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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Teen · #1278631
The locals are ready to party. But will the new kid in town impose on their beach bash?

The New Guy...

         â€śHALI!” Jaimie Harris yelled at the white bathroom door. Inside, she could hear the hairdryer on full blast. “Hali Iolana Harris!” Jaimie roared. “If you don't hurry up and get your butt downstairs right now, I'm going to kick down this door and drag you screaming all the way to school!”
  The hairdryer stopped and there was silence. Jaimie listened intently for her sister. Honestly! You'd think the threat of getting detention would make her kick it up a notch, Jaimie thought. Suddenly, the door flew open, and Hali appeared. She was dressed and ready, with her medium length hair swept into a stylish bun. In appearance, Hali was very like her older sister. Both Jaimie and Hali had soft honey coloured hair, deep green eyes and a tanned complexion. Personality wise, however, they were almost complete opposites. Jaimie was cool, sweet, ready, strong-minded and out-there and was always armed with witty remarks. Her style was unique, a mix between surfer and party-chic. Hali, on the other hand, was daring, attention seeking and sometimes immature. Hali's fashion sense made her look as though she were always going out to a party. And today was no exception.
  Hali was wearing her bright yellow wrap top and a pair of black skinny jeans. A crimson red belt was slung around her waist and she was wearing a pair of tie-up red sandals. Jaimie looked her up and down. “Hali, you do know that we're going to school don't you?” she quipped. “It's not Saturday night.”
  “Oh, I know.” Hali said. “But this is to ensure that everything is perfect on Saturday night.” she slipped past her sister and walked down the stairs. Jaimie followed. “It's a guy, right?” she said, already knowing the answer.
  “Yep.” Hali replied, proving Jaimie right.
  “Who is it this time?” asked Jaimie as they reached the landing below.
  “Max Connors.” said Hali. “He's in my gym class.”
  “Fair enough.” Jaimie said. She had too much experience with her sister's dating history. If Hali liked someone, she went for them. If she needed a date for a party, same deal. The best thing that Jaimie could do was to stay out of the whole situation. It's so easy being a big sister, she thought with a smile. Jaimie glanced at the clock in the hallway. But it's not so easy being on time! Jaimie gasped in horror at the time. “No way! It's ten to nine!” she shrieked.
  “What?!” Hali exclaimed. “It couldn't be!” she looked at the clock as well and swore.
  “Come on, let's go!” Jaimie seized her sister's arm and half dragged her out the front door, grabbing their bags and the house keys as she went. The two girls ran down their street, a feat easily accomplished by Jaimie, who was wearing sneakers. It wasn't so easy for Hali, who, in her sandals, tripped her way after her sister. A minute later, they both slowed to a walk. Hali panted, clutching her side. More than ever, Jaimie was glad that she did six sports. She didn't feel puffed at all. She couldn't say the same for her sister.
  “Come on, Hal.” Jaimie coaxed. “Just two more blocks.”
  “Two more blocks?” Hali groaned. “Jaimie, I can't run that far.”
  “Yes, you can.” Jaimie said. “Well, you could if you weren't wearing those shoes. Here...” she took off her sneakers and gave them to Hali. “Take those ridiculous things off and put these on. I'll go barefoot.”
  “No way. I'm not wearing your shoes.” Hali protested.
  “Yes, you are.” Jaimie glared. “If you don't, we'll be even later for school. And if we're late for school, we'll get detention, which means no party on Saturday and no point in you asking Max out.”
  Hali paused. “Good thinking.” she said, taking off her shoes. Just as she was about to pull on Jaimie's sneakers, a white Toyota RAV-4 pulled up beside them. The side window rolled down and two grinning faces met their eyes.
  “Morning, babe.” the driver said to Jaimie.
  “Hamish!” Jaimie exclaimed.
  Hali looked up. “Oh my gosh! Hi, guys!”
  The guy in the passenger seat waved. “Hey, Jimi. Hey, Hal.” said Trent.

[ Jaimie: Jimi is my nickname, just so you know.
I'm also known as Jimi Jaimes or James.
It's  a guy's name, I know. But it's good
if anyone's looking for me or is talking
about me and there's someone there who they
don't want to include.  ]
  The back window rolled down and a third face greeted them with a smile. Long red-brown hair framed the face and deep blue eyes glittered at them.
  “Leila!” Jaimie ran up to the car and hugged her friend through the window.
  “You guys going to get in or not?” Hamish asked with a smile.
  “Yeah, guys.” Trent added. “We're going to be late.”
  “Shut up.” Jaimie laughed, opening the door to the car. She and Hali jumped in and buckled their seat belts. Hamish turned back onto the road and drove past the next block much faster than the girls could have managed if they were running.
