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Short graphic story about a boys experience in a graveyard. Not for the kiddies. |
Little Bobby and Mr. Andrew "Oh god we are going to get so busted." That is what I kept saying to myself as we walked through the old cemetery. To this day I have no idea what made me decide to come with my older brother and his friends and be apart of his "experiment" involving the oldest crypt on the grounds and a pound of home-made C4 he made while following the directions in something he read called "The anarchist cookbook". I know this is a bad idea, in fact it goes against my entire lifestyle considering I am a passivist and hate doing anything that is remotely violent. I guess before I go back to school and start my first year of highschool I wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary, but I had no intentions of blowing the ever loving shit out of a sacred sculpture. Although the threat from my bigger brother to tell mom about my - perverted habit didn't really help my decision be any less one-sided. "Why are we doing this again guys?" "Quit being such a whinny little bitch bobby." "I am not being a bitch you douche. I just don't see much of a point behind doing this." "Okay let me put it this way, either you do exactly what we say, or not only do I tell mom about your wierd little animated porno collection, but we are going to beat the ever loving crap out of you too." "I guess I can't argue with that." Why are bigger brothers always stupid and quick to resort to violence? Even better question, why are bigger brothers alway built like a tank with the ability to get every girl they say just a word to to do their every request? Why couldn't the bigger brother have achne all over their faces and so skinny a strong breeze could be a dangerous foe, or the inability to go outside for more than ten minutes in strong sunlight hours for the fear of a powerful sunburn over every inch of their body, even the covered parts? Why couldn't they choke over every word as they are talking to a girl? Why couldn't they be more like me and I be more like them? Then again I would be dumb as a post and probably end up being a rather fat drunkard who doesn't have a hope or prayer at a life, let alone a girlfriend. I guess its true its better to be a nerd and rich than a jock and broke later in life. "Hey Russel, are we almost there?" "Shuttup Jake you giant idiot! We will get there when we get there!" "Jesus, know need to bite my head off asshole." "One more word out of anyone and I swear to god I will put you in the crypt while we blow it up!" Needless to say the rest of the walk to the place of demolition was rather quiet and awkward, but that is what Russel is known for. After about fifteen minutes of walking across this huge cemetery filled with what seemed to be millions of other crypts we finnaly reach the oldest and, in my opinion, coolest looking grave I have ever seen. It was about four foot by four foot in shape with one side nothing but a door. The shape, decay of the stone, and overall creepy look was the same as all of the other crypts around, but the gargoyles surrounding it was what made it different from the rest. These gargoyles seemed to be some sort of demon holding a cross with a look of anguish on their faces. Another thing I remember noticing was the crypt door wasn't sealed in the normal manner which was by a type of mortar, but was sealed with huged bolts made of some sort of metal in the shape of a cross in all four corners and had a cross in the middle in front of something that looked like a locking mechanism. To this day I do not remember why I stared so hard at that door, but I do remember feeling a certain apending doom radiating from inside the dusty piece of artwork. "Okay everyone, I have a great idea on how we are going to set up the charges, but first, Jake, did you bring the trigger?" "You mean a battery hooked up to a switch with two wires? Sure did." "Great now while David and Jesse set the charges at all four walls, I want you Bobby to take this extra wire and set up the trigger to be attached to all the charges." "Wait, why the hell do you we have to set the charges?! I don't want this shit blowing up in my face!" "Dave, quit being such a pussy. C4 can't blow up unless it had an eletrical surge going through it. Now take this shit and go set it up bitch!" "This is bullshit! I don't even want to be here right now!" "Jesse! Fine just leave then." "Seriously?" "Yeah pussy, just run home to mommy, but be sure you suck on her tittie like a good little baby." "You take that back asshole!" "Look just fucking leave all ready so we can get this over with. If you really want to get your ass kicked talk to me when we are done here." "Fine I leave you to your stuipd shit. I hope you arm gets blown off you jerk." I don't know why these two idiots even talked to my brother considering all he did is boss them around as much as he could, but I guess everyone needs some kind of leader. As I sat there twisting two wires together I watched David put about a quarter pound of the home- made explosion at each wall. I remeber thinking that this explosion is going to be way to powerful for us to even imagine and the wiring that my brother brought along was long enough for the person to flip the switch to be at a safe distance, but I still wanted to see it done and the thoughts of my brother telling mom about my bad little habit was very strong persuasion. Besides, I do think the tombstones and crypts surrounding this one will provide plenty of cover from debris. "Allright, all set Russel." "Good, how about you twerp, done with the wires?" "Yeah, just have to hook them to the bombs, but I don't think its long enough to be pressed at a safe distance." "Sure it is, in fact I am going to let you do the honors." "Wait, what? No thanks, I think I will pass on that offer." "Well, I guess mom gets to see your pictures of your favorite anime girl in the buff doesn't she." "Fine, fine, but if I die I swear to god I will haunt you until your eighty!" "I think I will take my chances, Haha" That stupid little short laugh he does all the time when he knows he has blackmailed me into doing something stupid; I hate it so much. At any rate, I set the wires on the newly made explosives and measured how far back I could get. Luckily I was able to make it to the nearest tombstone that I thought was strong enough