Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1276945-Reboot
Rated: E · Lyrics · Music · #1276945
The blind who follow the machine.
is that a price tag or a name tag
look at you now
as you skip down the assembly line
life couldnt get better
or until they update the program
you think you stand alone and above the rest
but thats only the clothes they issued you
didnt you notice  last years summer catalog?
now answer me again
is that a price tag or a name tag
keep on playing follow the leader
but I've had enough of this game
so when you've decided to unlock the doors
and come outside and watch the stars
we'll be waiting
I know you look alone
but thats because you havent taken your veil off yet
theres lots of us around
you just gotta look up
and not on the ground
so log off and tell me this
is that a price tag or a name tag
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1276945-Reboot