  “Thanks so much, guys.” Hali said. “If you hadn't come in time, I would have had to wear Jaimie's sneakers.”
  Trent chuckled. “Well, you girls just got lucky.”
  “Hal's right.” Jaimie said. “Not about the sneakers bit – well, yeah, that was true.” she laughed. “But there was no way we could have made it into form class if we were running.”
  “Too true.” Leila agreed. She and Jaimie were in the same form. “And this was the last straw with Mrs Dickson.”
  Mrs Dickson was the girls' form teacher, a stern woman who considered five seconds after the bell as 'being late'.
  Hamish took a right turn which brought them to the front gates. As he pulled up by the curb, everyone unbuckled their belts and opened the doors. There was a minute till the bell.
  “Alright, everybody out!” Trent called, jumping out of the car. Jaimie leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around Hamish and the front seat.
  “See you soon, honey.” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “And thanks for the ride.”
  “My pleasure.” said Hamish, kissing her back.
All five of them got out, slammed the doors shut and ran for it. Hali flew off her to room barefooted, her sandals in hand. Hamish and Trent jogged away, slower than the girls as their teacher wasn't as strict as Mrs Dickson. Jaimie and Leila, however, sprinted through the school. Luckily, Jaimie had put her shoes back on and was running at full speed. They both rounded a corner, vaulted over a garden wall and ran past lines of students, all of whom were ready for class. Around another corner they went. This time, Jaimie ran right into someone. Books flew everywhere and Jaimie fell flat on her back.
  “James!” Leila yelped. She ran up and helped her friend up.
  “Oh my gosh, sorry!” Jaimie gasped, picking up one or two books and stuffing them into the guy's arms. She looked up and found herself looking at a complete stranger. For a moment, she simply stared at him. His brown eyes looked at her with a bewildered expression as his mouth curled into half a smile.
  “Jaimie, come on!” Leila urged, looking at her watch.
  “Right.” said Jaimie. “I'm so sorry.” she added to the guy before starting to run again.
  The girls skidded to a halt in front of room F11 just as the bell rang. Mrs Dickson looked at them, clearly unamused. They both filed into the room without saying a word and sat at their desks silently as they listened to the roll call. But when Mrs Dickson started telling off Mark Timms for having gum in the classroom, they exchanged glances and smiles. It had definitely been an interesting morning.

         â€śPHEW! I'm wiped!” Hali declared, collapsing onto the cafeteria seat and taking off her sandals. Jaimie raised her brows at her sister. “Hali, it's eleven o'clock.”
  “Exactly.” said Hali. “I don't think I've ever done that much exercise in the morning.”
  “Mmm.” Jaimie replied, taking a bite of her apple. “You should really get into sports.”
  “Not happening, Jaimie.” Hali said, blowing off the suggestion. “I already surf, and that's enough.”
  “You haven't been out there in three weeks.” Jaimie said. She paused. “Okay, this Saturday morning, come surfing with me and Leila.” she said.
  “What time?”
  “We're heading out at four-thirty.”
  “I'll pass.” Hali muttered.
  “Fine with me.” Jaimie shrugged. “Just trying to help you get fit.”
  “Hey, guys.” said Leila, coming over and sitting next to Jaimie. “What's going on?”
  “Hali's finally realising that she's unfit but still doesn't want to go surfing with us on Saturday morning.” Jaimie replied simply.
  “Aww, come on Hali!” Leila said. “It'll be fun.”
  “My idea of fun is not getting up at the crack of dawn and jumping into the freezing cold ocean.” Hali responded, popping a grape into her mouth.
  “And this is why I keep wondering if you are truly my sister.” Jaimie said. Leila laughed.
  The three girls ate their lunch, chatting about their classes and the upcoming party at Michelle Bradbury's. It would be the first party of the term and everyone was looking forward to the launch of another year of fun-filled Saturday nights. Just as they began discussing the details of Michelle's party, a distraction in a familiar form caught their eyes. Along with everyone else's. Walking through the cafeteria was the guy Jaimie had run into that morning.
  There was something different about this kid. Something that Jaimie hadn't noticed before. Well, I did sort of run into him and I only had ten seconds to look at the guy, Jaimie thought. But now, as he walked across the room, Jaimie got a good look – as did the rest of the school.
  “Is he new or something?” Hali asked, eyeing the guy.
  “Yeah.” Leila replied. “Jaimie ran right into him this morning.”
  Hali cracked up. “Smooth, sis. Way to greet the new kid.”
  “He doesn't seem to fit...does he?” Jaimie observed, ignoring her sister.
  “I know what you mean.”  Leila agreed.
  The new guy had an air unlike that in the other students. He walked normally, but he seemed uncomfortable. Yes, it was his first day and everyone was looking at him, but the other new kids that had come this year had never been like this. They had been more relaxed. It was obvious: this guy wasn't from their neck of the woods.
