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Zodiac Bound is a classic of drama, suspense, and a psycho crazy who thinks he's God. |
Zodiac Bound The two occupants of the car, a white man and a Hispanic teenage boy, were driving down the lifeless highway. The car, a grey Chevy, had had its license plate removed, to be replaced the next day. Unable to take the tension, the boy reached forward and turned the radio on. "Another One Bites the Dust" came blaring through. For the first time, the man grinned. To a stranger it may appear to be a friendly smile, but to the boy it looked more like a taut leer. "Another One Bites the Dust?" queried the man, and his curiously metallic voice was full of cruel amusement. "Ironic, don't you think? It looks as though the fates really do have a sense of humor." The boy said nothing. He turned up the volume, hoping to drown out the sound of the man's voice, but the music seemed far away. The boy remained silent. He brought a mug of coffee to his lips, but his hands were shaking so badly that a few drops spilled onto the seat. The dark stain looked oddly like blood. The man seemed to think so too, because the smirk danced on his lips once more. He took out a cigarette and glanced at the back seat. Seeming satisfied with what he saw, he lit the cigarette and stuck it between his colorless lips. The boy eyed the cigarette apprehensively, as though expecting the man to light the car on fire any second. The man nodded to the boy, who stuck out his thin arm. The man yanked back the sleeve, and even in the dim light scars were visible. The man very calmly stubbed out his cigarette on the boy's arm. The boy sucked in his breath, willing himself not to react. The girl in the back fidgeted, trying to make herself more comfortable, as she listened to the man speak. Her wrists were tied together, and she was gagged. How did that happen? She supposed he had taken her, but how could he have? She didn't remember. Had she been given some type of drug? The man turned to her, and his voice was strangely gentle as he said, "You have nothing to worry about, Alihon. In fact, you are very lucky. You could say you have been chosen, but I know how cheesy that sounds. You know of the Chinese Zodiac, I presume?" The Chinese Zodiac? The girl thought she had heard of it before, but it was hard to call it back. And was her name really Alihon? She tried to bring back memories, but it was like trying to catch water through your fingers, everything kept trickling away. The man seemed to know what she was thinking, because he smiled and said, "Why am I asking you all of this? The Chinese Zodiac is a group of twelve animals: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and the pig. Each animal represents a year, and anyone born in that particular year is labelled as that animal. They are supposed to have all the personality traits of their specific animal. I have chosen you as the Horse, for like the horse you are a great leader and are reluctant for advice. You are proud and independent. Yes, I know a great deal about you, for I have been watching you closely for some time. You fascinate me, for sometimes you can be as gentle as a kindergarten teacher, or as wild and untameable as Bucephalus. Of course, the Chinese Zodiac was not originally meant for astrology, it was used as a numerical timestable for Yin and Yang. But of course, you don't know much about what I'm talking about, do you?" "What animal are you?" the girl mumbled, curious in spite of herself. "I am no animal," replied the man. His voice was suddenly harsh and flinty, as though her question angered him. "I was born in limbo, right between the Chinese New Year and its previous year. No one knows, except for me of course, precisely how old I actually am. And I have no intention of allowing any of you to know, so you would be well-advised not to ask." "What are you then?" she asked. She pointed at the boy. "Is he part of the Zodiac?" The man laughed. "Good heavens, no! Well, technically he is, but as my slave, and he is outcast, because he is the Rat, and therefore cruel and deceitful. I chose him because he is slippery and and sneaky like the Rat. He doesn't face his enemies outright, he slinks about in corners. Don't you, squeaky?" The boy shuddered and nodded, keeping his head to the floor of the car. The man laughed. "In the Zodiac legend," the man continued, "Buddha told the animals, of which there were thirteen, including the Cat, 'Tomorrow you must race to earn your place in the Zodiac.' The Rat came in first place because he cheated by riding on the Ox's back and jumping in front of him over the finish line. The Rat also tricked the Cat by telling him that the race was the day after tomorrow, not tomorrow, so the poor Cat never even showed up for the race and never recieved his position. That is why the Cat is always trying to catch the Rat. The Rat, by