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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Transportation · #1282350
I wrote this for my English class.
Michael Chavarria
Julie Allen
Eng 111-003

         The blood was pouring out of my head as if it were a natural spring breaking through the crust of the earths floor. I could hear the beat from the heart monitor sporadically changing as if it were a nervous drummer playing in front of a crowd for the first time.
I am about a two miles away in my house driving the Jeep Cherokee when I hear a crack, boom, and then all the sudden rain started to poor as if  a fire hose was spraying straight down.  Cars all around me started to drive slower to be safe. Pulling into my driveway a huge sense of relief came over me . I knew I was safe. Running into the house took less than a minute and I am now drenched.
         My wife called and informed me she already ate with my daughter. So I rummaged through the fridge but there was nothing appealing, I decided to get food at our nearby Seven Eleven. 
I get into an Infinity Q45 that Erin's uncle left for us to drive while he was away for business. This car is very nice, heated leather seats, traction control, and dual side airbags. I found out this car was a V8 after the event I am about to describe to you.
          I  get into the car and start it up. The motor purrs like a wild cat from the jungle. The seat automatically adjusts to my height and weight while the steering wheel automatically adjusts just like the seat did. Talk about feeling like your in total control. This car gives you a sense of security that no common car does.
I put the car into gear and head to my Seven Eleven destination. Heading up the curvy hill near my home,  I notice the wet road and the ditch to the right of me. My speed is a mere twenty miles an hour and I am being as safe as possible. I notice a cars headlights at the top of this road, so I slow down to let the car pass. The car passes me and I then proceed to step on the gas.
         I feel the vibration of the car as it starts to slip. Going to step on the brake I accidentally step on the gas forcing the car to lose even more control. This is where knowing the V8 comes into play, The car thrust me back into the seat  as if  I was rag doll on a rocket. The tires try to make a sound but they are muffled by the amount of water pouring down the hilly road. I notice I am headed into the ditch on my right. I remember the first thought that came into my head, “O SHIT, This is going to hurt”.
         The Infinity suddenly slams violently into the corner of this guys driveway, the right front tire buckles into the engine and I get thrown up in the air while the car is in mid air, spinning around. The seatbelt comes undone and my head slams into the sunroof controls breaking my ocular bone, while I am also flying forward hitting my chest and knees against the dashboard and steering wheel. The car did a 180 and landed on the other side of this guys driveway. My head broke the drivers side window and if it weren't for the air bags pushing me back into the seat I would have been smashed between the car and the muddy earth.
I got up and out as soon as I regained consciousness. I knew I was hurt very badly but how badly could only be seen by others. The blood was cascading down my face into my eyes and into my mouth. When I took a step I could feel my knee slide in a motion I have never felt before.
         The guys driveway I ran into was broken on one side, as if a backhoe just took a nice bite out of it. The guy came running out to see what happened then suddenly ran back into his house. I noticed he was kneeling over me with latex gloves on and a tackle box with a syringe in his hand. The doctor kept me alive and calm by giving me something from preventing me from going into shock.
         A passerby called the paramedics while the doctor started to clean up my wounds. Some lady asked me where I live and I informed here that my home was not even 2 blocks away. She got my cell phone and called my wife but there was no answer, so she ended up leaving a message.
My wife ended up noticing that I was gone for more than an hour so she was worried and about to call me when she noticed she had voice mail. When Erin got the message she put our daughter in her crib and ran down the street to where I was being attended to by the paramedics.
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