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This is part of a novel I am writing
              When Aaron arrived at the police station he could feel his eyes moisen when he saw his wife, Tracy, sitting in the chair across the room from him, in handcuffs, her eyes were dark and distant. Where had the wonderful, loving woman he married gone? There was a man standing behind her, his hands were on her shoulders, and by the resentful look toward Aaron in his eyes, Aaron guessed he didn’t work in the police station. Tracy refused to look Aaron in the eyes. Aaron stood until he was told to take a seat.
         The news that flooded Aaron’s mind was unbearable. Tracy and Aaron had talked in the police station for over an hour, during that time it had been revealed to him that Tracy had been having an affair with the gray, half haired man behind her for over three months. Aaron had seen the signs, but didn’t want to believe it. He loved his wife, but the safety of his kids mattered more to him than anything. It was obvious Tracy didn’t want him anymore, for as much as it pained him, Tracy and him had to end their marriage.
         When they had finally finished discussing the legal matters, Aaron left to go back to the hospital and Tracy was escorted to the local jail house.
         Months had past, the day had finally come. Tyler and the majority of her broken family had loathed this day since they had first heard the sorrowful news. Everyone was wearing nice, dark clothes, as if they were going to a funeral. No one spoke as they crawled grudgingly into the vehicle. As they drove along the busy road, Tyler watched the busy people on the side walk scurry by, no one returned her glare for they were to entangled in their own mind to worry about hers. She looked over at Ashley, you could still see the dark bruises and scars clinging to his pail skin, Tyler knew that there were heavy tears underneath his dark glasses. Tyler recalled when her father first told them about her parents divorce, she didn’t know what to think, a mixed emotion of relief and dispair. Since then her view of life has changed.................          


Tyler jumped out of the car when it pulled into Ben Prattin's drive way. She knew that if anything could make her happy on a day like this, Ben could. Tyler didn't have to knock on the door, this was her secound home. She had practically lived at this house since Ben and her had met when they were only two years old, thirteen years ago. Tyler found Ben lying on the floor of his room, she crept up behind him silently and grabbed his sides. He jumped and rolled over and started laughing histerically, he had always been very ticklish. Suddenly Tyler wished they were two again, sitting on his floor, sharing secrets and giggling as they tickled eachother, her mother wouldn't hate her, and her parents wouldn't be getting a divorce. When Tyler stoped tickling, Ben stoped laughing and his face smothed into his "I care about you and I'm always here to help" expression. " How are you feeling?" Ben asked her. Tyler sat next to him "I'm really glad you're coming with me, there's no way I could sit through my parents divorce case without you." she choked. "why were you laying on your floor?" she asked. "I was thinking." Ben hesitated distantly. "about what?" Tyler questioned again. She wasn't used to him addmitting that he was thinking, most skateboarders aren't proud of that kind of stuff. But then again, Ben was different, he was deeper. "About you... I'm worried about you. I've heard stories about kids whos parents get divorced and they get all depressed and rebelious and stuff. I don't like seeing you sad." Ben revealed. "don't worry, I'm not gonna stay depressed for long, I've got you, remember? and as far as the rebeliousness goes, I've always been that way, so it won't be anything knew, buddy."
         The court room was as lonely as Tyler had imagined. She found herself moving closer to Ben every breathe she took. It didn't take long for her parents to sign the divorce papers, but to Tyler, it felt like an eternity. Her mother wouldn't even look at her or Ashley, which Tyler was thankful for, because she knew if they made eye contact she would surely break down in a fit of tears, which would bring her mother pleasure. Although her mother's eyes remained stationed on the divorce papers, Rodney Valence, the man from the jail Tyler's father had told her about, had been studying Tyler and Ashley intently the whole time, which was making them both very uneasy. Tyler tried to sheild her face from the man. Rodney's eyes showed the hardness of a killer and the hatred of a bull, why would Tyler's mother leave her wondeful father for a man like that? Rodney was wearing a nice ironed suit, and Tyler noticed new polished diomonds decorating her mothers body like petals on a flower. The man obviously had more money than Tyler's father, but Tyler didn't understand; her mother had never been the superficial type.
         When the signings and what nots were finally finished, the judge anounced that Tyler and Ashley would be staying with their father on account of their mothers inacapability to be a responsible parent. it was also anounced that a restraining order had been placed on Their mother, stating that she may not come within 10 feet of either of the kids. This made Tyler feel.....


Tyler was soaring through the air, she could feel Ben's gentle touch every few secounds as he pushed her higher into space on the old tire swing. The swing had been there since they were five years old, and ever since they first sat on it, they decided that would be their tradition, to push eachother on that swing any chance they got. The silence between them was calming and understanding. Ben paused as they heard Tyler's father pull into the driveway, when they heard the screeching of the moving truck Tyler jumped off the swing and began to sob. They had been through this, when Tyler first told Ben she was moving, but she still couldn't imagine living without him, so she continued to cry...