  “Checking out the new kid on the block are we?” said a voice.
  The girls turned around and saw Caley Bennett, one of Jaimie's best friends. They smiled in greeting and Caley sat down and began eating her lunch. She had short blonde hair which she kept back with a headband. Caley was a casual and chic dresser, keeping things simple by wearing plain tops and jeans. But that didn't stop her from looking fabulous everyday. She knew how to add accessories that matched perfectly and she knew the ins and outs of feeling great as well.
  “Well, if you'd like to know, his name is Robert Mitchell.” Caley said, shoveling a spoonful of mash potato into her mouth. “He's from Perth, likes to play soccer and loves Spongebob Squarepants.”
  Jaimie and Leila stared at her. “How do you know that?” Jaimie asked slowly.
  Caley swallowed and shrugged. “I asked him.”
  “You asked him?” Leila repeated.
  “Yeah. Gosh, it's not that hard.” Caley replied.
  Jaimie raised her brows and Leila looked disbelieving. But they continued to eat their lunch and keep watch on the new guy. Jaimie's eyes followed him as he stacked his lunch tray with food and as he looked around for a place to sit.
  “Man, he looks lost.” Leila muttered.
  “I reckon.” Hali jumped in. “You'd think he would just sit in the corner and not draw attention to himself.”
  “You're so insensitive, Hali.” Jaimie growled.
  “What?” said Hali. “You don't honestly think he's smart do you?”
  “Hali!” Jaimie said, irritated. “Leave the guy alone. He's completely new and he's probably freaking out about this anyway.”
  “Fine.” Hali sighed. “Well, I'm going to hunt down Tia. She said she was going to be near the science block at lunch.” she rose from the table and left. Jaimie shook her head in silence. Little sisters...
  Suddenly, Leila's hand grabbed her arm. “What?” Jaimie started.
  “He's coming this way!” Leila gasped.
  “The new guy! I think he recognises you, James.” Leila said.
  “What are you guys so worried about?” Caley asked. “He's okay, you know. He's not mentally disturbed and he's pretty nice.”
  “Well, we'll leave the talking up to you then.” Jaimie said, looking down at her tray. Leila was searching determinedly in her bag for her math book and Caley just went on eating her lunch. As if out of nowhere, the new guy appeared.
  “Hey, Caley.” he said shyly.
  “Oh, hi Rob.” Caley said cheerfully. “You want to sit down?”
  Leila choked but turned it into a cough. Jaimie almost kicked herself under the table but hastily arranged her face into a would-be welcoming smile.
  “Yeah, if it's okay.” said Rob. Caley scooted over to make room for him and he sat across from Jaimie.
  “This is Jaimie, and that's Leila.” Caley did the introductions, gesturing to them lazily.
  “Hey.” Rob nodded to Jaimie with an odd expression on his face. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
  “Uh...” said Jaimie blankly. “N – no, I don't think so.”
  “Oh, well I swear I've met you before.” said Rob, taking a sip of his juice.
  “Well, I d-don't think I've met you bef-” Jaimie began, praying for a diversion. Leila answered her prayers.
  “OH MY GOSH!” she practically screamed. “I just remembered! We were supposed to meet – um – Ha-Hamish and Trent!”
  “We were?” Jaimie said. Leila gave her a look. “Oh, yeah! We were!” Jaimie said quickly. “Yeah, to, um, talk about...about -”
  “The party!” Leila took over. “We have to make sure everything is perfect for this weekend!”
  “Wh-What she said!” Jaimie agreed, pointing to Leila. “So, yeah, we have to go...” She and Leila got to their feet, scrambled for their bags and turned to leave.
  “Nice meeting you, Rob.” said Leila with a quick smile. “See ya, Caley!”
Jaimie waved and they half ran out of the room. Once they were in the hallway, they stopped and leaned against the wall.
  “Thanks for saving me out there.” Jaimie mumbled.
  “No problem.” Leila panted. She looked around shiftily. “Come on, we'd better go see the guys in case Caley comes after us and that Rob kid follows.”
  “Yeah, let's go.”
  The two girls walked down the hallway, took a left turn and entered the lounge room. Jaimie spotted the boys and they made a bee-line for the red couch. “Hey, Hammy.” she said.
  “Mmm, this is a nice surprise.” said Hamish with a smile. Jaimie fell into the space beside him and tilted her chin up for a kiss. Hamish obliged, slipping an arm around her. Leila was leaning against the armrest and had her legs over Trent's lap.
  “So, what are you guys doing here?” asked Trent. “I thought you were having lunch.”
  “We were having lunch.” Leila replied. “But now we're hiding.”
  “From?” Hamish said.
  “Caley and the new guy.” Jaimie answered simply.