law, must keep his first place position, but he is a liar and a cheat and must be punished. Of course, the Ox and the Cat were fools to allow themselves to be tricked by him, and after all, a fool is even worse than a cheat. But my squeaky little friend here must be taught a lesson. And what is that lesson, Rat?" The boy flinched when the man addressed him, but recited like a little schoolboy learning his lessons, "There is no room for initiative in a monarchy, and democracies do not exist." Correct," the man said, almost jovially. He patted the boy's head as you would a slow puppy who has just learned a new trick. "You must leave important decisions for those best suited to make them, and in this case, that is me. And like you so wisely said, democracies do not exist. We are all controlled by the idiotic rules and boundaries of society, and most people in this age of brats and cowards, have not the strength of will to penetrate their boundaries. I have done this. I'm only living what others dream about but can't get. I've created a world of my own. You will at first despise my Neverland, for you have been trapped in a web of falsehoods, (very cliche, I know) but if you come with courage and open mind, you will thank me on bended knee for allowing you to serve me. But you must accept my rules." "Ah, we're here!" the man said cheerfully, interrupting the girl's thoughts. From what she could see of the outside, for she was on her back, they were no longer on the highway but in a wooded area with leaves blanketing the ground. The boy got out of the car, opened the back door, lifted the girl up with unexpected gentleness, and hoistered her over his shoulder with strength that was astonishing for his slender build. He walked beside the man; they both seemed to know where they were going, although the girl could see no houses. She was so groggy and dull-minded that she didn't even think to scream, even if she hadn't been gagged. Suddenly, they stopped and the man bent down and began digging through dried leaves. From her place on the boy's shoulder, she could see a wooden door in the ground with a latch and a keyhole. The man inserted a key into the hole and pulled the latch. The boy began descending a flight of stairs with an air that suggested he had been here many times before. The dark was as all-consuming as a cancerous virus, but the boy seemed to have no trouble seeing. The girl expected to hear the man's footsteps behind them, but the silence was unbroken, and she saw that the door had been shut. "I'm sorry," the boy said unexpectedly. "I didn't want to take you. You don't remember anything, do you? Do you know your name?" "It's Alihon, isn't it? That's what the man said." "That's the name he's given you," the boy corrected. "Once he 'chooses' you, or so he likes to call it, it's like any other life you had before him never even existed. You're his now." "Why can't I remember anything? What is this place? What's my real name?" The boy shook his head like an elephant trying to rid himself of a bothersome fly. "Do not ask me, I can't tell you. Here." They had come to the bottom of the stairs into a hallway. He passed several wooden doors, stopped at one, and opened it. He carried her into the room, plopped her onto a bed, removed her gag, and untied her. "I'll be back with food and some light for you," said the boy. The girl lay on the bed, her head feeling as if she was wearing anchors for earrings. She tried to lift her arm, but it was just too heavy. What had he used on her? Chloroform?Suddenly there was a click and the boy came in holding a large flashlight in one hand, and a silver tray in the other. He set the flashlight and tray on a glass table next to the bed. The flashlight illuminated the room, and the girl, even in her half-conscious state, was surprised. She had been expecting a cold stone dungeon like in the stories, but the room was the opposite:warm and appealing. The bed was covered in a soft red-and-gold comforter, that certainly looked as though it were worth something. There was a fine mahogany vanity, a carpet filled with russets, golds, browns, and light oranges, a closet, and a bookshelf. On the tray was a bowl of tomato soup, saltines, and a large glass of milk. The boy, who had been watching her, picked up the spoon and began spooning the soup into the girl's mouth. She swallowed, not really tasting it. She wasn't hungry, but she was too tired to resist. When she finished, he pointed to another door on the right wall that she had not noticed. "That," he said, "is your bathroom. You will find everything else you need in there. I would advise you to go to bed immediately, for you must be out of bed by 4:30 tomorrow. Good night." And with that, he closed the door. The girl, exhausted, slumped on the bed and fell asleep instantly. It seemed only a second later that she was awake and then there was the boy standing in