Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1277755-The-Drain-A-CollectionConcept-Piece
Rated: 13+ · Lyrics · Music · #1277755
This is quite a long piece, 45 songs/poems i believe, although i never really counted.
A Concept Album by: Rory Carman
Additional Writing credits (down the drain pt 1 & 2, Burning): A. Clarke


"Down The Drain Pt. I"
Here we are again
things blown up again
i can't take this strain,
i'll flush these memories
down the drain

[Musical Interlude]

It was a rainy night
very dark outside
there was a big fight
you went for a drive
you said you'd be back
but you didn't know when
i still remember hearing
that i'd never see you again

[Musical Interlude #2]

"Down The Drain Pt. II"
The fog is lifting
from my mind now
trying to keep ahold
of what's left of me now
I thought i was normal
i thought i was sane
but now i see that's all been
flushed down the drain

"Up the Down Staircase"
It's all the same
when you're flushed down the drain

Twisted world
Broken lives
It's all the same
when you're flushed down the drain

Going up the down staircase
a rival of sanity
doing it all backwards......

"True Lies"
Say one thing
think another
a knife in the back
of your brother

Say one thing
do another
a knife in the back
of your lover

Say one thing
make it true
true lies are all
that are waiting for you.


I don't want this life anymore
no confidence no strength

What's the point
of living life
when we see what
we do with it?

life is nothing more
than a series of
cryptic puzzles and mazes
one after another so


There is a point
solve the maze
get on to the next one
before one more grain
of sand slips through
the hourglass.

The all seeing eye.
The hourglass of
"Nothing to Lose"
(doctors speaking)
CLEAR!!!! (zap)
Welcome back...we thought we'd lost you
Are you okay?
Can you squeeze my hand?
Can you tell me your name

[Musical Interlude #3]
"Nothing to Gain"
Help me
fade away
and let go
of this pain

help me
i'm broken
and falling
and feeling

help me
i'm imprisoned
in this body
in this hell

help me
i have nothing to lose
and there's nothing to gain
deep down in the drain.
"Down the Drain Pt. III"
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Why don't you help me?
Can't you see?
I'm going insane......
and i'm in pain........

[Musical Interlude #4]
"Life Forward"
I'm stuck in the past
reliving this pain
over and over again
I wan't to be me again
or at least somewhat free
i must find a way to
take my life forward

[Musical Interlude #5]
"Down The Drain Pt. IV"

But i'm going insane
Trying to run away
From my past....
from my mind?

I'm going insane
I'm running away
I'm going insane
Down The Drain.
"Born To Die"
Fading away
into nothingness
fading away
into the shadows

fading away
into blackness
fading away
from sanity

....defy...authority....this world
doesn't...fit in.

No regrets.....get all you can...
while the getting is good.

Born to live
born to die
born to laugh
born to cry
The minute you're born
you start to die
and you try to laugh
when you want to cry
"No Life"
[Chorus A] (x2)
The door is locked
find the key
like a mouse in a maze
try to find
your piece of cheese

trying to find a reason to live
should not be a difficult thing
yet it is
just like everything else
thrown at you in life
and even pushed on you in death

[Chorus B]
Door unlocked
you've found the key
like a mouse in a cage
trying to break free

You can't see
what i see
you will never
be free- No Life.

[Chorus A]
[Chorus B]
When we are young
we are sent to a place
a place of learning
a place of friendship
a place called school.

a place where you will be
stripped of your individuality
and desensitized to violence
never once learning how to
deal with REAL life problems

a place where every adult
acts like a friend
but in reality
couldn't give two shits
what happens to you.

they are not paid to care
about you or anyone else
they are nothing more than a tool
to get you to conform to society.

Paid to demoralize you
paid to desensitize you
paid to educate you? NO!
paid to destroy you!!!!!
Life grows old
polluted by toxins
pulluted by smog
polluted by violence

you run around talking shit
doing nothing to improve
our polluted state of life


It's time to have
a changing of the gaurd
that you worship
called humanity....
the biggest pollution of all.


