Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1275519-Threes-Company
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1275519
Join a seasoned couple searching for the perfect partcipant in a night made for three.
I crossed the dance floor and scanned the crowd. A swarm of available conquests stood gyrating and grinding before me but no one amounted to anything truly suitable. We had already been at the club for hours and just as I was beginning to lose hope, I spotted her. She was perfect; glowing with a virginal innocence but with a trace of deviance only a select few are able to detect. I looked down at my wrist and struggled to read my watch amidst the strobe of lights above me. Eleven thirty, plenty of time.

I took a seat at the far end of the bar to assess the situation. She had a man beside her, obviously chatting away about one of his many fabricated virtues with the hope of having her body for the night. We women have heard that speech all too often. He will make her promises he has no intention of keeping and boast of talents he’s only read about, all the while knowing he’ll never so much as remember her name. Sadly, he will assume she’ll be taken with his rantings. Luckily for me she won’t. A subtle look of polite disgust crept across her face; the silly little man gave me an opening.

I stepped down from the barstool and checked my dress in the mirror lined wall. Black and fitted it hugged me well, showing just enough of my body to entice but with enough class to keep the riffraff away. I turned and headed toward them. I came up beside her just as she turned her head for an eye roll meant only for God and she saw me. I gave her a wink and she smiled. She was gorgeous. I took the stool to her right and threw my arms around her.

“Baby I missed you!” I said with a semi-drunken impression. “The line for the ladies was a mile long. You should have come with me.”

She gave me a smile with a hint of relief. Not entirely sure how to proceed, she said just enough to follow along. “I know. You were gone forever.”

I leaned in toward the bar and looking his way, I scowled. “Who’s this guy?”

“Oh, this is Matt. He’s an architect.”

Matt stuck out his hand, smiling with the prospect of now having his choice of one or both of us. He was not catching on. I had to step it up a bit. Ignoring his attempt at introduction, I stared at him. “Matt is it? Well I think you’re a little over qualified to fill her position, if you know what I mean. Besides, the job is mine.”

“Well well.” he said, with as much seduction as a walking erection could muster. “Looks like it’s gonna be a very fun night.”

I hesitated a moment to gauge her reaction. Just as I hoped, she jumped right in. “I’m sorry Matt but I just don’t think it’s gonna work out for you tonight. No man has ever been able to do what she can do for me. I’d never go backwards.”

“Maybe you just haven’t had a man as good as me?”

“Baby no man is better than me.” I shot him an evil smile and turned her chair toward me. Slightly confused and surprised, she looked at me with adorably sweet emerald eyes that shone bright despite the dim light of the club. I brushed her face with my hand and slid my fingers through her wavy blonde hair. I looked into her beautiful eyes searching for an understanding and permission to proceed. She gave it timidly with a coy grin and slight nod. The moron had his eyes so fixed on me that he stood there gaping and oblivious to her trembles. She closed her eyes and I leaned in, kissing her gently yet lingering long enough for stupid to get the point. She allowed the kiss for longer than I had anticipated and drew back slowly when the reality of it hit. This was the crucial moment of the evening. Had she reacted with horror or a schoolgirl laugh, I would have waited long enough for Matt’s rejection to sink in, said you’re welcome and then left her to her cosmo. To my satisfaction, however, she sat back in a mixture of wonder and embarrassment. She was exactly what I was looking for.

I looked over at Matt and raised an eyebrow, hoping he knew his fight was in vain.

“That shit turns me on. Do it again.”
“Look shit head” I said as I rose off my seat in frustration, acting exactly as a jealous and annoyed girlfriend should. “How many different ways do I have to say that this is a private party? We’re not looking for another dick who couldn’t find the right spot if he were knee deep in it.”
“Why are lesbians always so bitchy?”
“Why are cocky assholes like you always thinking they can seduce us into being your tickle-my-dick fantasy fucks for the night? Get a fucking clue.”
“What a cunt.” With that, he retreated. I smiled as he walked away and looking past him, I caught a familiar face in the crowd. I winked and sat back down to the lovely blonde who had already started laughing.

