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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Career · #1275336
Intro chapter to another unfinished thought.
The second child of a South Georgia farm family stood on the shores of Key West, and suddenly, the world seemed right. 

Earlier in the day, he had crossed the 7-mile bridge, leaving behind the only world he had ever truly known, and now looked out in the general direction of Cuba.  The words on the out of place bouy indicated that only 90 miles separated him from the communist inhabitants, and his odometer told him that it was over a hundred miles back up Highway 1 to the mainland of America.  Somehow, it just seemed right, and to him, that was a rare feeling.

A slight tug on a newly purchased leash brought him back to reality.  Karma, sensing the change, allowed him his moment, but quickly indicated her own primal urge to explore.

Several years had passed since his last visit, but to him, the memories were still fresh enough.  Key West was a world unto itself, and one that he was well aware held adventures, perils, and pitfalls he was not ready to undertake on a daily basis.

After allowing Karma the chance to get her first sniff of a new life, he and Karma loaded back into the Ford Explorer, and pointed it north.  Having placed numerous calls answering ads in the Keynoter, he had an expedition of his own that day, to find a place he could call home for the next leg of his journey of life.

“There it is Karma” he said aloud, as if Karma needed the information.  Aptly named for its location, there stood the “Boondocks”, a newly renovated bar/restaurant.  Turning left, he followed the simple directions given by a lady he had yet to meet.

Arriving at a white cinder block construction, he was apprehensive as to the condition of the structure.  The downstairs was empty, and in desperate need of repairs. 

As instructed, he made his way round the structure to the find the steps leading to the second floor apartment.  The door was unlocked, just as he had been told it would be.  Apprehensively, he pushed open the door.

A quick survey was all it took, just one room and a bathroom.  It was apparent that the interior had seen recent renovation, and the new fridge and stove indicated the renovation had been brought by necessity, probably a hurricane.

He chuckled to himself.  In any other location, this house would obviously be condemned.  But, this IS the Keys. 

And he was home…
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