Pollution is inside everyone
Consuming your faith
Corrupting your mind
and your country
Death repairs all
fear not
for the end is near

now is the time
to rise up
control your fate
don't let others pull you down

[Musical Interlude #6]
Time draws out like a blade
sometimes i think of nothing
but my own
my own insanity
my own insanity
it's mine.

the end will come
we have been warned
death repairs nothing
like time and trust can

[Musical Interlude #7]
Now is the time
to stand up
celebrate life
don't let others pull you down

time can help aid
if you would think
longevity and not about
your own insanity
your own insanity
your own insanity
it's yours.
I was looking for you
but i couldn't find you
and then one day
you just dropped in to say hello

We both needed clarity
and we became one
blinded by what
I thought was love
The music i used to hear
when you were around
was magical, and magistral.
my one hand been found.

I thought i was in love
my head in the clouds
but those feelings have fled
far from me now.
I was blinded by you
i couldn't see
anything else in life
but you and me

I confided in you
you trusted in me
but nothing was what it seemed to be.
And here we are together
each of us in pain
not realizing our love
has gone down the drain

your voice it seems
still comes calling
but what can i do
to keep from falling?

back into the web
back into the fire
i won't do this again
i'm free from desire.
I'm in here
all by myself
locked in my mind
trying to free myself

Trying to find
all that i've left behind
locked in my brain with my
sanity down the drain.....
Desert wind blows softly
across the dark sand
on a moonlit night

the desert is full of
shadowy memories
stirring, haunting, waiting
for you to free them

time is passing me by
running through the sands
the sands of time
have almost run out

poetry in mottion
willow in the wind
we shall become one
somehow, someday

everyone's dreaming
of better days
but those better days
are far, far away.
I sit here all in all
Waiting on the phone
push my body to the floor
still you never call

she's still with me
her kiss still kills me
i can't feel guilty
it's just a memory

all the things
you put me through
all those hopeless nights
i tried to make it right for you

Show me how it feels
to lose
who the fuck are you
to drag me down with you?

flowers i bought are now
dead and gone
the love we had before
now gone forevermore

all my hurting, my yearning, and burning

can't you see it's me, my beautiful?

every time i looked in your eyes
i was crucified again
every time you sold me your lies
it was justified in the end

just like some face
on a runaway train
pass me bye, wave goodbye
while i slip down the drain.....
Conflict of interest
a burning desire to pull your strings
i use you as i see fit

you are the one
who bends to my will
I toy with you
until i've had my fill

i'll have fun in doing it
of course
but i'll never stop
untill i see your CORPSE

the game is over
and i have won
i beckon you closer
let's have some fun.

What torment awaits you
i cannot say
but you are my slave
for every day.
"Brain Drain"
Time draws out like a blade
why must it be this way?
how i wish we could have
just one more peaceful day
living together
seeing no colors
taking care of
and helping each other

but it's too late for that now
i'm completely gone
sealed up in the drain
mired in my shame.
Those better days
are still far away
but i think you have made
a step in the right direction

you have a choice to make
i can lead you out of here
or i can leave you to your pain
forever in this drain
The door's unlocked
i found the key
but i don't understand
how this will save me.

I need help
before i slip away
i'm in pain
down the drain

i realize now
this was my own doing
i think i've paid
for my mistakes by now

i want to go home
i want to be me
i want to be sane
i want to be free

(abrupt shift to 3rd person)
there is an outcry
over this atrocity which has happened
and he must free himself
the others were a mirage
created by him
to shift the blame
and ease his pain
down in the drain

(back to 1stperson)
I'M SORRY!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!!
Was it something i said?
Who do you think you're kidding?
This is destroying me
It's just too much

All i feel once again
is this strain
you'll never put me
down the drain

Sealed up
in perfect darkness
Tied up
in pitch blackness
Toyed with
I trusted you
Shut Up
I'm not you'rs anymore

Find someone else to worship you
I'll never kiss your boots again
I'm Done

All i see
is a lie
what we were
what we are

what was will be no more
i had faith everlasting
In You
but it's dried up now

We're in a drought
Envelepod in secrets kept
from each other
every goddamned day
I think it might turn around
i'm fooling myself
it's over now

I feel numb
broken by you
and this never ending drought
dried up.