the doorway, shining a light in her face. Without a word he picked her up and carried her out into the hall. He stopped at a door and opened it. The room was bare except for a chair and table, metal rings attached to the wall, and a tall pole that reached from the floor to the ceiling. The man from the night before was sitting at the table, and with him, was a stunningly beautiful Asian girl. She was tall and imperious, with long straight dark hair, even white teeth, and features that looked as though they had been fashioned from ivory by a master carver. The man smiled when he saw them and clapped his hands delightedly. "Excellent, we are all here!" he cried. "Good morning, Alihon, I trust you slept well?" Without waiting for an answer, he added, "Allow me to introduce you. Natsumi, this is our newest arrival, Alihon. She is to be the horse." The Asian girl inclined her head, and Alihon noticed that her eyes were as black and lovely as onyx and just as cold. It was difficult to hold her gaze. "Alihon, meet Natsumi!" said the man. "I really am ecstatic to have us all together today! I apologize to you, Alihon, I am afraid you didn't find me in the best of moods last night. But now we shall be having your initiation, which I could not be looking forward to more!" The girl called Natsumi sighed irritably, as though the man's enthusiasm wore her out. She signaled to the boy, who set Alihon in the chair. She struggled only halfheartedly, (after all she was still in her drugged semi-conscious state) and he slapped her. He pulled some rope from nowhere and tied her elbows and knees to the chair. He tied them tightly, and she felt her muscles constrict painfully. She gave a slight whimper and the man laughed. Natsumi took out a box and set it on the table. It was a curious-looking thing, made of what looked like bamboo, and there was a silver inscription on the side. Natsumi opened the box, revealing several long daggers. Now, Alihon's senses were fully alert, now she felt real fear. The pain she was about to feel would be enough to drive her to madness, the girl's hollow eyes told her so. The boy, Alihon knew, was simply afraid of the man and wished her no harm, but she could tell that this girl, beautiful as she was, had grown as pitiless as her master. She struggled frantically as the fog in her brain lifted and the situation hit her:this evil man was holding her prisoner, and he was using this girl to torture her. Soon she would be just like the boy, another terrified slave, her spirit trampled. "Hold her, Rat!" the man ordered. The boy sighed and wrapped his elbow around her throat. She gasped desperately for breath, but continued to fight to free her wrists from the bonds. The boy leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Please don't try to run away, she'll only hurt you more if you do. Just close your eyes and think of something else, it'll all be over quickly if you cooperate." "Wise words, Rat," said Natsumi. It was the first time she had spoken. Alihon shut her eyes to the sight of Natsumi slowly two of the knives together. She held up one knife and inspected the blade, keen as a razor and gleaming like the eyes of its owner. Then she took Alihon's hand and very slowly, began to drive the knife into the palm. Alihon both moaned in pain and tried to prevent herself from moaning in pain, with the result that what came out was a strangled sob. Natsumi smiled, and it wasn't an expression of pleasure so much as an inhuman tapestry of monstrosity. She took the knife out of Alihon's hand. Alihon stared at it. From it flowed a steady stream of blood, and it didn't even seem a part of her body, just something you might see in a badly made horror movie. Natsumi then drew the knife across Alihon's cheekbone, and it seemed as though a river of fire had spread across the side of her face. This was just too much, after everything that had happened to her so far. What did Natsumi have to gain from hurting her? Nothing. She was just a sicko who liked to commit unspeakable acts of depravity. Suddenly, overcome by agony, terror, and rage, Alihon broke down and bawled like a baby. The man threw back his head and laughed. "This is always my favorite part!" he cried. "Everyone reacts differently to pain. As I recall, it was you, Rat, who after recieving the same treatment from Natsumi, cried out for your mother to hold you, isn't that right?" Natsumi then took the other knife and began to use it to peel the skin from Alihon's arm. She saw the knife move, saw the blood flow, but she felt no pain, only more rage. The man's eyes narrowed. Alihon could tell that he was displeased at her lack of a reaction, and it was satisfying to watch the expression on his face. "Stop it, Natsumi," he ordered. Natsumi obeyed, but she looked confused. She shot Alihon a strange look, put her knives back in the box, and stood up. She exited the room with the