to block anything that could fly from this monument for the dead. I remember that as I thought of what could fly out of this crypt I also thought of very disturbing images of flaming body parts flying straight into my brothers face and that apending doom feeling sank into my gut once more, but as a little, ignorant kid that I was I ignored my gut feeling and went on with the show. "Everyone in place?" "Yeah Bobby, we are all set. Go ahead and blow this pile of rocks into fine powder!" "Allright, on the count of three; one, two, three!" And just as soon as I flipped that switch a tremendous shock wave from the explosion sent me flying, what seemed fifteen yards or better, backwards and I experience something I had only experienced in the war simulation video games I played, shell shock. I remember hearing an extremely loud ringing in my ears that dulled all other sounds around me and, when I opened my eyes, everything was very clear, but at the same time felt like a dream and, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to get off my back and look around to see what happened. After what seemed to be hours, but was only a matter of seconds my hearing came back to me and I heard a scream from what sounded like David that made me wish I was still listening to the ringing. I finnaly got the courage to look and see what happened once it sounded like he got control over his voice again and as I looked over towards him I noticed he was laying on his side looking directly at me with this peircing stare. I examined his face to see he was making very shallow breaths and upon lookings at his stomach I realised it wasn't there anymore. A piece of rubble hard sliced through part of the crypt he was hiding behind and through him completly just above his pelvic bone. After of moment of staring in disbelief I looked back into his eyes and realised he wasn't breathing any more. He had died while staring at me as if he wanted me to save him. The look in his eyes and on his face is not something I am going to forget anytime soon. "David! David answer me! Are you okay?!" To this day I don't know why I asked that question when I knew for a fact he was dead considering I could see every organ up to his lungs laying on the ground in a type of bloody puddle. I remember now not even thinking of my brother until after I noticed the shooting pain in my leg. While my mind was entraped by the shell shock and the look on David's face I didn't notice that a large portion of my calf was missing and burnt from probably another piece of debris, but if it wasn't for that pain I probably would have lost my mind from the image of my brother's friend's death. The pain also allowed me to realise that my brother was still out there somewhere and hopefully still alive. "Russel! Can you hear me?!" Not even a second after I screamed his name did I see one of the worst things that anyone, let alone a fourteen year old, could see. The sheer horror from what I saw made me want to tear my eyes right out of my head to prevent me from ever seeing such a site again. My brother layed no more than a couple of feet to my side with what seemed to be part of a jawbone sticking out of his head where his nose should be. My brother had died instantly from a flaming jawbone from a corpse inside the crypt just as I had imagined before I flipped the switch. A sudden depression crashed over me like a wave and tears started to roll from my eyes. I thought to myself, "If only I had been smart enough to take the wiring and run home to prevent that horrific event from ever happening maybe my brother and his friend would still be alive today. Maybe I should just lie here and wait for all the blood to drain from my body, that way I can die with the two of them and no one can ever blame me." Then I remember hearing the most horrific sound I had ever heard. "Such a shelfish thing to think after what has happened. Do you really think if you die here no one will blame you any less than they would if you survived?" Startled to know that the voice I just heard came from the direction of the old crypt I ripped my head around to examine the source of the horrific statement. "Wondering who is talking yet?" The voice came from exactly where to crypt used to stand, but through the smoke still lingering in the air I couldn't quite make out any detail about this person yet other than it was a male from the sound of his voice and his outline was that of an overweight individual. "Are you still consious? I can't quite see you through all of this smoke." As he said that all the smoke seemed to be brushed to the side by his whim. As the smoke cleared I got a better look at this unknown character and I hoped that what I saw was some sort of angel. "I must warn you I am no angel." The last statement stung my ears and made me wonder how he knew what I was thinking. I examined him, like I do everything I don't understand, from top to bottom and found him to have short red hair, blue piercing eyes and, to my disbalief, part of his bottom jaw bone was missing. This site made my eyes go wide and examine him as a whole to find a multitude of other injuries that would most likely kill a normal person or at the very least render then unconsious, but this strange man didn't even seem to realise that parts of him where missing.From all I could tell all of his injuries included his right arm barely attached to the rest of him by only a small piece of flesh, his lower torso gaped open where part of one of the metal crosses had ripped at him and lodged itself, chunks of his right leg, from thigh to ankle, was missing and at least half of his lower jawbone, probably the same jawbone I just saw in my brothers face, was gone which surprised me the most considering he has been talking to me and it would seem that would be very difficuly with part of your jaw misplaced. "I know I am not something you would see everyday my dear boy, but that gives you no reason to stare." I heard what he said, but no matter how hard I tried I could not seem to stop staring at the giant gap in his mouth as he talked to me. "Hmm, you seem to be startled by my appearance and I guess that would be understandable, one moment." He started walking towards me and I couldn't help but notice he was not limping the way I think a person should considering a large part of his right leg was missing, but he walked on it as if he was perfectly healthy. In fact the