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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #1274846
Megan is finally breaking, as they continue on leads for the case.
Don looked at his watch that rested on his wrist, then scouted the dark premise around the front area of the Miller home, before turning off the ignition of his car. The air around him grew silent, as his eyes narrowed onto her retreating frame as she walked into the house. Beside her was a man whom he could only presume was Eddie Miller.
Taking his keys out, and grasping them in his right hand, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening his door, his feet landing gently onto the cold street. Don closed the door and walked a distance before pushing one hand behind him, his fingers pushing into the clicker, as the alarm sounded with a incisive beep as he trailed up onto the sidewalk.

With a short greeting, he flashed his badge and walked past the few police officers on the premises, and into the house. Gazing around at the undisturbed premises, his eyes falling upon a picture of the happy couple, he rounded the corner, catching her eyes as she sat next to a teary eyed Eddie.

The man’s disheveled black hair was enough acknowledgement of his rude awakening, Although the last few days underlined in the creases underneath his eyes—deep purple bags showing through his thin rimmed glasses, Don knew the least of their worries were over.

Megan shot a look at him as she sat next to Eddie on the green couch; the soft colored cushions sagging underneath their weight. Her green eyes dazzled upon the dim light that gave an air of sorrow, as he stepped in.

Only a few days had given way to happiness. But now as the dull gray clouds that had seeped into the sunshine of this newly wed couple had come upon darkness. Although the second couple in a week, doubts were being to pour of whom they were dealing with.

Being a fairly young couple, had just given their hearts to the other, Eddie and April Miller were just helpless victims being torn apart by fate that not even they could predict.

All Don knew was they had to find her, and find her fast. If this happened to be some copycat, he knew they had gotten lucky on the last—but anything could change this time, and they would at least have to tempt fate one more time.

“Mr. Miller, I would like you to meet my partner, Special Agent Don Eppes.”

In respect, she stood slowly from her place on the couch as Eddie stiffly locked eyes on Don as they shook hands. Don nodded, and sat down at the invitation to convene.

Don interlocked his fingers together as he took as seat on the green chair and scooted forward, “Mr. Miller anything you can tell us about--”

“Please Eddie will do” He cut in solemnly, and gazed over at Megan who gave him a reassuring smile, then back over at Don.

“Alright. I understand your wife was visiting your mother-in-law a couple days ago, so why wasn’t it reported immediately?”

Eddie knew an explanation was needed. But even though he was just as puzzled of his wife’s whereabouts, he would have to fight through the cloudiness to help put together enough information to bring her back.

“My wife was suppose to go meet up with a friend at the airport. Her friend works part time there, and they wanted to catch up on old times before April had to get on the airplane.”

“Did you know who the person she was meeting — a name perhaps.”

Eddie furrowed his brows in hesitation; “Uh… the only name I heard was Suzie. Met her once, real nice gal. They use to be friends in high school.”

“Okay, we’ll check it out” Don reassured him as he eyed Megan who had already stood from her place, and had her cell phone pressed against her ear, as she turned her back to them. “When’s the last time that you happened to hear from your wife Eddie?”

He sighed, “She was just about ready to board the plane when she called me.” Don nodded, as he heard Megan’s voice in the background. She was probably getting a hold of David or Colby to let them know to check out anybody at the airport that could associated with anyone who worked at the airport, by the name of Suzie. “She called again to let me know that she loved me and she would call me when she got to her mother’s house in Paris.”

Don listens, despite feeling a tinge of guilt for the man as he hears Megan hang up the phone, and return to her spot on the couch. It was quiet for a few moments, and she speaks firmly, joining into the conversation, “Anything you can remember in any of those two phone calls that suggested anything out of the ordinary” This was not a question, it was a statement.

And by the look on her face, she just as badly wanted to bring his wife back, but knew they didn’t have too much to go on at the moment. He was the only person for now that could bring any information, give them any insightful clues that may lead them to where they needed to go.

“No, I don’t think so” Eddie shook his head, and there was another large pause. “I heard the announcer giving the last call for her flight number”

“Which was--”

“She was boarding Continental 1588.” Megan was in position to hit the speed dial on her phone, when he added, “She was just entering the area where she was walking towards the plane, and she told me she had to go. Somebody was calling out ma’am in the distance but I’m not sure if that was directed towards her or not.”

“You heard someone calling out to your wife” Megan checked his information into mind, as her fingers lingered upon the buttons of her phone. Don watched him, as he nodded in possible confirmation. “Such as the attendant?”

“I… I don’t know. It could have been anyone.” He stared down at the floor, then immediately back up to her, after having a what seemed like an afterthought. “Just after she said she had someone on the other line, we said goodbye, and she was gone.”

Don squared his eyes; looking from the corner, realizing she also mirrored the same expression of speculation, in thought. “Eddie, do you happen to know was on that other line?”

He looked up at them, “Yeah, sure. Her mother. She was calling to find out when she could be expecting April. I think she was going to have some mass celebration” Eddie let out a dry laugh, knowing that ever since April had gotten married to him, his mother in law had become quite protective, and always complained that she hardly ever saw her daughter anymore.

His five-foot six frame, built shoulders, sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes was nothing in particular to be afraid of, nor anything to stay away from either.

His gentle eyes gazed at a picture of April standing atop of a mountain. Her small frame, steady as her brown hair draped over her shoulder; a small white hat protecting her head from the blazing sun that shined throughout the blue sky.

Megan could almost see a smile, reaching his lips; almost as if his wife was there, standing beside him. Her blue eyes piercing his stares from the picture, as her fixed smile in some sorts, was almost haunting.

They had almost been married two years. The way he talked about her was almost perfect, although her training told her otherwise. Both agents could choose to believe what they wanted, but until they found out who was behind the kidnapping, whether these people looked innocent or not, each agent had to stick to playing both sides.


Megan's thoughts:

When I was younger, I would have protested the lack of sleep, especially in my high school years, which were anything but thrilling. Although I always got a kick of staying up way past the limit, I spent it with my mother, not on schoolwork.

After she died, I found myself staying up late after getting home from work, working in some diner, trying to make a living for myself, paying the bills knowing that they wouldn’t pay themselves, but would multiply if they just sat there on my kitchen counter.

By now, sleep is possibly one of the most things farthest from my mind. I live on work, or almost like work lives on me. With my cell phone just at the reach of my fingertips, a nightly tradition in order to respond as quickly as possible, sleep is surely not number one on my list.

Tonight, my body is tired and I long for that comfort I knew so long ago. I deny that feeling of heartache after I left behind the home that had been part of mine for so long. And today as any other day that I’ve found since moving to LA, was a sense of protection that I had lost many years before. Especially this morning, as I return to an empty apartment, after burying all the sickness from watchful eyes, I feel nauseous and a heaviness retreat upon every muscle of my body, and suddenly wished somebody was beside me.

Laughing dryly, I think back to when I was younger and my mother always teased me that one day I would find my sense of protection. And I did. About three times more than I believed I would ever have. But now I find the long nights have caught up with me, and my sense of parallel balance starts to falter.

As I place one hand to aid alongside the edge of the kitchen counter, my stomach tightens then releases as if it has nothing else to give. Looking around my apartment, the only light on is the one over the sink, and even that scarcely scatters light among the dark.

To Be Continued...

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