  “Who's the new guy?” Trent asked as Leila leaned against his chest.
  “Robert Mitchell” said Jaimie. “He's from Perth or something.”
  “What's he like?” Hamish asked.
  “No idea.” said Leila. “We sorta fled before we started talking.”
  “Nice one.” Trent laughed.
  “You would run, too, if you smashed into him on his first day.” Jaimie growled. “And you'd hide as well if he recognises you.”
  “Oh.” said Hamish. “Well, don't worry. He won't have a clue where we are.”
  “Think again, Ham.” Leila said savagely, glaring at the doorway. Jaimie glanced over and swore under her breath.
  Caley had just come into the lounge and not far behind her was Rob.
  “Why did she have to come here?” Leila hissed.
  “Hammy, kill me.” Jaimie groaned, burying her head behind Hamish's shoulder.
  “Aww, come on.” Hamish hugged her close. “He can't be that bad.”
  “It's not him.” said Jaimie. “I just don't feel like talking to a complete random who doesn't seem like he should be here.”
  “She's got a point, brah.” said Trent, looking at Rob. Hamish looked as well and for a moment, he looked amused. Then he looked down at Jaimie and whispered, “Sorry, honey. But he's coming over.”
  Jaimie swore again, and so did Leila. Caley walked over and sat down in an armchair. “Hey, guys.”
  Jaimie just shut her eyes while Leila tried to burn Caley with hers. “What the hell are you doing?” Leila muttered angrily.
  “What?” Caley said. “It's not my fault the guy can't stop following me.”
  Leila rolled her eyes. Rob saw them from across the room and started walking towards them.
  “Hi, again.” he said uncertainly. Jaimie opened her eyes and gave him a little smile. Leila kept her vision fixed on the front of Trent's shirt. Hamish nodded at Rob and Trent raised a hand in greeting. Caley, deciding that the awkward silence wasn't going to break the ice, said brightly, “Hey, Rob.”
  A little too brightly, Jaimie thought as Rob sat down, obviously taking that as an invitation.
  “So, you guys talking about the party?” asked Rob. No one replied.
  “No.” said Jaimie. “We've already finished talking about that.” she went on, thinking fast. “We're going surfing on Saturday morning, hanging out at my place for the arvo and then heading over to Michelle's at eight.”
  “Sounds fun.” Rob said. “Is that what you guys do here? Surf and party?”
  “Yeah.” said Hamish. “And play music, go free-diving, roller skating, horse riding, hang out, relax.”
  “Wow.” said Rob. “That's way different from what we did back home.”
  “Really?” said Trent, not sounding interested.
  “Yeah, we just had hang out sessions at the mall.” said Rob. “And we only have one big party at the end of the year.”
  “You serious?” said Caley, shocked. Rob nodded. “Well, we have a party like every second weekend. We surf just about everyday and everything else fits in when we feel like it.”
  “Every fortnight you have a party?” asked Rob. “Whoa.”
  “Yep.” said Leila, finally deciding to join the conversation. “Either that or we go clubbing at Rumba Rock.”
  “What's Rumba Rock?” said Rob.
  “It's like the hottest place to go for live music and dancing.” Trent replied. “It's the party location for all the surfers, beach bunnies and everyone from this school.”
  Rob was about to comment on this, but Jaimie jumped in before he could start. “Hey, I just had an idea. How about we go surfing on Saturday, hang out in the arvo, party at Michelle's and then bunk out at my place?”
  “Sounds good to me.” said Hamish.
  “Yeah,” Leila agreed. “What about Sunday though?”
  “We can get up and go surfing or roller skating or something.” said Jaimie. “We can decided then. But it's Sunday night I'm talking about.”
  “What's on Sunday night?” Trent asked.
  “Well, remember when Chappu told us that Rumba was having a Live Band Night on Sunday?”
  “Oh my gosh!” Leila exclaimed. “Is that this Sunday?”
  “Yup.” Jaimie nodded. “So, I was thinking, we do the whole thing on Saturday, bunk out my place, wake up and hang out and then Sunday night, we head over to Rumba and have another awesome night out.”
  “It's perfect!” said Leila excitedly. “You in, Caley?”
  “I'm in!” Caley grinned.
  Just then, the bell rang in their ears. Hamish, Trent, Jaimie and Leila got to their feet. “Alright, see you all after school, yeah?” said Trent.
  “Yeah, sweetie.” Leila replied, kissing him on the cheek.
  Hamish hugged Jaimie tightly and kissed her softly on the lips. “Bye, Jaimie.”
  “Love you.” said Jaimie.
  “Love you, too.” Hamish said, kissing her again. They all then went their separate ways, walking in different directions. Maybe – hopefully – this weekend will be a good one, Jaimie said to herself. It will be.

Chapter 2 coming soon....
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