Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1278961-The-I-Love-You-Game
by Jaded
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1278961
A story for my girls about Love and happiness!
A short story inspired by my three little girls!!!

Once upon a time in a Magical Kingdom called Fairyanna, there lived a family of fairies. The fairy family lived in the tallest most beautiful tree in Fairyanna. This fairy tree was always glowing with fire flies and buzzing with creatures all filled with love. The fairy family that lived there was the Bluetree family. The Blutree family of course had mommy and daddy Bluetree, but there was also eight year old Niki, six year old Kathy and there new baby sister four month old Mary, that all lived in this wonderful tree together.

It was almost time for bed in the little fairy house in the top of the tallest of tree in the forest. Daddy was reading his book for the night in his big comfy chair. Mommy was finishing getting baby Mary ready for bed. This made the little fairy named Kathy very happy, because bedtime was special for her. That was when her mommy and her would try to out do each other in I love you's and how much I love you's! Kathy would always start the night time ritual with a "I love you more." Mommy would reply "I love you to the clouds and back." Kathy would say, " I love you all over the world and back!" mother and daughter would go back and forth on I love you to this place and that for a while. Trying to out do each other. The oldest fairy daughter Niki would just sit and read her book (or pretend to read her book). Her little sister Kathy would try to get Niki to play with them, but Niki would say " The I Love You Game is for babies and I am a big girl now!" Niki would always try to act like she was so grown up, because she was two and a half years older then Kathy. While she sat every evening pretending to have fun doing big girl reading, she would sit next to daddy wishing she wasn't the oldest and secretly wish she could play. The whole time listening to her little sister and mommy trying to win the "I love you's game." Niki always felt because she was the oldest that her mommy loved her little sisters more then her. That when Kathy was born life changed for her and mommy didn't have time to play with her any more.She was waiting cause Niki thought now that Kathy wasn't the baby any more that soon mommy wouldn't play the "I Love you game" with her anymore either. She thought soon they both would be replaced by her pretty baby sister Mary. That mommy would have only time for Mary soon. Now don't get Niki wrong she loved her baby sister very much and loved playing with Mary all the time. Niki loved making Mary laugh and smile she thought Mary was the most beautiful baby ever, but that didn't make it any easier thinking mommy was never going to have time for her and now less time for Kathy too. Niki would never get into the I love you's game, she would sit, (listening to them laugh and giggle) and pretend it didn't bother her.

Deep down Niki always wanted mommy to tell her how much she loved her too. On this evening Niki couldn't handle just listening any more. She wanted to know, had to know how much her mommy loved her! There sat her mommy with Kathy and Mary on her lap saying, " I love you to ......," but she never got to finish her sentence because Niki all of a sudden said, " Mommy how much do you love me?" Mommy stopped and looked at her oldest daughter Niki. She stared at Niki for a little bit, which made Niki feel scared, because she thought her mom was not going to answer her. Suddenly Mommy said, " Niki I could never put into words how much I love you my Angel. I think my love for you is unmeasurable! I play with Kathy all the time about how much I love her more then she loves me, but in truth my lovely little girls I could never really measure my love for either of you! A mommy could never put into words the love she feels for her little girls!"

That very night Niki realized that mommy had plenty of time for her and her little sisters and that the game she played with Kathy was just that a game.A game mommy would soon play with Mary and that Kathy soon would out grow. She realized that her mother didn't Love her sisters any more then her. Just that Niki was older and didn't need to play the bedtime ritual anymore. Niki understood what her little sister didn't. It was just a game that no one could win, because mom's love could never end! Niki also came to understand on that night that she was the luckiest fairy living in Fairyanna in her tall fairy tree all aglow with fire flies and Love aplenty that she had a wonderful loving mommy and little sisters that wasn't so bad after all! That they might cry, yell, and pick on her endlessly, but she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world! Niki fell asleep that night with a smile on her face showing her new found joy of knowing that she was loved and could NEVER be replaced!

The end

I hope you really enjoy this story and I am open to any and all suggestions please! I have changed a few things and hope u like it pls tell me what u think.
© Copyright 2007 Jaded (redsunset at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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