man, who turned and said, "Clean the knives and make Alihon better, Rat. No sense in killing her yet." The boy took out a First Aid kit and gently cleaned and dressed Alihon's wounds, and she was too deep in thought to much notice the pain anymore. The boy finished and started cleaning the knives. She looked at the bandage on her hand. It was firm, but not too tight, and the pain was almost completely gone. This boy obviously knew what he was doing. "Will you untie me, please?" she asked. The boy shook his head and continued polishing. Alihon leaned in. "Listen," she said. "I think you can help me. He left us with the knives, so we have weapons. There are two of us and two of them, so we're evenly matched. You know the way out of here. We can escape, you and me. I can see how scared of him you are, but if you just be brave for a little while, we'll both be free and you'll never have to live in fear again." The boy shook his head frantically. "You don't understand," he said. " Natsumi is his Snake; she's just allowed to come and go as she pleases. First he kidnaps you, then he brainwashes you so badly that you don't want to report him and continue coming here of your own free will. He gives you hypnotic drugs to make you completely forget about your own life and who you are. That's why you can't remember anything. I can't remember anything either, but he holds me here because I've tried to escape. That's why he calls me the Rat, because I almost succeeded once, but he found me and brought me back. Natsumi is his Torturer, and she gave me my punishment. I never tried to escape again. And we can't fight them. Do you think these are Natsumi's only knives? You didn't see, but she keeps spare ones in her belt. I wouldn't last a second against Natsumi; she knows how to use the knives and I don't. Please don't try to run away. I don't want to hurt you but I have to do as he says, and he'll make me help Natsumi torture you, because he wants to get me to like it, like he and Natsumi do. Natsumi loves inflicting pain, as you saw." "Natsumi as a snake? How ironic," Alihon said wryly. But then she pressed, "Listen, here's the deal." "If I get out of here, I'll tell the police and they'll rescue you and you'll be free of him. No more cigarette burns on your arms, no more being tortured with knives, no more having to obey his stupid rules, no more being a slave. And then maybe one day you'll remember who you are and you can be with your family again. But if you double-cross me, he'll probably kill me, you know that right? I'll have nothing to lose, so I'm going to fight with everything I've got. And the first person I'll go after will be you, and I have a feeling you are much easier to kill than Natsumi is." The boy shook his head. "You still don't get it, do you? You don't know what this man is capable of. He only uses Natsumi as his torturer because he considers doing his own dirty work beneath him. He may not look dangerous, but he's more powerful than a thousand Natsumis put together. And he has more allies than just Natsumi. They all obey him blindly, without question, and honestly believe that he will love and protect them. Because that is part of the curse. You want to know where he found Natsumi? She was born in Japan, and when she was eleven her parents sold her to a drug lord here in America. He kept her as a slave for him and his wife. The man killed the drug lord and his wife and took her with him here. She believes that he saved her from slavery, and she worships him for it. She would kill and maim for him, and she has done so many times." "But who is he?" Alihon asked. "What's his name?" "He's God." In spite of herself, Alihon burst into laughter. She knew that under the circumstances, she shouldn't be laughing, but the boy's statement was so ridiculous. "No, really, he is," the boy insisted, no hint of a smile on his face. He clearly wasn't joking. "The closest thing there is to God, anyway. I'm the Rat, Natsumi is the Snake, and he is Buddha. And now you're the Horse." "Are there more animals?" Alihon asked. The boy nodded. "They come and go, but there are a lot more of them. There's Resa, who's the Cat, Roxana, the Monkey, Gwydion the Dog, and Medor the Ox. I think there are more, but I haven't met all of them." "Are those their real names?" Alihon asked. "And I thought there wasn't a Cat in the Zodiac." "No, those are the names the man has given them. We have a Cat, but she's isolated because of how the Rat tricked the Cat in the Zodiac legend. She's in a separate room all by herself; she never leaves it. The only visitors she gets are the man, and me when I bring her food. She's chained to the wall. She has tried to attack the man a few times. She's braver than I. She hates it here, and she hates the man. I hate him too, but I'm a coward." Alihon's eyes narrowed. "What room is she in?" she asked. "What is taking you so long, Rat?" They