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Rated: · Chapter · Teen · #1275405
Chapter 2 so far, would love reviews and suggestions
“Okay spill!” Avi pounced on me as I walked in the hotel room door. “Who was he? What did he want? Do you know him?”
I sank onto my bed wearily and tried to absorb everything that happened and come out with an explanation that might make sense to her. I sighed with frustration as nothing came to mind. How would you explain this?
So I told her the truth. I told her everything about seeing the people and them coming to me. I told her about James and his talent too. I told her everything that happened at the beach. I showed her the bruise on my wrist, which was now very pronounced, and the feeling of him touching me; the electric pulse that ran through my entire body even from the lightest touch.
As I finished I turned to Avi to see what she thought. She looked at me with a dreamy expression and sighed.
“That is like the cutest thing I have ever heard! Nothing like that ever happens to me.”
“I never expected this,” I told her, “not in a million years.”
“So what do you do now? What about James? Why did he come to you?”
I got up and wandered through the room as I tried to figure all that out. What about James?
“I don’t know.” I decided, “But I know that I am going to bed.”
Hours later I was still awake reliving what had happened. I relished the feeling of his arms around me, strong and secure. I felt safe in his arms, like nothing would ever hurt me again. I liked that feeling.
I knew what was happening. I was falling for him, hard and fast. I also knew that there was no way I could stop it. Have you ever tried to stop falling in love with someone? It doesn’t work. I tossed and turned restlessly as I thought about Avi’s questions. What about James? Why did he come to me? He needs me for something, that’s a given, but the hard part will be getting him to tell me what that something is.
Why did he see me? Do I really need his help? I thought back on my life. My life was normal, nothing significant about it. I never went through a really emotional time. No one in my family has a debilitating illness or has gone through a family destroying divorce. I’ve had a happy normal life. So why did he see me?
Around five I finally gave up on sleep. I climbed into the shower and turned on the hot water. I just stood there as it pounded against my skin. After using half the ocean I finally turned it off and got out. I dressed and towel dried my hair. Leaving a note for Avi, who was still sleeping, I went to walk the beach.
I walked along the shoreline with the water just reaching my feet with the incoming waves. I tried to just walk and not think, but as always, that didn’t work. I stared ahead unseeing into the mist of the early morning which still clung to the shore as if not willing to let go. As if he could hear my thoughts a figure walked out of the mist. James. My heart beat wildly in my chest just from thinking of him. He walked to me and pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms around him, never wanting to let go.
“I knew I would find you here.” He whispered into my hair. He noticed the tight hold I had around him. “What’s the matter Jen? Is something wrong?”
“What are we doing James? Why me, why you? What’s happening?”
I pulled back and looked into his eyes and noticed the sadness that was there in this moment of vulnerability. Then the walls came up and he was fine again.
“You can trust me,” I told him.
“I’m trying,” he said to me, the sincerity showing in his eyes now. “Just give me a little time.”
“I will, but you need to know that whatever it is, I can help you.” I tried to lighten the mood, “That’s why I’m here right?” I gave him one last squeeze then relinquished my hold.
We spent the morning walking the beach hand in hand. We talked about trivial things, or at least I did, my life and hopes and dreams. I was born an only child. My parents are still married, and I have always been spoiled, hence the summer vacation at the most expensive hotel on the coast of California with no parental supervision. I would love to be a psychologist when I grow up; I think that my talent would fit right in with that job. Of course I want a family, with kids, at least three or four (maybe with a set of twins).
James mostly just listened and asked questions. I tried to get him to open up, to tell me about himself since I had little to go on. He told me little, giving me the condensed life story up until about two years ago. Then he just cut off.
“What happened after that?” I stopped walking to turn and look up at him.
“It’s not important,” He abruptly changed moods on me, “and I don’t want to talk about it.”
That raised a red flag.
“It obviously is important, or you wouldn’t mind telling me.” I insisted.
“I don’t want to talk about it! I don’t even want to think about it, so why would I want to talk about it?” He was almost yelling now, not at me though, at himself.
