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by LRW
Rated: E · Essay · Arts · #1277211
Just doing something I love makes life a little more liveable.
I pull my baton bag out of the car and dash to the cold glass door. The warmth of the studio embraces me with familural sounds and smells. The laughter of the little tots working in the room with all the cartoon charecters. The tappers, with there loud classical music blarring over sounds of each tap shoe tapping in sync. I smile and sit down in the itch couch. I pull my shoes off and replace them with my old comffy jaz shoes. I fex my toes inside of my shoes instant warmth. I pull my hair tie off my wrist making it feel naked and wrapping my think brown curly hair up and into a tight pony tail. The curls gently sway on my neck brushing it lightly. I pull mu stuff together and put them into a cubbie. My wrist gently scraps on the worn wood of the cubby. I smile, everything, so, so familuar. I pull my baton out of its case and chilled silver of the baton toughes my warm palms. Instantly it hits me, an instinct. When that baton is in my hand I know what to do, its mine and I want it more than anything else. I open the worn brown door into the studio. The warm air mixed with my coaches perfeum. I smile agian, my cheeks are beginning to hurt. I find my luck spot and start my one spins, as the room fills with my team memebers, everything feels okay, we are family...
She starts the music and every memeber of your team is on beat, you are moving all in sync everything is perfect. Nothing feels better! Or when you nail that two spin that youve been dieing to catch for ever or that double elbow roll that has been haunting you, thats when you relize you where meant for the sport. You know when everythings going great when you want to be out there on the stage dmileing ur butt off, for the judges. Catching that one spin and going into a high V thats even higher just becasue you are so proud of your self!
I remember so many past recitals worrying Ill forget hwen I get on the stage, about that toss, this catch or that move, as your standing there with butterflies that feel as if they are about to fly out your mouth, but then the silky velvet cutain raises and you feel nothing, everything is still. Then the music hits your cue and from that momment all of you practices, the routine that is indented in your mind is suddenly telling you what to do with flawless accuracy, in that two minutes that your on stage. And in that two minutes the world stops yes someone might be figeting in the audiance or maybe getting up to move, a baby might even cry, but you dont notice it. Then the moment the music stops the feeling suddenly rushes back into, flowing into every part of your body.Now you can look out at the audiance and maybe spot your dad whistling or your mom holding your little sib up while she screams go ________! That is the moment I wait for every year, the feeling of accomplishment. Then you march off stage as the lights fall dark, probably as proud as your self as humanly possible. That is the reason why i go to baton, to every grueling practice, threw the sweat and the tears, for one feeling, the one feeling that can NEVER be beat.

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