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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1277772
its a story about finding true love thats unexpected

Working at Stop & Shop was as exciting as it could be. Doing the same job day after day it got repetitive. I wanted to do something different so I asked to work night crew. I started that and enjoyed it very much. After a couple of months it wasn’t enough I needed more hours. I got trained for dunkin donuts and started working there a couple mornings a week. Here is where the story begins.

Working at dunkin donuts was fun it was something new to do. I enjoyed working with the people in the morning. Justin kept me entertained when it was slow. We always had interesting talks. I enjoyed being in his company. Justin’s the manager of dunkin donuts he’s there every morning, except Friday’s but I never worked Friday so it was all good.

For months all we did was talk. I began working more and more hours for the company so when ever he was there I was there. I could feel our connection growing as we got to know each other better. We still never took a hold of it. We were always touching each other pretending it was accidental. No surprise there huh. Just the feeling of our skin touching sent sparks through me.

I began having dreams about him. The day they started was when he called. The day of my cousin’s wedding. At 7 o’clock am in the morning my phone rang. I answered groggily “Hello.”

“Sahrah can you come into work for a few hours please I need your help?” He asked. “Justin if I could I would but I have a wedding to attend today.” I replied. “What time does it start?” He asked. “It begins at one. Justin I’m sorry any other day but today I could do it.” I replied. “It’s alright have fun I will see what I can do. Thank you anyways.” He replied. We hung up and I went back to sleep.

Justin was in my dream and as I drifted farther into the dream it became more graphic. When I woke up I remembered everything, but I didn’t know what it was suppose to mean. What was this dream telling me? Had Justin and my relationship expanded that much that I wanted to be with him. In all graphics of the word. I just couldn’t sit there and think about it I had to know.

I was working the next morning I would find out what was happening no matter what. I got dressed and ready for the wedding. The beginning of it was boring, but it all got better. The reception was fun everyone was drinking and getting drunk. The music wasn’t that bad.

The thing with Justin wouldn’t leave my mind. I just kept seeing his image in my head all dressed up standing in front of me. He was asking me to dance. In actuality it was another boy from the wedding. I so wanted it to be him though. Nothing could take my mind away from him. I just needed air so I walked out for a cigarette. I couldn’t wait for work tomorrow I couldn’t wait to get home.

We left the party at about midnight and arrived home around one. I went straight to bed getting up at 6 am was going to be difficult already. So I knew I needed sleep I went upstairs and changed, then climbed into bed. I fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, I woke up and got ready for work. I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee. I woke dad up and got him a cup. We drank our coffee and then he drove me to work. I walked into work and clocked in.

I walked over to dunkin donuts and Justin was already there. We talked and waited on the customers and flirted. Work went by quickly soon it was time to leave. My replacement came in and I clocked out. I waited outside for a half hour, but still my ride didn’t show up. I called my dad but he didn’t answer. He called me 5 minutes later. “Sorry honey, but I won’t be there for the next hour.” He said. “It’s okay I’ll try to get a ride. I’ll call you back. Bye dad.” I replied.

Justin came out 20 minutes later. “Hey what are you still doing here?” He asked. “It seems that my ride forgot me. He can’t make it here for the next hour. So it seems I will be here longer than I expected.” I replied. “Do you want a ride? I’m leaving and have no where to be!” He asked. “Are you sure?” I asked. “Yes positive, I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure. Common hop in.” He said. “Thank you so much.” I replied. “You’re welcome any time. You help me out of many jams. I think I can repay the favor.” He replied.

We pulled into my driveway and sat in the car talking. I turned to look at him for some reason it seemed he was moving closer. You want to hear a funny story?” I asked. “Sure I don’t see why not.” He replied. “I had a dream the other night about you and me. You drove me home just like now except it ends up with us kissing.” I replied. “What’s so funny about that?” He asked. “Why would we be kissing anyway? I don’t know maybe you don’t like me like that. It was just a dream. I thought I should tell you about it that’s all. I wanted to see what you thought about it?” I asked. “Well you never know what’s going to happen. It could happen.” He replied.

He leaned over and caressed his lips with mine, pulling me in deeper. His lips so tenderly brushing mine. We pulled away and realized what happened. “I am so sorry.” He said. “It’s okay.” I replied. “I like you a lot. I can really talk to you your honest with me and so cute. I can be myself with you.” He said. We began kissing again. Soon I pulled away and wished him goodnight.

I climbed out of the car and walked towards my front door. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked. What would happen tomorrow at work could I honestly be near him without touching him? Could I hide the fact that I liked him and that something happened? All I could do was wait until tomorrow.

I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come and see what would happen because I know for a fact I wouldn’t be able to hide anything. Work would defiantly be interesting tomorrow. I had to be up at 4 am and I was just so tired. I got ready for bed and ate some dinner and by the time I did everything I needed to do it was already going on 9:30. I went upstairs and just laid in bed until I fell asleep. I had the alarm set and everything already to go. I fell asleep and when the alarm went off I got up and jumped in the shower. I washed up and combed my hair, I put it up in a ponytail and then brushed my teeth I went downstairs and had a cup of coffee. I woke my dad up at 4:30 and he sat down and smoked a cigarette and had a cup of coffee. I was already to go and I knew today was going to be a blast. We went out to the car and headed to work.

