Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1285211-fairy-tale-reality
Rated: E · Other · Philosophy · #1285211
Comparing Real life to a fairy tale. Meant to provoke thought.
What? You, princess, what did you say?

You want a prince charming to rescue you from your tower?

You actually expect a handsome knight to come riding up to you and save you from your troubles?

How long have you been up in this tower?

Are you sick, or do you seriously not know?

Don't you know? Haven't you heard?

There aren't anymore prince charming's or handsome, brave knights.


Because all of the good handsome princes and knights realized they were handsome.

When they realized they were handsome, they weren't good people anymore.

They became scoundrels, wolves in sheep's clothing. They prowl the countryside looking for fair maddens, such as yourself, to save from their castles and steal away with them to their homes, as a thief steals a rose from a garden.

They would use their beauty to their own advantage, to attain such useless, fleeting feelings such as pleasure, without the slightest hint of respect.

You're safer here in this castle. You'll last longer at least.

You see, beauty was once a gift, to be used humbly and for the good of many.

It was a privilege!

Now, beauty is a curse.

And those cursed with it curse themselves to a life in Hollywood.

But there is a happy ending to this tale.

There are still good, noble people in the world.


Why, yes, you're right. The only good ones left are the ugly ones.

They are still handsome, they are the most beautiful people you'll meet in this world.

There beauty lies in there souls, and it is everlasting.

They will protect you from the handsome wolves, and the false prince charming's.

They will defend you from every danger you face, and in every trial you go through he will be right by your side every second.

Looks count for nothing. They fade away in the end anyways, like gold in the sands of time, and when they are gone, what lies beneath will finally shine through.

And the first will be last.

And the last, be first.

Expect a noble and true, overweight, ugly hunchback tomorrow at six.


You don't want an overweigh ugly hunchback to rescue you?

Not even if he is the better man?

Well, then, my dear, you don't deserve to be rescued at all.

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