“You of all people should know why we talk about the things that are hurting us!” I took his hands in mine and looked up earnestly in his face. “James, what if this, what you’re not telling me, is the reason you came to me? What if this is what I am supposed to help you through? I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”
“But it hurts so much,” James whispered, looking down at the sand. “I only want to forget.”
“If you let me in, I can help you let go and forget.” I pleaded with him, “Please let me help you.”
He abruptly dropped my hands and turned away. “I have to go.”
I watched as he walked down the beach away from me. I turned and walked to the little area I had taken James to yesterday. I sat and thought about what he said, and what he could mean. I had had enough of thinking. I got up and walked back to the hotel to try to find Avi and something to distract me.
“Just talk to him,” was Avi’s advice on the subject. “Just be there for him, and when he finally realizes that he does need your help, you can help him.”
I picked up a pair of black and pink pumps and tried them on. As I twisted to look in the mirror I caught her eyes.
“I don’t want to see him hurting like this.” I said to her reflection. “It hurts me too.”
“Those are the most amazing shoes! They go perfectly. You should get them.” Avi changed the subject.
There’s a party at the hotel tonight. It’s a black tie affair and we were looking for shoes to complete the ensemble. I had the most stunning dress in the entire world. It was a sleek black that looked as if it was tailored to my body. It was a dress you might expect to see Audrey Hepburn wear in My Fair Lady or Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It was silky and smooth and went nearly to the floor with a slit to my knee on one side. It was the “little black dress” that all girl’s want, and I had the purse to go with it, yeah that purse, so I needed shoes. I paid for the shoes and we left the store.
I walked carefully down the hotel stairs in those satin pumps and the amazing dress. My hair was curled into ringlets of perfection and piled delicately on top of my head with loose tendrils framing my face. Avi looked just as stunning in a simple black and white dress that clung to her frame until it flared out and cut off at the knees.
The party had started and guests were dancing when we walked into the ballroom. Gentle string music floated across the room. We sat at a table towards the middle and were quickly waited upon by a server. We got our drinks and settled in to watch the dancers elegantly sweep across the floor.
As the song ended I got up, “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” I said to Avi. “I’ll be back.”
I walked out of the ladies’ room while Latin music was playing. I was halfway across the dance floor when a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. I found myself press against someone’s chest. I eased back and looked up into James’ eyes. He started smoothly into the Cha Cha. Unconsciously I followed along.
I opened my mouth to speak but saw that it would ruin the mood. As we danced our way through other couples he spun me around, his hands trailing across my waist. Never have I danced with such intensity and passion. His eyes bore holes through mine, looking into my soul, I’m sure. My eyes were locked to his through the rest of the dance.
As the music slowed James lowered me into an elaborate dip. There I stayed until the last note when he slowly pulled me back up to him. I just looked at him, lost in nothingness, until applause cut through my senses. I looked around, dazed, to see that we were the only ones on the floor. During the course of the dance everyone else had slipped off as we commandeered the floor. Embarrassed I stared down at my feet. James laughed quietly in my ear as he took my hand and led me to the terrace.
We could still hear the music, softly, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands encircled my waist and we slowly spun in circles.
“Who are you and what have you done with the James I knew?” I asked softly, “The one who walked away from me on the beach?”
He pulled back slightly, enough to look into my eyes. “I’m sorry for the way I acted. There are still things that hurt to talk about, but I’m trying. I’m learning to trust you.”
I nestled back against him and sighed, “We can work through this. We will.”
“When I look at you I can almost believe anything is possible.” He whispered.
We walked back into the ballroom, I felt bad for leaving Avi like that. As I scanned the room for her I realized that my guilt was unfounded. She was gliding across the dance floor in the arms of another guest. She looked content, so I let her be. James and I wandered back onto the dance floor sharing the last dance of the night. With a quick goodbye at my hotel room door I was left alone to fall into a deep dreamless sleep.
© Copyright 2007 lindseyloo (lindseyloo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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