“God, thank you so much” she said.
“No problem honey. I could tell he was getting on your nerves and you were in need of a rescue. I hate guys like that.
“Me too. I can never shake them off.”

I asked the bartender for an apple martini and addressed her again. “So what’s your name?”
“Sarah. Yours?
“Ivy. Pleased to meet you.”
“So, do you rescue hopeless cases often or am I your lucky first?” I smiled at her. If only she knew what she said.
“Happens upon the occasion. More often than not I’m trying to steal the guy away from the girl, not the other way around.”
She looked confused at this. “So, are you not really gay?”
“Not entirely.” I winked. She looked both relieved and disappointed but generally perplexed. I let her puzzle it out.
“You here alone?”
“I am now. My friend and I came here but she left with some guy. Dropped me her keys and told me to crash at her place.”
“That sucks. What a bitch. Why would you crash at her place and not yours?”
“I’m kinda between houses at the moment. See, my boyfriend recently started fucking his ex again so I moved out. I’ve been staying with her for about a week now. I guess she got sick of me moping around ‘cause she said I needed a night to get back on the horse.” I couldn’t have searched for a better scenario if I tried.
“Well, she may be a bitch but she’s right. The guy’s an ass, you’re better off finding out now before had to leave a husband instead of a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, I know. So what about you? You here with friends?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend’s out there somewhere.” I motioned toward the dance floor and caught his eye again. “I just came over for a quick pick me up and it looks like he misses me.” I pointed at him for her and nodded him over to us.

“Sweetie, I’d like you to meet Sarah. Sarah, this is my boyfriend Cole.” She smiled and extended her hand.
“Nice to meet you Cole.” He took her hand and shook it.
“Likewise” he said, happy with my selection.
“After suffering a terrible week, Sarah is in need of a little fun tonight honey. Why don’t you two go dance while I finish this?” I tipped my half full martini and he nodded. She looked at me with amazement.
“Seriously?” she asked.
“Of course” I said. “I’m tired and you’ve been sitting here too long. Go have fun. I’ll come steal him back in a bit.”

She smiled and cautiously looked his way. Cole flashed a sexy smile that actually could turn lesbians straight, stood up and held out his hand. She gave me another precautious glance and he pulled her onto the floor.

Watching them dance was magnificent foreplay. She kept her distance at first, making sure she maintained the appropriate boundaries with looks my way each time he moved closer to her. Eventually, with my nods of approval, she gave in to the feeling he gave her and with the help of the cosmos she’d had, fully let go and really danced with him. Everything about her, from her situation to the way she dressed was absolutely perfect. A sexy red tank top and curve hugging low rise jeans flattered every inch of her. Cole obviously shared my thoughts as he found her rhythm quickly and swayed with her as if they were one and the same. He moved behind her and took her hips in his hands. She reached behind her, letting her hands rest on the back of his thighs.

Suddenly, she remembered who she was dancing with and looked over at me again. I smiled. Cole noticed and beckoned me to them. She let her hands drop and stepped forward away from him, unsure of what her next move should be. As I approached, he took her hand and brought her back to him, letting her know I was there to join, not intrude. She backed up and settled herself against him again as I walked around behind him. We danced there for a bit, with Cole grinding into her and me feeding off his energy. As the DJ mixed into the next song, he turned her towards him and I took my lead to walk around them and settled in behind her. She moved so easily with him. With one arm draped over her on his shoulder and the other at her waist, I brought us together. Not a breath of air lie between us and we never missed a beat. Feeling her against me and seeing her melt into him was more intoxicating than any martini. She was ours now and she knew it. It was as exhilarating to her as it was to us and she turned to face me. She put her hands on my hips pulled me close. I looked at Cole and he winked. Sarah slid out from between us and traded places with me. She didn’t move in right away but one look at her face told me why. She was waiting for us. She wanted to watch.