both jumped. Natsumi was in the doorway, her hands on her hips. "I don't trust you, Rat, as you very well know. Move. Take Alihon back to her room." The boy blushed and bowed his head subserviantly. He scurried about, untying Alihon and pulling her through the door by the arm. That night in her room, Alihon lay on her bed, thinking frantically. The boy would not help her, so it looked like this Resa person was her only hope now. But she wasn't even sure if she could figure out a way to get out of her room, let alone find Resa's room and get in. Then something came to her. She remembered taking a bobby pin from her hair and picking the lock on a closet. She had been about nine, and a woman, whose name escaped her, had hidden something in there, something Alihon had wanted to find. A bobby pin! Alihon fingered her hair, which hadn't been combed since the previous night, and found a slightly bent bobby pin. She stuck it in her mouth and wet it on her tongue, grimacing at its stale taste. She ran to the door and stuck the pin inside the keyhole, marveling that the man was fool enough to put locks on the inside of the doors. It was slow going, as she remembered, but it was definitely a skill worth learning, she thought as the lock gave a tiny click! and the door opened. She used her sweatshirt to muffle the sound of the door squeaking. She could hardly believe that the man hadn't used some sort of the alarm system. She supposed he relied entirely on his captives' fear and loyalty to prevent them from escaping. She slowly crept down the halls, looking at each of the doors. Now here was the hard part. If she opened the wrong door, then she would be caught by the room's occupant. She turned around and peered at her own door. Maybe there would be some sort of clue..................Yes! It was an ornate wooden door, with fancy engravings, and in the left high corner, barely visible, was an insignia that looked like a horse. She gazed at the other doors, running her fingers over them, looking for the symbols. Dragon, Dog, Monkey..............Cat! Yes! She tried the door and found to her surprise that it was unlocked. She supposed that if the girl was chained to the wall, there was no need to lock the door. She stepped inside. She was immediately blinded by a torrent of fingernails at her eyes. She struggled, drew her fist back, and lashed out blindly. A thin figure staggered back, holding a hand over a bleeding nose. Alihon stood back, seeing a skinny girl with wild, tomato-red hair and brown, gold-flecked eyes. The girl glared at her, and Alihon noticed that there was a cuff around her ankle with a chain attached to the wall. Near the wall was a tray on which was a bowl that looked as though it had been cracked over someone's head. There were scratch marks on the walls, and a window that seemed to have been punched several times. The girl wiped her nose dismissively, as if her own blood was of little importance, and demanded, "Who the hell are you?" "I'm the Horse," Alihon replied. "That man calls me Alihon. I think you can help me. I can unchain you and we can escape together. It looks like you hate him as much as I do. You're Resa, right?" The girl nodded and her eyes narrowed. "How are you going to unchain me?" Alihon held up the bobby pin. "That's how I got out of my room. I know how to pick locks." The girl nodded. "Okay. I want outta here too. But I swear, if you backstab me.........." Alihon snorted. "Why should I? I'm as much a prisoner as you are." The girl still looked suspicious. "When did you get here?" she asked. Alihon tried to remember. It had seemed forever ago. "Last night," she said finally. "And you?" Resa shrugged. "I don't know, maybe........................two years? Two years in hell." "Two years!?" Alihon repeated incredulously. "And I thought I had it bad being here for a few hours! How old are you?" "I think I'm sixteen, because he took me from Manhattan when I was fourteen, but I lost track of the days, so I'm not sure." "What happened?" "I was walking home from school down under the Manhattan bridge overpass. I shouldn't have done it, I was always taking detours there. I was into some bad stuff back then, and the overpass was a great place to get drugs. And that's the last thing I remember until I woke up in here." "Why do you remember stuff and I can't?" Alihon pressed. "I can't remember a thing. I don't even know my real name. And do you have any idea where we are?" Resa shook her head. "I don't know, but I think we must be somewhere in the south because it's always warm here. I'm not sure why I can remember things and you can't. The drugs he gives us affects each of us differently, I guess. Like, Natsumi remembers every bit of her past. She could escape and report him any time she wants, but she won't." "Bitch," she added, and Alihon thought the two of them were going to get along just fine. Alihon bent down and inserted