more I watched him, the more he seemed to almost float towards me instead of just walk. Right before he got to me he looked at my dead brother as if to examine him. "Ah ha! there is that pesky little bone I lost through all that!" He floated over to my brothers corpse and started to tug and the jawbone lodged in his skull. I remember a wave of nausea came over me at the site of that and I had no choice but to turn my head to the side and vomit until I was doing nothing but dry heaves. "Oh dear, are you all right? Haven't the stomach for this sort of destruction? Then why did you do it?" As he finished his last statement he took the jawbone removed from my brothers head, crushed it into a fine powder with his bare hands and poured it into the hole where his own jawbone should be. "This should really churn your stomach." He started to smile and as I stared even harder at the hole in his face I noticed something only thought of in horror stories happen right before my eyes. I heard a small crack, followed by a louder one and then I witnessed what appeared to be a small amount of bone marrow collecting in a straight line and connecting the two pieces of bone that make up his jaw, then bone itself started to appear and I could see that his jawbone was now a whole piece again. After that tendons and muscle that make up the face slowly, but quicker than you would expect, covered the hole and blood started to trickle down his chin. Not to long after the skin grew back like a plant would regrow a leaf and the wound was completly healed. "How...how did you do that?" "Do what? Fix the hole in my face?" "Yeah." "Can't you do it?" "No." "Well with practice makes perfect my dear boy. In fact lets practice now." He walked behind the nearby crypt that David was hiding behind and picked up the lower part of him like it was a piece of chicken. Before I had time to object he snapped the lower left leg off right at the knee and that dry heave came back to haunt me. "This should do nicely. Don't you agree?" "What the hell are you doing! That is my friend!" "Friend? From what I understood both of these bothersome brats dragged you up here to my little sleeping hole to blow it up did they not?" "Well..." "Are you telling me you wanted to blow up my place of rest? Because if you did I will most certainly leave you hear to rot in one of my neighboring chambers." "No, I didn't want to blow up anything!" "That's what I thought, now hold still for a moment." I did what he told me to do out of fear and he took meat from the claf of the leg, crushed it and drained it in his hands and pressed it firmly into my damaged calf. I screamed for a moment from the initial shock of what he was doing, but as I stared at my leg I saw it doing exactly what his face did with the muscles and tendons. Soon after skin covered up the wound and it was as if I had never recieved it. In fact my leg sort of felt, stronger. "See that wasn't so bad, was it?" I hesitated for a moment. "No..." "Now if you will give me a moment I need to patch myself up a little more before you escort me to your home, don't want anyone poking their nose into out business." "Wait, why do you want me to escort you to my home?" "Well, you woke me up and I assumed you wanted company. Besides, we need to discuss some things about your future." "What kind of things?" "We will get to that later on, now be a sport and go get this small wooden box where my bed used to reside while I tend to these wounds." I got up and did what he said to do. As I walked towards the demolished crypt I heard him breaking off more pieces of my former brother's and his friend's corpse and I realised I had forgoten all about what it was exactly that he was doing. He was desicrating my dead brother's remains! How could I let him do that?! I thought, "I must stop him!", but then I remember that he was capable of knowing what I was thinking and the thought of vengance quickly passed. Besides how exactly was I supposed to stop someone who wasn't even slowed down by wounds that would damage any normal human for life? "Wise decision boy." I stopped suddenly and then returned to the chore given to me to retrieve the wooden box. With very a little searching I found what he had described and started walking back to his side. Noticing that he had tended to all of his wounds I decided to give him one last examination. As I said before he had short red hair on the top of his head, but it his sideburns also merged into a beard that outlined his entire jawbone and curled up to the very tips of his mouth. His body figure resembled nothing that you would think someone right out of a horror story would look like, in fact he was rather fat, about three hundred pounds I would say. The only thing that didn't make him seem like a person you would find watching saturday morning cartoons at age thirty in their mom's house was his clothing. It reminded me of a nobleman in the middle ages, frills at the cuffs and down the center of the outfit, rather tight fitting and with more buttons than one person could ever find a use for. "I do agree my clothing is a tad outdated, but we can fix that once we have relaxed a little bit; agreed?" "Yeah, agreed." "Now before we head out I have a very important question to ask you. What kind of food do you have at your place? I am vamished!" For some reason that statement made me laugh even after what I just experienced. After my little chuckle which seemed to make him happy to see we started walking for my house and certain questions started popping into my mind. Questions like "What am I going to tell mom about Russel?" and "Is this supernatural stranger I am with going to use me in some sort of freakish ritual?" "You needn't worry about what to tell your mom about Russel just yet and as for the second question, you are far too important right now for me to use you in any kind of ritual right now." He smiled after he said that and for some reason it made me very calm. I remember the last thing I thought right before we left the cemetary was "what is to become of me?" which for some reason he didn't answer. "May I ask you a second, very important question?" "What?" "Do you have a set of cloths I could wear? These, I am afraid, come become slightly, outdated." "Ha, sure. Could you tell me your name since I am inviting you into my home and all?" "Just call me Mr. Andrew for now." "What do you mean for now?" Again he didn't answer. |