I arrived at work and went in and clocked in I headed over to dunkin donuts and turned on the lights. It was time to start to open the first thing I did was start to fill the sink with sanitizer then I headed over to the hot cocoa machine and put it together. I turned on the espresso machine and walked away. I made myself a coffee and started to do the temps. At 5:30 a very unusual thing occurred Justin showed up. He made an excuse that he needed to clean one of the machines and that he had heard the grinder was acting funny so he decided to come in early and take a look at it. Which I already knew he was lying to himself. Andrea left bakeshop for a couple minutes so she could go check out some cough medicine and I went to turn the sink off and start the dish water. Justin came up behind me and when I turned around he was directly in front of me. “I need to tell you that all I could think about last night was the kiss we shared in the car. It haunted my dreams and my mind. I needed to see you again this morning to talk to you and settle all this once and for all. Yes I have feelings for you, but we both work in the same department and I find that it would be a distraction if anything ever became of us.” Justin explained. “I understand and yes I do agree it would be a distraction because it already is. I just want to be close to you and kiss you. I don’t want to do anything but that.” I explained in return. I leaned in and kissed him. “We need to stop doing this.” He said when he pulled away. “I know, but I can’t help it you just look so damn good, you smell so damn good and I just want to be with you.” I replied. He leaned in and kissed me this time. “So do you and I want to be with you too.” He whispered in my ear. “We really need to get this work done so we can open up shop.” He replied.

We got everything accomplished by the time opening came and the next worker arrived at work. Katie came and joined the party. Mass hysteria started customer after customer came and went every so often I would steal a glance at Justin. Justin and I were on coffee detail he would ring out customers and Katie was on sandwich station. Whenever he got close to me I would feel my heart begin to race and when our hands grazed across each others I would get a chill up my spine. There was no way I could get rid of these feelings even if I chose to they weren’t just going to go away just like that. Our regulars were cheerful and smiley like usual. The first hour of opening went by so quickly that we never even noticed. 8 o’clock came and Michelle came into work, when she came in she took over my place and I went on break. Justin went up to the stock room to get the stock we needed downstairs.

All I wanted to do was follow him but I didn’t I told myself not to. Instead I went outside and sat against the wall in front of the store. 5 minutes later, Justin was standing in front of me, pulling me close to him and kissing me. I couldn’t believe he was kissing me where everyone could see. I couldn’t believe he was standing here kissing me, I couldn’t think my mind completely shut off all thought and reason was gone. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me as close to him as he could get me, holding me as if he never wanted to let go, or like I was going to leave him. I would never just up and leave him I wanted him and he knew it. We had to reason with each other even though we wanted each other we had a job to do and we needed to concentrate on that well we were at work. There was no way around it. “Justin how about this no matter what happens with us we don’t let it interfere with work. Well we are at work we concentrate on work and that’s that. I know that were not going to want to keep it that way but we also know it has to be that way.” I announced. “I guess that’s the way it has to be and there’s no way around it but breaks, before work and after work is on our time. So right now I can kiss you.” He exclaimed. He kissed me hard and urgent. “Time for me to get back to work unfortunately see you when you come back from stocking.” I said kissing him and walking away.

Justin went upstairs to do the stocking and I went back to serving coffee. When he came down from the stock room I helped him organize and put everything away. We got all the stock out of the way and then I went and emptied the garbage’s. We cleaned up the shop, cleaned all the counters. My shift was ending and it was almost time to go home. I got my stuff together and got the garbage ready to take it down to the compactor. I looked at Justin and he came over to me. “I guess I will meet you outside at your car, alright?” I asked. “Yes, I should be there in a few minutes. I just want to make sure they know what needs to be done tonight.” He replied looking at me.

I walked away and took the garbage down to the compactor. He went back to speak with the employee’s that are working tonight. I went out to the car and just stood there waiting for him. Finally I saw him coming out the door and walking towards me with this huge grin across his face. He walked straight up to me and grabbed me in his arms. His lips came passionately against mine. “I’ve missed you. I know that sounds unusual, but being near you and not being able to be with you. It was just so hard.” He said. “Well now we have our time. No more work tonight.” I replied. Justin pulled out his keys and unlocked the car door. He reached for the handle and opened the door, then he took my hand and helped me into the car. He closed the door behind me and then walked around the car. The engine roared as he started the engine. I wasn’t expecting it but he leaned over and kissed me hard and passionate.

We pulled out of the parking lot and headed to my house we figured we would go swimming for a little while and then watch a movie. We pulled into my driveway and I leaned over and kissed him. He grabbed his swimming trunks from the back seat and we went into the house. He followed me up the stairs and I showed him to the bathroom. I went into my bedroom and changed into my bathing suit. He met me outside at the pool. Swimming around in the pool was a blast he would lift me up on his shoulders and throw me into the water. The water felt wonderful cooling us off from the hot and humid day we had.

I just kept thinking that this all had to be a dream was it actually true I had Justin. He was my one and only, the only one that I think about that I dream about. Each day working together was hard, but we got through it knowing when the day was over we could be together. We weren’t the happiest when we were together and nothing would stand in the way of that. He was the greatest boss he treated me just like he treated all the other employee’s. I was no different than anyone else just because we were dating. That’s what I loved the most about him. I’m just happy that I found the person that I belong with.

The end
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