Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1277357-Onyx
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1277357
An on-going story weekly updates. About the life and tavels of a vampire in the 1800s.
Never in the last 323 years, have I regretted my existence.

The wind blew through my long silken onyx hair, blowing in every which direction across the delicate features of my face. My long Victorian styled dress swayed to the left aggressively as the wind picked up further. I let everything sway, so relaxing, so… lively.

The crimson liquid dripped down my face.

At my feet, lay the corpse of the teenage boy, whom I have spent the last three hours with. Oh how easily the young are deceived.

I met him in the nearby tavern. With his blond locks which came down to his chin and his sparkling blue eyes, you could tell just by the way he walked that he was the promiscuous type.

I sat and stared at my glass, filled with iced water, it is never something that will ever be able to clench my thirst, and boy, was I feeling thirsty.

I played around with the glass; it gets quite boring in these taverns. The small wooden building sits in the outskirts of the city of London. Inside there are maybe five tables and seven bar stools at the bar. The woman who owns the tavern lives on the second floor, and by the looks of the place, she doesn’t rack in much cash running it. The walls are covered in an unsightly colored brown and green wall paper, which every once in a while along the wall tares from the lack of up keeping. The furnishings are obviously cheaply made, if I didn’t know any better I might say that her thirteen year old son made them out of the scrap wood in the back of the building.

Nobody under the age of twenty usually comes into the tavern. Though I look to be only about the age of sixteen, I am probably about the same age as their great-great-great grandmothers.

Overall, the place is just unsightly, the people who come here, are the outcasts of London, the people you never hear about or the people who you only hear horrible things about. These people are the ones that if they were to go missing, you would never notice, nor care one way or another.

This is exactly why I love this place so much.

Without glancing up I could feel his eyes on me. It was easy to sense that he was interested, now all I needed to do was wait.

Maybe five or so minutes passed--I’m not sure, I am the worst there is at keeping any sort of track on time--and the boy finally made up his mind to make his move. In his stride in my direction, his blond hair swayed and the sleeves on his brown over-sized shirt swished in every which direction. You could tell he seemed awful confident.

“Excuse me Miss,” he said with a beautifully painted on smile, “How is it that upon my walking into this room that my gaze fell directly upon you?”

“Perhaps it is that you have a gaze which enjoys pointing you into a dangerous situation.” I continued to play with my glass, without giving him the courtesy of my own glance.

“Perhaps it is that I am one to enjoy walking into the face of danger.”

“Really.” quickly I spun around on my bar stool to come face to face with him at a mere two inches of distance. “Well if it is danger you are looking for, you have most certainly come face to face with it.” With a smirk, I grabbed him by the hand. “Now tell me, what is it that you have come to me for?”

“Perhaps I just wanted to get you know you.”

“Oh come now!” I said with a large smirk on my face. “If you are trying to pick me up you are going to have to do better than that.

“Oh am I now, lets see here, what is it that I am going to have to say to get you to come with me…”

“How about we continue this conversation elsewhere. This place is becoming increasingly boring.”

“Were would you like to go?”

“I have a nice place in mind. Before we leave though, is it not only proper to have the name of the person who I shall be spending time with?”

“My friends call me Jeremy. May I know the name of the young lady requesting my name?”


“Alright Kyra, let us have a fun night shall we?” With this he started to head out the door.

“Of course. Though, since I am the one picking the location I believe I should lead the way.”

He stopped in the doorway, irritated at the slight correction in his action he smirked and combed his fingers through his hair. “Yes, I nearly had forgotten.”

Uncrossing my legs and standing from the bar stool I made a point to walk slowly towards Jeremy. He seemed awful please with himself.

“Just so you know,” I began, “the place I want to go is a distance away and may take a little while to walk to, though I do wish to walk. I dislike taking the cabs in this city. Also,” I started in a lower voice, one which knowing men, they could never back down from. Not with the possibilities it proposed, “it is not too late to back down from our little outing, though I do recall you like danger…”

“Oh I would not back down Miss. Kyra. I am not the type of gentleman to back down easily.” he stated beaming.

We walked out the door and headed left down the dirt sidewalks. The moon is full tonight I had noted. “Gentleman? Hardly. Let me tell you know that I am a very blunt person, and I must say that upon meeting you, you come across as a egotistic boy.” Our feet crunched across the leaves fallen on the dirt path, and I led us around a corner to a fairly busy street.

“Really? Well I should hope that upon the end of our night together you shall think differently of me.”

I just nodded, and for another fifteen minutes he continued to talk about himself as we walked across London. I learned more about him than I would ever want to know. I acquired knowledge about his family life, his friends, why he uses the brand of peanut butter that he does. I wanted to silence him right then and there, but I knew doing so would go against my style.

Turning one last corner I knew we were finally almost there. Coming to the outskirts on the opposite end of the city from the tavern I brought him into the shadows of the forest.

“Tell me now, were exactly are you taking me?” he asked a little surprised. “The way you had been talking earlier I had thought we were going somewhere within the limits of the city.”

“We are going to my special spot.” I stated simply. “It’s a place where I go…quite often. You will see in a couple of minutes.”

We continued through the forest which was now going uphill fairly steeply. Without a word we walked for only two or three minutes until we reached the opening. Stepping out of the forest we waked into a vast area in which came out to a ledge overlooking the city of London.

“Well, here we are.”

“Oh my!” he gaped at the view. “Why is it that you have brought me here? Is it just to show me the view?”

“Oh of course not. There is much more to it. I am going to ask you to close your eyes for me…” I walked around him as he closed his eyes and embraced him from behind, ever so gently. I breathed into his right ear while I felt slowly up and down his chest. “Tell me this Jeremy… are you happy?”

“Happier than I have been in a long time Miss. Kyra” he breathed out still with his eyes closed.

“Good,” I said slowly, seductively, and leaving one hand on his chest, I moved my right hand slowly up his body and rubbed it softly against his neck, and I slowly moved in and kissed his neck passionately. The kiss lasted for a minute, and than stopping, I moved in to his neck again, sinking in my teeth.

He jerked abruptly making a feeble attempt at escape, but I am much stronger than him. He squirmed under my powerful grasp on his body, with my teeth sinking further into his neck, within a minute he had stopped moving. Having had all blood drained from his body. I dropped him to the floor. Satisfied having finally clenched my deadly thirst.

The wind picked up. The low lights of the city shown in the distance. Wiping my mouth I stared down the edge of the cliff, surveying the surroundings. Moving to the side of Jeremy, I pushed him with my foot over the side of the drop-off. If someone were to find him, by the time they do he will be the small remains of a wolves dinner.

To Be Updated...

© Copyright 2007 Stella Moonlight (stellamoon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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