Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1283260-ignorance-is-blissor-is-it
Rated: E · Other · Environment · #1283260
is it a rant or just a good observation of todays society? you decide and let me know.
Have you ever felt like you are invisible? have you ever thought to yourself that you must be because surely the person who just stepped over your pram to get on the bus first would have said excuse me or just waited inline? well i have noticed that basically people are RUDE simple as that, now before you argue with me im not labelling everyone but i will provide examples to back up my opinions and you can decide for yourself if actually i do have a point, ok. i am of the opinion that its nurture not nature that decides a persons personality i do NOT believe that you are born to be ignorant it doesnt take much to say please, thankyou or excuse me, does it really hurt that much to ask if someone needs help or offer a seat to an elderly person after all we are all human beings what example are we setting our children if they dont see us showing that actually its not as painful as having teeth pulled just saying please, and learning that respect has to be earnt, now dont get me wrong its not even the kids who are the worst culprits for rudeness its adults and from personal observation and experiance the worst are the ones who pretend they havent noticed the elderly woman with a walking stick wobbling around on the bus trying to catch someones eye and be noticed because they dont want to be rude and ask someone if they can have a seat or the woman struggling with a screaming toddler in her arms while trying to get her buggy on the bus and all she hears is hmmpf and tut tut its sheer ignorance when the people tutting probably dont even have children and could help by being patient ( i have been that woman on the bus) we all have to live together we all breath the same air and walk the same earth so why is it so hard to show eachother respect? the basic fact is this... no matter who you are rich or poor, old or young we should all respect eachother NOBODY is superior and EVERYONE was born equal, teach your child to say please or thankyou and stop pretending you dont see when someone is in obvious need or some help i call it select blindness its not nice and is it really the world we want where in the future we all act like vultures taking what we want with total disregard for anyone? i know i dont.
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