At that moment, the rest of the dancers were gone. Cole slipped his hands down my thighs and pulled my dress up by an inch before bringing them back up my legs and around to the front of me. Holding me tightly with one arm, he ran the other hand up my chest, lingering a bit to cup my breast and in the same move brought it up to my neck. He leaned in and lightly bit my shoulder. I smiled and looked at her again. Striking green eyes fixed on us, she danced there, giving us room and enjoying the show. I took her hand and pulled her toward us again. The opportune moment had come. I leaned in toward her and asked if she were having a good time.

“Way better than I thought I would” she said.
“I’m glad. Hey I’m gonna hit the ladies room real quick, you wanna come with me?”
“Sure. I’m sure I could use a touch up.”

I turned to face Cole who knew exactly what I was up to. I stretched myself to his ear and, knowing she could never hear us over the roar of the music, I told him to meet us in the hall. “Good choice babe” he replied. I kissed him quickly and headed off to the ladies room with Sarah.

After a few hair and makeup adjustments I was ready to make my move. “You’re a really good dancer, Sarah.”
“Thanks. You guys are awesome. You gonna be here for a while?”
“Actually, I think we were about to head upstairs.”
“Yeah. We both figured we’d be so plastered we’d better get a hotel room for the night.”
“Oh.” She looked down at the floor, completely disappointed which was exactly what I was hoping for.
“We most likely won’t head to bed right away though. You’re welcome to come up and have a few drinks with us. We have a suite with a lovely mini-bar.” I watched her face closely. She thought this over for a minute and started to re-apply her lipstick for the second time. I tossed my hair a bit more, waiting for her comment.
“See, here’s the thing.” She started. “I’m pretty sure I know where you’re goin with this and I’m not sure I’m the one you’re looking for.” Smart girl. Wrong, but smart.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I haven’t exactly done anything like that before.”
“Look Sarah,” I turned to face her. “No one’s gonna do anything they don’t feel one hundred percent comfy with. We’re happy to just have a few drinks and chat. Have you even ever thought about something like this?
“Umm…” She trailed off and smiled, completely embarrassed.
“Then just go upstairs and finish out the evening with us. Anything after that will be icing. Okay?”
“Okay.” She hesitated. “You won’t be disappointed if I hang for a bit and head out?”
“I’m not gonna say I won’t be disappointed, but I’ll totally understand.”

She thought it over for a minute longer and nodded. I had seen her type before, as they were generally our favorite. She’ll be guarded and censor herself until she can no longer take it and then give in and with one long sigh release all those cumbersome inhibitions and give herself to us. It is a beautiful thing to watch and an even more powerful to those who unleash it. Judging by the last half hour, our night will bring astounding results.

Cole was waiting for us outside the door to the ladies room, propped against the wall. “I got lonely” he said with an adorably childish smile.
“Sorry babe. You ‘bout ready to head up?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”

We walked together out of the club and through the maze of corridors leading away from the casino and club to the guest wing. As we went, we talked about jobs and family, dick head ex boyfriends and women who leave their best friends at clubs for sex. We reached the elevators just as I had been thinking that the casino was too damn big. As we were lifted to the seventh floor, she started to get nervous. Cole noticed as well and thought up a funny story to ease her tension. She was laughing loudly by the time I unlocked and opened the door to the suite.

The room was worth every penny we paid for it. The oversized King was adorned in fine Egyptian cotton and enough down to fill the room if it were set free. Cole switched on the wall mounted plasma screen and surfed to the music channel. Strangely enough, this did a spectacular job at setting the mood. A kaleidoscope of color danced across the wall in synch with the music we heard. I popped the cork on a bottle of champagne we had chilling and poured our drinks. She trembled on the chair in the sitting area. It was still too early for her.

We took seats on the sofa opposite her and struck up more meaningless conversation. Cole had her rolling with laughter on several occasions and I watched and waited for the Asti and cosmos to mix. Before I received any signs of susceptibility, she surprised us.

“Can I watch you?” Cole sat forward and I gave her a look of intrigue. “I mean…” she continued, “I’ve never done anything even close to this before and I’m not sure what to do. And frankly, I’m a little freaked out. But watching you guys dancing really did something to me and I started wondering how fun it would be to really watch you in action.”
“Honey, you can do whatever you like.” I said.