         When Aaron arrived at the police station he could feel his eyes moisten when he saw his wife, Tracy, sitting in the chair across the room from him, in handcuffs, her eyes were dark and distant, she refused to look him in the eyes. Where had the wonderful, loving woman he’d married gone? There was a man standing behind her, his hands were on her shoulders, and by the resentful look toward Aaron in his eyes, Aaron guessed he didn’t work in the police station. Aaron stood until he was told to take a seat.
         The news that flooded Aaron’s mind were unbearable. Tracy and Aaron had talked in the police station for over an hour, during that time it had been revealed to him that Tracy had been having an affair with the gray, half haired man behind her for over three months. Aaron had seen the signs, but didn’t want to believe it. He loved his wife, but the safety of his kids mattered more to him than anything. It was obvious Tracy didn’t want him anymore, for as much as it pained him, Tracy and him had to end their marriage.
         When they had finally finished discussing the legal matters, Aaron left to go back to the hospital and Tracy was escorted to the local jail house.
         Months had past, the day had finally come. Tyler and the majority of her broken family had loathed this day since they had first heard the sorrowful news. Everyone was wearing nice, dark clothes, as if they were going to a funeral. No one spoke as they crawled grudgingly into the vehicle.
         As they drove along the busy road, Tyler watched the busy people on the side walk scurry by, no one returned her glare for they were to entangled in their own mind to worry about hers. She looked over at Ashley, you could still see the dark bruises and scars clinging to his pail skin, Tyler knew that there were heavy tears beneath his dark glasses. Tyler recalled when her father first told them about her parents divorce, she didn’t know what to think, a mixed emotion of relief and despair. Since then her view of life has changed...


         Tyler jumped out of the car when it pulled into Ben Prattin's drive way. She knew that if anything could make her happy on a day like this, Ben could. Tyler didn't have to knock on the door, this was her second home. She had practically lived at this house since Ben and her had met when they were only two years old, thirteen years ago. Tyler found Ben lying on the floor of his room, she crept up behind him silently and grabbed his sides. He jumped and rolled over and started laughing hysterically, he had always been very ticklish. Suddenly Tyler wished they were two again, sitting on his floor, sharing secrets and giggling as they tickled each other, her mother wouldn't hate her, and her parents wouldn't be getting a divorce. When Tyler stopped tickling, Ben stopped laughing and his face smoothed into his "I care about you and I'm always here to help" expression.
         " How are you feeling?" Ben asked her.
         Tyler sat next to him "I'm really glad you're coming with me, there's no way I could sit through my parents divorce case without you." she choked. "why were you laying on your floor?" she asked.
         "I was thinking." Ben hesitated distantly.
         "about what?" Tyler questioned again. She wasn't used to him admitting that he was thinking, most skateboarders aren't proud of that kind of stuff. But then again, Ben was different, he was deeper.
         "About you... I'm worried about you. I've heard stories about kids whose parents get divorced and they get all depressed and rebellious and stuff. I don't like seeing you sad." Ben revealed.
         "Don't worry, I'm not gonna stay depressed for long, I've got you, remember? and as far as the rebelliousness goes, I've always been that way, so it won't be anything knew, buddy."
         The court room was as lonely as Tyler had imagined. She found herself moving closer to Ben every breathe she took. It didn't take long for her parents to sign the divorce papers, but to Tyler, it felt like an eternity. Her mother wouldn't even look at her or Ashley, which Tyler was thankful for, because she knew if they made eye contact she would surely break down in a fit of tears, which would bring her mother pleasure. Although her mother's eyes remained stationed on the divorce papers, Rodney Valence, the man from the jail, Tyler's father had told her about, had been studying Tyler and Ashley intently the whole time, which was making them both very uneasy. Tyler tried to shield her face from the man. Rodney's eyes showed the hardness of a killer and the hatred of a bull, why would Tyler's mother leave her precious father for a man like that? Rodney was wearing a nice ironed suit, and Tyler noticed new polished diamonds decorating her mothers body like petals on a flower. The man obviously had more money than Tyler's father, but Tyler didn't understand; her mother had never been the superficial type.
         When the signings and whatnots were finally finished, the judge announced that Tyler and Ashley would be staying with their father on account of their mothers incapability to be a responsible parent. it was also announced that a restraining order had been placed on Their mother, stating that she may not come within 10 feet of either of the kids. This made Tyler feel unsafe. Only ten feet?! she thought.


         Tyler was soaring through the air, she could feel Ben's gentle touch every few seconds as he pushed her higher into space on the old tire swing. The swing had been there since they were five years old, and ever since they first sat on it, they decided that would be their tradition, to push each other on that swing any chance they got. The silence between them was calming and understanding. Ben slowed the swing as they heard Tyler's father pull into the driveway, when they heard the screeching of the moving truck Tyler jumped off the swing and began to sob. They had been through this, when Tyler first told Ben she was moving, but she still couldn't imagine living without him.  Thus, she continued to cry.
         Tyler sat on her room window cile, watching the movers pack away there belongings. She reached for another tissue. knock knock.
         â€śMind if I join you?” Ben was standing in the door frame, his thick black hair was matted to his forehead. “Your dad sure knows how to put someone to work.” he was trying to lighten the mood, but he knew it wasn’t working so he sat down beside Tyler. How about a glass of

____----This is only a small part of a novel I am writing about a girl named Tyler who has a abusive mother and is forced to move to Washington state along with her wonderful father and brother, Ashley. At first, she does not like washington, because she misses her best friend, Ben. But after a while she begins to make good friends and meets a great guy and things seem to be getting better. But when Tyler is haunted by an unexpeced pregnancy and Tyler's mother and new step-dad kidnap Ben and somehow find Tyler and Ashley and take the three kids to New Mexico, Tyler doesn't care that she had been dragged half way across the country or anything, all she cares about is keeping the baby inside her safe and escaping her mother and crazy step-dad alive.
© Copyright 2007 Cory Mendellian (pigment2004 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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