Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1278099-The-Amulet-Chapter-Two
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1278099
Cade and Alize meet, destined to save or destroy their world. RR&R.

        The door of the small tavern slammed loudly behind him. Yet, in the excited atmosphere it wasn’t much of a disturbance. Cade strode angrily towards the counter and a few heads turned in his direction. The usual excitement of the tavern’s bar continued but he wasn’t paying attention to anyone or anything. He pushed an intoxicated human gruffly out of his way as he made a beeline towards the back door. A young gypsy sprawled in a chair stuck out her boot to stop him. She grinned seductively up at him, but when he looked down at her she withdrew. His eyes were glowing in rage, and he could tell he’d frightened her. Frustrated, he turned away. He slipped through the back door with shaking hands and followed the worn stairs upwards.

        He entered a small crooked hall lined with several doors and quickly made his way to the second to last one on the left. He withdrew a small metal key from his pocket and after several failed attempts he managed to stop shaking long enough to insert the key. Once inside he locked it again. The small room consisted of a bed, chair, table and small window on the far side. It was dark, and there was only a small lamp on the wall, the candle already used up. He emptied his belongings: placed his dagger on the table and unloaded the contents of his pockets. Then he collapsed into the chair, head in his hands.

        Everything was so screwed up. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. It had been specifically stated that no one was allowed to see anything. And that if anyone did, they’d have to be killed immediately. But there was no way. She was a full blood nymph, that much he could clearly tell. That meant she was royal, had some station. There was no way he could kill her and get away with it. He could only cover up his trail so much. He was skilled enough to stay generally unnoticed but he wouldnt stand a chance against any trained full blood Nymph guard. Most Nymphs didn’t use their powers to their full extent, many didn’t even know they had powers, but any guard or warrior had spent years honing their skills, and Cade wouldn’t be a match for them; at least not more than two at a time. Murder left a plethora of emotions behind, fear and anger. That was what made it so hard, the act of murder left a mark, a piece of the murderer’s aura left behind. And no matter what magic the murderer used to conceal him or herself, that significant piece could never be hidden. The guards would know exactly what to look for, and they’d track him to his death.

        If he ignored her then he’d most likely be killed. Daemon and his master knew everything. There was no way he’d get away with this. He’d be murdered for jeopardizing the mission, especially this important of one. Cade groaned, frustrated. There was only one way he might be able to get out of this, and he wasn’t sure he even wanted to consider it. He’d have to take her with him, somewhere where they couldn’t be tracked, then dispose of her. But both being full bloods they’d be extremely easy to track if she put up a fight, her emotions would blaze a trail for the guards to follow, they wouldn’t make it one hundred feet. But, if she helped him cover up the trail they might stand a chance. He almost laughed. For that to happen she’d have to willingly come with him, but the chances of that were almost nonexistent. He was in such shit.

        The minutes passed by and Cade tried to calm himself. Suddenly, he heard the door creak open. He didn’t move a muscle as he heard the soft thud of leather boot on the floor, he didn’t need to. The person’s aura was all too familiar, and all too expected.

        “Cade.” The name was a statement, not a question. A man moved into the light of the lamp and his cousin, Daemon, came into view. Though all his senses were alert, Cade only shifted his gaze from the floor to the mans face: his stare was stripped of emotion. Though barely older than Cade, Daemon’s features were harder. The older he got, the more the human blood in him stood out. His rough human complexion clashed with his Druyd ones and the effect was revolting. His hair was dirty and ragged, reaching past his shoulders. Cade had a fleeting memory of Daemon as a child, easier to look at, but never normal. He’d used his looks to bully, as younger, full blooded Druyd children were afraid of him. Not much had changed, most people withdrew at one look. Right now he was studying Cade with furious dull green eyes.

        “You know what you’ve done.” Daemon said harshly. Cade just stared at him, so he continued. “You’ve screwed up already. Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Cade didn’t blink. Subconsciously, Daemon took a small dagger from his pocket and polished it distractedly with his shirt sleeve. “I’m not going to let you screw this one up. There’s too much at stake.” The dagger glinted in the lamplight and Cade’s eye’s flitted to it for a moment before returning to Daemon. His cousin’s eyes hardened. “Now tomorrow you are going to have that girl with you or dead. I don’t care which.” he returned the dagger to his pocket and turned to leave.

        Cade’s gaze had returned to the ceiling when he said softly but clearly, “And if I don’t?”.

        Daemon froze, with his hand against the door and without turning said, “You will.” Then, he pushed against the door, which flew open and then slammed shut.

        Cade felt himself relax in defeat and slumped in the chair. He knew Daemon was right. And he knew that he either got the girl, or he’d be dead by tomorrow night.
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