Cole stood up and kicked his shoes off by the bed. I followed and turned a few of the lights down. As I bent over and worked on the dimmer to the last lamp, Cole came up behind me and grabbed my hips, pulling me back against him. I straightened up and lifted my hands to his hair as he kissed the back of my neck and shoulder. I turned to face him and we kissed. The passion was intense; we loved having an audience. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt during our embrace and slid it off his arms. I leaned back while he lifted his t-shirt above his head and we resumed our kiss once his face was in view. I let his hands roam over me as I unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the floor. He reached down to kick them off and completely disrobed. He put a hand on either side of my legs and ran them up my thigh to my hips, pulling my dress up as he went. He continued his path and brought the little black dress above my head and tossed it onto the floor.

She could not take her eyes off us. Each glimpse showed her transfixed as he moved about me. He brought his head down and sucked my breast, nibbling gently on my nipple as he rubbed and pinched the other. I took his face in my hands and kissed him again, pulling him close and pressing his erection against me. He ran his hands down my back, grabbed my ass and lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him and he led us onto the bed.

After laying me down, Cole’s kisses trailed down my body and he parted my legs, kissing down one thigh and back up it. Finally, he settled somewhere in the middle and turned my longing into a fever. I arched my back and moaned in ecstasy. When I lifted my head and glanced over at her, I found she had turned her chair to face us directly and sat a bit closer than she had before. Her excitement coupled with Cole’s magnificent tongue trusting into me and finding my clit again was almost too intense to endure. I shifted away from him and ushered him onto his back.

I took my place above him and slid him inside me. The first penetration of the night is always mine and it sent a blast of heat through me like wildfire. I ran my hands through my hair, arched my back and rode him. Lifting, dropping, grinding, swirling, I fucked him for her. I could feel her eyes on me like a ray of light, warming me from the outside in while he burned me from the inside out. I leaned back, propped up on the bed with one arm, allowing the other to work my clit while I worked him. I looked down at him and saw him watching her. I lifted and dropped with enough force to send a jolt through him and catch his attention again. He smiled and took my hips, pulling himself deeper inside me. I looked over at her and smiled. She had removed her shirt and began to rub her breasts. This was enough. I looked back at Cole and he flashed me another sexy smile as I quickened my pace. Grinding, rocking and massaging my clit, I could feel the electricity build. Cole started to thrust beneath me and sent me over the edge. I cried out with my climax and shook on top of him. He raised himself into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around me.

Just as we started to kiss, I felt a light touch on my arm. I turned my head to see Sarah standing naked before us. She was marvelous. Perfectly tanned and brandishing the perkiest pair of C cups I had seen in a while. The dark blonde tuft of her pubic hair was well groomed into a small V above the part of her lips. Shivering no longer, she stood before us, hungry but apprehensive. I reached for her hand and she took it. I guided her onto the bed and she stayed on her knees beside us. I brought my hand to her face and caressed her cheek. Cole then watched as I pulled her to me and kissed her. I began slowly as I had in the club, lips closed at first and then open slightly. I let her choose the speed and intensity. Eventually, our tongues were intermingling and she kissed me with as much passion and perhaps more sensuality than she had ever shown a man. Her lips were supple and soft and her kiss was deep and loving. I grinded against Cole a bit while I kissed her to heighten the experience for him. I leaned back and lifted myself off him. He rose to his knees with us and I backed away to allow them to face each other. He pinched her chin and lifted her mouth to his. As they kissed, I moved behind her and explored her body. I ran my hands up and down her back and kissed her shoulder and neck. I lightly scraped my fingernails up the back of her thigh and over her tight ass giving her goose bumps. My hands made their way to the front of her body and I stroked her breasts as she kissed Cole. Meanwhile, he drew a finger down her chest and slipped it between the silky folds between her legs. Her breaths quickened and she moaned slightly.