I can't feel anymore
i'm tired
i can't think anymore
i'm insane

running from the past
fleeing from the pain
running from myself?
creating this pain?

Why was i forsaken?
Why only me?
I think i was taken
for granted, you see.....

why do we hurt
the ones we love?
where is that person
who is supposed to be up above?

Destined to be lost

about to be destroyed
what has this boy
done to deserve this?

no rationale is suitable
this should never happen
why are we subdued
the minute they cut the cord?

severing ties with our heritage
in more ways than one
perhaps not living at all
would be more fun
than this lie
more fun than this life
maybe just one time
we could be
Corruption is my name
like a poison
i flow through your veins
i'll never tire
i'll never give up

you need me
and you know it
and you're not the only one
to boldly show it

i will be here soon
like the flame to the
"Silver spoon on a chain"
but it will be all in vein
I'll throw you down the drain

corruption is the life we lead
every fucking day
give me your tired
your poor and your hungry
and just go away
just go away.
I live a life full of tears
i have a life full of fears
preprogrammed this way
i've wasted so many years

fed by lies
hooked on hypocrisy
raised on this bullshit
everyone wants me to believe
i'm breaking out of this shell
i refuse to live one more instant
this life full of hell

in the end it'll come to
who kills who first
i won't be here
i'd rather not live at all
if it gets any worse
we are lied to every day
blind to the gifts we've been given
blind to the truth that's been written
born of a sin that is fake
this world of lies summons my hate
"Borrowed Time"
I'm still breathing
but just barely
you've treated me
so unfairly
but in the end we're all just living on
borrowed time
it keeps ticking
and slipping away
borrowed time
i just want to have
one more day
Living the American Nightmare
Trying to find some sanity
Failing Miserably
Trying to figure out
what to do with myself
before time runs out
because in the end
we're all just living on
borrowed time
it keeps ticking
and slipping away
borrowed time
i just want to have
one more day
borrowed time
it keeps ticking
and slipping away
borrowed time
i just want to have
one more day
"Save Face"
Why did i make
such a mistake
i knew i was
headed for heartbreak

for once in my life
i tried to own up
to my feelings
and have faith
in what we had
with each other

i thought it was real
i thought it was great
but now all i feel
is this huge weight
pressing down on me
and now i'm just
trying to save face
"Through the Years"
I look through the years
that i've led my life
full of irrational fears
hating myself for
what i've become
avoiding all contact
to avoid the tears
that naturally come
everytime i care
everytime i love
anything or anyone
i'm through beating myself up
slowly killing myself
with each passing day
i swear to God
i didn't used to be this way
i don't know where it went wrong
i don't know why i don't belong
i'm doing the best i can
that's all i can do from here
and try to make it
through the rest of my years.
I'm in here
i've found myself
i think i'll put
these memories back on the shelf
i've been here
for such a long time
but now i think i've found
all that i left behind

[Musical Interlude #8]
Left behind
in a fit of rage
Left behind
with my sorrow
all alone
with my choices
Left behind
with my regrets
Left behind
with my pain
Left behind
down in the drain
Left behind
i was going insane
but somehow i managed
to purge this drain

and the ones that really loved me
the ones that i pushed away
are still waiting for me
to this very day

i'll be leaving now
goodbye and good luck
never open the drain again
i fear i may get stuck.

© Copyright 2006 Rory Carman
© Copyright 2007 njdeathblooms (njdeathblooms at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1277755-The-Drain-A-CollectionConcept-Piece