Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1277817-Please-stay
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1277817
I want to tell him, but I can't
He looked at me with passion in his eye's,
and I was not at all suprised
He said, "I love you, I never want to let you go,"
and for a spilt second I almost didn't ever want him to release me
I laughed and looked at him with understanding in my eye's
But deep in my heart all I wanted to do was cry
I wanted to yell and scream
"If you love me like you say you do then don't leave, dont go to that place that you may never come back from."
But I kept it all slient inside my heart
There was nothing that I could tell him that would make him stay
He was going and there was no word's that could ever stop him
So I laughed and tried to free myself
From the hold he had on my heart,
but it was no use
My heart belonged to him,
but I can't seem to get him out of my mind
Every time I look into his eye's all I want to do is sit down and cry
I want to say,
"How can you leave me, we are so much in love..What if you don't come back? My heart will turn to ice if you die..If you loved me the way that you say you do,then you would not go, you would stay..Stay with me and start a family, the way it is ment to be!! Please don't go away...Please Chris why wont you stay???"
There is no way I can tell him to stay and be with me
He want's to go and I think that is what is destorying me
He may love me with everything he has,
but that is not enough
He is going to a place that he may not return from
He is leaving our love
He is leaving me
As I write my feeling down, I sit and cry
Knowing that he is going off to war
Knowing that I will miss him more then I have ever missed him before,
but there is nothing I can do to change his mind
So I just pretend that everything is alright
Hoping that he never relize's,
how much it is killing me that he will soon be leaving my side
So I will laugh with him
Smile when he want's me to,
and never tell him how much this pain is hurting me
I will let him be happy for the last few month's
before we both have to say goodbye
Never knowing if he will come back to me
Not knowing if he will come home to the love that I hold inside my heart,
but I pray that he will come home safe
Back to me and the love that will always be waiting for him,
so we can start over with our realitionship again
© Copyright 2007 Soldiers_Sweetheart (ilovehim24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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