Cole bent down to suckle her nipples while I kissed her neck and fondled her breasts. When she suddenly inhaled deeply, I knew Cole had worked his magic. Rubbing her clit with his thumb, he maneuvered his middle finger to her opening and inserted it, pushing firmly on her g-spot, sending a rush of pleasure throughout her body. She sighed and moaned as she exhaled and melted back into my arms. Cole leaned around her and kissed me deeply. I brought her around to face me and kissed her again. Her need had grown tremendously since last we kissed and she caressed my breast. Cole backed up and I laid her down on the bed. I gently settled over her and brought my mouth to her nipple, sucking it into my mouth and flicking the tip with my tongue. I ran my hand down her stomach and touched her as Cole had. I slid my fingers from her clit down to her ass and back up again, fully distributing all the moisture she had produced. Alternating between rubbing her clit and fingering her fully, I brought her to a frenzy.

I kissed down between her breasts and stopped when I felt the heat from her pussy radiating below my mouth. I looked seductively at Cole who was rubbing her breasts and staring at me. I smiled and flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue before taking it fully into my mouth. Using a trick Cole taught me, I sucked her clit against my upper teeth and rubbed it from beneath with my tongue. This amazed her. She lifted up on her elbows to watch me. I slid my tongue between her folds and deep into the cavity they protected. She threw her head back and moaned. Finding herself with more of a need than coupled sex could possibly provide, she brought her hand to the back of Cole’s thigh and brought him to her. Using her right arm for support, she found his penis with her left and gripped its base firmly. Looking up at him then looking back at me, she wrapped her lips around him and sucked. She corkscrewed her hand up and down his shaft while sucking hard on the head and then went down on him to her limit. I resumed my feast and the energy between the three of us brought her to climax quickly. Her legs shuddered around me and she screamed and gripped Cole harder.

The look on his face let me know it was his turn. I backed up to allow him room and he assumed his place above her. Lifting her knees to her chest, he guided his dick around her layers and then thrust inside her. She moaned loudly and closed her eyes, grabbing at the blanket below her. He moved like a God. Each outward motion gave me a short glimpse of him throbbing inside her and then he’d push in deep and every muscle in his back would ripple. His ass flexed and I felt an urgent need to touch him. I worked my way behind him and scratched down his back, grabbing his ass as I finished. I dug my nails into his cheeks and he thrust harder before slipping my fingers between them and settling just outside his orifice. I came around to his side for better leverage while he pushed his way into her, keeping my finger precisely where he liked it. I cupped his balls with my other hand and he slowed to accommodate me. I released him and be barreled into her again. He let her legs drop and settled over her, switching his weight from the right to the left with his legs. Very little of this was needed before she erupted again. Screaming, grabbing at the sheets arching up against him she twitched and collapsed back on the bed. Cole got off of her and pointed for me to take his place.

I did as instructed and licked her through her orgasm. Cole got off the bed, walked around behind me and thrust his way into me again. I was in heaven. I shook my head above her and thrust my tongue into her as he grabbed my hips and shoved himself into me. We found the rhythm as we had on the dance floor. She grinded herself against my face and I rocked back and forth licking her with his motions. He dug his fingers into my hips and moaned the sound of a wildly intense cum. My climax arrived as I realized how hard he came and it was as powerful as his. I rose off her slightly in ecstasy cried out his name. As I did, she brought herself up and kissed me hard. I kissed her as Cole caught his breath and he ran his hand up my back to my head and grabbing my hair by the scalp and pulling me to him, he kissed me instead. The night was an astounding success.

Cole dropped down beside her on the bed to recover and I followed at his other side. I took my place on his chest and Sarah rolled over to join us. We lay there for a while before she got up and walked into the bathroom.

“You gonna walk her to her car or are we inviting her to spend the night?” I asked.
“Naa… I’ll go down with her. Don’t feel like an awkward breakfast. Besides, you know I can’t sleep with someone else in the bed.”
“You gonna tell her our real names? Give her your card?”
“Not unless you want me to. We got what we came for. Now it will be a while before she’s up to par enough to really participate.”
“Yeah, but I see potential. Why don’t you just write our number on a matchbook and we can teach her more later?” He chuckled.

We slept soundly that night with visions of the nights events entering our dreams at random. Breakfast the next morning was anything but awkward.
© Copyright 2007 Ivy Cain (ivy.cain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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