thinking about anything other than my survival, I'm sure I would have had a small amount of satifaction with Her frustrations. But I thought of nothing that petty at the time. After being killed and resurrected some seventy-six times, my captor seemed to be at the end of her rope. "I have had quite enough of you, and your entire group of weak-backed trash!" She seethed, after catching me yet again. "This time, I will have satisfaction, and I have a companion who will help me achieve it!" She then beat me into unconsciousness. When I woke up, I was lying on my back chained to the stone floor of a room. Since I had been chained in a similar postion for a flailing session, I got comfortable and waited for my captor to do her worst. But it was not Her that I first saw. A large, hulking man came into view, naked save for a rough-looking animal skin, and manacles on his wrists and ankles. His body was the stuff of legends, with an impossibly defined musculature that could have only come from centuries of training under the most extreme regimes. His skin was so tan his complexion was nearly as dark as mine, making his half-closed hazel eyes stand out like shiny rays fo light topped by fuzzy caterpiller-like black eyebrows. He was also bald, adding to his alarming appearance. I couldn't tell whether he was drugged or merely dreaming. Whatever was wrong with him, She quickly snapped him out of it, whipping the chains holding him down hard so that he was forced to his hands and knees. "Pallas." She said addressing him, yanking his chains so that he had to bring his head up to look at her. There was also some sort of black rope interlaced with his chains. It only took me seconds to realize that this was his hair from the back of his hair. "Awaken, Pallas." His eyes snapped open all the way, shining like new gold coins. "I have one for you." He looked at me, and gave me a look of pure lust pepppered with bad intentions. She had to hold him back from coming at me eventually. "Now, Kani, do you want to guess what Pallas's specialty is?" I sighed, understandably growing tired of Her question games. "Is he going to rape me?" I couldn't see why she would expect me to be afraid of an assault that seemed almost mundane compared to what I had already experienced. My blase attitude really infuriated her. With a curled lip, she ripped off his animal skin to reveal a limp penis that rivalled any horses's. "Holy shit!" I cursed. I immediately started thrashing against my chains in a way I'd hadn't done in a while. Pallas reacted by pulling at his bounds. "Pallas! You aren't ready yet!" She told him. I could see the muscles straining in her neck above her chainmail as she tried to keep control of him. Luckily for her, he stopped trying to get at me, looking at her with an anger in his bright eyes. She reached down over his shoulder and grasped his penis. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the handjob that was to follow. I could hear him make inhuman moaning noises, half-way between beaten dog and screaming cat. "You should be watching this. It's a sight few get to see so close! A man endowed with a donkey's cock!" She laughed, and I heard her spit on his penis like a porn star. I made myself take deep breaths, trying not to cry, knowing from experience that She would only lick my tears away and laugh at me. I forced myself to look up when I heard his chains suddenly clang together in my direction. He was now fully erect, his foot-and-a-half long weapon thrust up against his stomach like a red spear. I inched away from him as far as my chains allowed, trying not to panic. "If you think you can scare me with him, you're a little late. I'm scared, okay?" She grinned, licking her lips. "Ah, then you'll give me the location of the blood bar?" "I'll probably never get out of here alive. But I won't help you take any others like me." She hissed at that, just like an old-fashioned steam kettle. "Now," I said, smiling for the first time, "Let your dog do his worst." "Pallas! Present yourself!" She commanded, yanking his chains so that he was now in a position to assault me, with most of his body weight on his hands and the tips of his toes like a sprinter preparing for a race. A pair of bites sprung out of his gums, and he licked them ravenously, cutting his own tongue. She grinned at him, enjoying his anticipation. "Enjoy." And she let him go. He immediately penetrated me, all the way past my limit and into my gut. The pain was one of the worst I had experienced, but it was made worse by the fact that Pallas started to actually fuck me, intestines and all. Blood, shit and other fluids of mine were dragged out of me with every back stroke. I could smell all of me. As disgusting as this smell would have been for a human, it was one hundred times worse for me. I vomited, not from the pain, but from the smell. But there was nothing in my stomach but more blood. And he kept fucking my body. "Painful?" She said, closer than she was before. Her voice was closer than before, but I really couldn't tell where she was. My eyes were closed tightly from the pain and nausea. "It's more than painful, it's disgusting, wouldn't you agree?" I opened my mouth to curse her, but I could only vomit. When I was done, I felt her stroking my hair. "Tell me the location of the blood bar." I shook my head violently, refusing her. "Impressive. But you know how this will end." Pallas started hissing, and I looked up at him. His thrusts were getting harder and longer, if that was possible. I knew his orgasm that was coming would send him trusting into my stomach, which would kill me from the shock. I knew a ruptured stomach would be worse than anything I would ever endured up until that point. I started to panic, trying to break my chains."No! No more!" I gurgled. "Give me the location and he'll never touch you again." I shook my head. I decided I had to endure. She was a monster. She would kill everyone. "No." "Pallas. Finish Up!" On her command, Pallas thrust into me, making my stomach explode on contact. Acid bathed my insides, and I flailed arond like a fish out of water. The acid started to eat away at my flesh. I could feel Pallas's cock was dissolving, but he wasn't concerned, recovering from hs orgasm. "When you die this time, you aren't coming back. Tell me where it is!" "No!" I said, closing my eyes. It was amazing I could speak at all. The stomach acid was already welling up in my throat. "Look at me! Witness your end!" I looked at her, and saw she had bites. She immediately dove for my neck and bit me, starting to drink from me immediately. I then felt another bite on the other side of my neck, from Pallas. I tried to scream, but my lungs were nothing but mush. I could hear them drinking from me, my own blood rushing out into their mouths in flash floods. And all the while, I felt my body dissolve, the acid eating me like flesh-eating bacteria. I was being consumed both inside and out, but I was relieved. Death was to be my reward. |