the bobby pin in the lock of the chain, unlocking it easily this time. The girl rubbed her now free ankle, around which was a tanline. The girl limped toward the door, declining Alihon's hand. Together they carefully opened the door. To Alihon's horror, standing in the doorway were the man, Natsumi, and the boy. The man grinned and said, "Hello, Alihon. Hello, Resa." Resa snarled and leaped onto Natsumi, holding her knees to Natsumi's neck as she clawed at her face before Natsumi could draw her knife. The man pushed the boy toward Alihon, ordering, "Take her, Rat." Alihon didn't wait for the boy to take action; she had bigger fish to fry. She kicked him in the chest and ran past him, shoving the man hard. He slammed his head onto the wall, slid down, and lay still. Alihon ran to help Resa, who was rapidly being overcome by Natsumi. "Go, you dumbass!" shouted Resa. "Go on, get outta here!" The man moaned, and Natsumi looked up in alarm. She ran over to the man and held his head in her lap, weeping as her hand ran red with his blood. Alihon pulled Resa to her feet and half-dragged her to the end of the hallway. "No!" yelled Resa. "I want to finish her!" She charged at Natsumi, who was still crying, having eyes only for the injured man. "I want to finish both of them!" She turned to Alihon and whispered, "Get the kid, he's not really that bad. Go get the police. Don't wait for me. And he has a knife in his pocket." Alihon pulled the boy up, who was clutching his stomach and panting, and dragged him down the hall, knowing it was useless to argue with Resa. She would save herself and him first, and only then could she go back to Resa's aid. She found the trapdoor, yanked it open, and practically flew up the stairs, the sounds of battle still echoing down the hallway. The boy, once he came to his senses, immediately began to fight her, struggling to get away. Alihon tightened her grip on him, but he was fighting like a maniac and he was stronger than she. "Stop it, you idiot!" she cried. "I'm saving you!" "No! Tell him I didn't help you, tell him I tried to stop you, tell him not to hurt me!" he sobbed pitifully. Desperately, Alihon searched his pockets for the knife, found it, and held it threateningly at the boy's throat, pressing just hard enough to draw blood. The boy went limp, quivering fearfully, and she knocked him over the head with the knife's handle. Stunned, he slumped to the ground and fell over. Then Alihon ran back to get Resa. Resa had regained the upperhand, judging by the bruises all over Natsumi's face. The man was watching the fight impassively, as though all of this were no concern of his. When he saw Alihon, he smiled pleasantly. "Well, hello, Alihon!" he said. "I thought you might be foolish enough to come back and help Resa. Noble people are so easily manipulated, so predictable. The rest of them are so boring, so silly. They do whatever I command. I own them, body and mind. Did you know, Resa was originally intended to be my special pet? She was my favorite, a feisty, fiery redhead. But I couldn't bend her will-I didn't want to break it, that wouldn't be any fun, but bend it, just a little. But I couldn't tame her even the slightest bit, so I had to settle for Natsumi. Natsumi is attractive enough, but she is not nearly as amusing as I would have hoped. Then when I saw you, I decided to try again. You didn't disappoint me. I'm impressed, actually, and at the same time a little dismayed that I will have to ask Natsumi to kill you. Natsumi, dear, will you do the honors?" Natsumi raised her knife, but before she could do anything, Resa tackled her and pinned her to the ground. The two girls wrestled for the weapon, and Alihon whipped out the pocketknife and came at the man. He tried to pull her hair, but he was weaponless and she managed to stab him in the arm. He screeched in pain and Natsumi once again ran to her beloved master. "Let's go!" cried Alihon, and this time Resa followed her. "Let's get to the highway; we should be okay there." "Why did you come back?" asked Resa. "I told you to go. I can handle that bastard and his whore." Alihon was about to answer when a hand came from behind and covered her mouth, stopping her in her tracks. It was Natsumi. "You're not going anywhere!" she hissed. "He told me to kill you, and that's what I'm going to do." Desperate, Alihon grabbed a stick and and stabbed Natsumi in the eye. Natsumi staggered backward, holding her hand over her bleeding eyeball. "Run!" shouted Resa, pulling Alihon behind her. They ran through the wood at the height of their speed, but they knew they couldn't keep it up for long. Alihon glanced back and saw to her horror that the man was in pursuit. "If we can just make it to the highway before he catches us....." Resa huffed, but before she could finish her sentence, they heard the sound of crashing solid weight. They looked back to see the boy pinning