Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1282631-A-Simple-Love-Letter
Rated: · Letter/Memo · Romance/Love · #1282631
Letter to my love
My King, the one I love an adore I read these words you place here before me and my heart beats faster knowing your love for me grows stronger everyday we spend together. I can only hope that I bring as much joy and happiness to you as you have to me. I know I tell you everyday about a million times how much I love you, but I just cant help myself for within you I find me and through you I have found the true meaning of love and what it really means to trust another completely.
I can only express how I feel in a manner in which we live
asking nothing from you but a chance to be more than we see.
Living within you, I am honored to be part of your life’s necessity
hoping you feel every pulsating beat I give.
Your words are my realization that love
is more than transparent heat.
I offer you my dreams, which travel
on the constant breeze.
Reaching down within your soul to spark
the flame in which your soul resides
My Love for you is honorable, for only you touch this heart,
my passion for you is immeasurable, nothing can match
the intensity we share.
My desire builds with each word whispered, each song
you sing and each touch that brings me to how much you care.
I am humbled by your presence, your my equal in so many ways
yet you defer to me as your Light among the stars.
Give me nothing more than you have already, in my eyes,
heart and mind I have been blessed with the Love of my Life~~YOU~~

Love Me
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