the man to the ground with his arms around the man's neck in a headlock. The boy expertly probed several spots on the man's head and neck, finally digging his thumb into a spot just behind the man's ear. The man gave a slight shudder and did not move. Alihon and Resa ran towards the boy, who sat motionless atop the man's still body. With his voice in a monotone, he said, "He showed me those pressure points. I was going to stab him, but I thought using his own methods against him was probably the most apropriate." "Well, took you long enough," Resa scoffed. Suddenly the man began to stir, and the boy wrapped his hands around the man's throat. The man threw him off, and, pulling a gun from his pocket, he pointed it at the boy. "Don't make me shoot you, boy," he said. "I will be very unhappy if you force me to shoot you, for I have come to respect, even admire what you have done. You tried to escape a second time, and you actually attacked me! Congratulations, congratulations to all of you! In honor of you who got away, I will leave the three of you alive. Since you will no doubt let the authorities know my little secret, I have decided to 'go out with a bang' if you will. I plan to do so by shooting every other member of my little clan, Natsumi and all the rest of they who were not bold enough to try anything. I will give you ten seconds head start to get to the highway and alert the police, during which time I will rid myself of all the others. I will be waiting here to surrender myself, and the three of you may feel free to testify against me, safe from my vengeance." The three of them stared incredulously at the man, their jaws dropping. Predictably, it was Resa who finally broke the silence. "What the hell?!" she demanded. "Why?! What are you, just psycho!?" The man chuckled and looked at Resa almost affectionately. "You see, this whole thing, this little underground residence of mine, was an experiment, I guess you could say. I wanted to see how it would end, and so far it has gone, well, fantastically. Now what could be a more dramatic finish if the villain (meaning myself) was captured by the authorities but managed to bring down all the captives but three. That would satisfy the good people, the majority, who would be cheering for the three of you on the sidelines and who would despise me. But the fact that I brought some down with me would please those select few who secretly cherish a desire to do what I did, who wish they could be me. That way, you get a cool ending, and everybody wins!" "You mean you planned this!?" Alihon exploded. "You're acting like this is some sort of book you're writing! You're nuts! And we're not leaving to let you kill the others!" "Now, that is an admirable but stupid idea, Alihon, and something I expected you to say. If you leave now, you have a chance to put me away for good. If you don't, I will kill all of you, and I will make sure to disappear. I have eluded authorities for years now; it isn't difficult. With the three of you dead, the truth lies with you. I am giving you a chance. Take it." As if in unison, they all made up their minds. They took off toward the highway. "I can't believe we're leaving the others behind," Alihon sobbed. "Your heart is bleeding all over my shoes," said Resa. "Get a grip. This way we can stop him from killing any more people. He thinks he's won, but we did." Epilogue Well, that's what Resa thought anyway, as I watched them run toward the highway before I set out to do what I told them to do. The reality is, they didn't win. Oh, you may laugh and think me in denial as I sit here in this felon's cell, for I did indeed get caught and condemned. I believe I am technically a serial killer; four bodies puts a needle in my arm; after all. Just as I had planned, I wrote a short book while in prison, and I decided to put it in the point of view of my three favorite characters. Alihon was the principal protagonist, of course, because it was she who started it all. To prove that they did not win, I have followed the course of their lives pending my execution. Alihon (her real name is Lisa Fitzgeral, age 15) became pregnant at sixteen and dropped out of high school. She could not adjust to real life. The boy, my little rat friend, whose real name is Ramon Riveras, has to live on disability because he can't leave his home without falling apart. Resa, well, let's just say she doesn't live too far away from me in this little place I like to call Attica. Well, I hate to cut a good story short, but I have an appointment, an appointment with a needle full of a fascinating substance called potassium chloride. I have researched it in my spare time; you should look it up. Many will gather to witness my death, and a reporter will probably ask me if I have any last words. I will wave my hand and say, "Go on, off with you people. Last words are for fools who haven't already said enough." |